Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 12: lover


Valentine's Day is a sensual calendar, and this sensibility is embodied in the scene where the old man with dementia gave flowers to the old lady, and he cried even more sadly than the little girls next to him. Because this is also the first time in my life to see a big man cry like this, Xiao Nanzhu suddenly felt speechless and at the same time generously donated his shoulders and sleeves to the crying Valentine who believes in love again. rely on. Although this is actually exaggerated and superfluous in Xiao Nanzhu's opinion, when he was dragged by Valentine's Day to talk to the old couple who had just been in the square, he, who has always been impersonal, still chose to compromise. .

"Hey, what are you doing, make it clear, I won't follow you if you don't tell me."

Being held by Valentine's Day's arm, Xiao Nanzhu looked uncooperative, but tried her best to suppress her impatience. The two old men in front were still walking slowly, obviously unaware that there were two ghosts. He followed them sneakily, and upon seeing this on Valentine's Day, he hurriedly looked to the side, then blinked his red eyes, and whispered something to Xiao Nanzhu's ear.

"Just do me a favor. I'll send them a present. Although... it's not expensive, but I hope they can be happy today... "

After saying this, Xiao Nanzhu narrowed his eyes subconsciously. He seemed to have guessed what this guy was going to do, so he didn't seem surprised. After all, Twenty-Four also talked to him about this before. It is said that it is not difficult to operate, but if he goes up to talk to the old couple like this now, he may be regarded as a liar, and there is no money for this work. Nah, he really couldn't get up, and when Valentine's Day saw him like this, he immediately hummed and said,

"Hum, don't worry if you don't want to help. I was helping you just now, hum, some people now are really chilling oh hum hum... o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)"

"Okay, okay, just shut up for me..."

Frowning, he directly squeezed Valentine's mouth with his hands that kept chirping. Valentine, who couldn't speak, glared at him in dissatisfaction, but his eyes were still red. Seeing this, Xiao Nanzhu sighed with a headache and again. In his heart, he begged to let this ancestor get off work early, but after thinking about it, he still pinched the cigarette between his fingers and threw it into the trash can.

The corner of Valentine's Day's mouth turned into a light that adhered to him, and Xiao Nanzhu frowned, snatched a whole dozen flyers from a young man in the roadside mall who was handing out flyers, and didn't forget to turn around. The buddy who was dumbfounded at the moment waved his head to say thank you, and when he quickly caught up with the old couple who was about to turn the intersection, he stretched out his hand and stopped in front of the little old lady, and the old lady As soon as he saw Xiao Nanzhu who was holding a leaflet in front of him, he stepped back vigilantly.

"You you... what are you doing?"

Holding her husband's hand tightly, the old lady obviously had a long experience of fighting against people who distribute leaflets and booklets and force her to take out promotional advertisements. As soon as she saw it, she lowered her head and wanted to run away. Xiao Nanzhu saw this. Immediately smiled at her, blocking her way with a meaningful look,

"Don't be afraid, Auntie! I don't force you to buy products, it's free! There are gifts to take! Do you want gifts! It's free!"

The word "free" hit the old man's mind at once. The gray-haired old lady was in a hurry to leave, but now she stopped in a hurry. The old man beside her didn't know what was going on, so she just stared at her house. The old lady was in a daze, and the old lady was thinking for a moment, but she still stared at Xiao Nanzhu suspiciously and said seriously,

"What's free? It's not to set my landline number! I tell you, boy, I've seen this kind of fraudulent tricks several times on the Central Set of Law Online, don't think about it..."

The old lady's words made Xiao Nanzhu twitch at the corner of his mouth. He is also very pleased with the increase in the safety awareness of the elderly today, but he has to be fooled, otherwise he will have to trouble him again on Valentine's Day. , so after shaking his hand to indicate that he is not a liar, Xiao Nanzhu said seriously,

"Don't worry! I don't need your number! Can you tell me the names and birthdays of you and your wife? We just need to register consumer information in the mall. Do me a favor and we can give you gifts for free. ah..."

