Child of Light

Chapter 358: I'm a dad


Two years later. A small village outside Sunke City. Hai Hai and my father and I waited anxiously outside the house.

That's right, it's seawater. When I returned to the fortress, Xiaorou told me that although Haihai was dead, she used her special ability of transforming into a nine-tailed fox to absorb the soul of Haihai into her body. Her body retains both her own soul and the sleeping soul of the sea.

Later, we found all the items that Xiaorou needed to transform into human form. With the support of my powerful divine power, Xiaorou finally transformed from a fox into a human being, and the soul of Haihai also awakened. The form that Xiaorou transformed into was exactly like sea water.

Although Hai Hai lost her previous body and all magical abilities, she can be with me again. For her and me, there is nothing more exciting than this.

Due to the extraordinary performance of the Divine Guardian in the fight against the monsters, it was recognized by all races on the continent. The Divine Guardian also became an independent territory outside the Three Kingdoms of mankind. The number of people in the territory has always remained around 10,000. The Divine Guardian The territory is also called the Witna territory by the demons. Witna means sacred in the demon language, and I have become the recognized lord of the Witna territory, the so-called Grand Duke.

I have always loved freedom, so how could I be restricted to that small place? Late one night, I left a letter and quietly ran out with Muzi and Haihai back to my hometown.

Fortunately, when the monsters were raging on the mainland, there were no monster caves around my hometown. My father and mother were all safe. They were very happy when they saw that I had brought two such beautiful wives back. Mouth from ear to ear.

Xiaojin now lives in a valley not far from the village. Although his father entrusted the dragon clan to him, this guy and I were used to being wild together, so how could he bear such constraints. He followed my example, sneaked out of the Dragon Valley, and found me with the help of his breath.

We held a simple wedding in a small village in my hometown. No one here recognized me as the child of light who saved the continent. Later, in order to avoid being "pursued" by brothers in the territory, I took Muzi, Haihai, Xiaojin, and oh, and Xiaorou to travel around the mainland together. Until 9 months ago, Muzi became pregnant with my flesh and blood. , we just returned to our hometown.

"Why isn't the baby still born? Why isn't the baby still born?" I walked back and forth anxiously.

Hai Hai comforted: "Don't worry, with mother taking care of you, sister Muzi will be fine."

"Wow -" Hai Hai's words had just finished, and the baby's cry finally came from the room. I was immediately overjoyed, hugged Hai Hai tightly and said, "I finally gave birth, I finally gave birth."

The father murmured: "I, I have a grandson."

What surprised us was that the door did not open, and while we were in a daze, another loud cry sounded. My father and I looked at each other, and said at the same time, "Twins."

Finally, the door opened, and the mother ran out excitedly with the midwife, "Great, great, Changgong, Muzi has given birth to two sons for you."

My mind went blank, two sons, I have two sons, I am a father. I quickly rushed into the room and ran to Muzi's bed. Muzi looked weak, but in good spirits.

"Longbow, we have a child."

I nodded excitedly and grabbed Muzi's little hand, "Thank you, thank you Muzi, I am finally a father."

Muzi tilted his head and said: "Look at the child, why do I feel that they are very different brothers!"

I followed Muzi's gaze and saw a pair of young men lying in two swaddling clothes. One of the swaddling clothes was prepared, and the other was made of a small quilt. On the surface, the two children look exactly the same. However, they have completely different temperaments. I activated the divine power in my body and carefully explored their bodies. I was surprised to find that one of the two children's attributes was light and the other was dark.

"Ah! Muzi, you gave me a pair of twin stars of light and dark!"

(Complete book)

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