Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 27: Happy Singles Day! buy buy buy!


Weibo, as long as there is a retweet lottery event, it is no accident that it will definitely increase the fans. After all, some Po owners rely on this to increase their fans. Xiao Nanzhu's original intention is to make the Lantern Festival energy saving mood better, don't delay today. Work, I didn't expect that there will be nearly 4,000 or 5,000 retweets in this moment, and more than 1,000 followers. Seeing this situation, she is also surprised at the Lantern Festival. Seeing the retweets and begging for the lottery, they are all congratulating themselves. Happy Holidays is even more sparkling in his eyes, full of surprises, but after a while, the comments below suddenly started to pinch inexplicably, and the content of the pinch made Lantern and Xiao Nanzhu somewhat unclear.

Your Majesty let me do this:

Happy Lantern Festival (^o^) / Good luck and lucky Lantern Festival, what is the stuffing of this prize glutinous rice balls? It's stuffed with fresh meat~ Here is the salty party, let us see your hands! !

Mountains without edges, heaven and earth, Heerkang and Junjue:

Happy Lantern Festival~ Bet a hammer is stuffed with sesame seeds! Otherwise, it's bean paste stuffing! ! The wicked/religious party on the right will do your best! ! Do you want to tear it up! ! !

Nanshan South:

It seems that a sweet and salty party battle is inevitable! Why do you have to come here no matter if it's moon cakes, dumplings, wontons, or Lantern Festival tofu flowers? ! It's annoying if you can't create your own! ! ! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Xiao Nanzhu, as a man who doesn't surf the Internet very much, still doesn't quite understand the young people's pinch point now, but he was too annoying so he closed it without watching it for a while. Lantern Festival was silent for a while when he saw this, and he was stunned in his heart. But for a while I thought of something else.

In the past, people used to go to the market, guess lantern riddles, and eat the Lantern Festival. However, the times have changed. The 15th day of the first lunar month, which should be lively and lively, coincides with the working day, except for some local official celebrations. , In fact, few people take the initiative to celebrate anything anymore. The small market has become an obstacle to the road, unsanitary and unsafe; lantern riddles have become outdated and old-fashioned things, and there are no more talented people willing to go to the beauties under the lights. Thinking hard; Lantern Festival has become a cheap frozen food. You can go to the supermarket to buy it and make a bowl for yourself whenever you want to eat it. But for the Lantern Festival girl herself, she sometimes almost forgets the meaning of this festival. What is it.

"When I was celebrating the festival many years ago, I could always feel that everyone was sincerely celebrating me. At that time, the lanterns were decorated and it was very lively. The whole Chang'an was dazzling, not to mention how lively! The knight and the singer, the scholar and the young lady, how much friendship Affectionate, so enviable... But it's been a long time, and not many people still remember who I am... On the fifteenth day of the first month, oh, what else can I do if I eat a dumpling? I've already gone to work, what's the point? What is the first month of the month... Well, maybe in a few years, everyone will stop eating glutinous rice dumplings and eat spicy food instead. At that time, what can I do with my name, Yuanxiao Lishen? No one will know who Yuanxiao is, and no one will know. She once received the favor of a gentleman named Dongfang, and no one knows that on this day, I hope that every family will be safe and sound... Master Li, my heart is bitter ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

Holding an embroidered handkerchief, she kept wiping the corners of her red eyes. The yellow flowers that she had put on her when she came to work from crying were all blurred. An ancient woman like the Lantern Festival was a little sentimental, so she sighed without saying a word. Xiao Nanzhu was a little embarrassed to see this, after all, the troubles of this Lantern Festival should have been experienced by many calendars, some of which were more unlucky than him, such as Huachao, Hanshi, etc. But this kind of words still can't be said directly, so while leaning on the sofa and drawing paper to wipe tears for the Lantern Festival, this bastard full of no serious ideas began to give other people crazy ideas again.