Xiao Nanzhu's remarks moved the old lady who loved to be greedy. Although she still felt something strange in her heart, in the end she hesitated to tell Xiao Nanzhu the names and birthdays of herself and the old man beside her. After Zhu Yi wrote down, he couldn't help laughing, then raised his head and asked back,

"Oh, so, your name is Liu Yuexian, and the old man's name is Wang Rushan. Both of you were born in 1957. The old man was born in March, and yours was in August, right?"

"Yes, yes, what is the gift, is it soap or washing powder..."

The old lady nodded repeatedly, looking forward to the gifts she was about to receive. Seeing this, Xiao Nanzhu raised the corners of her mouth and slowly covered the sight of the old lady with her articulated hand, and then said in a low voice,

"Wait, I'll get you something..."

A crisp snap of fingers accompanied by a dazzling light, the old lady who was standing on the side of the road was frightened and took a step back subconsciously. When she opened her eyes again inexplicably, she found that everything around her had not changed, that is, the young man who said he was going to give her a gift was gone, and she was so angry that she widened her eyes and prepared to scold him. When she was a liar, she suddenly felt that her hand was gently pulled by the person beside her, and then a young man said in a suspicious voice behind her,

"Hey, Yuexian? I... Where are we?"

A strange scene appeared on the street in the center of the city. A young couple who looked like a couple stood by the glass window outside the shopping mall and took pictures. They looked only twenty-four or five years old, but their clothes seemed to be old-fashioned. The old people in the park are wearing it, which makes people want to laugh. The girl seemed to be angry with her boyfriend beside her, and kept chattering about something, but the young man had a good temper and just kept talking comforting words. Others thought for a while that this was a young couple joking around. After all, today is Valentine's Day. Who knows what these young people are doing, but as long as you get closer, you will find that the young couple is at the moment. There are some strange conversations going on.

"Wang Rushan, tell me what we should do! How did we both become like this! I haven't bought the food for dinner this evening, and Xiaohua and his wife have no food to eat when they come back from get off work! I have to pick him up, oh look at me... I am like this... "

The girl with black hair and big eyes kept chattering at the glass window. The girl with black hair and big eyes had a clear voice and a petite stature. Apart from the strangely colored old jacket and the old long johns, she was also a very beautiful girl. The Wang Rushan she mentioned was standing beside her. At this moment, he was also looking at himself in the glass. After seeing his combination of a down vest and an old cotton jacket and old long johns, he also felt blankly. The head with the hair said suspiciously,

"Yuexian, don't worry, don't worry, this... I don't know what's going on, I still remember that I have Alzheimer's and I'm bald, why did my hair grow out... Hey, why don't we go together? Sit down and think about it?"

As he said that, he took the girl's hand and found a chair by the roadside to sit down. Liu Yuexian looked at his side with a sullen expression and looked at his wife, who seemed to be in his early twenties. Time also doesn't know what to say. From the beginning, she and her wife have become like this, and everything around them has not changed, but they have become what they looked like decades ago as if they were using some kind of magic. This sounds absurd, but it really happened to these two old people, and the most important thing is that even they themselves don't know how to recover.

"Oh, if I go back like this now, your son will be scared to death."

After finally suppressing the chaotic emotions, Liu Yuexian rolled her eyes at her wife and said this reluctantly. Wang Rushan, who heard the words, was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he smiled and said,

"You are younger and more beautiful than my daughter-in-law. My son must envy me when he sees it..."

"Go, you rude old man!"

Glancing at her wife angrily, with an angry expression on her face, Liu Yuexian was also pretty in her heart. After all, every woman has a love for beauty. Although she is old and has a backward mentality, she sees that she and her husband have changed back to the way they were many years ago. The face in memory, but never forgotten, suddenly lowered his head and whispered,

"Wang Rushan, it's nice that you can think of me..."

This sentence made the young man beside her stunned. He fixedly looked at the red-eyed young girl in front of him, but his memory was full of her gray hair, who had taken great care of himself over the past few years. Although his brain is not clear, he still remembers that he caused her trouble, but she never disliked him. He dressed, fed, took medicine and rubbed his legs. He was so stupid that he couldn't say a complete sentence before. , But at this moment, he suddenly wanted to say a late love word to this woman who had spent his whole life with him.

