Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 39: First year


The photo accidentally taken by the enthusiastic po owner Ou Lili appeared on Xiao Nanzhu's mobile phone two seconds later. At first, Xiao Nanzhu didn't notice where the suspected bloody disaster he said was, but waited for him to enlarge the photo. After double-checking, he suddenly saw the blurred figure of a woman walking sideways on the back of the girl in the photo.

The big head with a black woolen cap, the deformed head is concealed but still has a feeling that something is wrong, the woman who does not show her full face is carrying a handbag in her hand, walking with her back hunched over, there is something indescribable It's weird, because no frontal face was photographed, so at first glance, I couldn't tell whether this person had any characteristics that a bloody disaster should have, but when Xiao Nanzhu saw this strange shadow for the first time, he kind of said no. The girl who happened to be standing in front of a milk tea shop in Liushui Street took a selfie with her friend gave a further explanation of this photo—

Oli Li

Look at this woman, isn't it weird, my friend and I didn't see her when we were behind our backs, but she really stinks and smells bad when she walks past us, just like that kind of roadside snack bar The smell of waste oil is the same, it's very disgusting... We thought it was some kind of garbage truck passing by, but when we were looking through the photos, we saw this person, Li Shi, does this look like the one you said? Something... (* ̄▽ ̄)y

After seeing this sentence, Xiao Nanzhu, who was still expressionless, was also stunned. He seemed to have thought of something in his mind. He quickly saved the photo first, and then sent Peng Dong the specific location and situation. In the past, Peng Dong should have been busy and haven't replied yet, but fortunately, the girl and her friend who were suspected of being in contact with the bloody disaster were not killed. The disaster of blood light may have been to Liushui Street or still lingering near Liushui Street.

Thinking like this, Xiao Nanzhu felt that he didn't want to go home now. Anyway, there was no one at home, so he went straight to Liushui Street to see what was going on. After all, tonight is the craziest thing. He was able to kill a person when his breath was unsteady last night, but now that he is arrogant, he is even more defenseless.

So shortly after the bus arrived at Bada Station, Xiao Nanzhu went down alone with a cigarette. Xiao Nanzhu in the crowd casually looked at the appearance of every passing pedestrian, but he couldn't see any clues from these seemingly normal faces.

When he used to live in the alley near Liushui Street, his grandmother would lead him to watch every temple fair and market. At that time, he was still young, so he liked to watch anything delicious and fun, such as candied haws. Children like apples, fritters, candy cakes, etc., but every time they come here, his grandma will hold his hand tightly, and then use a very strange voice to frighten him and say,

"Children, don't run around in this kind of place. Are those roadside stalls free to eat? The smell of dirty and oily nose may be some disobedient baby who was caught by the boss and boiled the oil. Do you smell it? Smell is not fragrant…”

Thinking of this now, Xiao Nanzhu feels that the smell of the oily smell unique to the snack street on his nose is disgusting, but when his old lady said that, it was definitely not as simple as just to scare him, but the one called Ou Lili The girl in the house also mentioned that the strange man smelled of oil. If the bloody disaster wanted to make himself less conspicuous, this street full of oily and smoky food stalls would be the perfect place. About the photo just now, Xiao Nanzhu actually still remembers it in his mind. This is not because the photo itself is clear and special, but because if there is no problem with Xiao Nanzhu's memory, then A deformed head wrapped in a wool cap may belong to the first victim, Li Ping.

Because I have been looking at the two corpses with Peng Dong all day today, Xiao Nanzhu has been in close contact with the two headless corpses. Peng Dong showed him the photos of the two victims carefully. However, Xiao Nanzhu, who is more sensitive to this aspect, also remembered that Li Ping is a young woman in her twenties. Her facial features are not prominent, but she has obvious facial features. There is a very conspicuous chin on the chin. Mole, so when he saw the photo that the girl accidentally took, out of partial memory of this face, Xiao Nanzhu suddenly understood why the victim Li Ping's head could not be found until now.

