Child of Light

Chapter 65: New teammates


Early in the morning, Dongri and I got up. Thinking of the good practice results last night, we looked at each other and smiled, and were full of confidence in the competition. We didn’t see Teacher Wen in or around the room. He might have gone to find comrades for us. Come on. I'm also looking forward to having new partners join us.

The waiting was the most tiring thing. Teacher Wen didn’t come back until almost noon. I asked him: “Have you found our partner yet

Why have you been gone so long? "I complained a little.

Teacher Wen smiled and said, "Look, you are in a hurry. I am more anxious than you. Then you have to go through screening and find the most suitable one. Haha."

"So, you have found a suitable candidate, where are they?" I asked eagerly.

"They will come in the afternoon and have to eat at noon. I will ask them to come over in the afternoon to report. When they arrive, I will talk to you about the rules and format of the game. You two can eat first after practicing for a while. Don't be too tired and adjust. Good condition is the most important, and there cannot be any qualitative leap in such a short period of time.”

"Oh, let's go practice then." I said with some dissatisfaction. I took Dongri with me and continued practicing.

The afternoon came quickly, and we were resting in the room when we heard someone shouting outside the hospital: "Xius Mari, Xingao Reese, and Gold King are here to report." It seems that our teammates are here.

Teacher Wen responded: "Okay, come in." Dongri and I ran out of the room quickly to greet our teammates.

From the appearance, the three people are different. Two of them are relatively tall, about two meters tall, with very strong bodies. Although they are not very handsome, it can be seen from their resolute faces that they have gone through very hard work. He was well-trained and had a masculine look. He had bulging muscles all over his body and looked very tough. He was probably about 27 or 8 years old. The other one is shorter, 180 centimeters, shorter than me and Dongri. He is elegant and clean, with a light of wisdom in his deep eyes. He is about 24 or 5 years old.

Teacher Wen also walked out of the room and said with a smile: "Here, let me introduce you. This is Longbow, from the Kingdom of Aixia, and is good at magic. This is Dongri, my apprentice. The weakest among you, you must take care of each other from now on.”

Teacher Wen pointed at the strong man in red samurai uniform and introduced: "This is Xing'ao Reese. He has the strength close to the Sky Knight. He could have graduated a long time ago, but he stayed in the academy to further his studies in order to learn more advanced martial arts. , is one of the masters of the Academy’s Samurai Hall.”

Dongri and I hurried over and exchanged a salute with him. Although the etiquette was very thoughtful, I could tell that he didn't think highly of me and Dongri.

Teacher Wen pointed at another strong man and introduced: "This is Gao Dejin. His situation is similar to that of Xingao, and he is also a master of the Samurai Hall."

The situation is indeed similar, including not looking down on me and Dongri.

Finally, Teacher Wen came to the very quiet young man, patted him on the shoulder, and said to us: "This is Shuuji Mari, the number one master of the Samurai Hall, deeply admired by everyone, and has the title of Knight of the Sky." "Sure enough, Xiuji stared at me closely, reached out his hand and said to me: "Hello, I am Xiuji."

I smiled, held his hand and said, "Hello, I am Longgong, welcome to join." Seeing Xing'ao and Gao De standing behind Xiu Si, I knew that Xiu Si was their leader.

Teacher Wen said: "Okay, let's get to know each other first, practice together in the yard, and get in touch with each other. I'll talk to you about the competition later."

The five of us bowed and saluted together, and Teacher Wen went back to the room.

Before I could say anything, Dongri said first, "You are Brother Shuji. I have heard of your reputation a long time ago. You are the number one master among the students. You must teach me more in the future."

Xiuji said calmly: "Don't dare to give me advice, just learn from each other in the future." Dongri smiled awkwardly.

That's really cool. I don't like people like this. I said, "Are we going to organize a team for the competition? We need to select a captain and give the team a name."

Xing'ao spoke, and he said boldly: "What else to choose? The captain is of course the boss of our repair department."

Xiuji frowned and said, "Xing'ao, don't talk nonsense. I'm not good enough to be a captain."

"I'm talking nonsense, boss. With your strength, who can be the captain if you don't want to be the captain? Are you going to let them?" He said and gave us a contemptuous look.

So crazy, I smiled slightly and said: "I hope everyone can live in peace. Our goal together is to surpass Duke Beach's team and even win the final championship, and bring glory to the college. There is no need to argue over such a trivial matter. I think this is good , one person shows his/her skills, and whoever has the best skills will be the captain.”

Xiuji said to himself: "Although he is a child, he is quite insightful. He should have considerable strength."

Answered: "Okay."

Xingao and Gaode both abstained voluntarily, and Dongri also abstained. He had no desire to win, and neither did I. But in order to prove to them that Dongri and I are not weak, I want to compete with Shuuji.

Xing'ao and Gaode obviously thought that I was overestimating my abilities. Gaode even said that it would be too ugly to lose if I abstained.

I ignored them and said to Shuuji, who had a calm face: "You come first or I come first." Shuuji still said calmly: "It's up to you to do whatever you want, you just show it (it means to demonstrate, I guess Shuuji is Shandong people, haha)

Bar. "

I was not polite and replied: "Okay." I came to the center of the yard, closed my eyes, and moved my body slowly on the spot at first, then gradually accelerated, and gradually the yard was filled with my shadow. Suddenly, the yard There was no longer a moving figure inside, but 10 identical me appeared, surrounding them.

Xing'ao exclaimed: "What kind of deceit is this? How come so many people came out at once?"

The ten of me spoke together and said, "This is not a cover-up. This is one of my spatial magics. I created my own short-distance instant positioning magic. Every shadow is me and not me." This is The magic I created has never been seen by anyone even in Aisha. It is created on the basis of short-distance teleportation. In fact, it is just a fast transfer speed, but it is based on very powerful magic power. I am also This magic is completed only when the magic power reaches the level of a mage.