Cherry Blossoms Upon a Wintry Sword

Chapter 61: Killing hearts


The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and there was something else in their eyes when they looked at each other. However, there were too many people present, so Lin Rufei didn't want to talk to Gu Xuan. After looking at him for a while, she looked away, and then her eyes fell on the three who were crying in Bai Jinglun's arms. on the princess.

As soon as the shadow escaped from the third princess, she woke up, but after waking up, she shrank in Bai Jinglun's arms, crying into tears.

If it were someone else, Bai Jinglun would have been scolded by Bai Jinglun long ago, but it was the third princess who hurt him the most. The words of scolding came to his lips, but he still didn't want to say it, just stroking her head behind him, softly speaking After a long time of comfort, the little girl calmed down.

During this period, Bai Tian Rui and Xuan Qing stood by and watched silently, not daring to interrupt.

When the third princess had enough crying, Bai Jinglun took out a handkerchief, carefully wiped his daughter's tears, and said, "Mu Mu is no longer crying, it's all right. What happened, tell Daddy quickly."

Lin Rufei listened to the side with amusing, and thought that this Bai Jinglun was also partial. In the eyes of others, he was the father and emperor, but in the eyes of the third princess, he became a father.

The third princess was a little stunned, her eyes and nose were red, and her delicate face really looked pitiful. Lin Rufei remembered that Xuan Qing had said before that the appearance of these three princesses was very similar to her mother. Thinking about it this way, No wonder Bai Jinglun never forgets her.

"I... I don't remember clearly." The third princess rubbed her eyes and said sobbing, "That day, my brothers and I had a fight, and I felt sad, so I went to the imperial garden to be alone."

"And after that?" Bai Jinglun asked.

"My maid and I sat under the plum tree for a while, and the plum tree is the favorite of the mother and concubine." The third princess said, "I like to say a few words to the plum tree when I have anything on my mind. Who knows, Then there was a strong wind blowing, and I couldn't open my eyes, and after that, I didn't know anything." She was dazed, and she was really a poor innocent bunny who had been wronged.

Bai Jinglun said, "Why did you and your brothers quarrel?"

The third princess smiled reluctantly: "It's just... I want to go out to see the lights, but the brothers said it's not safe for girls to go out."

"Only these?" Bai Jinglun said.

The third princess bit her lower lip and held it for a while before she whispered with a crying voice: "They... said I was a wild breed."

"Bastard!" Bai Jinglun was instantly furious when he heard the words, his expression was extremely ferocious, "Who said that? Is your second brother or sixth brother?"

"The second prince said it first." The third princess said in despair, "Father, am I really not Concubine Mei's biological daughter? I am really..."

"Don't say that word!" Bai Jinglun gritted his teeth, his eyes turning red with hatred, "Okay, my good sons!"

The royal family attaches great importance to bloodline. The word "wild seed" is simply killing people. Judging from Bai Jinglun's expression, it is known that the two princes will suffer.

"It's not the first time they said it, right?" Bai Jinglun suddenly thought of something and asked again.

The third princess nodded dazedly and showed a weak smile: "I said... many times, but I thought they were jealous of my father and loved me, so I didn't take it to heart until... "

Bai Jinglun said, "Until what?"

The third princess didn't speak any more, but just threw herself into Bai Jinglun's arms and cried again.

Bai Jinglun touched her head and comforted her for a while before he said, "How did you feel when Mu Mu was in a coma?"

When the third princess heard the words, her cries gradually faded, her eyes wandered around the room, she paused slightly as she slid past Xuan Qing, but she quickly retracted her eyes, lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "I feel a bit, but That feeling is not clear..." She hesitated for a moment, showing a little apprehension, "Dad, when I was in a coma, did something happen in the palace?"

Bai Jinglun didn't hide it from her, and said directly: "Your second brother and sixth brother were almost strangled to death."

The third princess suddenly turned pale and became at a loss: "This... does this have something to do with me...?"

Bai Jinglun didn't say yes or no, just stroked the third princess' long hair and asked her to describe how she felt when she was in a coma. It was as if I had been pulled into a black swamp by something, and in it I couldn't move until I heard a sound..."

