Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 35: women


Mrs. Wang Li's guests stayed at her house for a whole morning. During this time, Xiao Nanzhu played a few rounds of mahjong with him, winning and losing, but still gaining a lot. Several women chatted a lot at the poker table. Xiao Nanzhu listened to each other and heard a lot of first-hand news in the city recently, such as Mrs. Liu, who was going to have a second child recently. The due date is not yet. Yes, it is said that the vice mayor's family is not very peaceful recently. The public election in the city is about to start. The two candidates are going to find a good teacher to see the official luck, and these things Xiao Nanzhu wants to listen to are naturally for Silently remembered in his mind, Quan Dang opened more doors for himself.

After the game was almost over, the wives were tired and ready to go back to their respective homes. Because it was the first time to meet each other, Xiao Nanzhu thought of giving these wives a gift because of etiquette. On Women's Day, he slickly added a holiday gift to the female compatriots and handed them over one by one amid the laughter of several wives. This so-called Women's Day gift made me stunned.

The small red paper bag looks like a lucky money for the New Year, but what they don't know is that this is actually some very precious blessings for women that are hidden by the calendar on Women's Day, and it happens to be helping her today on New Year's Eve. work, so they were fortunate enough to get some from Xiao Nanzhu. Since the original appearance is actually more inclined towards sanitary napkins and the like, so this morning on New Year's Eve, he deliberately sat on the sofa in the living room and changed it to his favorite appearance one by one, which was wrapped in something like menstruation Regular, labor pain relief, freckles fade, and wrinkles disappear, so these ladies will naturally understand the beauty of it after receiving it.

At this moment, they naturally have no way of knowing this, but seeing how Xiao Nanzhu looks like the old god is there, they believe it for the time being. Coupled with Wang Li's repeated recommendations before, they also have the ability to Xiao Nanzhu. A bit of trust, so they left first after saying hello to Wang Li.

Because in order to deal with this group of lavish ladies, Xiao Nanzhu was naturally tired all afternoon. Standing beside him on New Year's Eve, he honestly acted as an assistant, and Xiao Nanzhu seemed a little unaccustomed to this. The always vicious guy had a docile look. He was a little uncomfortable after seeing him busy with himself a few times. He only whispered to let him rest and ignore himself. After going upstairs and sitting down in a quiet reception room on New Year's Eve, the middle-aged woman smiled apologetically at him, and then said,

"I said before that I wanted to pay more, but you said I didn't need it. I wanted to send some gifts and said it wasn't necessary, but it's not easy for me to be stingy with so much help from you, Master Li, so I wanted to introduce these friends to you. , if there is anything in the future, it will be convenient for them to find you..."

"Hey, where is it, it's just a small effort. It'll be good to take care of the business in the future."

Hearing this, he also laughed. Xiao Nanzhu knew that Wang Li was intending to help him and wanted to get closer to each other, so he nodded his head. Li's help was just business. However, as a middle-aged woman who has been devastated by her marriage, the current Wang Li seems to be very grateful to Xiao Nanzhu who rescued him. Seeing that on New Year's Eve, she sat expressionlessly without saying a word, and there was no one around. If there is any outsider, she simply lowered her voice and sighed,

"Hey, I've endured it for so many years. It's reasonable to say that if I make do with it, my whole life will pass, but when I think about how my son and his father learned to become the same jerk, my education for so many years has been like this. I feel chilled after feeding the dog... When I go back to the Lantern Festival, I want to understand, no matter what method I have to get him to agree to divorce me, and thanks to your help, Master Li, let the old pervert have a good memory... "

Speaking like this, she gritted her teeth as if she had become ruthless. Wang Li's expression was icy and disgusting, apparently she had no feelings for her ex-husband at all, and Xiao Nanzhu, who had helped her with her ex-husband, was also aroused. The corner of his mouth smiled, and then he pushed the cigarette butt into the ashtray and said,

"It's just a little trick, and it can't be used on the table. Since this man dislikes your age, likes a young girl's appearance, and a graceful sexy body, I will give him all these things, so it's what he wants... However, as a big man, he will have to live a normal life and socialize in the future, and he will definitely not be able to stand it if he really becomes like that..."

"Yeah, but you didn't see the virtue of him yelling at me on the phone, you can't scare him to death..."

Hearing this, Wang Li's dull mood just now seemed to have improved because of Xiao Nanzhu's words, so she also laughed, but it happened that Wang Li noticed New Year's Eve, who had not spoken.

Because she has seen many big people, Wang Li has some experience in seeing people. She appreciates Xiao Nanzhu's interesting and polite character, so she is also willing to help him. Seeing the New Year's Eve at this moment, Wang Li felt that the people around Xiao Nanzhu were a little unusual. Regardless of his appearance that no strangers should approach, the vicious aura around him made people palpitate. Thinking like this, Wang Li, who had planned to keep Xiao Nanzhu at home for dinner, suddenly hesitated. Looking at the slightly ambiguous behavior of the two and the occasional contact in their eyes, she also thought about something different. .

