Cherry Blossoms Upon a Wintry Sword

Chapter 3: High fever and cold


Although Lin Rufei has never practiced swordsmanship, she has read a lot of books.

He knew that there were now four continents above Shenzhou, named Beixuandu, Nanbu'e, Xiqionglong, and Dongyaoguang, which were separated by sea and thousands of miles away. Three of the continents were occupied by humans, and only the southernmost Bie'e continent lived on a group of powerful monsters.

This group of monsters is tyrannical in strength and cruel in temperament. If it is not too small in number, I am afraid it will be a big trouble for human beings. The most terrifying thing about the demon clan is their extremely powerful primordial spirit, which can retain most of their strength even if they are separated from their bodies. Because of this, the demon clan has a trick that is difficult for the human clan to learn - to seize the house.

If the body is damaged, replace it with a new one. Even if it floats across the sea for thousands of miles, the primordial spirit can still easily attach to the body of an ordinary human being. Until the primordial spirit of the human being is consumed, he will find another master. .

Lin Rufei has read a lot of records about the demon clan, all of which emphasize that the demon clan is very cruel and cunning, and likes to confuse humans with their appearance. There are also some fragrant and terrifying jokes. It can be seen that people are curious about this kind of alien race. Fear again.

What happened in the house just now was too weird, Lin Rufei's first reaction was that she was taken over by the demon clan, so she hurriedly asked Fu Hua to call Lin Bianyu over.

But now, when Lin Rufei stood in front of the mirror again, he found that the traces of peach blossoms in his right eye were gradually fading, and finally disappeared in his pale eyes... What the hell is this, Lin Rufei wondered a little blankly. .

Fuhua went to call Lin Bianyu, and Lin Rufei took this opportunity to go back to her dormitory, sat at the table, picked up a book, flipped open the title page, propped her chin up and looked absent-mindedly.

It was a little slow for Fu Hua to come back. Lin Rufei thought she didn't find Lin Bianyu, but she came back with Lin Bianyu.

"Master, Master." Fu Hua knocked on the door lightly outside, with some gasping sounds, thinking that she was in a hurry to come back, "Second Young Master is here."

"Ru Fei." Lin Bianyu's voice also came from outside.

"Brother, come in." Lin Rufei said.

Lin Bianyu pushed open the door and entered. After seeing Lin Rufei's appearance, her brows were slightly wrinkled, she turned around and went out. When she came in again, she had a thick towel in her hand and walked behind Lin Rufei with a sigh. , wrapped his wet black hair on his shoulders, and slowly rubbed it: "You, your foundation is weak, the spring is cold, and you don't know how to take care of yourself."

Lin Rufei just smiled when she heard the words: "How can I be so weak."

Lin Bianyu raised her eyebrows, and finally saved some face for her frail younger brother. Instead of continuing, she said, "You are so eager to call me here, but what happened?"

Lin Rufei hesitated for a moment and said, "I had a dream when I was just taking a shower."

Lin Bianyu said, "Dream?"

"Yeah." Lin Rufei pondered her words, "I dreamed of a peach blossom forest, and there was a figure in red in the peach blossom forest. I couldn't see what it looked like, but... it was very beautiful."

Lin Rufei thought that her second brother would also be nervous after listening to her words, but Lin Bianyu's expression became a little strange. There were some forbearance smiles in his eyes, and those smiles were finally in his eyes. It turned into a small smile on his lips: "Well... my brother has grown up."

Lin Rufei said, "Huh?"

Lin Bianyu said, "But there is a woman you like?"

Lin Rufei's expression froze. Only then did she understand why Lin Bianyu's expression was so strange. It turned out that he actually regarded it as a spring dream. Lin Rufei couldn't help laughing and crying: "Second brother, I didn't say that—" He hurriedly pointed. Pointing to his right eye, "Then I saw a peach blossom in my right eye."

Lin Bianyu's expression condensed: "What?"

Lin Bianyu heard the words, approached Lin Rufei, and carefully observed his eyes. The more Lin Bianyu looked, the tighter her brows became. Lin Rufei became nervous when she saw it, and even held her breath.

"Tell me the whole thing in detail." Lin Bianyu said.