"What sound?" Bai Jinglun asked with a frown.

The third princess shook her head: "I only know the voice of a man, and I have never heard it before."

As soon as he heard the man's voice, Bai Jinglun's brows became even tighter, and he said, "What did he say?"

The third princess said: "He asked me...why I'm not happy..."

Bai Jinglun continued to listen.

"I told him about the quarrel with my brothers." The third princess said with difficulty, "I can't remember what happened after that. It seems to be flying in the sky, and it seems that I have seen many people in a blur. "

Bai Jinglun asked the third princess some details about her coma, but the three princesses answered vaguely. Seeing her confused and tired appearance, it didn't seem like she was lying. In the end, Xuan Qing spoke up and said, "Your Majesty, the princess' shadow has just returned to her place. You should have a good rest at this time. What's the matter? Why don't you ask again tomorrow?"

This is exactly what Bai Jinglun meant. There are indeed some conversations between their father and daughter that are not suitable for outsiders to hear. So in response to Xuan Qing's words, let the third princess have a good rest, and then got up and went out.

After going out, Bai Jinglun asked about the whereabouts of Xuan Qing's shadow, and Xuan Qing pointed to Lin Rufei, saying that the shadow had been sealed in Young Master Lin's sword intent, so that Bai Jinglun didn't have to worry.

Bai Jinglun nodded and sincerely thanked Xuan Qing. Xuan Qing waved his hand with a smile, saying that the sage is too polite, there is no need to care about such trivial matters.

After a few chats, they dispersed. Originally, Bai Jinglun insisted that they live in the palace, but Xuan Qing refused, so he had to send a carriage to send them back. They came out with Bai Tian Rui. From the beginning, the prince didn't speak much. He sat in the carriage with his eyes closed, and Xuan Qing laughed and teased him, saying how the prince became mute today.

Bai Tian Rui sneered: "Seeing the scene of their father's kindness and filial piety, I'm very tired."

Xuan Qing said: "I think you are jealous. Your brother has a bunch of children, and you can't even get a wife."

Bai Tian Rui stared: "I can't get it? I don't want to—" Then he looked at Lin Rufei with a smile, and asked Lin Rufei's age and whether it was a marriage.

Xuan Qing tutted, and looked at Bai Tian Rui with disgust: "Forget it, Young Master Lin has just reached the crown, you are a round older, and you can be called uncle, too embarrassed."

Tian Rui spat angrily.

The carriage arrived at the door of the inn, Lin Rufei went down first, but Bai Tian Rui grabbed Xuan Qing and said that he wanted to chat with him alone. Lin Rufei turned to leave knowingly and wisely, and when the two of them were left in the car, Xuan Qing sighed and asked Bai Tianrui what he wanted to talk about.

Bai Tian Rui stretched out his hand and pulled down the curtain of the car, the light in the car dimmed instantly, and their faces became blurred, Bai Tian Rui whispered: "You said, if my brother hadn't had that incident, what would have happened? Good or bad?"

"It's probably a good thing for Bai Jinglun himself." Xuan Qing said.

"What about Dajing?" Bai Tianrui asked again.

Xuan Qing said: "Didn't the prince already have the answer in his heart?"

Bai Tian Rui sneered: "Trouble."

Xuan Qing said: "The monk is leaving."

"Hey, monk, what are you doing in such a hurry." Bai Tian Rui smiled, "Obviously, I accompanied Mr. Lin for a night of drinking last night, but now I don't want to say a word to me."

Xuan Qing said: "That's different."

Bai Tianrui said, "What's different?"

Xuan Qing said: "Lin Gongzi is a friend of the monk."

Bai Tian Rui said: "What about me?"

Xuan Qing said: "It's just a passerby."

Tian Rui's face changed greatly when he heard the words, he reached out and grabbed Xuan Qing's collar, he said bitterly, "Monk, do you think you and I are just passersby?"

Xuan Qing looked at Tian Tian Rui calmly, the same as his usual eyes, but if you can see compassion in his eyes on weekdays, then at this moment, this compassion has a kind of indifference. It was as if the gods looked down upon all living beings, treating them like ants.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Tian Rui suddenly let go and returned to his usual cynical appearance. He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Forget it, what do I care about, you poor monk." He rushed Xuan Qing to get out of the car, and then went back to the palace alone.