She had also met men who liked men. Xiao Nanzhu was a decent and free-spirited person, and she was quite pleasant to meet him several times. She had never seen this man in red at Xiao Nanzhu's residence before, but Wang Li was a little emotional when she saw Xiao Nanzhu's attitude towards him now. After all, he and his husband could not be so harmonious as a husband and wife for many years. enviable. But Wang Li is not a woman who has never seen the world. She knows that people always have their own lives, so she can't even manage herself, and she has no right to manage others. In the end, she just let Xiao Nanzhu leave it to her. Given the specific divorce period, Xiao Nanzhu and New Year's Eve simply left early.

"Are you going to go abroad next week, right? That's basically how the divorce day is. Xiaoman tried to get rid of it before. Pick a serious working day, and it must be an even number. Eight or nine in the morning on a sunny day is best. Only in this way can we catch up with the auspicious time. After all, ending a marriage is an unfortunate thing. We must quickly understand before the full moon and the full sun, and don’t wash your hair for two days when you come back.

After discussing in a low voice for a while next to New Year's Eve, Xiao Nanzhu finally chose such a good day for Wang Li to prepare for divorce, because this kind of thing is extremely important every moment and must be Combining with the birth date of Wang Li and her husband, such an accurate answer can be obtained.

However, today's era is not as feudal as in the past. Women can freely choose their own marriages, without worrying about worldly opinions, and no one will meddle in her business. This seems to be Women's Day as a new festival. After all, this also symbolizes the continuous progress of society and the development of civilization to some extent.

However, the negative emotions caused by the breakdown of the marriage still need to be sorted out as soon as possible. After receiving the benefits of Wang Li, he will naturally do a good job of after-sales for her, and Wang Li is really generous, and directly pays the cost of this consultation. After paying the bill for Xiao Nanzhu, he personally asked the driver to take him home, but when Xiao Nanzhu returned home from Fangshan Villa with New Year's Eve, they unexpectedly found that there was a guest waiting at their door.

The man who seemed to be waiting at the door for a while was named Fang Bei. He had actually privately messaged Xiao Nanzhu on Weibo before, but he didn't mention that he would be here today. Because usually, guests will make an appointment when they come to the door, so Xiao Nanzhu is also a little surprised to see this man named Fang Bei, but this man is polite and easy-going. said hello,

"Hey, hello, is this Master Xiao Li? I'm the old man who sent you a private message on Weibo. I came here today to ask about myself. Is it convenient for you now..."

"Oh, it's convenient, come first... New Year's Eve, open the door."

Suddenly remembering the name of the man named Fang Bei, Xiao Nanzhu nodded thoughtfully and led him into the door together. Because the two of them were going out today, they left the Nian beast at home, but It is always uncomfortable for this big guy to be kept at home, so when he heard the sound of the key opening the door, Nian Beast rushed over and prepared to act coquettishly, while Fang Beiyi, who was still nervous, walked into the room. When he saw this monster-like thing, his face turned pale all of a sudden.

"Wang Wang Wang!!! Wang Wang Wang!!!"

A series of cheerful dog barks came out of his mouth, and the self-conscious New Year's Eve kicked his big head with a black face, and the Nian Beast rolled on the edge of the sofa with a whimper and wagged its tail. , This picture is not much different from ordinary pet dogs, which made Fang Bei, who was originally pale, a little puzzled and widened his eyes. Seeing that the smoke in his mouth was almost gone, Xiao Nanzhu hurriedly blocked in front of the man, and then laughed dryly. explained,

"The dog in the house makes you laugh, the golden retriever is dyed, don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

Having said that, on New Year's Eve, Nian Beast has consciously dragged Nian Beast to the back room for discipline. Xiao Nanzhu sighed in relief, but hurriedly pushed the frightened client to the sofa and sat down. Fang Bei seemed to be Before he fully recovered, Fang Bei stared dumbfoundedly when he saw Xiao Nanzhu was about to hand him a cigarette, but after the gloomy New Year's Eve came out but never saw the dog that looked like a monster, Fang Bei glanced at him. Xiao Nanzhu glanced at New Year's Eve again, and then coughed,

"Cough, I'm sorry... I was a little rude just now, but it's actually like this. I also told you in a private message before that I'm getting married soon. I saw on Weibo that you are very researched in this area, so I want to come. I want to ask you about the wedding date..."

The man said this with a nervous and embarrassed smile, Xiao Nanzhu nodded understandingly, but didn't take it seriously. After all, this wedding date is best to be fixed. There are no more suitable days for marriage at the end of the year. If you look for more than 300 days, there are more than 100 days. However, the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail, and sometimes it is necessary to combine some couples. But when Xiao Nanzhu bit the cigarette and took the eight-character note written for him by Fang Bei and handed it to the New Year's Eve next to him, the expressionless Li Shen had a complicated expression. He took a careful look, then leaned into Xiao Nanzhu's ear and said something while pressing his voice.

