Cherry Blossoms Upon a Wintry Sword

Chapter 47: No grass and no trees


The owner of the Fu family introduced the dark horse enthusiastically, saying that this horse was a first-class sweaty BMW bought from the west. But today I'm not here to show Lin Rufei a horse, but to let him taste something new.

As he spoke, the servant standing next to him picked up a soup spoon, scooped a spoon of hot soup and walked towards the dark horse, Lin Rufei frowned immediately when she saw this scene, and said, "Wait. "He turned to look at the master of the Fu family, and said, "Are you going to pour donkey meat?"

When the master of the Fu family heard the words, he was delighted and said frankly, "Young Master Lin is indeed well-informed, and even knows this!"

Pouring donkey meat is a famous dish, not because of how delicious it tastes, but because of the cruelty of the way it is cooked. The first is to burn a pot of hot soup, pour the soup directly on the body of the live donkey, and then use a sharp knife to cut the donkey meat alive after the hot soup scalds the donkey meat. are still alive. This way of eating can maximize the freshness of the ingredients, so even if it is cruel, some people still want to try it.

Lin Rufei had also seen it in the book. Seeing the man's actions, he immediately understood what they wanted to do.

The owner of the Fu family smiled and said: "It's just that the donkey meat is a little tired of eating, so we want to try something else. If we want to come here, the horse is handsome, and we want to come here. The taste must be good. It happened that a distinguished guest came today, so I let the cook set it down. this dish."

Lin Rufei made a stop gesture and said, "No need."

The head of the Fu family wanted to persuade him again, but seeing Lin Rufei's indifferent expression, and even a strong hesitation in his eyes, he had to embarrassedly said: "Since Young Master Lin doesn't like it, then don't eat it."

"But this animal eats grass, and humans eat animals. It's a matter of the cycle of heaven." The head of the family seemed to be worried that Lin Rufei would mind, and persuaded, "Young Master Lin, don't mind."

"Yeah." Lin Rufei's face was expressionless and his tone was very light, he said, "It's okay for horses to eat grass and people to eat horses, but human beings, as the master of all things, should be bound by etiquette and morality, don't learn That cruel beast with no intelligence in the wilderness, using such a cruel method to satisfy the appetite."

He didn't save face for the Fu family this time, and he said a lot.

Because of this, Lin Rufei's expression at the next banquet was not very good, and the items on the table were not very suitable for his taste, most of which were too luxurious and greasy dishes. The head of the Fu family also persuaded him a few words at first, but seeing that he didn't give much face, he stopped talking later.

After dinner, Lin Rufei asked when Fu Yu was coming back, then got up and said goodbye. When he walked to the main hall, he saw that the man in purple was still there, looking at Lin Rufei with an unpleasant look.

Lin Rufei stared at her expressionlessly.

The man smiled and said, "Young Master Lin is already full?"

Lin Rufei nodded slightly, and was about to leave, when she heard a man from behind him say, "I think Young Master Lin's heart is too good."

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Rufei asked coldly. Although he has a good temper, he doesn't let anyone knead it. The look in the eyes of the young master of the Fu family made him feel very unhappy when he first met him, but he didn't stay polite when he spoke at this time.

The young master of the Fu family smiled and said, "Donkeys or horses are born to be eaten by people. As for how to eat, that is also the freedom of diners, whether it is food or rivers and lakes, this is the truth."

Lin Rufei understood what the young master of the Fu family meant. He raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Then the young master of the Fu family, what do you mean, as long as you are strong enough, you can do anything?"

The young master of the Fu family said, "That's how it is."

Lin Rufei turned around and walked in front of him, and said coldly, "Since the young master of the Fu family means that the strong are respected, then even if I ruin you here, you shouldn't complain, right?" He After speaking, he raised his hand and pulled out Gu Yu, who was on his waist, and the cold blade fell on the shoulder of the young master of the Fu family.