Lin Rufei then told Lin Bianyu the story of seeing the peach trees in the yard fall flowers when she was bathing, and reaching out to pick up the peach blossoms that caught her eye.

Lin Rufei whispered: "Second brother, is this related to the demon clan?"

Lin Bianyu raised his head and made a silent gesture at him: "You can just tell me, never mention the demon clan in front of outsiders. That peach blossom was planted by me, there is no demonic aura, it should be It has nothing to do with the demon clan, it’s just…”

Lin Rufei said, "Just what?"

Lin Bianyu said, "I'll ask my eldest brother to take a closer look for you tomorrow."

Lin Rufei felt that Lin Bianyu's expression was not right: "Second brother, what did you see, is it serious?"

"I didn't see anything." Lin Bianyu sighed, looking at his younger brother with a bit of sadness in his eyes, "But I can't even see it, it's definitely not ordinary, you have a good rest tonight, don't think too much, Forget it, I won't go back today, let Fuhua prepare the wing, and I'll rest here for the night."

Lin Rufei opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say. He didn't know anything about cultivating immortals, and when he encountered such a strange thing, he was more at a loss.

Lin Bianyu didn't say much. After drying Lin Rufei's hair with sword energy, he urged him to rest. But while lying on the bed, Lin Rufei didn't feel sleepy at all. He looked sideways at himself in the mirror, but there was no trace of peach blossoms on his face. Is everything you experience during the day just a grotesque dream? But how could the dream be so real? Lin Rufei tossed and turned, and stayed up all night.

The next day, Yu Rui, who got up early, was planning to prepare breakfast as usual. Who knew that when she passed by her son's wing, she heard intermittent coughing sounds. The owner of the cough wanted to suppress the itch in her throat. , but failed.

As soon as Yurui heard this voice, she knew she was going to suffer, and hurriedly went to the kitchen and called Fuhua: "Sister Fuhua, sister Fuhua, the son is coughing in the room."

When Fu Hua heard this, her expression changed slightly: "Cough?"

Yurui said: "Yes, I heard it from outside, and the cough was terrible."

Fu Hua put down what she was doing, and took Yurui to Lin Rufei's wing. After knocking on the door for a while, a faint sound came from inside.

"Young Master—" The maid's worried voice seemed to be separated by a thick layer of fog, and she couldn't hear clearly. Lin Rufei's eyes were half-open. On her pale face, there was a morbid blushing from high fever, and he moved with difficulty. He moved his lips and spat out the word "water".

Fu Hua quickly supported him and handed warm water to his lips.

"Why am I sick again." Lin Rufei muttered, with some childish annoyance, "It's not just raining for a while, cough, cough, don't tell my second brother, cough cough..."

Fu Hua looked sad and said, "Second Young Master went out early in the morning, so he definitely wouldn't know." Even if he knew, he would definitely not blame Lin Rufei, but would blame them for their poor service as maids.

Yesterday, in the cold spring, Lin Rufei had been drenched in rain all the way to enjoy the flowers. When she came back, she planned to take a bath to get rid of the coldness, but who would have thought that when the bath was halfway through, she suddenly encountered an accident and was completely shocked. Last night, Lin Rufei tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. At dawn, she felt unwell. Not only was her forehead hot, but she couldn't suppress the itch in her throat. Finally, she was heard by Yu Rui, who was passing by.

It is said that people who are used to sickness should get used to the bitter medicine, but no matter how many times Lin Rufei smells the bitter medicine, she will frown, sighing and swallowing under the gaze of the maid. He took a mouthful of black medicine.

Lin Rufei's medicine has always been the best. However, his foundation is poor. For ordinary people, it is a good thing that is a panacea, but when it enters his mouth, it has no effect at all.

Today was no exception. After Lin Rufei finished drinking the medicine, a sullen Yurui stuffed a sweet and sour plum in her mouth, and the bitterness in her mouth gradually dissipated.

"This medicine is too bitter." Lin Rufei said, if he hadn't coughed and said this, it might have been more convincing, "It's the same whether you take it or not, you can be fine without taking it..."

Fu Hua's resentful voice from the young master made Lin Rufei look embarrassed. He sighed and compromised, "Okay, okay, didn't I drink the medicine obediently?"