Xuan Qing stood at the entrance of the inn for a long time, and the place to look back was always in the direction of the palace. It was not until Fuhua and Yurui who happened to be coming back from outside saw him standing at the door and greeted him, he smiled and nodded to the two of them, and then returned to the inn.

That night, there was a heavy rain in Dajing.

The rain in each season has its own unique flavor. The summer showers are violent and enthusiastic, come and go quickly, and the thick raindrops are crackling down, giving no chance to react at all.

Lin Rufei couldn't wait to return to the inn, and as soon as she entered the room, Gu Xuandu showed her figure.

"Senior, I haven't seen you for a long time." Lin Rufei said with a smile.

"What's wrong with your mouth?" Gu Xuandu noticed the two eye-catching wounds on the corners of Lin Rufei's mouth just now, but there were too many people present, and it was difficult to talk to Lin Rufei, so he didn't ask until now.

"Oh, this, it's just a minor injury." Lin Rufei waved her hand indifferently and described the process of her injury lightly. Unexpectedly, what he said was light, but Gu Xuandu's face was unpredictable, from anger at the beginning to embarrassment at the back, and finally a dry cough as if nothing had happened, "Oh, so it is."

Lin Rufei saw Gu Xuandu's face clearly, but she made a small mistake and asked innocently, "Is that the shadow of the senior? How did the shadow of the senior fall to Dajing? He also bewitched three Did the princess do something bad?"

Gu Xuandu: "...This may be a misunderstanding."

Lin Rufei said, "Misunderstanding?"

Gu Xuandu said: "My shadow has no self-thinking, and the fusion with the third princess is just an accident. Although the third princess sounds nice, she actually has her own thoughts. When her father asks, she will definitely shirk it."

Lin Rufei said, "Then her father believed it?"

Gu Xuandu said, "Do you believe it?"

Lin Rufei thought about it and said, "Five percent."

"Then her father will probably believe 60%." Gu Xuandu said, "The emperors are all human beings, how can they be so fooled." He said, sitting beside Lin Rufei, turned his head , and looked carefully at the wound on the corner of Lin Rufei's mouth. The wound was not too big, it was slightly red and swollen, and it was particularly annoying on Lin Rufei's pale lips. The more Gu Xuan looked at it, the more uncomfortable it became. Pressed on the corner of the mouth. His fingers were very icy, and it didn't hurt to press them, but Lin Rufei let out a hiss involuntarily.

Gu Xuan quickly put his hand away and said, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt." Lin Rufei shook her head.

"Does it really hurt?" Gu Xuan didn't believe it.

"It hurts a bit when I put it inside, but I really can't hold it." Lin Rufei didn't realize what was wrong with her words, "After all, something so big is hard..."

A suspicious blush appeared at the base of Gu Xuandu's ears.

Lin Rufei said, "Senior, why are your ears red?"

Gu Xuandu calmly said: "No, you are wrong."

"Really?" Lin Rufei pointed out the problem suspiciously, "I clearly saw it."

Gu Xuandu said, "It's all said that you read it wrong."

Lin Rufei: "I..." Gu Xuandu's face was covered in the middle of his words. Before he could react, he felt something wet covering the corners of his lips, when he realized that it was At some point, he stayed where he was: "Senior..."

Gu Xuan was still in the mood, and licked the corner of his lips: "Did Xiao Ji eat candy just now?"

Lin Rufei said, "I ate some." There were a lot of candies and cakes in the carriage. When he left the palace just now, he ate some.

"It's sweet." Gu Xuandu narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a good-looking smile, "It's very sweet."

Lin Rufei touched the corner of her mouth and muttered, "Is there sugar residue?"

"No." Gu Xuandu said, "I mean the little chives are much sweeter than those candies."

Lin Rufei stared, she really couldn't understand how Gu Xuan said such words so calmly. The worst thing was that he didn't even think something was wrong, seeing Gu Xuandu with a smile on his face. With his expression, some heat involuntarily appeared on his cheeks, and he uncomfortably moved his gaze away from Gu Xuan.

