Chart Topper Queen

Chapter 135: Final (8) is crazy


After the scenes from the prison were transmitted to the Star Network, a reversal trend appeared on the Internet.

In the small window at the bottom of the live broadcast, the moment the little girl locked in the water prison hugged herself, the live broadcast ratings reached its peak.

People were silent.

Most of their emotions come from the live broadcast information, chat information and institutional guidance information. Maybe they were hit by a certain emotion, maybe they agreed with a certain truth, and they quickly joined the team of criticizing criminals. . As this team grows stronger, it attracts more and more people, like an unstoppable meteorite whizzing past, dragging everyone forward.

Until the meteorite hit the ground, the shock wave mixed with broken stone fragments hit everyone's brains!

People are finally freed from endless malice.

[Clone? ! ]

[Damn it, I cried. That clone must be the real her. I feel a bit complicated. ]

[It turns out to be a clone. Hasn’t cloning been banned long ago? Wait, I’m still a little dizzy...]

[The most popular guess about her life experience on StarNet is "the daughter of a criminal". Titr has not publicly stated it, but everyone has almost acquiesced. Now let me tell you that she is a clone. It’s so funny. I wonder if the top management of TITR is dead? What do you mean by not making such important information public? ]

[Perhaps titr just wants to tell the audience information through "plot". ]

[Funny, so what if she is a clone? What does the crime she committed have to do with her identity? ]

The barrage immediately fell into chaos, with comments accusing Titr of protecting criminals and trying to use her life experience to control the hearts of viewers and reverse people's negative comments about her.

But this still doesn't stop people from changing their view of her.

When Abby was 190919, she was evil, cold, cruel, and had almost no human empathy. Seems like a born devil.

But when the clone Abe "traveled" to the main body Abe, she stood in a naturally opposing perspective, learned "emotions", and actually began to sympathize with her own experience, and almost broke out of the virtual world for this reason.

The audience's hearts were pinched by the changes in her identity and mentality.

Precisely because they had a strong dislike for her, when they discovered that her indifference stemmed from the instinctive human fear that she had deliberately suppressed, they felt that their emotions were particularly complicated at that moment.

[...Have you ever thought about it, maybe the live broadcast of these contents inspired the anchor's subconscious. She doesn't want us to see her past, so she fights in this way. ]


They criticized Abe's crimes unscrupulously, but all of this was stolen by them. It was they who peered into her brain and dug out her bloody wounds.

In order to survive, she suppressed human emotions day after day, which eventually turned her from a human into a beast.

From the moment she was abandoned, or in other words, from the moment she was born, she should not be responsible for her sins.

Her supporters laughed sarcastically and commented: "Do clones have citizen ID cards? Why should people who have never existed legally be subject to the law?"

The titr company is so worried that its senior management intends to disclose the truth about the system being invaded, indicating that the live broadcast of the clone part is actually a distorted fact.

At this time, they are willing to be accused of incompetence by the public, and do not want to disrupt the chess game of the upper-level bosses.

However, the development of the matter was destined to be no longer under their control. Not long after the release of "Timetravel's Statement on the Intrusion of Memory Live Broadcast", the information about the cloned human subjects was dug out.

Although Titr Company had anticipated that the backer behind the request for help had obtained permission to hide the information, the information was still made public.

The company's top management sensed something was wrong when they realized things were out of control, but it was too late to change direction.

Colleagues at Amy's company were the first to break the news, and her and her family background information were exposed in all directions.

Afterwards, the contents of her social account were cleared, but the audience had already obtained enough information in a limited time, including her daily life. She has posted many videos to share her daily life. Without showing her face, she even has holographic images recorded with expensive equipment. It can be seen that she is a person with a good family background and enjoys life, just like the person in the live broadcast. Like the subject Abe, she is a girl who grew up under the pampering of her parents, which is in sharp contrast to Abe.

This is very much in line with the clips that appear in Memory Live.

After repeatedly watching the recorded live content, people discovered that every time the clone Abe called "mom", he was actually looking at the girl who looked the same as her, and the real "mother" of the clone Abe should also be her. The cloned subject.