The young master of the Fu family stared at Lin Rufei in a daze, as if he did not expect that the seemingly weak and gentle young master of the Lin family would suddenly do such a radical thing without giving him the young master any face.

"I'm here to send invitations to Fu Yu." Lin Rufei's face was expressionless, and there was frost in his eyes, he said, "Well water doesn't make river water, I don't reason with you, so don't take it seriously. Tell me your reasoning." After he finished speaking, he put away the blade and sneered, "Lest I really listen to you and treat you with your reasoning."

The vain smile of the young master of the Fu family disappeared, but he didn't seem to be afraid. He sighed and said that Young Master Lin had such a big temper, which was really surprising.

Lin Rufei was too lazy to talk to him, so she turned around and left.

This is probably the first time that Lin Rufei is so angry after leaving Kunlun. There are strange things in the Fu family, whether it is the farmers outside who seem to be dying of starvation, or the luxurious and exaggerated village. , gave people a feeling of discomfort, Lin Rufei had been in a bad mood since entering here.

The remarks of the young master of the Fu family were considered to set his gun on fire, and he made a fire, which made him feel a little better.

Seeing Lin Rufei's angry look, Gu Xuan couldn't help laughing: "Why are you so angry?"

Lin Rufei said, "Looks upset."

Gu Xuan looked around and said thoughtfully: "This place is really not suitable for permanent residence." You don't see that there are luxurious decorations everywhere, but the whole yard is garish, and most of the colors are darker, which makes people unable to see. 's heart is desolate.

Lin Rufei sighed: "Fu Yu won't be back for more than ten days. I really don't feel comfortable giving this invitation to his family." These family members don't seem to be reliable, and this invitation is still handed over to Fu Yu. more secure in the hands.

Gu Xuandu said, "Yes, then how many days will you be here?"

Lin Rufei frowned: "It's better to live outside, if you give me such a call every day..."

Gu Xuan couldn't help laughing and said, "Then draw a sword and cut their heads!"

The two returned to their residence and saw Fuhua and Yurui playing with Momo. Momo's condition was much better than before. Although he was still hiding under the blanket, he didn't shiver anymore.

Seeing Lin Rufei's return with a smile, Fu Hua quickly got up and said, "Young master is back, why don't you look so happy?"

Lin Rufei shook her head to indicate that she was fine, and said, "Have you eaten?"

"I did. A servant brought some food in just now, and I also ate a lot of buns. If the young master thinks the food over there is not good, why don't I go and cook some porridge for you?" Two side dishes?" She was quite experienced, and at a glance she could see that Lin Rufei didn't move her chopsticks much.

Lin Rufei said, "Alright."

Fuhua and Yurui got up and went out, leaving only Lin Rufei and the well-behaved Momo in the room. Lin Rufei couldn't help but stretched out her hand and pinched his cheek, the steamed buns did not struggle when pinched, she just stared at Lin Rufei, blinking innocently at his big dark eyes.

Lin Rufei was so happy, she took out candy from her cuff, stuffed it into his mouth, and whispered, "Mom, don't tell my sister, my brother pinched you."

Momo gave a small hum and chewed the sugar in his mouth seriously.

Only then did Lin Rufei smile. Gu Xuandu saw Lin Rufei bullying the child next to him, and said sourly, "Is it comfortable to hold his face?"

Lin Rufei said, "It's not very comfortable." There was too little meat.

Gu Xuandu was refreshed: "Otherwise you come to pinch me, I'm sure it's more comfortable than him." Then he brought his beautiful face up and motioned Lin Rufei to start quickly.

Lin Rufei showed helplessness, saying that the seniors are hundreds of years old, can you not compare them with a little doll of a few years old. Gu Xuandu looked stunned for a moment, and then seemed to be struck by the words of a few hundred years old. He stared at Lin Rufei for a while without saying a word. Lin Rufei looked at him like this, and was reflecting on whether her words were a bit serious. Seeing that Gu Xuandu, the "stable" senior, stretched out his hand and pinched Momo's face with lightning speed.

