Cherry Blossoms Upon a Wintry Sword

Chapter 68: Ye tapir


In this world, there are still people who dare to sell the eggs of the Seven Kings of Bue, which sounds very strange.

Just compared to the curious look on Lin Rufei's face, after hearing He Jitian's words, Taoist Chen really turned ashen, with two wars, sweat covered his entire face, and he was looking at He Jitian's unkind gaze. Next, stammered the whole thing out.

It turned out that a few dozen days ago, a young man suddenly came to their Taoist temple and said he wanted to sell them something. Taoist Chen didn't take this man to heart until the man put what he wanted to sell in front of them.

"Patriarch of the He family, you know, demon eggs are the best of the best in cultivation, and they have always been hard to come by." Taoist Chen rubbed his hands together, but his tone was a little embarrassed, he whispered, "This demon looks like a Good stuff... I... I just bought it."

"How much did you spend?" He Jitian asked.

Taoist Chen sneered and stretched out three fingers.

He Jitian said, "Three hundred gold?"

"No... No..." Taoist Chen whispered, "Three copper coins."

He Jitian immediately rolled his eyes rudely and said, "You dare to buy it." Just as Chen Daoshi said, these days, monster eggs have always been unattainable things. Not to mention three hundred gold, even if you double it, you may not be able to buy it. As for the price of three copper plates, it is clear that he is telling Taoist Chen that this monster is a troublesome thing, and Taoist Chen has the courage to take it over.

Taoist Chen also knew that he was wrong, and laughed with a guilty conscience, saying that he didn't think that the person didn't understand the market, and even if it was a troublesome thing, he would have to go back when the time came. He thought it was beautiful at first, but when it really fell on him, he couldn't bear it.

He Jitian sneered and said, "If that's the case, why didn't you tell me about it at first?"

Chen Daoshi did not speak for a long time.

Seeing this scene, He Jitian waved his hand at Taoist Chen in disgust, and said, "Leave the things, you go first."

Taoist Chen hesitated.

"What else do you want to say?" He Jitian squinted at him with an impatient attitude.

"Just..." Taoist Chen said, "He family master, if this is the egg of the demon king, wouldn't it be bad to just return it like this?"

He Jitian said: "What do you mean?"

"Those demons are not good things." Chen Daoshi waved his hand, with a look of justice and awe, "Just returning his eggs like this, doesn't it enhance the strength of the demons!"

He Jitian smiled and said, "What Daochang Chen said is not without reason."

Taoist Chen was about to be happy when he heard He Jitian add another sentence: "If that's the case, then how about I give this opportunity to Taoist Chen for the heaven?"

Taoist Chen shut up for a moment, saying that he still has something to do, so he said goodbye. After speaking, he left in a hurry, as if he was afraid that He Jitian would hold him and hold him responsible.

He Jitian watched him close the door, spit on the ground, and scolded in dialect: "Kill your grandson, Xiong Bi..." After scolding, he was surprised to realize that Lin Rufei was still there, and laughed busyly. : "Don't be surprised, Young Master Lin, I'm a rude person, and I like to say a few foul words."

Lin Rufei blinked: "What does Xiongbi mean?"

He Jitian didn't expect Lin Rufei to ask such a question. He was stunned for a while, and then he said, "It's just... Describe a person as a bear?" To be honest, after scolding people for so many years, who would care what the swear words meant? .

Lin Rufei looked thoughtful, Gu Xuan next to Lin Rufei saw the expression of his little lily, and wanted to reach out and plug Lin Rufei's ears, don't let his words stain his little son. ear.

"Then what is Patriarch He going to do now?" Lin Rufei continued to ask, ignoring Gu Xuandu.

Patriarch He sighed and rubbed his head: "What else can I do? I stole someone's egg and was called by someone, so of course I have to return it. Although he is a demon, if he really pissed him off, Let him make a scene here, and there will be countless mortals involved."