"Yuexian, thank you... I'm also very happy to think of you again, really happy."

Having said that, Wang Rushan leaned over to his wife's young and pretty face and kissed them gently. This seemed a little weird for their real age, but it was extraordinarily appropriate at such a young age. Pedestrians passing by would not notice their behavior that is taken for granted today, and the old couple, who had regained their youth on this special day, sat by the side of the road for a while, and then began to chat with those young people. Like a young couple, they strolled aimlessly holding hands on the street.

"I won't cook today. Your son thought my food was salty yesterday, so let him go hungry today."

"Okay, let that kid be picky and hungry. Anyway, we both have money in our retirement salary cards. Let's go eat something good today!"

"Then I want to eat beef noodles, do you remember? The one behind the textile factory is now made by his son, so the ingredients are less..."

"Of course I remember. Let's go around after eating the noodles. You haven't changed your clothes for a few years! You just don't want to spend money on yourself..."

"Your son and daughter-in-law have to repay the mortgage, how can I afford them... Alas! Wang Rushan! Buy me a brine popsicle! All my front teeth are back! I want to eat that!"

The two old people who looked back to when they were young walked through the streets talking and laughing. The boy bought the girl a brine popsicle that she had never eaten since her tooth broke, and took her to buy a fancy dress. A big red down jacket that only little girls can wear. When trying on the clothes, the owner of the clothing store kept saying, the boy is lucky and his girlfriend is so beautiful, but Wang Rushan, who heard the words, smirked and looked at Liu Yuexian not far away, then tilted his head and said proudly,

"You're wrong, this is my wife."

When the night was in the sky, they went to the cinema together to watch a movie. In my memory, the days when these two people stared at a black screen together and blushed quietly holding hands in the dark seemed to have happened in a previous life. But fortunately, at least now they all know that they will be the ones who will accompany each other through this happy and warm life, and just when this bucket of sloppy and unpalatable popcorn is about to finish, Liu Yuexian I felt a vague, dull call from the people around me.

"Moon Immortal... Moon Immortal..."

When she turned her head, she saw an aging, bald, wrinkled face, not as young and handsome as before, just like any silly old man in this world, not good-looking at all. But in his eyes, Liu Yuexian saw the same fat and old self, and after smiling with red eyes, she held her husband's hand tightly in the dark, and then whispered with a cry one sentence,

"Stupid old man, there's no stopping."

"I believe in love again woo woo... It's so touching woo woo!"

Holding Xiao Nanzhu's sleeve, he kept sniffing. As the initiator, Valentine's Day and Xiao Nanzhu were walking home together, and they had not yet been freed from what had just happened.


With a cigarette in his mouth blocking his ears, Xiao Nanzhu, who thought he could stop for a while, is now a head and two big, but under the circumstance that repeated emphasis has no effect at all, he thought for a while, but still frowned and lowered his head. He cursed and pinched Valentine's mouth again.

"You... this... one... dead... single... body... dog... me... curse... curse... you... one... generation... son... no... have... male... friend... friend(o#゜曲゜)o"

Staring at Xiao Nanzhu with contempt, Valentine resisted for a long time but was suppressed by Xiao Nanzhu and had no room for resistance. Seeing this, Xiao Nanzhu hooked her lips and laughed. As soon as she grabbed this guy simply and rudely, she started striding home. During this process, Valentine's Day kept shouting, Xiao Nanzhuquan thought she was deaf. , and just as they walked through the street square in the daytime again, Xiao Nanzhu suddenly saw gorgeous fireworks set off on the square and the crowd cheering and celebrating there.

"Oh! Ahaha! Fireworks! Look!"

The couples who passed by embracing laughed cheerfully, and the fireworks illuminated Xiao Nanzhu's dull pupils, making his indifferent expression a bit more real.


Xiao Nanzhu said with a smile.


Valentine glanced at him angrily.

- "Happy Valentine's Day."