Momo was still eating candy with bulging cheeks, and Gu Xuan had pinched a red handprint on his small face. He was pinched like this, but he didn't cry, it was just a little painful, a thin layer of water vapor had accumulated in his eyes, but after chewing two mouthfuls of sweet candy, the water vapor subsided, and he muttered to himself. It doesn't hurt or it hurts.

It happened that the maid Fuhua came in from outside, saw the red mark on Momo's face, and said, "Young master, you can do it lightly, the child's meat is tender, don't pinch it."

Lin Rufei was speechless and could only stare at the naive senior.

Gu Xuan laughed arrogantly and said, "Hey, it seems to feel good."

Lin Rufei whispered, "You are too dark."

Gu Xuandu said shamelessly: "I'm not trying hard."

Lin Rufei thought to herself who could bear the strength of yours. He is just a little boy of a few years old.

After Momo was full, he was sleepy again. Fuhua Yurui asked someone to bring hot water and gave him a simple bath. After washing it thoroughly, I found that the child was actually very cute. I didn't know what was covered on his face. If he hadn't washed it for a while, he wouldn't be able to see what he looked like, but his body was really thin, with his arms and legs. It looks like a straw, and the people who see it feel distressed.

Because there was no child's clothes, Momo wore a loose coat and was hugged by Fuhua, saying that he would sleep with her at night.

Lin Rufei also wanted to sleep with Momo, but there was a senior who was eyeing him. In order to avoid a few more red marks on Momo's face when she woke up the next morning, Lin Rufei had to let Momo float with her. spent. But the girl's heart is indeed much more meticulous than that of the man. Although the two of them are not married yet, they are all good-looking when taking care of the buns.

At this time, it was already dark, but the Fu family was still very lively. The sound of laughter and slapstick could be heard outside through the wall. Lin Rufei walked around the yard where she lived, and she always wondered what the yard looked like. How strange, but I couldn't find what was strange for a while. In the end, it was Gu Xuan who woke him up and said, "There is not a single grass in this yard, so naturally it will not be very comfortable to live in it."

Lin Rufei was stunned for a moment, only to realize that there were really no weeds in the entire yard, let alone trees.

"This is quite strange." Lin Rufei bent down, picked up a little soil, and after looking at it carefully, she wondered, "This soil doesn't look right." The black soil was mixed with some white granular particles. The thing, at first glance, looks a bit like salt, "Is it salt in the soil?"

Gu Xuandu said, "It seems so."

Lin Rufei wondered, "How can there be salt in the soil?"

Although this salt is not a rarity on their continent, it also needs to be bought with money. Who would deliberately sprinkle salt into the soil.

After thinking for a while, Gu Xuandu said, "I do know that a kind of soil will contain a lot of salt. After it rains, the salt in the soil will precipitate out and float to the ground."

Lin Rufei frowned, "Is there such a place?"

"Yes." Gu Xuandu said, "This kind of land is barren. Even the most tenacious weeds can't survive on it."

The reason for the lack of vegetation was found. Lin Rufei threw the soil in her hand and asked curiously, "Is it the only one where the soil in their yard is like this?"

Gu Xuandu shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

Lin Rufei planned to find a time tomorrow to leave Fu's house to take a look around. Anyway, there were still more than ten days before Fu Yu's return. If he stayed at Fu's house every day, he would be crazy.

In the middle of the night, the noise outside gradually subsided, and Lin Rufei lay on the couch and fell asleep.

After the summer, the weather is getting hotter day by day. As soon as the sun rises in the morning, it makes people feel its huge power. In addition, there is no green shade in the yard. It is really annoying for people who are hot.

Lin Rufei lost her appetite because of the weather and couldn't eat anything. She reluctantly drank half a bowl of gruel for breakfast and put her chopsticks away.

