Chasing the Light

Chapter 16: Trained


Yang Fan ran back to the dormitory. Li Wei saw his panic-stricken look and asked curiously, "What bad things have you done?"

Yang Fan was still in shock. He patted his chest to calm down, then waved to Li Wei, motioning him to come closer.

Li Wei came over.

"Do you know what our captain asked Su Ran to do?" Yang Fan asked mysteriously.

"Aren't you writing a self-criticism?"

"What's the point of writing a self-criticism? Let me tell you, something big has happened."

Li Wei responded calmly: "What big deal can happen?"

In his opinion, unless one loses a battle or a military exercise, it is not a big deal.

"The most experienced bachelor in our team is about to sprout." Yang Fan laughed.

"The most senior bachelor? Who is it?"

"Captain, you're already 29."

Li Wei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "You mean, the captain and Comrade Su Ran..."

Li Wei immediately shook his head and said seriously: "Don't make up rumors."

Su Ran has only been here for two days, how is that possible

"I spread rumors? When have I ever spread rumors? I have already gone to scout and there is definitely something wrong with them." Yang Fan vowed.

Li Wei sat down next to Yang Fan: "Tell me, what's going on."

"Didn't the captain ask me to go get Su Ran tonight? But Su Ran looked confused and had no idea that she had to write a self-criticism. I suspected something was fishy, so I followed her quietly. I climbed to the window of the captain's office and took a look..."

"Wait, the captain's office is on the second floor, and you're lying on the window?" Li Wei was also convinced by him.

Although Yang Fan can climb to the second floor like a piece of cake with his skills and his nickname is Monkey, that is the window of the captain's office. If he is discovered by the captain, what will happen

"Focus on the point, don't interrupt." Yang Fan continued, "When I got there, I found that the captain had prepared brown sugar ginger water for Su Ran in the name of writing a self-criticism, and asked her to drink it before leaving, for fear that others would find out. Do you think there is a problem?"

Li Wei fell into deep thought, remembering the handkerchief Su Ran used to cover her nosebleed last night.

"Have they known each other for a long time?" Li Wei still couldn't believe it. The speed of development was too rapid.

"I don't know. Anyway, I've never heard the captain talk about it. Women have never been on the captain's topic. The political commissar has wanted to introduce a girl to the captain several times, but the captain has always rejected them."

"Maybe the captain is just concerned about us. Female comrades are more delicate, unlike us men. What's more, Su Ran's relationship with the team members is a bit strained. If the captain shows his concern openly, it may cause unnecessary trouble." Li Wei still didn't believe it.

Yang Fan glanced at him and said, "You might as well change your name to Li Chunchu."

"I think that it's time for our captain to find a partner. He's almost 30 years old. He's not in a hurry, but his family is going crazy. But I don't think Su Ran is suitable for our captain. Not to mention what kind of person she is, the news in the entertainment industry can be treated as entertainment. There's no need to take it seriously. But celebrities have a high exposure rate, and we soldiers keep a low profile. What if the captain is really with Su Ran and is mentioned in the entertainment news every other day? If the captain himself doesn't feel angry, then the leader will feel angry." Yang Fan thought about this problem very seriously.

Li Wei agreed deeply. What Yang Fan said was right. Soldiers and big stars were indeed not suitable for each other.

"Okay, don't worry too much. The captain knows what's going on. Maybe nothing will happen. You're just worrying about nothing." Li Wei said.

Yang Fan said: "That's not necessarily true. Su Ran is so pretty and charming, and she has a stubborn streak. She is also very fond of our captain's temper. When love comes, even bullets can't stop it."

"Alright, alright, just feel your feelings here. I'm going to go do my rounds." Li Wei patted Yang Fan on the shoulder and left.

Su Ran returned to the dormitory in a panic. As soon as she entered the room, Liu Yayi showed her concern: "Sister Su Ran, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm just writing a self-criticism." Su Ran glanced at Ye Dansha who was rubbing her legs and had to lie. She couldn't let Ye Dansha know what happened tonight, otherwise rumors that she seduced Instructor Han would be everywhere tomorrow.

She is used to being criticized so it doesn't matter to her, but Instructor Han is a serious person and she needs to be careful about the impact.

"I really asked you to write a self-criticism."

"Well, I was indeed wrong." Su Ran said sincerely.

"Then why is your face so red?" Liu Yayi asked.

Su Ran didn't need to look in the mirror to know how red her face was. It was still burning. This was when her acting skills came in handy. She said in a frustrated and resentful tone, "I was scolded!"

Liu Yayi expressed deep sympathy. It seemed that the instructor’s scolding was a bit harsh. Look how angry Sister Su Ran was.

As soon as Su Ran came back, Ye Dansha pretended not to see her, but she kept listening to their conversation. Hearing this, Ye Dansha curled the corners of her mouth and a sarcastic smile flashed across her eyes.

There was no emergency assembly that night, and everyone slept until the wake-up call at 5:30.

Squad leader Li Wei shouted outside the door: "Hurry up, gather downstairs in ten minutes, and don't be late."

Everyone hurriedly put on their clothes, washed their faces and brushed their teeth in two minutes, and rushed downstairs.

Within ten minutes, the whole class was present.

Li Wei checked everyone's clothes, made sure they were all right, and led them to the playground.

When passing by the administrative building, Su Ran glanced at the window of his office, which was closed.

When they arrived at the playground, everyone realized that they were the last to arrive. The other soldiers had already run up in company units, with consistent steps and orderly intervals. From time to time, they shouted slogans, their voices shaking the sky. The scene was quite spectacular.

Li Wei asked them to line up into two teams, one for female comrades and one for male comrades.

"Female comrades run five laps, male comrades run twelve laps." After Li Wei gave the task, he led everyone onto the track and ran between the two teams.

The team of only nine people, mixed in with the neat tofu-like team, destroyed the beauty. However, no one had time to care about perfection. The squad leader said yesterday that the training intensity would be increased starting today, and the 5,000 meters in the morning was just an appetizer. Therefore, everyone cheered up and ran forward.

Although Su Ran and the others only had to run 3,000 meters, their whole bodies ached after running yesterday, especially their legs, so it was difficult for them to finish 3,000 meters.

After running, the three of them sat down in the fitness equipment area in an ungraceful manner and watched others run.

"Being a soldier is so tiring. I just exercise and study every day. Life is monotonous and boring." Ye Dansha sighed while tapping her leg.

"I think it's good this way, simple and pure." Su Ran actually likes this kind of life. Everyone works towards the same goal and speaks based on their strength. There aren't so many intrigues and conspiracies, unlike the entertainment industry, where there are so many attacks and it's hard to guard against.

"Haha!" Ye Dansha sneered: "Stop pretending. You are not a simple and pure person, so why are you talking about being simple and pure?"

"That's because you don't understand me, just like I don't understand you." Su Ran said lightly.

She really couldn't understand why Ye Dansha had such resentment and hostility towards her. How had she done anything wrong to Ye Dansha

When Ye Dansha had just graduated and had no movies to shoot, no income and no place to live, she gave her her extra apartment to live in. She always paid for shopping and eating together, and she helped her get good opportunities. It can be said that she helped Ye Dansha get on the right track and accompanied her all the way. She had done her best. Even Ning Xi had complaints, but Ye Dansha said that she was arrogant and self-righteous, and she resolutely drew a line between them.

What went wrong