Yurui snorted: "It's not that we are staring at it. Young master, if you use medicine to water the flowers and plants at the door, I think they will become fine."

Fu Hua patted Yu Rui's head: "Okay, the young master is ill. If you have time to talk witty here, why don't you go to stew pears soon."

Yurui pouted and ran away in a hurry. Fu Hua brought a warm towel and wiped the sweat from Lin Rufei's cheeks, then replaced it with a clean one and put it on his forehead.

Lin Rufei was lying on the bed listlessly, and she was not in the mood to think about peach blossoms or not at the moment. She just hoped that her illness would get better soon.

Fuhua looked at her young master's frowning face, and couldn't help but smile, and said warmly, "Young master, you should recuperate first, there are peach blossoms every year."

Lin Rufei ruthlessly pointed out the maid's deception: "You said the same thing last year."

Floating flower language plug.

Lin Rufei said, "The year before last too!"

Fu Hua coughed dryly, and was a little helpless: "Who told you that the young master always likes to get sick every spring."

Lin Rufei immediately shrank like an eggplant beaten by frost, and couldn't say anything to refute.

Because Lin Rufei's physique is weak, although outsiders know that there are four sons in the Kunlun Sword Sect, most people don't know the name Lin Rufei. He is like a black stone in a pile of jade, and no one's eyes will fall on him.

Lin Rufei was worried at first that if her brothers saw her coughing, the maids would be blamed again, but soon, he found that he didn't have the strength to worry about these things. The high fever and cough quickly took away his physical strength. He could only lie on the bed, his chest heaving with difficulty, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

Fu Hua has been guarding by the side, looking at Lin Rufei's appearance, her expression is very worried, but she has done everything she can, and can only pray in her heart.

Lin Bianyu quickly brought Lin Minzhi back. Seeing Lin Rufei's appearance, both of them didn't look good, but luckily they didn't blame Fuhua, and just let her back.

Lin Minzhi sat beside the bed, took Lin Rufei's pulse, and checked it carefully. Lin Bianyu looked dignified by the side, until Lin Minzhi's movements slowed down, he asked in a deep voice: "how?"

"Did Xiao Ji really say that?" Lin Minzhi asked.

"Naturally take it seriously." Lin Bianyu replied.

Lin Minzhi shook his head: "I didn't find anything out of the ordinary, even if a big demon seizes the house, it will definitely leave some flaws in such a short period of time. Did he go to Taolin during the day? What did you encounter that shocked your heart?"

Lin Bianyu was silent in thought.

Lin Rufei made another series of violent coughing noises, his consciousness was a little confused, and it took a while to realize that his eldest brother and second brother were beside him, and it was very difficult to open his mouth and called out a brother.

Seeing this, Lin Minzhi sighed and said, "Let Xiao Jiu rest first, Wan Yao will be out in a few days, and then I will ask him to diagnose Xiao Ji. Let Fu Hua keep an eye on him these days. If there is anything unusual, report it immediately."

Wan Yao is the most skilled pharmacist in the Kunlun faction. Before Lin Rufei's illness, he was the one who looked at it, but he had been in seclusion for half a year for the sake of rushing into the realm. If he counts his days, he should be leaving soon.

Lin Bianyu sighed, knowing that this can only be the case now, and Lin Rufei's current physical condition cannot stand any toss. Lin Rufei was born with deficiencies and could not make up for it. If an ordinary person's body is like a bucket, as long as you add water to it, it will slowly get better, then Lin Rufei's body is a sieve full of holes, no matter how much water is poured into it, it will leak completely.

However, after Lin Minzhi confirmed that the strangeness on Lin Rufei's body had nothing to do with the demon clan, Lin Bianyu was still slightly relieved. After all, the monsters that can hide their whereabouts on Kunlun Mountain are probably not ordinary big demons.

The two were afraid of affecting Lin Rufei's rest, and after making sure he was fine, they left. When they left, they told Fuhua Yurui to pay special attention to Lin Rufei's food, clothing, housing and transportation in the past few days.

Floating flowers and jade cores are said to be one by one.

Lin Rufei was ill for three days, and it was not until the afternoon of the third day that her high fever gradually subsided, and she could barely sit by the bed.