Xiao Nanzhu was a little surprised when the words of New Year's Eve entered his ears. Fang Bei, who was sitting opposite them, seemed to sense their mood changes, so he clenched his fist nervously, then thought about it and said again,

"Is there a... problem?"

"Well... Mr. Fang, did you and your wife have a wedding before?"

Asked like this, the expression on Xiao Nanzhu's face seemed a little puzzling, but when he heard this, the blood on Fang Bei's face disappeared instantly, as if he remembered some painful memory, the face of this man who was still very easy-going His expression became solidified, and after a while, he murmured with a trembling voice,

"Yes... Yes, December 4th last year was originally the day my wife and I got married, but the wedding was not held in the end. The car my wife was in was caught by a The truck ran over and she was seriously injured not only with severe burns on her face, but also loss of fertility... Fertility, I have been taking care of her for several months, and when she finally came out of the hospital yesterday, I decided to reconsider the wedding, but I am now I'm afraid too, I just want to find an auspicious day... As long as I can marry her back home, I'll... I'll be satisfied... "

His eyes were red when he said this, Fang Bei seemed to remember the scene where he took his bloody wife out from under the car, and his voice trembled. But for so long, it had almost become a nightmare he couldn't forget, because just watching the girl he cherished endure that kind of pain made his heart pierce, not to mention the aftermath of the wedding car accident. Lots and lots of things happened.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. In fact, I came to you today to ask this question without telling my family. My parents began to persuade me after they knew that my wife was infertile. Some of my buddies are also talking about my lover's face. It's hard to recover after it's burned like that. My wife, she's always in a bad mood and doesn't want me to see her face. Sometimes when the wound hurts, she keeps crying and tells me to leave her alone... But I'm with her all the time. We have been together for seven or eight years. I promise that I will marry her and love her for the rest of my life. Even if we have no children in the future, and she is not beautiful, I will still love her... There are many women in this world, but she is the only one... "

There was a circle of red around his eyes, Fang Bei seemed to lose control of his emotions, and his voice became a little trembling. The pressure he encountered in front of his relatives and friends during this time made him at a loss, but he was worried about marrying the woman he had identified. The idea has never changed. He will always remember the hardest years he had with that woman, placing her on the same level as his partner from beginning to end. After all, in his opinion, his wife is not a reproductive tool, nor is it an item that can be thrown away casually. He can't let go of the relationship between them, and he can't let go of his responsibility as a husband, so he can be in these few Yuezhong survived abruptly, and it was not until Xiao Nanzhu asked him about it that he could not control his emotions and choked out.

Such an idea seems a bit rare in today's society that is still a little harsh on women's values, and this man who is full of responsibility and admirable is also a little emotional. After all, there are many men like Wang Li's husband, but It is very gratifying that men like Fang Bei are not extinct. Thinking of this, Xiao Nanzhu sighed as if touched. The New Year's Eve beside him was also a little disappointed for a while, and he sighed with a pale face. He also handed a piece of paper to the red-eyed Fang Bei. Xiao Nanzhu, who saw this, widened his eyes as if he had seen a ghost. After confirming that this was really his own initiative on New Year's Eve, he suddenly became angry and wrinkled. He raised his eyebrows, and then rushed towards Fang Bei Dao in a rough voice,

"Speak well, cry why you cry, it's a good thing for both of you to live well, no one can prevent this natural disaster and man-made disaster, what kind of thing is it for you man to cry like this... Come on, let's count the days for you, Li Xia and Xiao Mandu Not bad, it's suitable for weddings, find a time after noon to make sure you don't go wrong, but remember to leave a copy of this wedding candy to me, the groom..."

Xiao Nanzhu's words made Fang Bei nodded embarrassedly. When the next New Year's Eve wrote down the specific wedding date, the young man was relieved, but the specific charges that came with it were not too small. It took Bei a month's salary to get such a good deal from Xiao Nanzhu's mouth, but it was worth it in the eyes of a man. After all, for him, nothing was more important than being able to marry his wife smoothly. , but just when he was about to prepare Xiao Nanzhu's house with his things, the man in red who was not very talkative from the beginning to the end suddenly came out of the room and handed Fang Bei a paper package.

"This is… "

Looking suspiciously at the New Year's money-like thing in his hand, Fang Bei couldn't help but ask a question. Seeing this on New Year's Eve, he seemed to be a little uncomfortably silent, and he couldn't explain in his heart that it was because he missed him. A gift of sincerity to his wife, but Xiao Nanzhu looked at him with a half-smile behind him, but on New Year's Eve, for some unknown reason, he felt a little more anger in his heart, so after pursing his lips. Li Shen, who has always been gloomy and difficult to get along with, said with an expressionless face,

"Happy Women's Day."

Fang Bei: "..."

Xiao Nanzhu: "233333333"