But even though he couldn't eat it, his appetite for buns was very good. Almost all the food left on the dinner table went into his stomach. If Lin Rufei hadn't stopped him, he might have been able to drink up the bottom of the pot. The small belly seems to be connected to something remarkable. It is already round, but it seems to be able to fit more inside.

After Lin Rufei had eaten, she made an excuse to walk the maids out of Fu's house. As for the steamed buns, they were put into a small pocket by floating flowers and brought out together.

On the street, the suffocating atmosphere of the Fu family finally eased a lot. Although the buildings on the roadside are still exaggerated, they are better than the Fu family's ancestral home.

Lin Rufei first went to the shop to buy a few small clothes that Momo could wear, found a corner and put them on for him, and then wanted to see if there were any interesting snacks around.

But to Lin Rufei's disappointment, the whole Zhuangzi walked down and did not see any interesting things. The shops sold either jade or silk, almost all of them valuables, and the places to eat were all formal. There is not a single hawker in the restaurant. To Lin Rufei, these things were really meaningless. After walking around, he was so bored that he found a tea house and ordered a few cups of tea to cool off the heat.

"What the hell is going on in Fujiazhuang? There's not even a snack." Lin Rufei had already begun to miss the maltose in Gusu City.

Gu Xuan agreed.

Fu Hua Yurui and the two were also too hot, and said, "It's not just snacks, this Fujiazhuang doesn't even have a tree."

"Not only are there no trees, but there are also no grasses." Lin Rufei drank tea, "It's like living in a desert."

"Yeah." Yurui said listlessly, "But looking outside Zhuangzi, the vegetation is very lush... And the crops are growing well, it's just separated by a wall, how can it be like this."

Lin Rufei shook her head, indicating that she didn't know.

Looking at the local steamed buns, they did not show any discomfort at all. They were drinking with relish while holding the tea bowl. The taste of this tea is actually not very good. , but obviously Momo is not an ordinary child. After eating enough hardship, he didn't feel any discomfort with this tea, and he had no problem drinking a cup of tea in one breath.

Lin Rufei looked at him drinking tea with puffed cheeks, her fingers suddenly itchy again, but since there was still a senior who liked to join in the fun, she didn't dare to extend her hand in the end.

"Why, the son is sleepy?" Fu Hua asked.

"It's a bit boring." Lin Rufei rubbed the corners of her eyes and said sullenly, "Is it too hot?"

"It seems to be a little hot," said Floating Flower. "I'll go and ask them for some ice later? Cool the house first?"

Lin Rufei nodded and said yes.

The Fu family's ancestral house was boring, and Zhuangzi was even more boring. Lin Rufei strolled around for a while, and when the sun was getting bigger and bigger, she went back.

Just on the way back, I saw a few chubby children playing in the corner of Fu's house. Judging from their clothes, they should also be from Fu's family, and their family background is good, wearing gorgeous silk and satin, with exaggerated jade pendants hanging around their waists. , there are several servants behind him.

Lin Rufei took a few more glances, and the servants also cast their gazes towards him. After seeing Lin Rufei, she smiled ingratiatingly and called Young Master Lin.

Lin Rufei was a little surprised. He said, "Oh? You know me."

"Isn't this a distinguished guest at home, the master told us to cheer up." The servant smiled to please.

"These children are also from the Fu family?" Lin Rufei asked casually.

"Yes, yes." The servant replied, "It is the son of the eldest young master Fuyu."

Lin Rufei said, "Fu Yu's child? Which one?"

The servant hesitated for a moment before replying in a low voice, "It's all..."

Lin Rufei was stunned for a moment. There were five children in this group, and they all looked about the same age. They were all children of Fuyu. This Fuyu was really amazing.

Seeing Lin Rufei's surprised expression, the servant had to explain, "Young Master Lin, you don't know, my eldest young master has a dozen wives in total... So..."

So it seems no surprise that five children were born at once.