If a king-level demon started killing people on the human territory, the number of casualties would definitely be in the tens of thousands, and in this matter, they were still in the wrong. The demon didn't lose his mind, but just blocked the way to enter and leave the Taoist temple. In this case, there should be room for manoeuvre in this matter.

Lin Rufei thought so, and set her eyes on the monster egg that seemed ordinary at first glance. This monster egg is snow-white in color, and its shape is like a big egg, and there is nothing special about it. It was the first time that Lin Rufei saw a demon's egg, so she was curious and asked He Jitian if she could touch it.

"Touch it, just touch it." He Jitian waved his hand and said indifferently, "The devil's egg is hard, and ordinary weapons can't even break its skin, let alone the devil king's egg, this egg is nothing but freehand. That kid, I'm afraid it will take two or three swords to break it..."

Lin Rufei felt relieved when she heard the words, stretched out her hand and gently rubbed the demon egg. The shell of the demon egg is not as smooth as it looks, but rather rough. After careful observation, it is found that there are layers of fine scales on the skin, and the temperature is extremely low to the touch, even in this hot summer. , also very cold.

Lin Rufei was very interested in touching, but suddenly there was a crisp sound in his ear. At first, he thought he heard it wrong, until his fingers touched a gap, and his smiling face suddenly froze.

"Patriarch He..." Lin Rufei called softly.

The head of the He family sat opposite Lin Rufei and did not see what happened on Lin Rufei's side. He was still shaking the huge fan to fan himself, mumbling to let He Zhiyi give the egg to the monster later. Wang brought it over and ended the matter early. Hearing Lin Rufei calling him, she immediately raised her head with a smile and said, "Young Master Lin, what's the matter?"

Lin Rufei's throat moved slightly, and she said in a trembling voice, "This monster... is indestructible, right?"

The head of the He family was at a loss: "Yes."

"Then what if." Lin Rufei considered her words carefully, and said carefully, "What if it breaks by itself?"

Patriarch He was stunned, the two looked at each other, and they were silent for a long time, and it was unknown how long it took. Patriarch He obviously realized something from this deadly silence, his eyes widened slightly, and there was a little panic inside, saying: : "Lin, Young Master Lin, don't joke around."

Lin Rufei forced a smile and said, "I... I'm not kidding."

The words fell, and the previously inaudible crisp sound suddenly became louder. With a crisp click, the white demon egg in front of him was split in half, and a pair of blood-red eyes appeared in the eggshell. Soft cry.

The head of the He family and Lin Rufei were both dumbfounded. They watched helplessly as a small sticky thing slowly crawled out of the broken white demon egg. The little thing was shaped like a newborn kitten with snow-white fur.

Seeing such a thing, He Jitian, who had been standing still for a long time, finally reacted, and he shouted: "Lin Gongzi!! Don't look into its eyes!!" However, his words seemed to be too late, Lin Ru Fei's eyes were already on the thing.

Those red eyes, because they had just opened, still had a dazed taste, but soon, this dazedness turned into joy and longing, and the little thing clumsily crawled out of the eggshell, crooked towards Lin Rufei came over, opened her mouth, and let out a sticky cry.

He Jitian let out a roar of remorse, and said another swear word that Lin Rufei couldn't understand, and said with a miserable smile: "This goddamn Daoist Chen, actually still put me here—his grandma's legs—"

Lin Rufei was inexplicable.

Seeing that Lin Rufei still had an unsure look on her face, Gu Xuan, who was beside him, slowly said with a smile, he said, "Xiao Jiu has never seen a demon before, right?"

Lin Rufei turned to look at him.

"Like these powerful monsters, they all have one characteristic." Gu Xuandu said warmly, "That is, when he comes out of the egg, he will recognize the first person who makes eye contact with it as his mother."

Lin Rufei: "..."

As soon as Gu Xuandu finished explaining, the wobbly little kitten on the table bit the corner of Lin Rufei's clothes with his mouth and raised his big watery eyes.

"It's over, it's over—" He Jitian grabbed his hair and said, "It's over!!!" Seeing Lin Rufei standing still, he quickly explained the monster's habits to Lin Rufei again. Lin Rufei fell into a long silence.