He has hardly eaten in the past few days, and hangs his life on the soup. Hearing Fu Hua's warm voice asking him what he would like to eat, he just shakes his head sullenly and has no appetite.

Fu Hua knew that Lin Rufei was definitely uncomfortable, so she didn't ask any further questions and left the room lightly. Lin Rufei was sitting beside the bed, staring at the bright spring scenery on the other side of the window.

At this time, the weather had cleared up. After a spring rain, a lot of stamens on the treetops had fallen off. When washed by the rain, they all turned into spring mud. Although Lin Rufei's fever subsided, she still had a cough. Because the cough was so severe, her chest was also aching.

When Fu Hua came back, there was an extra bowl of soup in his hand. The soup had been removed from the oil foam and sprinkled with a layer of green chopped green onion. It smelled very delicious. It's just that Lin Rufei drank too much medicine, and her mouth was dull and tasteless, and she felt that she had no appetite when she looked at the soup.

Fu Hua did not persuade him, put the soup down, and sat beside him peeling the fresh lotus seeds picked from the Dianchi Lake on the mountain.

Lin Rufei felt that the room was too quiet, and suddenly remembered something and asked, "Where's Yurui?"

Fu Hua said slowly: "Yurui, clumsy, let her boil a soup and burn her hand. Right now, she is crying and went to Lu Langzhong to get the medicine for the burn."

Both Fuhua and Yurui were trained. How could ordinary fire get them? They thought that they were burned because they used spiritual fire to cook this special soup for Lin Rufei. Lin Rufei sniffed the smell of the soup and sighed: "Bring it."

The corners of Fu Hua's mouth evoked a secret smile. She looked at Lin Rufei, although she was full of disgust, she still swallowed the soup one by one, and her expression became more and more gentle. Fuhua knew that the son of her family was different from others. He could have been arrogant, violent, and vented his anger without any scruples, but he did not.

The taste of the soup was not as bad as she had imagined. After Lin Rufei finished drinking, she felt a warm feeling in her body, which relieved the discomfort in her throat and the desire to cough.

"The weather is good outside, does the young master want to go out for a walk?" Seeing that the weather outside was good, Fu Hua asked tentatively.

Lin Rufei was indeed a little tired of lying down, but her body lacked strength. She was afraid that she would not be able to walk a few steps, so she shook her head.

Fu Hua couldn't see what Lin Rufei was thinking. She got up and left the room. After a while, an exquisite wheelchair was pushed in from outside the room.

"Master, Fuhua will push you out." Fuhua said warmly, "It's very stuffy in the room, so let's just walk around."

This wheelchair was made by Lin Bianyu himself. The material is very special. There are also special talismans engraved on the wheel. Even if no one is pushing it, it can easily climb the mountain road with a little skill.

"Alright." Lin Rufei lay on the bed for three days, and it was naturally good to be able to go out to breathe some fresh air.

Seeing that Lin Rufei agreed, Fu Hua smiled happily, helped Lin Rufei into a wheelchair, took out a white fox fur, wrapped Lin Rufei tightly, and the two walked out slowly.

Lin Rufei's face was usually not very good-looking, but now it was as pale as paper, and even her lips were pale as if they were about to be transparent. Ordinary people who are so ill naturally don't look good, but Lin Rufei has a good appearance. Being so sick, she has a haggard beauty, which makes people feel pity.

The place where Lin Rufei lives is generally not allowed by the disciples of the Kunlun Sword Sect, so it is very quiet, only smelling the birdsong and the fragrance of flowers, but not a trace of popularity.

Lin Rufei drank the soup and her spirit was much better than before. Sitting in a wheelchair, she was slowly pushed by the floating flowers, and she felt a lot more relaxed.

"After I had a fever that day, did the eldest brother and the second brother ever tell you something?" Lin Rufei suddenly remembered the dream she had three days ago, and the peach blossom. These days, he has become ill and has become ill. , I almost forgot about it, I only remembered when I saw the grass and trees in the yard.

"Just let Fu Hua take good care of the young master, and didn't say anything else." Fu Hua didn't understand what Lin Rufei wanted to ask.