"Yuanxiao, your idea is wrong. People nowadays forget the old traditions, but you are the essence of national culture. As a god, you must not forget it... But I don't think everyone remembers you and Dongfang Shuo now. Things are also normal. After all, the happy ending brought about by this pure relationship between men and women, the people don’t like to watch it! Nowadays, TV dramas are all about climaxing and emotional entanglement. If you had a story of Dongfang Shuo to you You fell in love, made an oath and promised to escape, but unfortunately, you were caught by the bully emperor. On the day of Shangyuan Festival, Xiangxiaoyu died and left a bowl of sesame dumplings. How shocking it must be for the people to sing about it! I promise that your attention and popularity will be higher than now, you look at who is that, who is that... "

After listening to this Lantern Festival girl's talk, Xiao Nanzhu still felt that she needed to enlighten her. Unfortunately, the Lantern Festival seemed to be unhappy. I think it was because the traditional festivals for so many years had also filled her heart. But after his nonsense, Yuanxiao did not speak. After a while, the beauty suddenly raised her head and stared at Xiao Nanzhu with a glowing face and asked,

"Master Li is right! I also think that's the case! I want those mortals to think of the Lantern Festival when they see the Lantern Festival!! I can't be eliminated so easily!! Let me think about it! Love story Okay! If I were to organize the two or three things about Mr. Dongfang, His Majesty and me into a book! Would anyone still like to watch it!! But I think that compared with my majesty, I have no sense of existence, I actually prefer to eat Mr. Dongfang's Vinegar... Hey, do you want to make a special note about this?"

Xiao Nanzhu: "... it's muddy, you know too much _(:3)∠)_"

Xiao Nanzhu finally decided to leave the matter of whether Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was straight, curved or double. He didn't go into it himself, but after he enlightened the Lantern Festival, he was in a good mood. Not bad, the enthusiasm for work has also increased a little. After lunch, two people came to the house begging him for help to see the day, one of them was a woman who came with a good car and was well dressed, and the other was an old lady in simple and rough clothes. .

Xiao Nanzhu naturally treats the customer who came to the door on his own accord, regardless of whether it is a rich person or an ordinary person, as long as he can settle the bill happily in the end, he will take care of it. The rich lady who arrived first seemed to be the first time to come to this kind of private house to ask someone about it. When she saw this dilapidated old-fashioned apartment downstairs, she felt shabby in her heart and didn't feel like she lived in a wise man.

However, after she brought the driver up and entered the house, she suddenly felt that this family always revealed an indescribable openness. Regardless of where this is inexplicably spilled in, it will light up the whole living room. The tolerant and gentle atmosphere in the air alone makes people feel good. It is not as dull as some people's homes. It's not that kind of empty and gloomy, although the furniture is very simple, in a word, when you walk in, you know that this must be a good place to be blessed. This feeling came suddenly, but it was not unreasonable. After all, she had visited many ancient temples and buildings in the past, but any kind of blessed land that accumulated good luck always made people feel good. Thinking of this, this well-informed Mrs. Kuo suddenly had some thoughts about today's itinerary, and as soon as she was seated, she saw the man and woman who were already sitting on the coffee table waiting for her, with an arrogant expression. The woman couldn't help but admire in her heart.

Her husband is a famous politician, and her family is quite wealthy, so this lady named Wang Li has seen some outstanding people in her life. So upright and pure, the whole body is full of blessings for men and women. To say that the Li Shi named Xiao Nanzhu is generally on the upper side of the appearance, occupying some deep and upright facial features, and he looks like a decent person, but there are many such people in life, and they will see too much. He was used to it, but it seemed that it was because of the good fortune that lingered on him that this man, who could be regarded as a middle-achiever, suddenly caught a lot of attention, and the woman who was pouring water to Wang Li's heart beside him, Although there are some traces of the years on her body, it is the most beautiful and moving existence she has ever seen in her life.

"Miss, how do you usually take care of it?"

Lowering her voice, she couldn't help but asked in a low voice, perhaps because the beauty of Lantern Festival really moved this woman who loves beauty a bit, so she could not hide her curiosity and asked a question, she expected this to be Xiao Nanzhu's assistant. Something like that, following this powerful Li Shi naturally has its own secret method, but Lantern Festival, who heard the words, was stunned for a moment, as if she did not expect this human woman to be envious of her appearance, so she tilted her head and pondered. Li Shen, who was kind-hearted and talkative, replied with a sweet smile,

"There is no way to maintain it. It's just that I like to eat Yuanxiao. Do you want to eat Yuanxiao too, ma'am?"

