Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 33: women


Two days after the day of Jing Zhe, Xiao Nanzhu, who was so tired, stayed at home and did not go out. Zhang Chi wanted to ask him out for a drink, but he refused. Maybe he really agreed to this before. After all, last time, the little handsome guy who was still a little interested also sent him a few text messages, but since he asked the question on New Year's Eve on a whim, he seemed to Suddenly I lost interest in this aspect, and after thinking about it for a while, I felt very uncomfortable.

"New Year's Eve, do you like me?"

"… "

After Xiao Nanzhu asked this question that day, he didn't say a word on New Year's Eve, but rather than saying he didn't want to answer it, he didn't know how to answer.

Because after hearing these words, the expression of Li Shen, who had always been indifferent, suddenly distorted, and the palms hidden in the sleeves began to clench.

Those unilateral desires and thoughts for Xiao Nanzhu that had been bothering him began to fill his mind again. It was obvious that he had suppressed all kinds of things before, but it seemed to be useless. He was always thinking about Xiao Nanzhu. On New Year's Eve, he was afraid of being known, but being exposed so mercilessly in front of Xiao Nanzhu still made him feel a little embarrassed for a moment.

He felt that he was shameless and despicable. With such evil thoughts on a person who didn't know anything about him, he kept an eye on his every move. When he saw that he was in danger, he couldn't bear his temper immediately. He had never experienced such a situation on New Year's Eve, so in addition to being nervous and helpless, he was more of a panic.

He was very afraid that he would suddenly lose control of himself, and used shameless means to coerce and humiliate Xiao Nanzhu just like the previous two times. After all, Master Li's body was so beautiful, his mind swayed just thinking about it, but he didn't care about right or wrong. The clear understanding of New Year's Eve let New Year's Eve know that it was all wrong. He didn't want to offend Xiao Nanzhu, nor did he want to hurt anyone. Even if he could always be forgiven by kind-hearted people in the end, it didn't mean that he could do it again and again. Three places to make such an excessive move.

Thinking like this, New Year's Eve trembled and closed his red eyes. His heart went back and forth for a while, but he alone did not have any joy and relief from being exposed to his secret love, because what accompanied him was only the deformity and distortion of himself. He felt a strong sense of guilt, and after finally restraining the soaring nasty thoughts in his heart, he slowly lifted the end of his bright red eyes, and turned to stare at Xiao Nanzhu with a stiff look, as if Looking at him like tearing the flesh off his face bit by bit, he muttered for a long time,

"I don't know, Master Li... I don't know."

It seems like a childish answer. As a god born in the first month of the first month, New Year's Eve is obviously born with the most dazzling colors in the world, but his mind is like the simplest white paper. He was still like this, and Xiao Nanzhu couldn't help frowning when he saw it. After a while of silence, he reluctantly lit the cigarette that he had not lit for a long time in his hand, and took a deep breath.

"Forget it, I don't know if I don't know..."

Saying such apparently perfunctory words, Xiao Nanzhu himself was still a little disappointed, but he couldn't continue to be cheeky and continue to force New Year's Eve to answer his questions, he could only just act like nothing happened.

However, the thrilling scene under the lightning strike still filled him with an indescribable emotion towards New Year's Eve. Xiao Nanzhu felt both gratitude and pity in his heart. He couldn't say anything on New Year's Eve and forced him to do anything. And because of Jing Zhe's earth-shattering work mistakes that night, he could only touch the dark and simply treat the wound on New Year's Eve, whose back was full of burns. When this was done, Xiao Nanzhu couldn't help it. cried bitterly.

The faint light of the mobile phone hit the pale back, Xiao Nanzhu asked New Year's Eve to take off his clothes and lie down on his bed, while he knelt on the ground beside the bed. This should be a quite normal thing, and Xiao Nanzhu used to It's not that he hasn't helped others deal with wounds, but when his fingertips touched his pale flesh, which was blood-colored and had a strong difference between ordinary people's skin tone, Xiao Nanzhu subconsciously breathed in a mess.

Just lying there on New Year's Eve without saying a word, it is a weak, docile and sadistic gesture, which is a wonderful contrast to his always gloomy and brutal way of doing things. The soft attitude of the beast and the Spring Festival is another contrast. Any normal man can't resist such temptation, not to mention that Xiao Nanzhu is not the kind of person who can suppress himself, so naturally he can't help but think about it, but in his heart he understands that some things cannot be crossed. So after closing his eyes and suppressing some wrong thoughts, he still focused on cleaning up the bloodstains that had condensed for New Year's Eve.

