Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 14: Lunar New Year's eve


On the chilly night, the dirty and dilapidated construction site, after negotiating with Li Mao about the specific charges for this job, Xiao Nanzhu asked him to clean up the entire construction site. Today, there are only building materials all over the construction site. The faint gray shadow and the howling north wind are ringing in the ears, which makes people feel eerie and eerie. Of course, this is only what ordinary people can see. Things, because the truth is often more terrifying than these, and after picking up a dirty helmet from the ground and putting it on his head, Xiao Nanzhu narrowed his eyes and looked around the construction site that was comparable to a cemetery. He also raised his eyebrows as if opening his eyes.

For today's transaction worth 100,000 yuan, Xiao Nanzhu's promise to Li Mao is to settle the account at one time, and you will start work immediately tomorrow; pay in three installments, and have to rest every Saturday and Sunday; first credit and then settle In other words, it is possible to start work during the day on 135, but not for the whole day on 246, and when he heard about the black-hearted charging standard, Li Mao, who was instantly crying, looked at Xiao Nanzhu and said that the decision is yours. , whatever expression you want, you can only grit your teeth and give yourself a blood.

After receiving the money, he naturally had to work. After putting the document opened by Li Mao himself in his trouser pocket, Xiao Nanzhu, who raised his mouth, patted his shoulder and entered the construction site like Ghost Gate. After he came in, he realized that the situation here was more serious than he thought. The evil spirits were running around everywhere, there were workers' grievances because of the heavy labor, and there were people who lived here before. The former residents of 2009 were dissatisfied with the forced demolition, including the violence left behind during the demolition and the forced demolition, as well as many unwilling anger and despair who could not tell the year and the specific cause.

These evil spirits emitting all kinds of stench and strange noises gathered together, and gained anger because they contaminated the flesh of the workers, and perhaps these anger could not give them all the strength to reshape their bodies, so when Xiao Nanzhu When he walked in slowly, all he could see were the men or women, old or young, but all with distorted faces, and the pale-faced heads were howling and wandering around the construction site.

This kind of situation seems a little too scary to any normal person. Fortunately, Xiao Nanzhu is not the kind of person who is easy to show his cowardice. His previous experience also determines his state of mind. It was also tight, but thinking about what he said to him before the twenty-five, he still calmed down in secret, and when he turned his head, he didn't know when he returned to the dress he had in the calendar. Twenty-nine, still couldn't help whistling secretly in his heart.

As the Lishen guarding the penultimate day of the New Year's Eve, he has the most outstanding abilities except for New Year's Eve, which has never been seen so far. This is reflected in the fact that he is not dressed in simple cloth like ordinary Lishen, but is dressed in a suit. The dark clothes that almost melted into the night were covered with beautiful silver armor. At this moment, all his black hair was tied up, revealing a thin and deep face. Although he didn't have a face that was noticeable at a glance, he injected a murderous aura into the blandness, which was the same as what he usually looked like on the calendar. It was basically the same, except for the long sword that he often held in his hand, but after feeling Xiao Nanzhu's look at him, Twenty-Nine's eyes narrowed and he unfolded his sleeves, a sword like his. The black ancient sword, which was as stable and simple as a human being, appeared in his hand.

"Master Li, what means are you going to use to deal with these evil spirits?"

He looked at Xiao Nanzhu thoughtfully, and looked like he was waiting for Xiao Nanzhu's instructions, and bowed his eyebrows to him. Perhaps the current working environment made him have a little more respect for Xiao Nanzhu as his boss, so he even spoke more respectfully. Xiao Nanzhu was a little unaccustomed to seeing him like this. After all, he had only been on the job for a few days. He was used to laughing and joking with the previous ones. He was a little unaccustomed to coming to such a serious job. After asking, Xiao Nanzhu volleyed out a calendar paper folded in his wallet, and shook it between his fingertips. While putting on leather gloves, he explained to Twenty-nine.

"The night before yesterday, I wanted to fight the landlord with twenty-seven, and when I was missing someone, I called his buddy for the Army Day. This guy lost all his money and finally couldn't get something for me. Impatient people like me can use it. I'm not used to your swords, but a hot tempered chick suits me..."

Xiao Nanzhu's voice fell, and a black gun that should belong to the national military weapon configuration appeared in his hands without warning. It looks like a domestic QSG92 produced in 1998, which is the most convenient for him in the past. a handful. When he was on a mission five years ago, Xiao Nanzhu personally used such an unsurprising weapon to kill the heads of three gun-wielding thugs. Although he hasn't practiced for a long time now, he was shot neatly. Clamp, after the crisp recoil sounded, Xiao Nanzhu gently groped for the rough shell with his fingers through the black leather gloves, and then suddenly raised his gun with a cold look, and a man who had been waiting for an opportunity to bite his neck from behind The head was shattered by a shot.