"Ahem, it's getting late, I'll rest first." Lin Rufei said, "Senior... let's rest early as well."

"Okay." Gu Xuandu smiled.

Lin Rufei went to bed after taking a shower. She was probably really tired. She let go of one thing and fell asleep.

Gu Xuandu listened to the pattering rain outside the window, and sighed in his heart, but got up and walked to the window, and disappeared into the room with a flash.

The rain was a little heavy, splashed on the eaves, and then flowed down the groove all the way down, and finally converged into small streams on the ground. After nightfall, a few oil lamps were lit in Tianjun's temple, not too bright, but enough to see things. This temple is the most beautiful and magnificent Tianjun Temple in Dajingli. Unfortunately, a sudden thunderstorm a few days ago ignited a fire, burning most of the temple. If you want to restore it to its original state, I am afraid it will take some time.

Gu Xuandu's footsteps stopped on the eaves of Tianjun Temple. He saw the sculpture of Tianjun in the temple. Gu Xuandu jumped into the temple, walked in front of the sculpture, and stared at the sculpture in front of him with the dim light.

"Tianjun." He called out this sentence in a low voice.

No one answered, the pattering rain between heaven and earth covered everything, he raised his hand and wanted to touch the statue, but the moment his fingers touched the statue, it passed from above. In the state of the spirit body, it is not easy to touch foreign objects, and it is still a god statue with incense. Gu Xuandu sighed in his heart, and was about to give up when he suddenly heard light footsteps behind him, and turned his head to look, but the monk Xuanqing, who should have been resting in the inn, suddenly appeared in front of the temple.

In the heavy rain, he only held an old oil-paper umbrella, and the rain splashed his shoulders, adding a dark shadow to the gray cassock. But Xuan Qing's expression was not embarrassed, he was still calm and gentle, and the law was strict. His footsteps also stopped in front of the sculpture, just beside Gu Xuandu.

"Tianjun." Xuan Qing smiled, "Long time no see."

If he hadn't known that he couldn't see him, Gu Xuan would have thought that the monk was greeting him, so he said lightly, "Long time no see."

Xuan Qing said, "It's raining heavily today, but unfortunately the small temple broke down a few days ago. You have to work hard to get a rain." He took out a hand towel from his cuff and carefully splashed the face of the statue of Tianjun. rainwater wipe clean.

Gu Xuandu folded his arms around his chest and looked at Xuan Qing silently.

"It's really fast, it's just a blink of an eye, and hundreds of years have passed." Xuan Qing said, "A lot of things are gone. What you planted together in the past... has now become a big tree, with branches and leaves." He said, a few raindrops fell from the leaking roof next to him, which happened to fall on the sculpture of Tianjun, like two crystal drops. tears.

Xuan Qing was silent for a while, then raised his umbrella to the ground and hung it directly in the air. Instead of holding an umbrella for himself, he raised the umbrella above the sculpture's head.

"When will you be back?" As if he was asking someone, and as if he was talking to himself, Xuan Qing murmured, his eyes penetrating Gu Xuandu's body.

Gu Xuandu replied, "Soon."

"Come back soon." Xuan Qing said, "Everyone misses you."

"Okay." Gu Xuan laughed, "I must... come back earlier."

The rain didn't stop completely until early morning.

When the temple guard woke up, the temple was empty. He yawned and took a rag, intending to wipe the wet statue of Tianjun first. He walked to the statue, scratched his head and said "strange". The statue of Tianjun was actually clean, with no water stains on it, as if someone had carefully scrubbed it.

It rained last night, but it was still sunny today. The warm sunlight came in through the crack of the window early and fell right on Lin Rufei's face. He opened his eyes blankly and saw Gu Xuandu sitting on the edge of the bed, resting on his chin with his hands.

Lin Rufei sat up from the bed, a slight movement woke Gu Xuandu, he yawned slightly, and said, "Xiao Jiu, good morning."

"Good morning." Lin Rufei greeted him, noticed something, and pointed to the ground, "Senior, do you have a shadow?"

Gu Xuandu said: "Isn't this bothering Xiao Jiu to help me find it back?"

