Child of Light

Chapter 28: Learn from a teacher


When I woke up again, I was in a very simple bedroom. This is where Xiao Jin is. How is Xiao Jin? I quickly took a look inside, and fortunately, although Xiao Jin seemed to be sleeping, I could clearly feel its active vitality. My little Jin, you finally came to life, and my tears flowed down unconsciously.

Now I feel so at ease, and I really don't care at all about losing half of my life force.

The door rang, and the old magician came closer.

"you're awake?"

"Yes! Where is this?"

"This is my dormitory. You can just relax and recuperate here. If you are hungry, I will get you something to eat."

"Thank you." I am really grateful to this old magician. Without him, Xiao Jin would not have been able to come back to me.

After a while, the old magician brought a lot of food to me. I wolfed it down until I was full. If I was in a good mood, I would naturally have a good appetite. It tasted delicious when I ate it, haha.

"Eat slowly, don't choke."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"It's been seven days."

"Ah! It took so long!" I said in surprise.

"This is pretty quick. You have learned magic very well. According to my estimation, it will take you more than ten days to wake up!"

"No wonder I'm so hungry. I slept for so long. By the way, I haven't asked you your name yet!"

"My name is Lalon Dee."

"My name is Longgong Wei."

"I want to ask you a question I've asked before. Are you willing to become my master and learn light magic from me and inherit my legacy?" The old magician brought up the old matter again.

I thought about it for a moment. "I do,"

"I'm not blackmailing you because I helped you save the phantom beast. You have to think clearly. I hope you do it voluntarily."

"Teacher Di, I volunteered. I feel that you are very strong, and I am willing to learn from you. From this lesson, I know that I am really weak, and I hope to become stronger."

"Then why do you want to become stronger?" Teacher Di asked me with interest.

"I want to use my own strength to protect my family and my friends." I answered firmly.

"Very good, I will accept you as my disciple. You are my only disciple and my last disciple." Teacher Di was very satisfied with my answer.

"You are so strong, why don't you have any disciples?" I asked strangely.

Teacher Di sighed, "There are too few people who are willing to learn light magic now, and even fewer with good qualifications. This is why I insist on accepting you as my disciple."

"Then you don't need to test me? I heard from my former teacher that powerful magicians have to go through many tests before accepting apprentices."

"Silly boy, this phantom beast incident is my best test for you."

"Thank you, teacher. I will definitely learn magic from you seriously in the future. I was very lazy before, but this bloody lesson has awakened me. Only with strength can I protect others and myself."

"Your idea is very good, just like a little adult." Teacher Di couldn't help but smile.

"Teacher, when will we start studying?"

"Look at how anxious you are. It seems that you really want to improve yourself quickly. In fact, I want it more than you do. I only have one request for you, and that is to become the legendary Great Mage." Teacher Di said seriously.

"Don't worry, I will definitely become a great mage." I swore an oath.

"By the way, teacher, I haven't gone back to school for so many days, what should I do at the college?"

"Don't worry, I've asked for leave for you. You can rest here peacefully."

"The academy is so easy to talk to." I couldn't help but be a little confused.

"I forgot to tell you, I am the principal of the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy, hehe." Teacher Di smiled slyly.

"What??" I was obviously shocked by the news. "Then what level of magic are you at??"

"Magister, I am also the honorary vice-president of the Magic Guild. How about I be your teacher?"

"Wow, you are so powerful. You are one of the only ten magicians in the mainland."

"Yes, I am ranked fourth among the ten magisters." Teacher Di said this with obvious regret.

"Don't be disappointed. You are already very powerful. Even though you are ranked fourth, you will have a student who is number one in magic in the continent. How glorious you are, hehe."

"The number one student in magic in the continent??? Who is that?" Apparently he hadn't reacted yet.

I pointed to my nose and said, "That's me!"

Teacher Di gave me a shudder, "You brat, you are really thick-skinned. Please work hard for me. I am very strict with my students. You are not allowed to embarrass me. Otherwise, hehe..."

Although I haven't started learning magic with him yet, I feel that Teacher Di is a very kind and humorous elder, and he will not teach me like the old devil did before.

I became serious and said, "Don't worry, I will never embarrass you."

"You don't have to go to the academy to take classes in the future. I have already told your class teacher that you will live with me from now on and I will teach you magic alone. Don't blame Hai Ri for what happened this time. He couldn't control the situation at the time. And I hope you don’t tell anyone about the resurrection of the phantom beast. After all, having a grown phantom beast makes people jealous. It makes everyone think that it is better for Xiao Jin to die and wait until it can fully protect itself before it can be released. "

"Okay." Since Xiao Jin is not dead, I no longer blame Hai Ri. If I really want to blame Hai Ri, the one who should be blamed the most is me. Who asked me to let Xiao Jin out!

"You should have a good rest. Your body is still very weak now. After all, half of your vitality has been consumed. I have used the advanced recovery magic of the light system to treat you, but the effect does not seem to be very obvious. Maybe it is not symptomatic. "I don't know what kind of side effects the magic you used this time will have in the future." Teacher Di said sadly.

"Teacher, it's okay. This is all of my own free will. I will be responsible for anything in the future." I comforted him.

"Longbow, you are such a good boy. Why do light elements continue to converge on you when you sleep, and the speed is amazing?"

When the teacher asked this, I felt a little embarrassed. I told him from beginning to end about me lying down and meditating.

"Silly boy, I don't know what to say about you. Should I say that you are a genius or that you are a slacker? I didn't expect you to be recognized by the light element by mistake. This is something I only achieved when I was 60 years old. Yes!”

I could only smile in response.

(All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce without permission. This article was first published on 7 days ago)