Chasing the Light

Chapter 28: Run together


Early the next morning, before the wakeup call sounded, Su Ran got up and prepared to run laps in the playground.

Last night she decided that for the remaining three weeks, she would get up an hour earlier every day and run a few more laps. Any improvement would be a good thing. Not only for the assessment at the end of the military training, but also for the next filming. There were a lot of fighting scenes in her part, which required a lot of physical strength. She regretted not being able to exercise well in the three years in the mountains, otherwise she wouldn't be so weak.

There were already people running on the playground. Su Ran didn't pay attention at first and just ran on her own. After running about half a lap, someone ran up from behind her and said, "Your speed is too slow. It's not effective. Keep up."

Su Ran looked at Instructor Han who ran in front of her in astonishment, then turned around to look at the playground, and there was no one else except the two of them. In other words, the person she saw before was Instructor Han

"Hurry up." Han Dong turned his head and urged.

Su Ran quickened her pace, caught up with him, and ran side by side with him.

His legs were long, so even though he slowed down, one step of his was equivalent to two steps of hers, so she not only had to increase her pace but also her frequency. After running a hundred meters or so, she began to pant.

Han Dong couldn't help but frown as he listened to her heavy breathing. He had already looked at their training results for a week. In terms of physical fitness, Su Ran's results were simply terrible. Li Wei was a soft-hearted guy and couldn't be harsh on a girl. Fortunately, she was aware of the fact that the early bird catches the worm.

"Breathe through your nose and raise your hands." Han Dong said.

Su Ran tried to breathe through her nose, but the amount of oxygen she took in through her nose could not meet the needs of strenuous exercise. It was so tiring!

"Instructor, I'm running out of oxygen."

"Your breathing method is wrong. Try breathing through your mouth and nose together." Han Dong relaxed the requirement. She might not be able to change her habit of breathing through her mouth while running.

Su Ran desperately ran with him for a lap and a half and then stopped, panting and saying, "No, I can't run anymore."

She originally just wanted to run slowly by herself, but she didn't expect to meet Instructor Han. If she had known, she would not have come.

Han Dong was depressed. Where is your perseverance? Where is your tenacity? Giving up so quickly is not like the Su Ran he knew.

"I think you don't have to get up early in the future. There is no point in doing useless work, and there will be no sympathy points in the military assessment." Han Dong said and continued to run.

Su Ran was irritated by the obvious sarcasm in his tone. Did he think she was just trying to sell her hardworking persona

What a disgusting guy, he never says anything nice.

Su Ran gritted her teeth and continued to run forward. She would not give up just like that.

Han Dong ran most of the circle and saw Su Ran running hard. A barely noticeable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This was more like it!

Jiang Xinyan didn't sleep well that night. She was thinking too much. She woke up early in the morning and couldn't fall asleep. She just went for a morning run. She had the habit of exercising early in the morning. Being a doctor, especially a surgeon, requires a healthy body and a good mental state. Otherwise, she couldn't stand for a whole day of concentrating on performing several operations a day.

Jiang Xinyan came to the playground wearing a white sportswear. She saw Han Dong at a glance and couldn't help feeling happy. It seemed that she could go jogging with Han Dong every morning.

Looking again, I saw a female soldier on the playground. She looked a bit like Su Ran. My heart skipped a beat. Was Han Dong jogging with Su Ran

Jiang Xinyan waited for Han Dong to run over: "Good morning!"

"Morning." Han Dong stopped.

"Run together?" Jiang Xinyan looked at him with a smile. He was only wearing a camouflage vest, and his sexy and solid muscles were clearly visible.

Han Dong wiped the sweat off his face and said, "No, I have to prepare to train the students."

"So are you giving her some special treatment now?" Jiang Xinyan glanced at Su Ran in the distance and asked in a joking tone.

"Her physical fitness is too poor, so she has to train herself." Han Dong didn't like Jiang Xinyan's ambiguous and inquiring tone.

Jiang Xinyan looked at her watch: "It's only five o'clock now. Don't you get up at half past five? Run two laps with me!"

Having said that, Jiang Xinyan started running.

Han Dong originally planned to run three more laps, but he ended it early because Jiang Xinyan came. However, since she said so, it would be awkward for him to refuse, so Han Dong followed.

"Do you go jogging every morning?" Jiang Xinyan asked while running.

"Not really, just occasionally." Han Dong told the truth. He usually works out in the gym now.

"Oh, I mean, I said I could exercise with you during these few days here." Jiang Xinyan was a little disappointed.

"Do you exercise regularly?" Han Dong saw that she ran very easily, and she was many times better than the rookie Su Ran.

"There's no other way. Being a doctor is not easy. Sometimes an operation takes more than ten hours. Without a healthy body, you can't make a living from this." Jiang Xinyan said with a wry smile.

"That's quite hard." Han Dong said absentmindedly, and his eyes couldn't help but look for Su Ran.

"It's not as hard as yours. By the way, why don't I see your name on the physical examination list?" Jiang Xinyan asked.

"I'm not assigned here. I'm here just to carry out a mission."

"Is that the one leading this star class?"

Han Dong hummed.

Jiang Xinyan smiled and said, "I feel like you're wasting your talents by letting people from your special forces team lead the star class."

Han Dong twitched the corner of his mouth. The reason behind this was a long story, so he didn't intend to explain.

Su Ran had been running after Instructor Han, really risking her life, but in the blink of an eye, Jiang Xinyan came and ran side by side with Instructor Han, talking and laughing.

Su Ran felt depressed and couldn't help thinking: Did they agree yesterday to run together today

The two of them were running side by side, and she was running alone behind them. The scene looked awkward no matter how she looked at it. Su Ran lost her temper and walked back slowly.

I'll give you this place so she won't be an eyesore anymore.

Han Dong saw Su Ran walking away. He had only run a few laps. He couldn't do it again

Su Ran returned to the dormitory. Everyone was still asleep. She quietly took the basin and towel to wash her face and brush her teeth.

Just as I finished and was about to leave, I saw Instructor Han coming with a basin to wash up.

Su Ran thought: Why don't you run a few more laps with your old classmates? Why are you back now

"There is shooting training this afternoon, so take it easy." Han Dong said.

"Ah?" Su Ran was confused. What did 'take it easy' mean

"You made a big splash yesterday, so the regiment commander and several company commanders will come over today to witness it with their own eyes." Han Dong said sullenly.

I don't know how many people came to him last night to ask for confirmation, it was so annoying. Su Ran is not a soldier, why are they so excited with green eyes? Can they snatch the person away

However, as a result, other soldiers might not have an easy life for some time. Han Dong could imagine that in the future when the company commander despised his soldiers, he would say... Look at how cowardly you are, you are not even as good as a woman.

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

(End of this chapter)