Gu Xuan had no shadow before, but Lin Rufei was not surprised. After all, Gu Xuan had no entity, so it was strange to have a shadow.

"Can the others see Senior?" Lin Rufei asked hurriedly.

Gu Xuandu shook his head: "No way."

Lin Rufei said, "Then... how can I see it?"

Gu Xuandu said, "I still need to find some more important things."

Lin Rufei snorted and calculated, "I found an eye and a shadow." Then she looked at Gu Xuandu, "It seems that there are still a lot of things missing."

Gu Xuandu smiled and said, "You."

I don't know if it was because of Gu Xuandu's return, Lin Rufei felt much better, and even took a few more bites of breakfast. But who knew that when the maids saw Lin Rufei's appearance, not only were they not happy, but instead they looked sad.

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Rufei understood what the maids were worrying about - as soon as Gu Xuandu came back, he made the same mistake of talking to himself again. Not only was it a crime this time, it was serious, and he was talking all morning.

Thinking of this, Lin Rufei hurriedly sent a letter to Wan Yao, vaguely explaining her current situation, saying that she was not suffering from hysteria, and asked Wan Yao to stop prescribing medicine for the maids, he was really afraid It's stupid to drink medicine by yourself.

Xuan Qing's side was about to enter the palace again. Originally, Lin Rufei felt that she had nothing to do with herself, but who knew that he would insist on dragging herself, saying that she was afraid that Lin Rufei would be bored in the inn alone.

God knows that Lin Rufei didn't feel bored at all. He was busy with the affairs in the palace, and he didn't finish visiting the entire Lantern City, which was a pity.

However, Xuanqing didn't let go of life and death, and just dragged Lin Rufei into the carriage. Lin Rufei couldn't twist him, so she could only follow.

At this time, the culprit of the princes' victims has been found, and the guards inside are not as strict as they were a few days ago. However, the atmosphere was still not very good. Lin Rufei was still very strange. Seeing that he was unclear, Xuan Qing had to sigh and wake up Lin Rufei.

He said, "If you are the queen, you know that the emperor has found the murderer, but you don't know who the murderer is. Would you like to?"

Lin Rufei said, "I don't seem to want to."

"Yes, yes!" Xuan Qing said, he shook his head and sighed, "This matter of the royal family is troublesome." It seems that he does not want to participate, but there is really no way. So he just got involved with Lin Rufei and asked him to be bored with him.

Today in the palace, I didn't see Bai Tian Rui, Lin Rufei asked a question, Xuan Qing also answered casually, but Lin Rufei was stunned.

Xuan Qing said: "Maybe she was dumped by a certain girl and got married in a fit of rage."

Lin Rufei started to think he was joking.

The murderer was found, and the palace became lively. It was very pleasing to see many palace maids dressed in fancy clothes walking around on the roadside.

Lin Rufei and Xuan Qing arrived at the imperial garden where they had made an appointment with the emperor, but they didn't see the emperor himself. They only saw the princess sitting in the pavilion alone, eating ice-cold purple grapes. A bit of a tired smell, but it still provokes pity.

But Lin Rufei has seen too many beauties. Gu Xuandu alone has never seen anyone more beautiful than him, so he did not change his expression and followed Xuan Qing to the opposite side of the princess.

"Hello Master Xuanqing." The third princess greeted Xuanqing with a smile.

"Hello, the third princess." Xuan Qing responded, "Why didn't you see the saint?"

"The sage was called by the queen." The third princess said, "Do you think the royal father will blame me?"

Xuan Qing said: "It should not be."

The third princess propped her chin and said, "That's really good." She chewed the grape seeds in her mouth a little boringly, but she didn't think it was bitter, "I knew I should be more ruthless." She squinted her eyes. , "You said yes, Master Xuanqing?"

Xuan Qing, however, was not at all surprised by the changes in the demeanor of the three princesses, and still said gently to Amitabha. It was Lin Rufei who discovered that the third princess was not a good thing.

The author has something to say: Lin Rufei: Is the corner of my mouth sweet

Gu Xuandu: Sweet and sweet.

Lin Rufei: You tore it up.

Gu Xuandu: …