Seeing that Lin Rufei was ignoring him, the little thing's face collapsed, sobbing and crying. It looked like a cat, and even its voice was similar to that of a cat. most of my heart.

However, He Jitian, who heard this voice, was like a tiger whose tail had been stepped on. He almost jumped up from the ground and shouted, "Young Master Lin, Young Master Lin, quickly pick it up!"

Lin Rufei said, "Huh?"

"Hurry up and stop it!" He Jitian said, "It is connected with the bloodline of the Great Demon. If it continues to scream, I am afraid that the Great Demon will have to be found!!"

Lin Rufei had no choice but to stretch out her hand and pick up the kitten. Don't look at such a big egg, this little thing is only a tiny bit in size, and it is very light to handle. If it weren't for those special red eyes, I'm afraid it would really Recognized as an ordinary kitten. Because it was too small, Lin Rufei couldn't help but tiptoe a little, for fear of hurting it. Fortunately, the kitten was very natural. After finding a comfortable position in Lin Rufei's palm, she pressed it against Lin Rufei's hand. fell asleep. Before going to bed, he didn't forget to smack his lips and hum twice with satisfaction.

This scene should have made people feel soft, but He Jitian seemed to have seen a monster. He was so frightened that his head was covered in sweat. Only after heaving a sigh of relief, he gritted his teeth and insulted Taoist Chen again.

"Then what should I do now?" Lin Rufei stared at the little thing in her palm.

"Now?" He Jitian frowned and looked at the cat in Lin Rufei's hand, as if he was looking at a hot potato, "... just... I might have to trouble Young Master Lin, and I will go with Freehand tomorrow, I hope that The big demon is reasonable, don't be too angry." He said this, obviously he didn't have a clue in his heart, and after thinking about it, he added, "If you're angry, there's nothing you can do, you can only let Freehand beat him back. ."

Lin Rufei was suddenly dumbfounded, wondering why she had returned to the original method.

He Jitian said a few more words to Lin Rufei, probably telling him to be careful about this little thing, first, don't hurt it, and second, don't be hurt by it. Lin Rufei listened carefully to He Jitian's words, but the little thing in her hand became impatient. After humming and chirping a few times, she pouted and faced He Jitian, as if she was disgusting him for being noisy. Seeing this scene, He Jitian didn't dare to say anything more, so he frowned and called someone to send Lin Rufei back, saying that he would discuss with He Xiyi about tomorrow's affairs.

Lin Rufei had no choice but to carry the little demon back to her house.

As soon as he entered the room and sat down, the little demon began to call out in a low voice. Lin Rufei was a little at a loss, but Gu Xuandu said with great interest, "It's hungry."

Lin Rufei said, "Senior knows very well about demons?"

"I went to Bue back then." Gu Xuandu said, "So I know a little bit."

Lin Rufei said, "Then it's so small, what can it eat? I'll ask Fu Hua to find some goat milk?"

Gu Xuandu said: "No, the demon is not so squeamish, just ask your maid to bring half a slice of beef."

Lin Rufei asked curiously, "Half a fan, so much? Has it finished eating?"

Gu Xuandu said with a smile: "There is not enough to eat, but there is not enough to eat."

Since Gu Xuan was so sure, Lin Rufei called Fu Hua to ask her to fetch half a slice of beef, and specifically told her to ask for fresh. Although Fu Hua didn't know what Lin Rufei wanted the beef to do, she still went out obediently and returned with half a steak in a short while.

I don't know if I smelled the bloody smell of ribs, and the kitten hummed even more. Lin Rufei originally wanted to cut the meat and feed it to the cat's mouth, but Gu Xuan asked him to put the cat directly on top of the beef. Lin Rufei hesitated for a moment, but did as Gu Xuandu said. Just looking at the appearance of the little thing with no teeth, I don't know how to eat it.

