Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 26: Lantern Festival


Just when Xiao Nanzhu was secretly tangled because of the pot of dumplings cooked by Miss Lantern Festival, there was someone on the other side who was in the same complicated emotions as him, and this one was no one else. On New Year's Eve, I was forced to suffer from intermittent evil allergies.

Because his personality is actually conservative and restrained, unless he is really angry on New Year's Eve, he doesn't even want to say a word to others, but I don't know if it's because he and Xiao Nanzhu are born in conflict, they haven't seen each other a few times. This time, he almost angered Xiao Nanzhu several times.

On New Year's Eve, I felt that I would fall ill every now and then and then act like a hooligan was very uncivilized and unprofessional. It was just like Anian who didn't listen to him and went to other calendars to urinate and urinate. The state is completely out of his control, and his attitude towards Xiao Nanzhu is completely 7 points from desire, and 3 points from his heart. Desire has controlled his heart and it has only become that way twice, and then again. Thinking of his words and deeds that could be called Meng Lang that night, the tightly-knitted New Year's Eve-Jun felt very uneasy in his heart.

"I left in a hurry that day, Master Li was definitely angry, I'm afraid I won't have the face to see him again..."

He said to himself in a somber tone, his expression on New Year's Eve was very serious and serious, but with the gloomy impression he had always given, there was still a strange sense of contrast. The Spring Festival, who came to eat it, took this into consideration, and after swallowing a large piece of jade belt cake with the sweet red jujube tea, the little Lishen, who was carved with jade, patted his chest and coughed, and then sighed. opened his mouth,

"Uncle on New Year's Eve, you are thinking too much. Master Li is okay. He won't be angry with you. Besides, he was originally..."

He stopped in time halfway through his words. Xiao Nanzhu bought him a bunch of delicious food before, so now he doesn't dare to talk nonsense about him in front of New Year's Eve. Stopped, just silently stunned for a while, then lowered his bright red eyes and pondered in his mind numbly.

Ever since he saw Xiao Nanzhu on the 30th night, he seemed to have some kind of illness. When Xiao Nanzhu looked at him, he would not consciously get emotional. Xiao Nanzhu only met in a hurry, but he couldn't help but think about him in his heart.

He was thinking about something filthy. The filthy things took root in his heart along with the shadow of the evil that night. Obviously, he is also a god who has lived in the world for thousands of years. Looking at what that person has, he is only ordinary. , there is no seductive style, nor is it a full stalwart, but Xiao Nanzhu's fingers, shoulders, waist, buttocks, and even the flesh and bones are just what can evoke those desires that are most likely to impress New Year's Eve. I was really helpless myself.

As a calendar god, it is a very dangerous thing to be fascinated by an ordinary human being, not to mention that ordinary people can only think about it in their hearts when they are moved. Before he could understand these things, he had already made the worst reaction under the influence of evil, and it was his body that was used to abstinence and self-control. When it is pressed and pressed to the point of being unable to hold back, it is easy to do bad things.

Now he has met a Xiao Nanzhu who provokes him everywhere and even opens his mouth as if to seduce him. He slapped his face, and thinking of this, this god-monarch who has never been involved in erotic affairs blushed slightly, turned to cover up and glanced at the Spring Festival who only cared about eating, and then condensed his voice and pretended to be He said calmly,

"Da, Da Nian, if you have time, go to help me and ask what calendars need to be adjusted recently, and say I can help to work overtime for free..."

- "Any day, any day."

The Lantern Festival Xiao Nanzhu made by the Lantern Festival girl can't be rejected. It doesn't mean that he likes to eat this kind of glutinous rice dumplings, but because the glutinous rice balls made during the Lantern Festival are not for ordinary people. of.

In the past, when she was alive, she was good at making glutinous rice balls, and she would often make some in the lonely palace during the cold winter and twelfth lunar month. Those female servants were naturally relieved to have a bowl of red bean yuanxiao. After she passed away, this way It seems that few people can enjoy the boxing ceremony. After all, the calendar gods only appear for one day if there is no need. Although they have a long life, the accompanying loneliness is also tormenting, so even though they are calendar gods, they still love to do Lantern Festival. Tangyuan is eaten by people, but because no one gives it, she only makes this pot every year when it comes to the Lantern Festival.

At this moment, this small pot is filled with pure rainwater brought by good weather and good weather. The outer skin of the glutinous rice balls is freshly ground from the wheat that has brought good luck to the harvest. A thin layer of glutinous rice is chewed through to see the bread inside. There are all kinds of stuffing on the top, but what actually wraps it is the blessings bestowed on the world by the gods. Some of them are fortune, some are official, in short, if you eat one, you will have good luck this year.

Xiao Nanzhu is naturally clear about this, so even though he is very skeptical about the taste of killing Matt in the Tangyuan world, he still readily took the small bowl that Lantern Festival handed him, and waited for him to breathe. After frowning and bringing the small glutinous rice ball to his mouth, he opened it carefully with his teeth, then narrowed his eyes and glanced at it. The Lantern Festival first covered his mouth with a smile and then said in a soft voice,

"Yeah, Master Li has eaten a piece of love and luck, and it is estimated that he will soon have a crush."

"Ouch, isn't it? Which is the fortune, I want to eat that..."

Hearing this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, this sweetness mixed with a little umami can't taste any specific stuffing, but Xiao Nanzhu is not disgusting, but his purpose is not this, so he didn't put it. The meaningful words of Lantern Festival were taken seriously, and she just greedily scooped up a few pieces of fortune stuffing from her pot to fill her stomach, but this Lantern Festival made a big pot, except for Xiao Nan in this family. There was no one else in Candle, so when he finished eating two bowls, there was still a lot left in the pot.

"Well, there's so much left over... what a waste..."

The Lantern Festival girl who was talking to herself looked a little lonely and helpless. She was guarding this pot of dumplings and didn't know who to give it to. When Xiao Nanzhu was about to say something, she felt that she was in her pocket. The cell phone inside made a series of terrible vibrations.


My mother calendar teacher, you are really divine! ! Don't it rain wherever I go in the first month of the month? I thought it was Xiao Jingteng who came to my house to hold a concert, so I made a fuss Σ( ° △ °|||)︴! ! I have sent a private letter to ask for a solution! ! I don't want to be trapped in poverty for a year, our husband and wife still have to pay the mortgage! ! !

The Weibo that Xiao Nanzhu replied on a whim in the morning has moved again. It seems that the eldest sister who ate porridge during the Chinese New Year was really hit by the evil of the New Year. After all, any person who posts a koi usually has hundreds of retweets. A group of people who like to join in the fun will naturally come over to watch such a rare event, so when Xiao Nanzhu finishes eating breakfast, there are already many people. One after another @@he asked some other questions about Nianxie, but Xiao Nanzhu just glanced at her mobile phone and didn't have the time to answer one by one, only when she saw the Lantern Festival beside her, she suddenly felt more in her heart. I came up with an idea, so when those who just followed him refreshed the homepage, they saw that the po master named Huang Li Shi Lao Xiao had posted a new Weibo, and when they took a closer look, they found that it was such a content.

@黄立师Lao Xiao:

In order to celebrate the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, forward this Weibo and leave a message Happy Lantern Festival to get a special Lantern Festival, postage is at your own expense, draw at twelve o'clock, after eating the package, you will have good luck in the coming year~Momada~=3 =