Child of Light

Chapter 93: The warmth of home


When my mother heard that I would have to practice in the future, she became a little anxious and said, "I still have to practice. This time, my mother is worried to death. I am afraid that you will be in danger. Can you not go?"

I hugged her and said, "Mom, even if I go, it will be two or three years later. I don't know what to do yet. The plan can't keep up with the changes." Mom was relieved. "Okay, you two, let's talk. I'm going to prepare something delicious for you."

"Mom, please do more. I have invited Aude to come to our house for dinner."

"Okay, got it."

Watching my mother enter the kitchen, I said to my father: "Dad, I'm afraid I will have to go out to practice for a long time after I finish my studies at the Advanced Magic Academy." Dad said it.

Dad pondered for a long time and then said: "Son, for the sake of peace in the mainland, you go ahead. You don't have to worry about your family affairs. You can get the inheritance from God. Dad is proud of you."

I choked and said, "Dad. Thank you."

I took out a cloth bag from the dimensional bag and handed it to my father, "This is what Teacher Di gave me to spend during my training. I haven't used the money much, so I'll leave it to you two."

The father took it over with a smile and said, "Okay, my son can honor us now, haha." When he opened the bag, he was shocked by the light inside. The shiny things in the bag were all diamond coins.

"There are so many, you can keep them for yourself."

"These are 500 diamond coins. I still have them myself. You and your mother don't need to save too much."

At this moment, Odd's voice came from outside the door, "Longbow, I'm here, open the door quickly."

"It's coming, it's coming." I ran out quickly to welcome Ode and Luo Yu.

Oded said: "Hello, uncle."

"Okay, sit down quickly, it's raining." Dad asked with a smile.

Luo Yufen blushed and said, "Hello, uncle."

Dad laughed and said: "Hello, little Luoyu. She is getting more and more beautiful."

I asked strangely: "Dad, have you seen the falling rain?"

Dad said: "Of course I have, and I see her often. She goes out with Oded every day. Almost everyone in the village has seen her. Haha."

At this time, my mother brought out a plate of food and said, "Yes, look at what Odedo is capable of. He has found such a beautiful girlfriend. Why don't you bring one back to your mother anytime?"

"I think so too, but there's no suitable one. I'm not as capable as Aude, so who can follow me?"

Mom said: "I don't ask you to find someone particularly beautiful, as long as she treats you well and is about the same length."

I smiled and said, "I'm thinking the same thing as you. I also want to find someone a little more average, because I feel that pretty girls are more difficult to deal with and generally have bad tempers."

Ode said: "Who said that? You see, our Luoyu has a very good temper, and we are also very easy to deal with." Luoyu blushed and said nothing.

I laughed and scolded: "Look at how happy you are. Come on, help me carry the food."

After everyone's efforts, a table of sumptuous meals was put on the table, and everyone ate happily. I took out a bottle of minced wine bottled in a crystal bottle. Everyone looked at the dark green wine with curious expressions.

I said mysteriously: "This is the Baiguo Brewing brewed by the natural elves. It is very rare. I did them a big favor and gave it to them. Everyone, please try it." I poured a small cup for everyone. . The strong aroma of wine suddenly filled the whole room.

Everyone looked at it curiously at first, and my father, who often drinks alcohol, said, "It's such a good wine, it smells so good."

"It tastes better. Let's try it." Sure enough, as I expected, Baiguojong conquered everyone. After a few drinks, one bottle was reimbursed, and everyone was still clamoring for a drink. Of course I told them it was just one bottle.

My mother reiterated her old words: "Long Gong, this time you go back to school and find a girlfriend no matter what, otherwise I won't let you go. You are almost 20 years old, and people usually get married at the age of 18 or 9." , but you haven’t even found a place yet.”

I looked at my father for help, and he said, "I won't help you this time. I also want you to get married as soon as possible so that you can have a grandson for me, haha." After hearing what my father said, I blushed. famous.

I managed it and said, "Okay, I'll find you an ugly wife when the time comes."

Mom smiled and said: "That doesn't matter, you just need to find someone who is no worse than Mom."

Dad whispered: "Don't find someone like your mother. Find someone with a better temper, or else you will suffer losses for the rest of your life."

My mother's ears were still very useful, and she received everything without missing a word. She immediately said angrily: "Do I have a bad temper? What's wrong with you? I won't cook or wash clothes for you anymore. I will serve you every day." And said I was not good."

Dad immediately begged for mercy and said: "No, no, my wife is the best. She is beautiful, gentle, and virtuous. She is definitely a model of a good wife and mother..." Dad's funny expression made us all laugh, and mom said with a smile. : "You're such a crooked old man."

Dad asked me: "When will you go back to college?" Mom looked at me silently.

I smiled and said, "I'll stay with you for a few more days this time. I'll go back in a month. How about it, Mom, you're satisfied."

Mom smiled and nodded, and said, "That's pretty much it. You're away from home 300 days a year. Your dad and I stare at you every day, wondering how lonely we are."

This time it was Dad's turn to fuss, "Are you lonely when you are with me?"

My mother smiled and said: "Haha, who told you to say that I have a bad temper just now?"

I quickly interjected: "By the way, Mom and Dad, do you want to learn some more advanced magic? I can teach you, so that after I leave, you can practice magic when you have nothing to do, and you won't feel lonely."

Mom said happily: "Okay, this is a good idea, but you are learning the light system. Your dad and I are both water and wind systems. Can we learn it?"

I said: "It doesn't matter, because your magic skills are not very high. Even if you give up completely, it won't be a big problem. You just need to learn the light magic again. The light healing technique is better than the water type." , and the advanced attack magic is also very powerful.”

Dad said: "Well, it's boring to be idle anyway. Starting tomorrow, your mother and I will learn light magic from you."

Oded said: "There are us, we also need to learn."

I said, "Okay, let's come together tomorrow. Let's start in the morning." I am a magician of the light system. Apart from Teacher Di, I am the most skilled in light magic in the entire continent. Teaching them is not enough. Very easy thing.