The pierced head let out a scream that penetrated the eardrum. There was no blood splattering and no wreckage was left behind. The strange heads that were piled together seemed to feel the threat from Xiao Nanzhu's strength, so He no longer dared to come close to him and Twenty-nine, and just stared at them both with empty eyes, his eyes were terrifyingly sinister, Twenty-nine looked at Xiao Nanzhu seriously when he saw this, but his heart was full of words and deeds. The rather reckless new boss has some different opinions, but he is destined to not say much because he is not good at speech. After cleaning up the evil spirits who were eager to try, he lighted a cigarette for himself, and strode into the depths of the construction site to continue the troublesome and tedious removal.

Going inside this way, the evil spirits will gather more and more. Those heads are born of maliciousness, and naturally they will not have any kindness towards the living. Because they do not have a complete body, their thinking and actions are relatively slow. Xiao Nanzhu and Twenty-nine cooperated perfectly in the past, and they didn't even suffer any injuries, but their bodies were somewhat similar to people's. Those sticky things that looked like flesh and blood sometimes disappeared completely, and sometimes they were sticky like filth. In his hands, this made Xiao Nanzhu feel disgusted for no reason, but he couldn't get off work until he finished these things, but when the moon rose in the sky and time passed, he was still entangled with those evil spirits. Twenty-nine suddenly raised his head as if remembering something, then frowned and shouted at Xiao Nanzhu.

"Master Li! What time is it!"

This sentence almost didn't make Xiao Nanzhu fall directly. Xiao Nanzhu, who was still serious about destroying evil spirits, thought that Twenty-nine was in a hurry to get off work, and was immediately very unhappy. Zhu frowned, took out his phone and looked at it before replying,

"You still have nine minutes to get off work. What's the hurry? I'll ask you to deduct your salary. Can you hear me..."

"I... I'm in no hurry!"

As soon as I heard Xiao Nanzhu's words, I knew that he had misunderstood. Twenty-nine had to frown and explain to Xiao Nanzhu across a large area of black evil. After hearing what he meant, Xiao Nanzhu's expression suddenly became a little complicated.

After the twenty-ninth is the New Year's Eve. As the last day of the year, New Year's Eve in ancient times means guarding the New Year's Eve and welcoming the New Year. For modern people, they naturally can't understand what it means to guard the New Year's Pass, but this year's pass is precisely the decision. The key to the fortune of the coming year is that if you keep it well, everything will go well in the coming year, and if you don’t keep it well, everything will not go well in the coming year, and perhaps because this is the last day of the year, it can bring disaster to the world, these evil spirits will naturally seize all the time. Going to do evil will make you even more angry, so on New Year's Eve, the evil will be more and more dangerous than usual. It's not known how many times this serious situation is obviously not something that Xiao Nanzhu and Twenty-nine can handle. It's time to deal with it, and the most terrifying thing is that at the moment when they speak, Twenty-nine will be off work in half a minute.

"New Year's Eve has a quirky temperament. Sometimes the temper will come up, and it may be delayed until the last moment of the day! Now the situation is dangerous, and I must immediately wait for me to disappear..."

The voice hurriedly opened his mouth like this, and swung the blood-stained sword on his back. Before the twenty-nine finally disappeared, he did not forget to give a loud exhortation on New Year's Eve. Unfortunately, he didn't finish his words. A group of black evil spirits suddenly appeared from the sky. Accompanied by sharp and twisted shouts and the severe pain of being torn apart, Xiao Nanzhu, who was trying to protect himself, first killed more than a dozen Chong with his spear. At the head he came over, after that, he could only tear open the body of the screaming evil one after another with his hands.

Those splashes of bright red sprayed on his cheeks, and his human-like distorted face and shredded body also made his breathing heavy. The blood in front of him also made his eyes a little blurry. He was bitten by a head and his entire arm, he simply shot at his arm. This feeling of being wrapped in flesh and blood is almost disgusting. If he didn't come out, maybe he had just killed so many living creatures with his own hands, so his heart was cold. This strong sense of guilt made Xiao Nanzhu couldn't help but close his eyes, and at the same time, he felt unexpectedly in his heart. It was a bit weird, and it felt familiar, and in this environment that almost forced him into a desperate situation, he suddenly felt a sound similar to the roar of a tiger and a leopard from the sky, followed by a dazzling golden light followed.

At that moment, all the evil spirits entangled in him let out a sharp scream. Xiao Nanzhu's eyes were all dirty, so he could only kneel on one knee on the ground, clenching his teeth with his gloves and wiping his eyes with the back of his clean hands. He was at a very tense moment. He knew that there was something more arrogant than those evil spirits, so they fled, but in such a situation that he was extremely embarrassed, he suddenly felt A person was slowly walking towards him, and then, Xiao Nanzhu felt a cold hand pinching his chin and lifting it up, rubbing his dry lips slowly with some erotic movements, This is how,

"very good."