Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 23: Spring Festival


The Binjiang Road Bridge Project, a project jointly invested by the municipal government and the largest enterprise, was originally intended to build a landmark bridge across the Binjiang River. . At first, the bridge pillar could not be beaten, and then there were a series of strange accidents in which workers were inexplicably attacked. Zhang Chi, as an investor, complained a lot, but this project was related to his relationship with the leaders above, so he couldn't just leave it alone. . Now this mess has dragged on for more than a year. He wanted to find a way to cure it, but he still had no direction. It happened that at the dinner party at the end of the year, he heard about Xiao Nanzhu from Cao Chong, and waited. After getting a general understanding of this person's business scope, Zhang Chi, who didn't really believe in this kind of thing, called the person just like that with the thought of going to the doctor in a hurry.

Seeing people and seeing people, Zhang Chi has a slightly different view of Xiao Nanzhu. After all, he thought he would be a low-level person like those masters before, but now it seems that there are a few Many people know about the shelving of his project. He also mentioned some things to Cao Chong, but few people know that his construction site is not a mess, but a big wave that can't be driven away. snakes, worms, ants and a big thing hidden under the riverside.

The reproduction rate of insect pests is very high, and there will be another wave after being trampled to death. Their company has found a special insect treatment expert for this, but they are unable to start, but this group of insects obviously cannot delay any real major events. , because the most troublesome thing is that so far no one can tell what it is... evil thing.

Water can enter, soil can enter, and the length of the body is always 40 to 50 meters upward, and it can stir up the stormy waves of the riverside at night. Witnessed workers say various things, but it is undeniable that there is indeed a hidden mystery under the river, but this kind of thing cannot be reported to the government, and can only be handled privately by their company. After that, I couldn't find any way to go to the Taoist priests and laypeople to check the situation, but when these people came, they all panicked and left after saying that we didn't dare to make a mistake. The ghosts that don't want to show up in the ground just can't be driven away. There are more and more worms and more and more snakes. Whenever their cranes drive to the construction site, there will be an accident the next day, and only the good 2026 will be released. The whole year has been devastated. Every day, I am called by the big leaders one by one to talk, but I can't come up with a way. After the winter, the situation improved slightly.

"In winter, that thing stopped not because he left, but because he needed a rest, but I think you have also asked someone to know that this thing is untouchable, right? Binjiang is connected to the entire middle and lower reaches of the city trade. The bridge was built for the political achievements of the leaders, and now it's not worth making trouble for this kind of thing..."

If he didn't speak like this, if he hadn't contacted someone who had not yet worked, Xiao Nanzhu would not be as clear-cut as he is now. However, this matter is different from that of exterminating evil spirits. It wouldn’t be so troublesome if he could just kill him. Therefore, considering the difficulty of the matter, Xiao Nanzhu had to mention this reward. Hearing him say this, Zhang Chi, who had been silent for a while, first pondered for a while, and then a meaningful expression appeared on his face.

What Xiao Nanzhu said just now was exactly what he cared about the most, and he was right to the point. Now this situation can't help him to wait any longer, and if this delay continues, the project that he got from robbing his head is really true. It's a hot potato. Now in this situation, it is naturally time for him to express his position. After all, it was hard to wait for an expert, and he couldn’t let him run away, so after diligently taking a lighter from the table, Zhang Chi lit a cigarette for Xiao Nanzhu himself with an old oily expression, and then In this smoky atmosphere, he squeezed into a friendly smile.

"I still have a few words to say on the boundary of this Y city. If Li Shi can really do what he says, I will guarantee you a lot of money in the future, and everything you want will come true. Before, I was only a young Li Shi, and I didn't know what to do. I'm afraid I can't afford such a big responsibility. Two or three hundred thousand can always be paid casually. Now that I think about it, I look down on people... Well, are you satisfied with the price of one million? Just leave me as a friend, what do you think? Sample?"