In this regard, Amy's emotions were very complicated. She once posted a comment "Am I her mother?" to express her confusion, but it was deleted shortly after it was posted.

The emergence of this information made the statement made by Titr Company extremely ridiculous. Titr tried to show that the plot of the sudden change of characters was affected by an external virus and was not a real image. But now the cloning subject has been found, and the cloning data from that year has been found. It was also revealed to the public under the excavation of media reporters.

The topic of human cloning once again appeared in public and came to the seat of the law.

The public is finally alert, and they are beginning to face up to the company's role in this spectacular national live broadcast. Why does the organization want to disclose Abe's memory? Why try to twist the truth

The anger of being fooled made them forcefully demand the truth from titr and investigate the cause behind it.

"If the intrusion problem cannot be solved, counter-intrusion will turn the live broadcast into an invalid picture!" Titr's senior management was furious and issued a suicidal order at the meeting. "In short, the current content must not be allowed to continue to be broadcast."

However, the scheming and sneaky behavior of the forces behind it failed to stop the continuation of the live broadcast.

This is a carnival for all mankind that was originally initiated by them. Now, no one can stop it.

Including them.

Cutting to the live broadcast footage, the "memory" in Abe's mind changed again.

Looking back in time.

The scene in front of the villa was spinning like a whirlpool. With clone Abe's ignorant gaze and Abe's painful breathing, time suddenly went back, passing through the treetops of her memories like the wind, to the day she escaped from the wastewater experimental area. .

It turns out that she was not the only one who escaped that day, but also a few people who had given her the last bit of kindness. Men wearing glasses, women with scars on their faces... They are all "semi-finished products". Some are about to successfully mutate, while others are facing failed mutations and are fleeing on the road as half monsters.

Little Abby has a laser cutting tool, and when she discovers that the building is just a holographic projection, she gets the message that "none of them were there".

She returned to the other side of the experimental vessels, and under the frightened eyes of the "experimental subjects", she cut open the vessels that trapped them and let them out.

No one knows whether she wanted to take revenge on those who set up the bet out of reciprocation of kindness or simply anger at being played. Or maybe it's another experiment.

However, some people cannot withstand the pressure of radiation, and when the glass breaks, they turn into coke and die instantly. The scarred woman was about to mutate successfully in the glass bottle, until the moment she came into contact with the waste water, the moldy white hair on her body turned black and shrank, which seemed to have failed.

She used to be able to feel vigorous spiritual power flowing through her body, and she might be able to become an extremely powerful person, but now that these spiritual powers have disappeared from her body, she is even weaker than before.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing

She doesn't want to become a monster, but everyone who lives here longs for power...

Her complex eyes that were difficult to distinguish were focused on the little girl leading the way.

"What are you looking at? Run!" The man with glasses roared hoarsely at her. Just when they landed, the surveillance and attack equipment on land was remotely activated, rose into the air, and violently attacked them.

The laser bullets fired, the mutant's limbs were penetrated, and suddenly flew into the face of the person behind him, blurring the person's facial expression with blood and flesh.

The attack speed became faster and faster as the equipment system adopted and calculated their information. Suddenly, the attack lipstick flashed, and the deadly weapon was aimed at the bespectacled man who was struggling to escape.

He tripped over the stump and his mobility was greatly reduced.

The moment the bullet broke through the air, the man with glasses grabbed the scarred woman next to him and blocked the blow.

What he used was not his own hands, but his alienated tongue that stretched out like a penis.

The moment the scarred woman fell, she could only see his figure escaping without looking back.

The audience was also frightened by this scene. They were originally full of joy for their escape, but they did not expect that the result would be more cruel than the original.

Could it be that their good intentions a moment ago were all fake

not real.

It's just that... when there is no hope, people are willing to stretch out their hands and give me a little strength to gather that little bit of hope.

And when hope appears, everyone wants to hold on to it.

[Living in that land, no one can be a truly good person. Sooner or later, he will perish, just like Abe when he grows up. ]

[So what exactly is sin? ]

Not long after, little Feynman arrived with rescue.

It turned out that only a few people could escape. The only ones alive now were the man with glasses and little Abby. After getting rid of the attacking device flying in the sky, the man with glasses fled into the "junk building" and was never seen again.

