Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 30: Shocked


When Zhang Chi's car drove downstairs to Xiao Nanzhu's house, it happened to be 12:20 at night. When he drove into this dilapidated community in the dark, the dog tied by the guard at the door kept barking at him. Climbing out, Zhang Chi was still in a dizzy state. He pressed the car horn desperately and drove in. Seeing that the residential building mentioned by Xiao Nanzhu on the phone was right in front of him, the anxious guy with a pale face finally relaxed. breathed.

"Master Li!! Where are you!! I'm here to pick you up!! Master Li!! The sky is falling!!"

He got his head out of the car window and started yelling while pressing the horn. Zhang Chi, an unqualified bastard, didn't care that everyone in the neighborhood was sleeping, so he screamed and screamed, but unfortunately he hadn't brought Xiao down. Nan Zhu shouted, and the lights of many households turned on with the scolding, and accompanied by the sound of loud footsteps, a black shadow with something on his back ran to his car in a few steps. Before, he gave him a direct look at his big head that was protruding outside.

"Are you fucking sick! Didn't you say it? What a shit!! If you do this, I will be kicked out of a community tomorrow morning!!!"

"Get out and get out! I'll give you a big villa to honor you! As long as you help me get rid of that bastard river monster! Buy, buy, buy!"

"Go away!! Buy your uncle's legs! Annoying stuff! Hurry up and drive!!"

With the car door open, he bent down and threw the dead man on his back in. Xiao Nanzhu didn't look good with a cigarette in his mouth. Obviously, the mood wasn't very good. He greeted the difficult teacher Li in the car with kind words. After all, the incident happened suddenly tonight, and he was not mentally prepared, so he alerted the local police. Although he also had connections, he was shocked. It was not easy to deal with the judiciary. In desperation, he could only come to Xiao Nanzhu to rescue him overnight, but after he saw clearly what was thrown into the car by Xiao Nanzhu, Zhang Chirao was very anxious. Couldn't help but ask one more question.

"Yo, who is this kid... Master Li, it's not suitable for you to bring a little lover to work..."

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the sleepy, slender young man wrapped in a big padded jacket, because he knew from the beginning that Xiao Nanzhu likes men, so Zhang Chi saw him and carried a big living man to his family. Subconsciously, I think it's wrong, to say that he usually reads countless people, but he has never seen such an eye-catching little handsome guy. A dead pig can look so good when he sleeps, and he must be more radiant when he wakes up. Thinking of Zhang Chi, who has never been disciplined, he hurriedly took a few more glances, and Xiao Nanzhu, who had worked so hard at home but couldn't wake up the stings, was helpless. He also sat down, and noticed from the rearview mirror that Zhang Chi, the big-colored embryo, was a little coveted staring at Jing Zhe, who was asleep in the back seat. Poke up, and see Zhang Chi dodging him with a mean smile, then he said in a cold voice,

"What are you thinking, can your mind be purer! Tell me about the current situation, those two people who saw the river monster... Where are they now? Are they dead?"

"Oh, oh, not dead, not dead! One fainted from fright, and the other was fine! In short, they all didn't die! The river monster just ran out and came back, but didn't have time to crawl out! But bad luck is bad luck One of the two people called the police. He didn't know the situation, and he told nonsense that he was dead. The police answered the call and went straight to the construction site to break in. Now everything is uncertain. If you go in and find something wrong If something dies, I can’t hold it any longer, so I’ll find someone to block it first, then I’ll come to you quickly…”

"Don't worry, that thing won't come out unless she hears the sound of thunder. She's waiting for the first spring thunder before she's fully awake... But you have to find a solution for the police on your own."

Wen Yan also spoke out to comfort the emotional Zhang Chi, but Xiao Nanzhu was not as impatient as he was, just squeezed the cigarette in his mouth and took a sip expressionlessly. Zhang Chi seemed to have no problem listening to his tone. He hurriedly breathed a sigh of relief, but while the two of them were talking, Jing Zhe, who was sleeping soundly on Xiao Nanzhu's lap, let out a faint snoring sound.

"Master Li, I... this is... where is this? What are we doing... why are we going?"

He was curled up in a daze, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands, but he still couldn't wake up for a long time. Jing Zhe seemed to be so sleepy and could only keep his mouth open and yawned constantly. Seeing this, Xiao Nanzhu squinted and snorted. , then patted his face and said coldly,

"Go to work, you're more than 20 minutes late baby, do it yourself..."