This answer made the lady stunned. She didn't understand what kind of maintenance method this was. Could it be that the woman didn't plan to tell her? There was a kind of unstoppable jealousy in her heart, but before she could say Lantern Festival, she got up with a smile and brought a bowl of dumplings from the kitchen. But this Wang Li didn't like these sweet things very much. After all, she was old and she had to avoid food if she wanted to keep her figure. She had to think more often to keep her husband's heart, and she politely took the bowl of dumplings. , After putting it on the table again and not intending to move it, Xiao Nanzhu, who was in front of her, suddenly spoke up.

"Mrs. Wang? Want to ask something? You know the rules here, right?"

The arrogant-looking man lowered his eyes and opened his mouth, but his tone was indifferent and polite, because he knew by looking at his clothes that he was a big customer who was bound to make a fortune, so he had to put away his laziness and his old cigarette addiction to complete the etiquette. Lantern Festival At the moment, Jie was serving this Mrs. Wang a cup of red jujube tea and a stack of fried glutinous rice glutinous rice cakes beside them. It took a while to speak to Xiao Nanzhu in a dry voice,

"Well, I came here through a friend's introduction, and said that you will see good luck and bad luck, so I came to ask, there are too many things at the end of the year, and I only looked at the sky today..."

Saying this, he took out a note written line by line with a pen from his purse. There are some private matters in the family. The wife, who claims to be well-bred, can't say anything, so she simply writes. On the paper, Xiao Nanzhu took it with kindness, glanced at it, and handed it directly to Lantern beside him. Lantern tilted his head and looked at it for a while before leaning into Xiao Nanzhu's ear and muttering to him. a few words.

During the private communication between the two of them, Wang Li kept staring at them. She wondered whether this man named Xiao Nanzhu was really capable of helping her, so she seemed a little nervous and cramped. Zhu Zhu knew exactly what the lady was bothering about, so after handing the note back, he organized the language and said,

"The first thing my wife asks is about the family. I think it's the men who are making trouble. I can tell you that it is best to go on March 8th. That day is Women's Day, and luck and luck go to the female compatriots. The filth that affects the harmony of the family and destroys the happiness of marriage must be the weakest that day. Before you go, Mrs., you can burn incense and take a bath. It is best to take your son there. Your son's wedding date, well, to be honest, your son's sons and daughters are already living in the world, I just don't know if it's time to call you grandma or..."

Xiao Nanzhu's words made the wife dumbfounded for a while. Looking at the changing face, she didn't expect such an answer. Her face turned blue all of a sudden. This husband and son are assholes. Going to a place makes this woman who has always been very proud feel an indescribable anger, and now she is so gloomy that she wants to call home to make a scene, but Gu Nian is still at someone's house, so she is not easy to have a seizure. However, Xiao Nanzhu was not interested in knowing more about the privacy of this wealthy family, but Wang Li was obviously afraid that he would reveal all these scandals, so after getting the answer he wanted, he not only gave him the remuneration he deserved, but also gave him more. A sealing fee.

Taking this rather generous reward, Xiao Nanzhu couldn't stop smiling. Seeing that her anger was soaring and she seemed to have more freckles on her face, he wanted to take the opportunity to be a favor. Thinking like this, he saw that he pushed the steaming bowl of Yuanxiao in front of Wang Li. Seeing this, Wang Li glanced at him for unknown reasons, but saw the young man rushing towards him with a wicked smile. He smiled.

"This Lantern Festival is a good thing. My wife might as well eat one. The youth and beauty are all wrapped up in it. I can only eat it today..."

When she heard this, Wang Li's eyes lit up. She rationally felt that there was no elixir in this world that could restore youth and beauty. After she devoured one under a meaningful gaze, accompanied by that unspeakable strange smell, she actually felt an unspeakable comfort permeating her chest, even with an ugly face. All became more radiant.

"This this… "

She happily held the screen of her mobile phone and reflected her pink face. Wang Li, who wanted to take a selfie immediately and sent it to her circle of friends, took a long time to restrain her ecstasy. After that, she kept begging to Xiao Nanzhu if she could buy it again. The last bowl, but the reason why this strange thing is strange is because the freshness is still there, so Xiao Nanzhu and Lantern Festival will not satisfy this woman's greed endlessly, they only say that if you want to eat, you will have to come back on the 15th of the first month of next year. It was rejected. Wang Li was also disappointed when she saw this, but she already believed in Xiao Nanzhu's ability, and because of Wang Li's generosity, Xiao Nanzhu also seemed a little enthusiastic when she sent this lady out. But just as he was about to go back to the house, another old lady who followed the address to the door also came.