Because of the lack of parts and components to complete their own body, the blood-light disaster with limbs is the most powerful, so they will run out to kill at all costs. The family in the Beihai Road extermination case lost the entire digestive and reproductive system and the heart. The murderer in the skinning demon case many years ago took away the skin tissue of the human body. Now the beheading demon wants a human body. The head or the human brain inside the head, and after it collects all these organs one by one like a puzzle, this monster creates a perfect appearance that imitates human beings. At this time, his hiding in the world will be even more. It is convenient, and for ordinary people, this has really become an undefended disaster.

Thinking like this, Xiao Nanzhu, who was standing in the center of the street, couldn't help frowning, but he still had some doubts about the details of the case. After all, although Li Ping's head might be found, the other The head of the male victim Zhang Da is still nowhere to be found, and if the bloody disaster needs a head, Li Ping's one will be enough, unless it is not a person, but...

The series of tragedies that have occurred in Y City over the past few decades flashed through Xiao Nanzhu's mind rapidly. The night in early spring was quite cold, and Xiao Nanzhu's ears were a little numb when he stood in the air outlet. It happened that he suddenly heard something. There was a commotion at a nearby food stall, and many pedestrians around looked at it subconsciously. When they saw an old lady standing there panicked and about to cry, many people were stunned.

"Everyone, have you seen my granddaughter!! She was sitting here eating small wontons just now!! I just went to the side to buy something... Did you see her when I was around eleven or twelve!! What a coincidence!! Where did you go!! Qiao Qiao!!! Woohoo!!”

The old man's cry changed Xiao Nanzhu's complexion. There were people who came to eat stalls after get off work, but no one noticed where the little girl who had been sitting there eating wontons just now went to her. My grandmother was very anxious, but a girl of about ten years old who has already gone to school would not run around casually. According to the owner's tone, they are not obliged to help the old lady to look after the child, and they don't know when the child disappeared. , and maybe this little girl went to play somewhere, and came back in a while.

The few dining guests at the side of the food stall also used these words to appease the old lady, but in connection with the series of beheading demon incidents today, Xiao Nanzhu subconsciously approached the wonton stall After a few steps, when he squatted down and saw the blood-red dirt on the small schoolbag left on the seat, Xiao Nanzhu's face, who was not sure, changed suddenly, and in an instant his mind Something important flashed past that he almost ignored.

"Boss!! Where is the waste oil disposal place in this street!!"

With a violent shout, Xiao Nanzhu was tall and big, and the owner of the wonton stall who was still shiing his responsibilities was also startled immediately, and stuttered to a small road behind the shop and pointed. After that, Xiao Nanzhu didn't care about the pedestrians who were frightened by him, and quickly chased after the alley with a cold face.

The cold dirty oil condensed on the ground, the sticky soles slipped a little, and the voice of the girl who kept crying was intermittent.

His explosiveness has always been good. Although he has retired from the army now, his legs and feet are still very agile. In the darkness, he took the gun that he used to use out of his bag, and used his fingers to open the bright yellow gun. After the calendar paper was unfolded, the man with a condensed expression stepped on the old fence and turned over, and then stepped on the garbage all over the floor to the wastewater treatment station located in the deepest part of Liushui Street.

There was an increasingly disgusting smell of blood on the side of his nose, mixed with this oily smell that could cover the stench, forming an indescribable smell. Behind him was a bustling snack street, and at the end of the road, Two wobbly adult shadows were pushing a bloody little girl to the ground. From this angle, only their blood-stained lips and white teeth could be seen with the old-fashioned sawtooth. A terrifying light glowed like a knife in the night.

"Head... meat... delicious... "

Muttering such words in her mouth, the woman with red eyes has a plump and full lower lip, but it is covered with sporadic bright red minced meat and saliva. Her neck is twisting abnormally, as if she is looking for someone. It was the best time to put down her mouth, and opposite her, there was a man with a strange look who was licking the edge of his mouth and chin with oily fat.

As soon as he saw this scene, his face turned gloomy. Xiao Nanzhu directly shot each of the two big heads that were far away from him. The two heads had already lost their vitality, so even though blood dripped down their heads, they didn't even squeak. It seemed that the two monsters stopped because they sensed the arrival of the uninvited guest, Xiao Nanzhu. After a while, Qi Qi gave him a fixed look with her red, red lantern-like eyes, and then she turned into a disgusting expression that was so coveted that she was about to drool and said in a low voice,

"Li Shi... delicious... delicious... "