"Ugh... I don't want to go to work... I want to sleep, why don't I change shifts on New Year's Eve... He even looked for me a few days ago... "

Wrinkling his face and muttering in his mouth, Jing Zhe was feeling sleepy, and his tone involuntarily carried a hint of coquettish coquettishness. Zhang Chi, who was sitting in front of the car and burying his head in the car, silently looked away from the two of them, and became more and more determined in his heart. Xiao Nanzhu has the impression of being a veteran of flowers, but Xiao Nanzhu, who was unaware, didn't pay much attention to it, only smoking a cigarette and slowly replied,

"You can do your own work by yourself. He has so much spare time to help you on New Year's Eve. He is not in good health... Get up, can you hear me!"

While talking, he didn't realize that he was thinking about New Year's Eve in a biased way. Xiao Nanzhu just subconsciously felt that New Year's Eve didn't need to be so hard, but when Jing Zhe heard it, he immediately covered his eyes and cried in despair, seeing this pitted him. A handful of unlucky Lishen was finally unhappy, but Xiao Nanzhu was happy, and only pinched his face and pulled him hard to wake up. Jing Zhe saw this and had nothing to do, so he could only put on his big padded jacket. Leaning on Xiao Nanzhu listlessly, he began to discuss with him in a low voice the countermeasures to deal with the snake mother, and Xiao Nanzhu couldn't help but ask back after listening to him lying beside his ears.

"When the time comes, can your spring thunder be accurate? How many times? It won't turn off halfway, right? I can tell you, Jing Zhe, this matter is very serious, I don't care how you sleep after you're done. But you have to kill this thing, you know..."

"it is good… "

He nodded his head with a puffed face to indicate that he heard it. Jing Zhe yawned and still looked sleepy, but he finally understood what Xiao Nanzhu was saying. Seeing this, Xiao Nanzhu was relieved. Zhang Chi, who answered a call with a bluetooth headset in the car, muttered and cursed his mother there again.

"This group of people who eat dry rice can't stop even a single note, so I'll open it up when I go back... The team leader of the Municipal Public Security Bureau is also obsessed, so if there are monsters, they have to come to see it specially, this is when I'm Sun Wukong, my mother..."

"Hey, it's not wrong that the people's police are in charge, and Mr. Zhang, can you stop talking like a triad, isn't your family serious about real estate..."

With a cigarette in his back, he couldn't help but stop Zhang Chi. After Xiao Nanzhu finished speaking, the man driving in front also glanced at him, and after sighing and shaking his head, Zhang Chi opened his mouth and explained,

"No, no, I really respect this captain. Whoever loves to play in this city doesn't know his name, Peng Dong, he dares to go to check whoever runs this club, and whoever sets up the gambling game he dares to run. Go get it, I almost got caught and detained by this guy twice, but now it's better..."

"What did you say this man's name was?"

He seemed to have heard a familiar name in his ears. Xiao Nanzhu was still rubbing Jing Zhe's head casually listening to Zhang Chi talking nonsense. Now he was in a good mood, but he seemed to think that Xiao Nanzhu's reaction was a bit strange. Ben was still driving and replied.

"Peng Dong? East from east to west, north to south, why... Do you know Master Li?"

The third sub-bureau of Y City suddenly received a strange call from the police in the early hours of the morning. There was an incoherent young man on the phone who kept yelling, but after talking for a long time, he did not clarify the specific situation on his side. The police were also puzzled when they heard it, and thought it was a drunk man playing a prank, but after further inquiries, the crying man took several deep breaths, and finally straightened his tongue and collapsed. shouted.

"There are monsters here in Binjiang!! There are monsters!! It's here in Binjiang!! The head is bigger than the car!! The monster is taller than the building!! Everyone is scared to death here!! Help!! Comrade police officer Save my life!!! Woohoo!!"

The little policeman on the line was dumbfounded as soon as he said this. For a moment, he really wondered why someone with a problem in his mind called him to make fun of him. After all, this kind of thing happened often before, but at the moment he was dazed , but there was a sharp scream that almost broke the eardrums, and just after the terrifying cry similar to some kind of animal sounded, the phone on the other end hung up instantly, with the The voice of the shouting man also disappeared.

The telephone calls of the police command center are usually backed up by audio recordings. When the police on this line saw something was wrong, they immediately notified the headquarters and sent this strange recording together. Because the Riverside Bridge is an important project under construction by the government, this Taking into account the fact that there were already casualties mentioned on the phone, the Municipal Public Security Bureau temporarily dispatched a team that happened to finish the task of catching gambling in the early morning and headed to Binjiang Road. The police officers rushed to that time, but they couldn't even enter the construction site, and were directly stopped outside the construction site by a few roadside workers in the early hours.