Little Abe reached the limit of his body, and finally when he saw little Feynman appeared, his body was forced into a deep sleep.

Little Feynman caught the little girl who fell down and held her with cold skin in his arms. His eyes were hot and the tip of his nose was slightly sour. He tried his best to hold back the feelings that only a timid child would have, and turned her into gray with care. His hair was tucked into his clothes.

A few days later, little Abe woke up.

Nothing is different from the scene that was originally played. The two sat on a rock and looked at the stars. Little Feynman pointed out to her the planet from which he came, and then stretched out his hand to her.

Little Abe looked at the lines on his palm in trance, where the wind had blown the gravel of the garbage star, and his consciousness seemed to have truly returned at this moment. It turned out that those scenes of escape and rescue were all in a silent world, but at this moment, she heard his voice.

"Will you come with me?"

[Promise him! ! ! ]

[Only by leaving here can you obtain salvation, Beibei, you are not the devil, this planet is the devil! ]

[Can fate be changed? ]

Will she

Desire suddenly emerged deep in little Abe's heart. The emotions that were suppressed in her heart were stuffed into a small box like a child's toy. Now, the box was opened. They flew out happily.

There is the fear of this place, the yearning for that planet, and the relaxation and joy of playing with Little Feynman.

In fact, she didn't like this place at all.

At this highly anticipated moment, countless viewers heard her say:


Little Abe put her hand into his.

He held it solemnly.

The moment the two held hands, the entire interstellar audience was excited.

[The plot has changed? ! ! ]

[Yes! Last time she didn't agree and stayed on the Dust Star. This time she released her emotions when she became a clone subject, so she returned to this point of making a new choice and agreed to Feynman. ]

[I really want to cry, oooooooooooo...]

[So, is she about to wake up? ! ]

[I can’t believe it, my heart is racing now. To be honest, I don’t like her, but it feels really good to watch someone change from bad to good and be willing to change their destiny! ]

[But when she wakes up, she will find that only this live broadcast has changed, not her fate. ]

At this moment, the stars were turning, and a hole was suddenly torn open in the bright night sky, and two figures appeared from the crack. They were in a state of embarrassment, as if they had gone through many levels before arriving at this place.

The red-haired Otto still had that arrogant face on his face, looking at the little girl in front of him who was no more than his legs tall, he crossed his arms and asked, "Is it time to wake up?"

Lucas knelt down on one knee, looked at her curiously at eye level for a moment, and said with a smile: "We will pick you up and leave."

The illusion was shattered, and little Abe gradually woke up from his confusion.

This virtual world relies on her spiritual consciousness. When she realizes that she is Abe and not little Abe, her body data also changes and she looks like an adult.

She regained her memory and her calm and indifferent appearance. Her pure gray hair and gray eyes, which were like dark clouds, were a little more strangely beautiful than when she was a child. She asked: "Is this a live game?"

"This is a live competition, and it is also your 'cage'." Otto did not take care of her mood like Lucas, and told her everything, including the audience's crazy boycott of her.

The audience saw their own shadow in his statement, and they suddenly felt guilty when they remembered how they vented their anger on such a little girl.

She said, "So, you all know who I am."

The tone seemed lost.

"Beibei." Lucas stared at her, her eyes like the reflection of the forest, "Humans don't like evil, don't like darkness, and don't like monsters. But it doesn't matter. People who really like her, even if she turns into a monster, I also hope she survives.”

The audience was shocked by this statement.

As if to compensate, they desperately sent "Beibei, I really like you" and "You have to live well", using these positive comments to wash away the mistakes of the past.

all is well.

The audience is fully immersed in this play, from the beginning to the foreshadowing, from the climax to the turning point, they are never absent.

Now, this is the most perfect happy ending they want to see.

When he finally woke up, Abe raised his head and said to the starry sky: "Thank you."

The bright stars in the night sky flickered, as if they were blinking at her.

A few months later.

In the blue sky, a suspended ice cream shop opened next to the dragon-like overpass. The macaron-colored store sign attracted the attention of many girls.

Abe sat on a low stool shaped like a floating cloud, tasting the meteorite-flavored ice cream that melted in his mouth.