Lin Rufei was thinking about it when she saw the little thing opened its mouth contentedly and began to lick the beef hard. Its pink tongue was covered with a layer of fine thorns, and this layer of thorns pierced the beef. It was shaved directly from the bone, and it was eaten into the mouth with satisfaction. Lin Rufei stared at him and said, "If you lick someone..."

Gu Xuandu said with a smile: "On the Continent of Fear, the strong are always respected. Even such a young child will die quickly if he does not have a strong ability to survive."

But in the blink of an eye, the cat boy really swallowed half of the beef, and after showing a satisfied look on his face, he began to hum at Lin Rufei again, trying to get close to Lin Rufei.

Lin Rufei simply cleaned the blood stains on its body with water, and felt that the kitten's hair was indeed different from that of ordinary animals. It looks soft, but it actually has a toughness, and it is very smooth and soft, and the blood is stained and wiped off. I don't know if it was Lin Rufei's illusion, but he always felt that the full-fed kitten grew bigger, and his eyebrows and eyes became clearer.

Lin Rufei listened to its humming sound, took it into her arms, and asked Gu Xuandu what kind of demon cub this is.

Gu Xuan held his chin and touched the cat's head with his fingers: "Looking at the appearance, it should be Ye Tapir's cub." The kitten was touched by Gu Xuan, but it was very unhappy and barked twice. , raised his head and bit Gu Xuandu's finger. Lin Rufei was startled when she saw it, but saw that Gu Xuan pulled out her finger without caring at all, flicked it on the cat's head, and elicited two grunts of grievance, and then said slowly, "But this kind of Demons are the most protective of their cubs, and they will definitely be unhappy when they know that their son recognizes someone else as a parent."

Lin Rufei said embarrassedly, "If I had known, I wouldn't join in the fun."

Gu Xuandu smiled and said, "There are other people in your absence. If this little thing recognizes He Jitian as his father..."

Lin Rufei remembered He Jitian's rough appearance, then looked at the little thing less than the size of a palm, and sighed, "But this is too coincidental."

Gu Xuandu was thoughtful: "It's a coincidence."

The well-fed kitten opened her mouth and yawned, then fell asleep again. Lin Rufei originally wanted to put it on the bed, but who knew that as long as it was a little further away from her, it would keep barking. Because of He Jitian's advice to Lin Rufei before, he had to sit beside the bed and accompany the cat.

Gu Xuandu disliked the kitten very much, and regardless of Lin Rufei's obstruction, he reached out and grabbed the back of the cat's neck, and threw it to the corner of the bed.

Seeing this, Lin Rufei hurriedly told Gu Xuan to stop bullying the child. Gu Xuan clicked his tongue and said, "Child? This monster may be older than you." He also said that monsters like Ye Tapir have always been dawdling. , it will take more than a hundred years to conceive, and it will take at least twenty years to hatch when an egg is born.

Lin Rufei said, "No wonder the number of demon clans is so rare."

"The way of heaven has its own laws. Although the demon clan is arrogant, it is actually difficult to reproduce. The Ye Tapir can be the Seven Kings of Bie'e, which is naturally unique." Gu Xuandu casually talked about the secrets of another continent. , "It's just that the higher the level of the demon, the more difficult it is to have children, hum, like this little guy, he can't come out without five or six hundred years of hard work."

The little guy was thrown to the bed by Gu Xuandu just now, and he was trying his best to scream at Gu Xuandu, but unfortunately his voice was milky and didn't sound threatening. Probably aware of his futility, the little guy looked at Lin Rufei with tears in his eyes, as if he was asking for help.

Lin Rufei felt a little soft in her heart when she saw it, so she hugged the little guy, scratched its chin, and stopped it from screaming, and said with a headache: "That precious little thing , if his parents see that he recognizes me... Wouldn't it be a hassle?"

Gu Xuandu said: "It's more than troublesome. Although Ye Tapir has a mild temperament among demons, I'm afraid he won't be able to calm down when he encounters such a thing."

Lin Rufei was distressed: "What should I do then?"