"We belong to the Municipal Public Security Bureau. I'm Peng Dong, the captain of the first unit. The call center just received a call saying that someone in your area died. Now we're going in to investigate the situation! Would you please cooperate?"

He took out his police officer card and spoke with a serious face. The tall man who led the man over was dressed in a police uniform. , only glanced at the police car parked at the gate of the construction site and the policemen by the light of the flashlight, and then a worker standing in front spoke directly and fluently,

"Oh, comrade police, why don't you stay up in the middle of the night to check on a dilapidated construction site like ours? There is only a river in it except for building materials, and the inside and outside are locked. How could someone die? How many of us are If you listen to the boss and come to see things, you don’t dare to open the door for you casually, otherwise, let’s wait for our boss Zhang Chi to come over, and then let him lead you in in person?”

The worker's explanation made the obviously bad-tempered officer frown a little unhappily, but it's not easy for them to come here without a search warrant and have no reason to do so, plus the responsibility for this is not easy. The people who started the project can be regarded as the powerful and powerful people in this city, and the policemen in their capacity are really not able to provoke them, and these old oily workers in front of them seem to see their embarrassment. He only stopped the grinding with a smile on his face but refused to let them in. Frowning Peng Dong, out of frustration, he could only offer to contact the person in charge of their construction site, but at this moment, he suddenly heard that some of the workers were among them. The thin man hummed disdainfully,

"Dead man."

As soon as these words entered Peng Dong's ears, the young police officer's face became gloomy. As a police officer, he could not make any rash actions at will, but when he heard such obviously insulting words, He still looked at the man with a very angry look at the moment when he stood up straight. This glance is full of deterrence. In the end, it is people who stay in the Municipal Public Security Bureau and face criminals and thugs all year round. Just the appearance of sizing people is very scary. The worker was still disdainful in his heart, and suddenly saw the policeman Staring at himself as if he was going to eat people, he shivered and didn't dare to speak again. Seeing this, Peng Dong also pursed his lips noncommittally, and then pressed his voice and said,

"I'll give you five minutes. Please contact your person in charge, Mr. Zhang Chi, as soon as possible. We will naturally be responsible for verifying the alarm calls we receive. In addition, I would like to remind you that the police are state officials, and I can insult and slander their reputation at any time. Arrest you, do you hear me!"

The words fell, and the workers who had never seen the big scene didn't dare to speak anymore. Peng Dong frowned and wanted his team members to wait in the car first, but he hadn't finished speaking yet. The workers The boss Zhang Chi said was coming in a jeep with headlights on, but when the car stopped and the door opened, a tall and strong man with a bit of evil spirit came down in a large windbreaker.

"Wait for a long time! There is a delay on the road! Are any of you comrades from the Municipal Public Security Bureau

He just opened his mouth and started talking nonsense. Zhang Chi has always had this attitude towards people he doesn't trust very much. He looks polite but every word has an indescribable hypocrisy. Peng Dong's serious personality is naturally Not interested in talking nonsense with him, he directly told Zhang Chi about the call to the police and proposed to search the construction site, but when Zhang Chi heard it, he smiled and leaned against the door to explain loudly,

"What do I think it is! It's all a misunderstanding! A big misunderstanding! Didn't I just say there was a delay? In fact, I was dealing with the two workers! I didn't care about falling into the river while walking at night. They are all hospitalized but they are not dead. If you don’t believe me, police comrade, you can call the hospital and ask to verify their identities. These two workers are just scared and talking nonsense there. Oh, it’s a monster, this matter Tell me, do you believe in this science?"

Zhang Chi's assertive appearance made Peng Dong glance at him without saying a word. It seems that there is no problem in analyzing these words from common sense, but he still has some doubts in his own heart. Perhaps it is Zhang Chi's attitude and this The origin of everything is peculiar, so he knew that Zibuyu was eccentric, but he still didn't want to leave it alone, and just when he insisted on going in despite Zhang Chi's various explanations, Zhang Chi's car was in the car. But there was a cough.

The coughing sound was inexplicable, and Peng Dong didn't know until now that there was someone in the car that had Zhang Chi. He almost subconsciously turned his attention to the car window that had been closed all the time, thinking about the hidden head and tail. Who was the person, and as the car door opened, a speechless man with a face so familiar that he was shocked suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Xiao... Instructor Xiao?!"