Now, she has gotten rid of the crime of being a criminal and obtained a reasonable ID. Since she likes the name Aibe, the newly registered ID for her is called "Aibe".

And because of the word "future" she said in the live broadcast, those deeply moved people spontaneously paved a new path for her.

Amy's family, who are the subjects of her cloning, bear the responsibility for her crimes. Amy herself is not guilty, but her parents are the buyers of human cloning. In the past, when human cloning was not recognized by law, they had to pay for the cloning. Human behavior pays the price.

Therefore, Abe was acquitted and won the championship.

The phenomenal ratings of "Memory Live" have aroused nationwide discussion and attention among the stars. Even if several months have passed since the game, you can always hear information about Abe on the roadside.

Different but the same content is played on large and small projections.

"A few days ago, Les Cottle was arrested and imprisoned on many appalling charges including illegal trafficking. No one could have imagined that this chief executive battle would be disrupted by a live broadcast and ended with Feynman's victory. …”

"Some experts studied Aibe's series of live broadcasts and found that she was indeed full of wildness during the audition, but after the audition, she quickly received information about human society. In subsequent live broadcasts, she set The themes are respectively law, respect, freedom, and a very important lesson for us - public opinion. It is like she predicts everything she will suffer in the future, teaching people in advance not to be gullible and not to be coerced by public opinion. It’s a pity that people didn’t pay attention to it at the time.”

"This is really incredible. We all thought she was an untamed beast, but in fact various information shows that she is very eager to integrate into human society. It is reported that with her permission, many TV media broadcast the things she did not show in the live memory broadcast Memory scene. The once controversial scene - she became a participant in the gambling - was also broadcast, and the reason why she participated was to win the final reward of the gambling, an opportunity to sneak into human society. This The facts just prove her desire for a new life.”

"According to unknown sources, the identity of the little boy Feynman is very mysterious. He was suddenly taken away from the dust star by his family, so little Abe did not get the chance to leave. Of course, the real situation is unknown except for the person involved. Otherwise, we don’t know.”

"The law on human cloning is introduced... Dust Star's shocking dark industrial chain... The government's conspiracy... "

"It has to be said that "Memory Live" has a great impact on the interstellar process. We should thank Abe..."

In addition to serious research reports and news broadcasts, there are also many peripheral entertainments that have become popular throughout the world.

"The breakup in the preliminary round, the confession in the final, the wonderful fate between Lucas and Abby."

"He and Abe fall in love with each other, have a tacit understanding and are hostile at the same time. Shocking revelation! The third contestant in the titr competition, Ultra, is actually an interstellar pirate!"

"The chief executive is named Feynman. Is it a coincidence or coincidence?"

"Say thank you to the stars, Hall, a man who established a friendship with Abby across time and space."

The person involved, Abe, was listening to the gossip reports and enjoying the food leisurely. She only heard someone chuckle from her terminal communicator, "Why do you have so many gossips?"

"I don't know either." Abe looked innocent.

"Where are you going to travel next?"

"Where is the fun?"

"If you need it, I can recommend a location to you."

The two chatted briefly for a while.

When he was about to hang up the communication, there was a moment's pause on his side. Before the communication was hung up, the sound of electricity accompanied by his breathing reached Aibel's ears. He suddenly asked: "When did you wake up?"


"Did you really fall into a deep sleep?"

By simply modifying her body data, she can appear to be sleeping. If she is awake, she can adjust the desired plot.

"Well..." As if surprised by the other party's vigilance, Abe tilted his head and asked, "Then do you think, when did I become real and when did I become fake?"

"From the beginning of Hall's invasion, or the earlier Transparent Building, or... no, maybe it was the beginning."

Abe propped up his cheeks, listened to the memory of the person opposite, and suddenly bent his eyes: "Haven't you ever thought that the Dust Star is fake?"


The other party was stunned for a moment. The question mark generated by this modal particle seemed to be asking "How could the Dust Star be fake?" in a funny way.

It was a report sent back by AI, a result of people's research, and... countless pieces of information, pieced together.

But Abe was still asking slowly:

"Are aliens real?"

“Is what I experienced true?”