Compared to the lady who didn't trust Xiao Nanzhu just now, this old lady looked much poorer. She was not wearing thick clothes and had a sick face on her face. Judging from her age, she should be in her late seventies. The old man is old, but at this age when he should enjoy the support of his children and family, this old man found Xiao Nanzhu tremblingly by himself, and what she asked also surprised Xiao Nanzhu.

"My name is Deng Chunxiu... I'm seventy-two years old. At the end of last year, I was diagnosed with a nasty disease. The third period will be better in a few days, but the children are busy with work and the New Year is coming, I feel If I were gone at that time, I would definitely cause them trouble... But this whole New Year's Eve, I go to this house to get rid of it, and I will be accused of going to that house, but my illness is one day less, and I think about it. , I feel that I have no meaning to continue living... Now I just want to ask the calendar teacher, which day is the right time to return to the west during this period of time, I must find a rest day, otherwise my son and daughter will not have time to help me cook Funeral…”

When the old lady said this, her voice was very calm, but her heart was sour when she heard it. She didn't mention what kind of disease she had, but looking at the evil spirits lingering around her, she was indeed dying soon. However, it is one thing to know that he will live for a few days, so helplessly to confirm that his death is suitable for that day is too sad, so Xiao Nanzhu pinched the birthday character given to her by the old lady and did not speak for a long time, okay After a while he asked a question.

"Auntie, this matter... Your son and daughter still don't know about it?"

"I don't know, how dare you let them know, if you know, you will get angry and worry about money, but spending money is not good, and spending is nothing..."

Talking to herself like this may be because she knows what her children are like, so the old lady didn't have to think about what her son and daughter would do in advance. After the worried Lantern Festival handed her a bowl of red jujube tea, she sobbed a few times, and then turned to a trembling voice,

"It's also my own life that is not good. I raised three children by myself, but none of them are willing to give me old age... When I was a child, my boy was hospitalized, and the doctors said that it was not good for me. I cried and begged to kneel at the door of the hospital. I want to give that child a way to live, now that they are old and I'm going to die, I just don't want to cause them any trouble... If I find a good day, if I die, nothing will happen... I won't give them any trouble..."

In the end, I couldn't help crying. Lantern seemed to have some feelings about the old lady. Her pretty pink face was covered with sadness. She also had a mother when she was alive, and at that time she dreamed. She wanted to leave the palace early to take care of her when she was old, but Xiao Nanzhu was afraid that these sudden whims would find something for him, but before he could answer, the Lantern Festival first held the old lady's hand with tears in her eyes. Opened up.

"It's their fault that they don't want to support you! You don't have to be sad! I used to dream of seeing my relatives and parents, how could someone be so cruel! These three unscrupulous little bastards must know it's wrong Don't be afraid, Auntie!! Master Li and I will help you! Don't worry!! Don't worry!!"

"… "

Xiao Nanzhu opened his mouth in embarrassment. Xiao Nanzhu, who wanted to say that there might be an extra charge, finally chose to shut up. He didn't know how to help this old man whose life was so short, and even the glutinous rice balls in the Lantern Festival were powerless to return to the sky. Mrs., and soon, Lantern Festival used his actions to prove to him that only they were unexpected, and there was nothing they couldn't do.

Zhang Tianming is self-employed, in his early 40s this year, and has a wife and son. On the family side, there is also a big brother and a big sister. The old mother lives in the houses of three children one by one, and it is not a big burden to say. But it is probably because people are getting older, and some family affection and other things have become less caring along with their busy lives. The three sisters are having a reunion dinner in their 30s this year, because the eldest mother is in the first month of the year. There was a big fuss about who went to live first, and Zhang Tianming almost fought with his big brother because of this.

"You are the eldest brother! Why can't we let my mother stay at your house for a few days first! There are a lot of people in my family during the Chinese New Year! Isn't my mother in the way of my house! Besides, my sister-in-law is laid off at home again! There must be more time. Take care of our mother! Why should I take the time to take my mother home!!!"

He yelled and knocked down a wine glass on the table. At that time, Zhang Tianming, who was full of alcohol, only cared about complaining and didn't care about the thoughts of the others, but his eldest brother and sister-in-law were not a fuel-efficient lamp. If he was a jerk, he slapped the table and quarreled with him.