The title changed during the conversation. Xiao Nanzhu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth because of Zhang Chi's up-to-date attitude. He was also somewhat satisfied with this beautiful reward figure. After all, this rich man doesn't slaughter his money for nothing. Zhang Chi said that he wanted to make friends, but in fact it was just an exchange of interests and mutual use. When he took the money, he naturally had to do a good job for him, and that was hidden in the The ghosts under the river... Maybe it's worth the price.

"Okay, then I will borrow your auspicious words to make money and make everything come true."

With a smile like this, Xiao Nanzhu didn't perfunctory, just took the wine in his hand, and Zhang Chi gave Zhang Chi a look they knew each other. There is an unspeakable evil spirit. The little duck, who had been huddled in his arms, had been eavesdropping on him and Zhang Chi, but he couldn't understand the left and right sides, so he didn't pay attention, but after a while, the guests around him had already been credited with millions of dollars. The boy's heart moved immediately, and even the look in Xiao Nanzhu's eyes was different.

"Brother, you are really rich..."

With a hoarse voice, he leaned into Xiao Nanzhu's ear and sighed, this little duck actually looks a bit in line with his usual liking, so Xiao Nanzhu is also willing to play with him. Listening to him at this moment, Xiao Nanzhu didn't express his stance. Let this boy rely on himself without a bone.

Cao Chongda, who was on the side, didn't interrupt since they started whispering. He just held a little girl shaking his head and sang Cantonese songs. He seemed to be enjoying it very much. It happened that they had finished talking about their private affairs. His mood was also slightly relaxed, so when he saw Xiao Nanzhu smoking a cigarette with interest and letting the boy who accompanied the drink play coquettish at him, this person who was used to playing at night games laughed at the moment, and simply He opened his mouth and suggested,

"Would you like to take it back to play? I'll ask."

Hearing this, Xiao Nanzhu turned his face and looked down at the boy beside him, who had a fresh and delicious taste, but his heart didn't fluctuate much. Logically speaking, this should be his usual taste, but when I look at it today, I always feel that something is wrong. Maybe it's because his appearance is a little dull, maybe because the eye-catching color is missing from his eyebrows, maybe because the half-slim waist exposed by the jeans is not comparable to a gloomy and bleak body, and thinking so, brows. Xiao Nanzhu, who was wrinkled tightly, quickly took a breath and suppressed the evil fire in his heart.

This is really strange. I don't know if it was the forced and very unpleasant memory of the New Year's 30 that made him feel a little prickly, so he was not very interested in such a free pastime. Saying that he made it clear with New Year's Eve, there is no reason for him to keep thinking about such trivial things in his heart, but probably that beautiful skin is too heart-warming, so after all, it is Xiao Nanzhu who is a normal curvy boy. There are always some who can't let go, and the most important thing is that when he is thinking secretly here, the Spring Festival, which has been hidden in his wallet, has come to give him a wake-up call.

"Xiao Nanzhu!! You are a big badass!! I am the spring of the spring! It is not the spring of that or that!! If you dare to mess around with my work days, I will curse you for a whole year of bad luck!! Hurry up! I want to get off work!! I want to eat!!! Ouch! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻”

"… "

The corners of his mouth could not help but twitch, Xiao Nanzhu cursed inwardly, but he was instantly lost by the words of this dead child during the Spring Festival, so after a little hesitation, he finally failed to pass his own test. Still waved his hand and said something.

After hearing this, the boy named Lele shook his hand in obvious disappointment, and Xiao Nanzhu smiled when he saw it. This smile was full of unrestrained elegance. He felt a little sorry for himself, but more It was an inexplicable emotion, and after roughly shoving the cigarette that he had been pinching on his fingers into his mouth, Xiao Nanzhu looked at the little duck in front of him and coughed repeatedly, and then used the palm of his hand. He patted his cheek teasingly,

"I can't wait... I'll see you next time when I'm free, darling."