Seeing that she didn't know why, Lin Rufei looked around in the garden and landed on the peach tree in the corner. The peach tree was covered by other lush stamens and branches and leaves, and only a small horn could be seen. Very clear. Seeing this, Fu Hua pushed Lin Rufei towards there, and finally stopped under the thin peach tree.

Perhaps it was because of the spring rain a few days ago that the only stamen left on the peach tree was gone. At this time, the peach tree hadn't plucked its leaves yet, and it looked bald, like a skinny child who was bullied, full of pity. the taste of.

Lin Rufei looked at its appearance, and for a while it was unclear whether the falling flowers a few days ago was her own dream.

Seeing Lin Rufei's dazed expression, Fu Hua thought he was feeling sorry for the flower, and quickly changed the subject: "Master, I heard that the second master is going to compete with others today, do you want to go and see?"

When Lin Rufei heard the news, she wondered, "Which family?"

"It's the Yu Nan Gu family who came a few days ago." Fu Hua said.

"Gu's family?" Lin Rufei pondered, "I've never heard of such a powerful person in his family."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Yeah, it didn't work a few years ago, but in recent years, I heard that the Gu family recognized an illegitimate child with outstanding talent, but in just a few short years, he was much better than his serious brothers and sisters. "Fu Hua is a girl after all, she likes to hear some interesting gossip, but she is very clear about these things.

Then Fu Hua talked to Lin Rufei about the Gu family with gusto. The head of the Gu family married a pair of women who had a very good relationship. He originally hoped to enjoy the blessings of the Qi people, but when he returned home one day, he saw his own family. A wife and a concubine rolled into a bed. This is not the most exciting, the most exciting is that the furious head of the Gu family has not had time to act against his own woman. The one wife and one concubine actually joined the mother's family, put the head of the Gu family under house arrest, and deprived him of him. all power in hand.

"The wife said to him, if you're good, I'll keep you and serve you with delicious food and drink. If you're not good, I'll make you stupid and become a waste puppet until our son grows up—" Floating flowers vividly described the secrets of the big clan, and she was excited, "The owner of the house can't do anything, he can only recognize it with his nose! That wife is really not a simple person. I heard that the illegitimate son who competed with the second young master today, She was the one who insisted on recognizing the retrospective."

Lin Rufei smiled while listening to Fu Hua's story, but he was more interested in the comparison sword than the gossip.

Now that Lin Bianyu's cultivation base has reached eight realms, the chances of seeing his swordsmanship are getting less and less. Although if Lin Rufei wanted to see it, Lin Bianyu would definitely show it to him, but a sword with an opponent and a sword without an opponent were completely different scenery.

"Let's go take a look." Lin Rufei tightened the fox fur on her body and coughed twice, "Since the second brother returned from his travels, I haven't seen him compete with others in a long time."

"Okay, okay." Fuhua was naturally happy with this, but after thinking about it, she became a little worried, and she said, "But there are a lot of people in the sword field, young master, you are just sick... Go to a place with a lot of people, Wan Wan I got sick again..." She just changed the subject, but she forgot about it.

Lin Rufei heard the words, her pale eyes drooped halfway, showing a slightly sad expression, and said in a low voice: "Also... you should send me back to lie down, lest I get sick again, and you have to take care of me hard."

Lin Rufei, who was the most despised by Fu Hua, felt her heart clenched immediately, and hurriedly said, "It doesn't seem to be that serious, it's alright, let's go over there and say hello in advance, and let them empty the stand in the attic. Come out, let's stay inside, just don't come out."

"Really?" Lin Rufei asked cautiously as her eyelashes trembled.

"Yes, of course, there is nothing impossible." Fu Hua repeatedly comforted, "Even if our young master wants the stars in the sky, the floating flowers will be picked for you!"

Lin Rufei then raised her eyebrows and smiled, looking at Fu Hua with ecstasy, but she didn't notice that the moment her young master lowered his head, there was a little bit of cunning in the corner of his eyes, but it just flashed by, and the traces soon faded away.

The author has something to say: Attack: I squeezed out a flower with the strength to suckle.

Ru Fei: It's time to go down the mountain to enjoy the flowers.

attack:? ? ? ?