"What are you talking about, third child!! Our family's life is not as good as yours! You still don't care about it! Your family is rich and your daughter-in-law has a job, so you should give more money to our mother. It’s not even two weeks to drive her out!! It’s a good idea to live for a month!! You did it once!! Just like your big sister, Jing kept all the money to outsiders!!”

His face was filled with the sorrow of a middle-aged man. Zhang Tianfang's life has always been unsatisfactory. Now, listening to his younger brother taunting him like this is naturally intolerable at all. The younger sister, who had never spoken to her, couldn't bear it any longer, and scolded her with a shrill voice.

"Yo yo yo, why did you get involved with me again!! I'm a girl! The water splashed by my married daughter! It stands to reason that my mother doesn't need me to support it at all! That's all your business!! Now this is What's the matter! Are you not willing to let me take the blame for all of you? That's not possible! The small dilapidated house in my family can't live in people! I will give at most 200 yuan per month for food! Look at Do it..."

Zhang Tianming's mother, Deng Chunxiu, happened to be in the kitchen when the quarrel happened, but when they quarreled, even a deaf person could probably hear it clearly. Zhang Tianming himself didn't know what the old man was thinking. But just after thirty nights, the old lady who had said she wanted to spend the first month at her house disappeared.

Zhang Tianming always thought she was going to her eldest brother's or eldest sister's house. After all, she couldn't go anywhere else during the Chinese New Year, so he didn't care too much. He was a little confused when he answered the old lady's phone call, but what he didn't expect was that after he contacted his brother and sister, he realized that the old lady hadn't been to any place since the first month of the year, and he didn't even have a phone call. One immediately evaporated to the world.

Zhang Tianming is really in a hurry here. Although he doesn't care much about his mother on weekdays, but the old mother at this age has disappeared like this. Naturally, he is looking for it. His elder brother and elder sister said that he wants to Reported the case, but the police at the police station lost ten days to find out that the look at the three brothers and sisters was wrong, and in this regard, the three were all in their forties. The siblings also wanted to cry but had no tears, so those who could only ask for leave, and those who posted in the newspapers, be sure to bring back their mother who was angry with them.

It's been almost 20 years since they've been so united on one thing. The three brothers and sisters, who were struggling, drove their cars and motorcycles all over the street to find their mother, but this mother couldn't find anyone, and it happened on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Zhang Tianming, who just came home to rest after seeing the old lady the night before, woke up and realized that something was wrong with him, but when his drowsy mind woke up, he found himself in a Among the old memories that he himself almost forgot.

"Doctor, doctor, I beg you!! Help my son!! He just got bumped by that car, how could he be like this!! He's still so young!! Please help him!! How much will I pay? You can come out!! I beg you!! I kowtow to you!!”

The crying woman hugged him tightly. He was shaking with pain all over his body, but the hot tears of his mother on his face seemed to soothe most of his pain. This was a memory that Zhang Tianming almost forgot. Thirty-eight years ago, on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, he was hit by a car in front of his house because he was having fun. At that time, because there were no witnesses present, the driver who caused the accident fled directly. It was his mother who heard something wrong. It was only when he found him that he was dying. At this moment, his eldest brother and eldest sister, who were only about ten years old, were kneeling in front of the doctor with their mother, and the traces of the future years had faded. At this time, these two poor children were crying and begging. Let their younger brother live well.

"Doctor, please save my brother... He will be fine, woo woo... Tianming, brother and sister are here, don't cry, don't cry... It doesn't hurt, it won't hurt to hold my sister... "

Holding his two small hands with bloody palms, Zhang Tianming's whole heart was warmed. It was something he could not remember for a long time, but now he remembered it inexplicably, but this thing is better than gold. They were all precious, and Zhang Tianming, who had lived for most of his life, wanted to cry a little bit. He felt ashamed and blushed. Those complaints and resentments caused by trivial matters because of his interests had turned into memories that he had long forgotten. It was so ridiculous, but when he opened his eyes with tears in his eyes, he found that although the hospital was still a hospital, he had become standing at the door of an office, with his brother and sister standing beside him. .

"Big brother... Big sister..." "Hey, the third one, you..."

The three brothers and sisters who stared at each other with red eyes all looked a bit funny. Zhang Tianming felt a bit bizarre when he contacted him about what happened to him, and his eldest brother and eldest sister obviously had a similar experience with him, because this time they did not have any more They ran against each other like before, but they looked at each other in a rare silence.

