Child of Light

Chapter 22: Xiaojin grows up


"Boss, boss." Mark came to me just as I was about to go to class.


"Boss, I found out who hit me yesterday." Mark said breathlessly.

"Who is it?" Mark's words aroused my interest.

"Boss, it seems I still have hope. The boy yesterday is the girl's eldest brother. Haha, it seems I still have hope." Mark said excitedly.

"Oh! Really? That's good. You don't want to take revenge?"

"Of course I won't retaliate. How can I hit my future brother-in-law, hehe!!"

"What! You haven't even written your horoscope yet! What grade are they in?"

Mark seemed a little discouraged when he heard me ask this.

"That girl is okay. She is a third-year student who is two years older than us, majoring in the water system. Her brother is one of the most influential figures in the college. He is the top student in the fourth grade. He majors in the fire system. He is said to be one of the top ten masters in the school. One of them!”

"Wow, then you still dare to provoke my sister. I really admire your courage." I said happily.

"The power of love is great, I must persist, persistence is victory."

Look at Mark's enthusiastic face. I smiled and said, "Then go for it, don't get beaten to death. Hehe!"

"I hate it, you actually discouraged me. Go to class quickly."

While listening to the teacher's lecture, I kept an eye on Mark and saw that he seemed to be planning something. He frowned and giggled for a while, which was quite funny. I rolled up a paper ball and hit it. He was excited and pouted at me. I just I was stunned when I heard the teacher say: "Classmate Changgong, please answer this question."

"Ah! Oh, yes"

"What is long-distance teleportation magic?" The teacher deliberately made things difficult for me because I didn't pay attention to the lecture.

Haha, I actually asked this. I calmed down.

"Long-distance teleportation magic is based on space magic. It uses magic arrays to increase the distance of transfer, open a virtual channel in space, and transfer people in the magic array to another place. Advanced space magic. The hit rate is very low, and it is generally not used by magicians who have very high magic control." I answered the question quickly and looked back at Mark proudly.

"Okay, sit down. Mr. Changgong answered very well, but you should pay attention to the lectures in the future."

I said a little embarrassedly: "Yes, teacher."

After being warned by the teacher, I didn't dare to be distracted anymore. After listening to the class all morning attentively, I was so tired that I wanted to go to bed immediately.

I managed to stay up until noon. Just after eating with Mark, this kid went to start his plan to pick up girls. This kid is really precocious. I have to go back and take a nap, otherwise I will have dark circles under my eyes, which will damage my heroic image.

After a good sleep, I felt that my whole body was filled with light elements. Although I couldn't grow any more, it still felt good to be full of energy. I opened the curtains and looked outside. Wow, it's already night, and I slept for a long time. No, I have to go have dinner quickly, or it will be gone.

The cafeteria I quickly ran to was not bad. Although the students' dinner was in the final stage, there was still some food for sale. I quickly ordered a dinner for three people. It was like a strong wind sweeping fallen leaves.

"Wow, this one is a light-type loser. Look, he can eat a lot."

"Yeah, like a pig."

There was a burst of laughter and whispers from behind me. *, it’s really annoying to care how much people eat, ignore them, who makes us good-tempered, I speed up the sweep, and after eating, I ran to the old man in the white magic robe I met last time, and I summoned Xiao Jin.

This kid eats no less than me. What I eat is rice, and what he eats is the light element that I worked so hard to gather! (Is it very hard? It seems like you got it from sleeping!)

Wow, he’s growing up really fast. He’s not in vain. “You’re such a little ricer, you’re so good at eating!” Xiao Jin rubbed it on my hand. His body is now three times that of when he was just born. More than two feet long and as thick as a small water cup.

"Let me see if you have made any progress recently!"

As I said that, I started to give orders to Xiao Jin in my mind. It was really good. I didn't eat so many light elements in vain. Now Xiao Jin can use all the primary light magic that I can use, but it seems that it can't pick up the light element from the air on its own. Absorb light elements. (Note: Growth-type phantoms grow very quickly in the early stages and can learn all the magic their master knows. Level-type phantoms can only learn magic that meets their level and below. The phantoms can still grow to a certain extent. Certain physical attacks.)

I happily took Xiao Jin back into my body, "Xiao Jin, let's go back and go to sleep. You must grow up well!"

My figure gradually faded, and the old magician from last time came out from behind a tall tree, "This kid's phantom beast doesn't seem to be an ordinary growth-type phantom beast. It grows too fast. I don’t know what special abilities he has, but this kid will definitely have a bright future in the future. I must make him my disciple, hehe! "How disrespectful!"

Not knowing that I was being plotted against, I returned to the dormitory, and Lu Mao was also there.

"Longbow, it was my fault last time, don't be angry!" Lu Mao said tentatively to me.

"It's okay. Just don't trouble me again. I'm going to sleep."

"Longbow, I heard that your friend Mark was beaten today. It seems to be quite miserable!"

"Ah! Really, thank you Lumao, I'll go see him." Putting aside my sleepiness, I hurried to the next door.

Wow, it’s even worse than yesterday, isn’t it

"Mark, why don't you ask the school's therapy teacher to help you treat it?"

"Boss, you're here. I don't dare. I'm afraid of being expelled. If you have a private fight in school, you'll be expelled (public competition is fine)."

"What do you want me to say about you! Great light element, as your friend, I ask you to save the creatures in front of you." Although I snorted at Mark's persistent pursuit, he is my brother after all. How can I How can I just stand up and do nothing! This kid will have a better memory this time. But the first words Mark said immediately broke my mind.

"Boss, boss, thank you. She told me her name today."

I fell madly. I looked at him like a monster.

"Boss, don't you look at me like that?"

"Why did she hit you when she told you your name?"

"Haha, I heard his brother tell her to know. Hey, his brother said that I was looking for her and he broke my legs. It seems that I have to wait. It's not good to have no legs. Boss, do you have treatment for broken legs? Method? ?" Mark looked like an idiot at me. Fortunately, the other people in their dormitory didn't come back, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see anyone without such an idiot brother.

A scream came from Mark's dormitory.

"Boss, stop fighting. I was wrong. Please spare me..."

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