Lin Rufei originally thought that Fu Yu, who was excellent in swordsmanship, would be a little different, but now after listening to the servant's words, his expectations for him instantly dropped to rock bottom. Most of the powerful swordsmen Lin Rufei knew were the persistent appearance of his second brother. Few people would be addicted to mortal things, but Fu Yu was an outlier among them.

But in the realm of others, Lin Rufei didn't bother to say anything, nodded and turned away.

"Married more than a dozen wives... It's amazing." Yu Rui was amazed, "If I had more than a dozen wives, what kind of sword would I still practice." She glanced at Lin Rufei and said with a wink, "Speaking of this "Young master is almost at the age to get married."

If the average person is in his twenties and has cultivated in the five realms, it is indeed time to start thinking about getting married, but Lin Rufei's situation is special, she is not in good health, and her family is pampered. If he wants a wife , I'm afraid that I can find a suitable one right away. If I don't want it, my family will definitely not force it.

"Let's talk about it." Lin Rufei was not interested in this, "I have time to spare..." It would be better to practice swordsmanship with Gu Xuan. Of course, Lin Rufei didn't say the last sentence.

The few children looked at Lin Rufei, an outsider, curiously. Their chubby faces were in stark contrast to Momo, but Lin Rufei didn't really want to have too much contact with the Fu family, so she didn't have a relationship with the children. They said hello and left.

Returning to the house under the scorching sun, Lin Rufei felt that she was sweating all over. After she had gone to ask for ice cubes, she asked Lin Rufei a bucket of clean water for bathing, just in time for Lin Rufei to clean it up. Body.

Momo climbed out of the bag and sat beside him obediently. Seeing that he was bored, Fu Hua took a piece of shortbread on the table and handed it to him to eat and play. With food, Momo could almost stay on that stool for a whole day. He wasn't hungry at the moment, and he didn't devour his food so much. He nibbled on the shortbread in small bites. He quietly stuffed it into his clothes. Fuhua and the others were busy and didn't see his action. If they did, they would probably feel distressed again.

After Lin Rufei took a bath, she changed into fresh clothes, and Yu Rui and the others wiped the sweat off her face. He looked at Momo and asked curiously, "Do Momo still remember his name?"

Momo looked at Lin Rufei blankly.

Lin Rufei said, "It's just a three-character name."

Momo stammered: "No, I don't remember."

Lin Rufei said, "Then who gave this name to Momo?"

Momo thought about it for a while before seriously saying, "Yes... Daddy took it..."

Lin Rufei said, "Father? Is your father still there?"

Momo nodded and shook his head again, his expression was very confused, he tilted his head in distress and said, "Daddy gave Momo... it's called... Momo."

These words were strange, but Lin Rufei understood it. It was probably because Momo's father put a piece of Momo in his arms when he left Momo, and named it after that. Momo was still so young. Not remembering these things is normal.

He was thinking so, when he heard Gu Xuan, who was standing beside him, sigh lightly.

"Senior, what's wrong?" Lin Rufei asked.

"This child probably has something to do with the Fu family." Gu Xuandu said.

"Why do you suddenly say that?" Lin Rufei asked curiously.

Gu Xuandu said: "Momo was shaking when he saw those children."

Lin Rufei said, "Trembling!?" He didn't notice this, he didn't expect Gu Xuandu to be so careful.

Gu Xuandu said, "If Momo didn't know those children, it shouldn't be this reaction."

When Lin Rufei heard this, her expression suddenly became serious. If Momo was really from the Fu family, then things would become a little more troublesome. He must have been sent out of Zhuangzi for some reason to let him fend for himself, and he brought the buns in so rashly. If he was seen by the Fu family, it would probably cause controversy...

The author has something to say: Gu Xuandu: I will pinch whoever you pinch

Lin Rufei: Really

Gu Xuandu: It must be true.

Lin Rufei stretched out her hand and pinched Gu Xuandu's cheek: I told you to bully other children—

Gu Xuandu: …