This awkward and stiff atmosphere is unprecedented. The three sisters and brothers hesitated, but no one broke the silence at the moment. At this moment, they suddenly heard a suppressed cry from the half-open office door. , and the old voice sounded familiar.

"Doctor girl, just tell me, how long can I drag on with my illness? Three months? Two months? Oh... Well, if you don't stay in the hospital or not, you're too old to be hospitalized and it's a waste of money, don't, don't fight. Called to tell my son and daughter that they were busy with work... yes, busy... "

The trembling old back looks like a withered old tree, its branches and leaves have fallen, and even the vitality to maintain its life is gone. When Zhang Tianming was young, Zhang Tianming's mother was also a woman who loved to joke and laugh loudly, but she wasted her hair full of hair for her three children. In the past, she could at least say a word in the face of the child's illness, as long as she could save him, but she was old and sick, and this old man in his twilight years had no home.

"My name is Deng Chunxiu... I am seventy-two years old this year. My eldest son is called Zhang Tianfang, my eldest daughter is called Zhang Tianfei, and my youngest son is called Zhang Tianming... They were good children when they were young, but when they grow up, they will I have my own home... Then where is my home?"

- "Oh, forget it, I'd better go, and I won't cause trouble to them."

In the end, Xiao Nanzhu chose a good day for Deng Chunxiu's death. It was the day after the Dragon Head Festival, but anyone who died on that day would be considered happy and sad, not bad at all. This old man has lived to a certain age. In fact, when the time comes, they can feel that the time is fast forward, but they just want to have an exact date, so they asked a calendar teacher like Xiao Nanzhu to ask for peace of mind. Now Xiao Nanzhu has given her a gift. As a reassurance, the old man was relieved. As for his three children who were well educated by Lantern Festival, she really didn't know what to say.

"My grandma also died of cancer. She persisted a little longer than you, because she has a good mentality. Aunt, if you keep exercising and exercising, maybe you will live until the Dragon Boat Festival next year. Don't think about saving money for your children. You paid 80 yuan to see me here, and 80 yuan is enough for you to buy a good meal for a day, right?”

He casually sent the old lady downstairs, Xiao Nanzhu didn't have the embarrassment to cheat people this time, he just wanted to charge a basic fee and let it go. Think of the old lady at home. At that time, when his grandmother got sick, Xiao Nanzhu, who was only a teenager, only felt that he was about to collapse.

After all, no matter how often he contradicts and is disobedient, he also knows that this is the only one of his relatives. It was his grandmother who brought him up since he was a child, and it was his grandmother who gave him everything. He had no father or mother, and he didn't even have a detailed background. After the old lady left, he would no longer have any relatives. , but in the end he was sad and uncomfortable but there was no way to resolve it. Fortunately, his mind was still clear at that time, and he did some dizzy things without being extreme. Now that so many years have passed, at least he is still alive and healthy. , And thinking of this, Xiao Nanzhu stood at the door of the house and lit a cigarette for himself with some emotion.

"Stinky boy, why are you crying, your grandma, I'm not dead! In the future, when I leave, you will have only yourself, and no one will be able to take care of you except yourself. You didn't listen to me before, I'll let you take care of yourself. Studying, you are not happy... I told you not to fight, you don't listen, now I am leaving, I can't care about you... I just need you to promise me a word, no matter what, live well, don't study badly, so... Grandma will Don't worry, go, do you hear me?"

In the pale ward, the trembling last words of the old lady were still in my ears. At that time, Xiao Nanzhu, who was kneeling by the head of his bed, had red eyes, but for a long time he held the old man's wrinkled hand and stubbornly kowtowed. Tears drained his eyes, but his hands were still getting colder. At that moment, Xiao Nanzhu felt as if his heart was suddenly empty, and even his muscles and bones were sore that he wanted to cry.

"Master Li, when will we draw the lottery! This retweet is over 50,000! I want to draw a lottery! I want to draw a lottery!"

Lantern shouted to him in a coquettish voice from inside the room. Xiao Nanzhu, who heard the words, woke up from his long memory. He said helplessly and walked straight into the room, but when he just stepped into the room, a The snake with the thickness of the thumb came up with him from the corridor, and when Xiao Nanzhu walked in, the poisonous snake with red eyes and a triangular head hissed and vomited, and then became gloomy. whispered,

"Hey, kill you—I'm going to kill you—"