In such a situation, Xiao Nanzhu still couldn't help but let go of his movements. Maybe it was because the wounds on New Year's Eve were too many and too scary, so he was always afraid of hurting him, but what he didn't know was, This kind of injury is really nothing on New Year's Eve. How many times he was tortured by evil spirits until he was tortured to the point where he would not beg for mercy, let alone under this circumstance, so he just kept silent and let Xiao Nan go from beginning to end. Zhu touched him carefully as if he was touching a piece of porcelain, and maybe it's not good for a man to be single for too long, so after Xiao Nanzhu finally sent away New Year's Eve and Jing Zhe and rested on his own, this evening But never sleep well.

The things in the dream were messy, Xiao Nanzhu felt irritable when he thought about it. He was only cowardly when he was 14 or 15 years old and could only dream about a person in a dream. When Seventeen came to work, Xiao Nanzhu was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, and that he was not in a good mood.

In the afternoon, he vaguely remembered that Peng Dong had also called to find him. At that time, Xiao Nanzhu, who was half-sleepy and half-awake, briefly chatted with him and gave him his home address. Because Peng Dong was also busy with his work, he made an appointment to come and sit at his house next time, and when Xiao Nanzhu, who had declined all guests and slept for two days, woke up, he curled up on the bed like a stray dog. The decadent man himself could hardly tell it was day and night.

"Well... is it still seventeen now..."

Closing his eyes and muttering to himself, Xiao Nanzhu, who had messy hair, yawned and reached for his mobile phone from the bedside table next to him. When he subconsciously opened the Weibo interface and checked the time, he realized that he was sleeping directly. I slept the day before, and today is March 8, which is International Women's Day.

Master Huang Li Lao Xiao:

Today is March 8th of the Gregorian calendar, the 18th day of the second month of the lunar calendar. It is suitable for offering sacrifices, marrying, accepting son-in-law, and burial; avoiding planting, creating objects, making stoves, and entering the house. On March 8, 1909, the first feminist parade broke out in Chicago, USA. Since then, International Women's Day has spread all over the world, and I would like to say a happy holiday to all the female compatriots who are celebrating today. =3=

Standing in the bathroom while brushing his teeth, he posted this Weibo. So far, Xiao Nanzhu still maintains the habit of posting a Weibo with a yellow calendar every day, so there are many people who come here to ask questions, because he Busy day, so I haven't had time to answer the questions of these enthusiastic netizens. When he is biting his toothbrush and poking it open, some strange questions also appear accordingly.

Zhang Xiaobai is also eating dirt today:

Huang Li Shi Xiao Nan Zhu Li Shi asks for a flop! (^o^)/~ I had trachoma when I was a child. My grandma asked me to stand on the corner of the corner and wipe my eyes on the fourth day of the first day of the first year. They said that if I wiped the pink eye, it would be cured. , is there any scientific basis for this

He picked such a prominent question casually, Xiao Nanzhu answered it without any difficulty, but he was not someone who would answer other people's questions seriously, so he forwarded the micro-blog of the girl who asked the question. After the post, he made two sentences and added cute emojis before sending them out.

Master Huang Li Lao Xiao:

There is no scientific basis, but it does work~ By the way, you can rub your eyes while standing in the corner, but you can’t rub too much, otherwise you will wipe away the bad luck on your eyes and wipe your vitality, then the things you see in the future will be bad~(≧ ▽≦)/~

Leaving this meaningful sentence, Xiao Nanzhu didn't pay attention to the message of the person below and put the phone on the wet sink. His original intention was just a kind reminder, but it was enough to make people hang. Twelve points of curiosity.

Now that there are many people online, Xiao Nanzhu receives a lot of private messages on Weibo every day, and there are naturally many who are willing to come to the door after negotiating a good price with him. Because his career is originally open to any individual and unit, many companies such as airlines and express companies will also seek him to negotiate some jobs. At first, these people just came with the idea of giving it a try. However, after seeing Xiao Nanzhu's professionalism and reliability through the medium of the Internet, he is naturally willing to pay for this money. This naturally adds a lot of extra income to Xiao Nanzhu, so he will accept it when he goes online. A few orders are delivered to your door.

He just woke up in the morning and was in a bad mood. In order to cope with the work in the afternoon, Xiao Nanzhu dazed for a while with a cigarette in his mouth. After all, the person who came to work today was notoriously grumpy on Women's Day. He might be scolded by the savage female calendar for his messy body.

Thinking like this, Xiao Nanzhu also moved, but when he slowly took off his shirt and jeans, leaving only shorts and standing by the bathtub to turn on the water heater, the bathroom door behind him suddenly opened with a gust of cold wind , While subconsciously pulling his panties and looking back, Xiao Nanzhu found that a red figure who had just met not long ago was standing at the door with a shocked expression, and was looking at Xiao Nanzhu who was almost naked. Behind the body, the New Year's Eve, who was still expressionless, suddenly blushed, and then quickly turned his back and explained in a tight voice,

"Master Li... Hug... I'm sorry, I didn't... didn't see anything."