Gu Xuandu said with a smile: "But what's the point of it, you don't have to worry about being swallowed in one bite. When that time comes, stand a little further away, and if you don't join in the fun, there shouldn't be anything wrong."

Lin Rufei was relieved.

The little guy nestled in Lin Rufei's arms contentedly, sucking Lin Rufei's thumb with relish. Originally, Lin Rufei was worried that his tongue would be too sharp and would cut himself, but who knows that the little guy was only born. After a few hours, he was able to control his body perfectly, and when he was licking Lin Rufei, he could easily withdraw the spikes on his tongue.

Lin Rufei scratched its head, feeling more and more like a cute kitten.

Lin Rufei slept well that night, but the next day, He Jiyi came early, and her frowning appearance was somewhat similar to yesterday's He Jitian. Lin Rufei had just woken up and had not changed her clothes yet. She was drinking the rice porridge brought by Fu Hua. Seeing his expression, she couldn't help but be happy: "Why does it look like this?"

He Zhiyi sighed and said that he didn't expect that this matter would involve Young Master Lin, and he also asked Young Master Lin to accompany me on a trip.

Lin Rufei said: "It's okay, even if this Ye Tapir sees its child recognize me, I'm afraid it will be angry..."

"Just get angry, what else can I do." He Jiyi had a headache, "It's always necessary to return the cub, otherwise we will raise him for him."

That's the truth, Lin Rufei nodded and said, "Then I'll go with you when I go to change my clothes."

"I've troubled Young Master Lin." He Shiyi sighed.

The weather was equally hot today, so Lin Rufei changed into a thin coat and went out with He Jiyi. The kitten was tucked into his arms, it seemed to be hungry again, humming and chirping, because it was morning, Lin Rufei fed him some meat, thinking that it would be sent back later, and there was no such thing as He fed too much, so he was sucking at Lin Rufei's fingers in dissatisfaction. At first glance, it looked very cute—if he didn't know what his parents looked like.

The weather was really too hot. He Xianyi was afraid that Lin Rufei would suffer from heat stroke, so he went to ask for a carriage, put on a bamboo hat, and sat outside to drive the carriage.

On the way, I chatted with Lin Rufei about the future, and said that Lin Rufei would not have to go there later, just wait in the carriage next to him, he was afraid that he would fight with the big demon at that time. He originally wanted to say that it would be bad to be afraid of hurting Lin Rufei, but when the words came to his lips, he remembered that he seemed to be on a par with Lin Rufei, so he changed the word abruptly: "I am implicated. Young Master Lin is not good."

Lin Rufei listened with joy.

The carriage went down the mountain and went straight to the mountain road where the big demon was located. At the entrance of the mountain road, He Shuyi took the kitten from Lin Rufei's hand and was about to leave, but the kitten let out a shrill cry. , ooh, ooh, screaming, tears streaming down my eyes, it looks really pitiful.

When Lin Rufei was called by it like that, her heart softened for the most part. She originally wanted to say whether she should go with He Jiyi, but Gu Xuandu held his hand and shook her head at him, saying, "Don't go, sir. If the demon sees its young son so close to you, it will definitely be unhappy."

Lin Rufei thought about it too, so she had to give up.

The kitten was wrapped in He Zhiyi's hand, and struggled constantly, but could not break free, Lin Rufei looked at He Zhiyi's back, plainly gave birth to a kind of melancholy, propped her chin and said, "I find that I like it quite a bit. children's."

Gu Xuandu said, "Do you like children?"

Lin Rufei said, "Yes."

Gu Xuan looked at Lin Rufei up and down and fell silent.

After a while, Lin Rufei noticed that Gu Xuan didn't answer any more, and asked, "What do you think?"

Gu Xuan gave him a serious look: "Nothing."

Lin Rufei: "... Really nothing?"

Gu Xuandu said, "Well, Xiao Jiu is still too weak."

Lin Rufei: "?"

Gu Xuandu said: "It should be almost the same after making up."

Lin Rufei was at a loss, completely ignorant of what Gu Xuan was talking about, what to make up for it? What happened to him, he needs to make up for it again