"Our Chief Consul, the memories in his head—are they real?"

She put questions in front of him one after another, which made him feel like he was awakened from a nightmare, dripping with cold sweat, and felt like he was still in a dream and had not yet woken up.

Could a dust star be fake

Could her experience be false

Can the memories in people's minds be false


This is a vast and vast information world that far exceeds human imagination. People are surrounded by layers of true and false information. They have long been sniped and surrendered, and have lost the ability to distinguish. They revel in the ocean of information and are played with by it.

People are all fools of information.

"Is it fake?" he asked.

"It's true." She said, "Then do you believe me?"

There was silence for a moment, and finally he said: "...I believe you."

How cute.

He may not be a fool of information, but he must be a fool of Abe.

They are all her fools.

Abe smiled.

The sunlight in the clouds shone freely on the top of her head, making her whole body feel like she was taking a heavenly bath from the gods. It was so trance-like that it was unreal, and her smile looked so pure and innocent under this light.

This scene was included in the footage during the filming period.

The passerby who was taking photos of the scenery was stunned by this angelic smile while holding up photography props.

The author has something to say: Beibei's story is over.

If you still don't understand something, I will revise it again. I actually prefer a story to be serialized slowly, and readers’ comments will inspire me to be better inspired. It's always boring when I save manuscripts by myself. I write according to the outline, and I often lose emotion as I write. It just so happens that when I write about the subject of fast travel, I write emotionally.

After reading everyone's comments, I also modified some content in this final chapter.

But there are still some regrets. For example, the content about Feynman's "childhood sweetheart" seems to be missing. Originally, there were some settings about the middle class (?) of Dust Star. For example, they actually have an internal trading model. Yes, there are humans who can communicate, but it is too long and too detailed, and there is no particularly inspiring plot. I wanted to quickly write about the information about "memory live broadcast", but there is not much space here, so I skipped it. . If there is a design, it would be Feynman and Abe's "Home Alone". The two of them cooperate to fight against the evil forces of the planet. It is quite interesting to think about it.

Regarding Beibei’s cp, Feynman was the first one to decide, but he was indeed the quick-traveling hero in my novel, and he got the treatment he deserved—I missed it after writing about it.

My preference in writing about fast-travel themes is that I prefer small worlds. For the sake of the small world, I don’t care what happens when the big world collapses. You can probably tell this from the panda male protagonist in "Su Yiyi". As for this story, Feynman's original design was to repeatedly "act" as the protagonist in the world and fight against Abby in order to revive his memory, but starting from Hall's story, it collapsed.

Hall exceeded my expectations. I really didn’t want to ruin his existence, so I asked Feynman to just borrow his eyes to see Abe. Then, the male protagonist disappeared.

So I added "Aibe x Xingchenhai" to the copy.

It doesn't matter, Beibei still has a long future, and you can still play slowly and choose slowly, or even not choose at all.

This story took almost two years to write and was interrupted many times. From the lack of inspiration at the beginning to physical reasons later on, I actually hated it a little during this period.

At the beginning of 2020, I chatted with a friend and said: "I may never embarrass myself by writing such a setting in my life, so I want to finish this book well." Then I worked hard to write Killing The Archon was revised repeatedly during the manuscript period, although in the end it failed to present the story well. Later, I had gastrointestinal problems during the serialization, which bothered me on and off for more than half a year. I no longer had any emotion left to write this article. It pains me not to be able to write it well.

When I was in the most pain, I told my friends that I hated this article.

Now I don't remember this emotion very much. It's probably the feeling of "I once loved each other, but couldn't get together and break up, and could only become entangled with each other and become a resentful couple."

Later, starting from Tanwan Island, I became purely writing stories and had no way to invest my emotions, so my emotions became calmer and no longer so painful. It’s just fun to think of some interesting little plots occasionally.

The day I finished writing this story, my friend cried a lot, crying loudly through the voice. It was funny, but actually I was still floating and had no real feeling.

Having said so much, I just want to say that I did not write the story of Beibei satisfactorily, and I have many, many regrets. However, I am very happy that she can come into this world, and I am also very grateful to everyone for staying with her for so long.

Thank you, see you later.

(Beibei waves)

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