Hearing this, he was stunned. Xiao Nanzhu didn't understand why it appeared on New Year's Eve today, but he felt helpless for a moment when he looked like this. Now, it stands to reason that I wouldn't be embarrassed to be like this when I saw myself, but New Year's Eve in a sober state is always the kind of character that Xiao Nanzhu can't blame the most, so even if he still cares a little about what happened the day of Jingzhe, But Xiao Nanzhu would not mention it again to embarrass himself on New Year's Eve, so after rubbing the top of his head with his hands, he sighed slowly and said,

"Okay, okay, I didn't see it, but I'm going to take a shower. Why are you running in here, come with me? And how did you come here? What about Women's Day?"

Hearing Xiao Nanzhu's question, New Year's Eve also subconsciously wanted to turn his head to speak, but after he glanced at the tight and beautiful muscles of Xiao Nanzhu's upper body, the beautiful and gloomy Li Shen blushed quickly. After bowing his head, he frowned and explained,

"Women's Day is unwell today, but this year she has no sick leave to ask for, so she can't get up, but the rest of the people next to her have no free time, so on Women's Day, she had no choice but to come to me to work overtime for her... She also said If you ask about the exact cause, say she is…”

"What's up with her?"

"She... her menstrual period is here."

It's hard to imagine such embarrassing words coming out of New Year's Eve's mouth. Xiao Nanzhu, who almost choked to death, coughed violently for a while, and when he raised his head, he saw this always gloomy Li Shen with embarrassed ears turning red. Yes, but it's weird for two big men to discuss the issue of a lesbian's aunt here, so Quan thought that Xiao Nanzhu, who didn't understand, nodded to indicate that he understood, and then stood up. On New Year's Eve, with his back to him, he felt relieved that Xiao Nanzhu didn't intend to pursue their private shift change, but he went to the living room with his hands and feet to sit down and began to quietly listen to Xiao Nanzhu in the bathroom. Nan Zhu's movement, when he was thinking of something on New Year's Eve, he subconsciously thought of what happened after the shock.

After Jing Zhe, he didn't dare to come to see Xiao Nanzhu for several days. After all, he was exposed under that circumstance. On New Year's Eve, he always felt bitter and unbearable inside. Xiao Nanzhu's tolerance and gentleness made him feel a little bit in his heart. Gratitude, on the one hand, he felt secretly relieved that Xiao Nanzhu avoided talking about it, but on the other hand, there was one thing that had to stand in the way of his attempt to approach Xiao Nanzhu again.

Gods have a long lifespan. Although they also age in the process, they are often slow and almost negligible, because they only need to appear in the world for one day in a year for ordinary human beings, so human beings are in the world because of day by day. The past has grown old, but the calendar is still standing still.

This is the reason why calendar gods like them dominate time and years but often do not change much in appearance, but once one day a calendar god breaks the rules and keeps appearing in days that do not belong to them, then the accompanying What comes is that the time that should have been stagnant for him will return to normal. He still has divine power, but he gave up his privilege as a god and chose to consume his own life. This is blind and stupid for a god, and it is very helpless that now on New Year's Eve... Maybe this is what he is facing. Case.

No one has seen his true eyes so far. Women's Day, Spring Festival, Jingzhe, they only think that he is in a moody mood, but they don't know that this mute Lishen is always more paranoid than they imagined. And even though he knew that one more day would be an extra day of life, and he knew that he might die in a short century or even a few decades, but in this case, New Year's Eve did not regret it.

He still can't answer the question from Xiao Nanzhu about love, but what is certain is that if he can, he hopes to see Xiao Nanzhu every moment on New Year's Eve, protect him when he is in danger, and when he is happy. It's okay to share it when he is happy, or to witness it when he is happy, in short, whatever.

Time flies by like a white horse. If the price of living is to avoid seeing, it seems that New Year's Eve is not uncommon for such loneliness and coldness, so I know that Xiao Nanzhu may not know his secret intentions, New Year's Eve. Still willing to take every opportunity to meet him.

After all, for him now, whether that day is New Year's Eve, Spring Festival or other days, he only remembers that this is the day he can stay with Xiao Nanzhu, and he doesn't even understand the reason for this kind of obsession. , but the matter of love seems to make people crazy and irrational, so no matter if Xiao Nanzhu will see something in the future, he is ready to insist on his insistence without hesitation on New Year's Eve. Looking at the New Year's Eve who was stealing Xiao Nanzhu's snacks in the living room, he blinked his eyes as if remembering something, and for a long while, he looked at his pale palms like dead wood and murmured,

"I like it, how can... I don't like it... "