Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 4: Twenty-four


After nine o'clock the next day, Xiao Nanzhu woke up.

When he walked out of the bedroom rubbing his temples, his mind was still dizzy, and his brows were tightly locked. Once people get out of the harsh environment, they will relax unconsciously. Although Xiao Nanzhu has been accustomed to the military life before this, the repeated observations and hearings that subvert the three views have made him have no mind to think about other things. . At this moment, the mobile phone showed that there were two missed calls from Situ Zhang. As he walked to the kitchen, he held the phone between his hands and prepared to call back. When he walked to the front of the refrigerator, he subconsciously stopped because Almost instantly, Xiao Nanzhu remembered that the strange old yellow calendar was still kept in the refrigerator by him.

"Hey, are you finally awake?"

Situ Zhang's lazy voice rang on the other end of the phone, Xiao Nanzhu hummed his finger lightly but unconsciously placed his finger on the refrigerator door, his mind was still thinking about what happened last night, but this kind of view You can't tell others about ghosts, and if you say it, others won't believe it.

"Why are you calling me in the morning?"

He asked in a dry tone, Xiao Nanzhu's attention was mostly focused on the refrigerator in front of him at the moment, but he still found time to chat with him. Situ Zhang, who heard the words, let out a helpless sigh, and then snarled his voice. opened his mouth,

"I said why you have such a poor memory at such a young age? Didn't I tell you yesterday? I'll introduce you to a job after the new year. I know a lot of buddies, so I need to ask a few more people. There is always a way, but you have to promise me to accompany me to eat a few more meals during the Chinese New Year, so that we can talk about friendship at the wine table, but you are not allowed to be disobedient like you used to be Xiao Nanzhu..."

Situ Zhang and the old mother kept chattering, knowing that he was well-intentioned, so Xiao Nanzhu didn't interrupt him. Although he is not the kind of person who can drink two drinks at the wine table and call friends with others and call them brothers and sisters, otherwise he would not be so insatiable in the army and fall into this embarrassing situation, but for him Situ Zhang, who knew his temper well and knew that he was in trouble right now, patiently brought his meaning to him, and even took care of his face without waiting for Xiao Nanzhu to ask him for help. Rare.

Thinking like this, Xiao Nanzhu felt that he might be able to act less ignorant. After all, he has nothing to be picky about with his broken conditions. If Situ Zhang can introduce a reliable person, it will be fine for him to go to work after the year. But just as he was thinking about it, Situ Zhang on the other end had already spread the topic to an unknown place, and the conclusion was—

"Anyway, you must come to the wine party tonight! This guy who treats guests to dinner is a big client of mine. Every time he comes to massage and oil, he does a full set of massage... Do you know what he does? The sales manager of the insurance company. This kind of person has no idea how many resources and contacts he has in his hands, it will definitely be good for you. If you follow him, you are guaranteed to have a future!! If it is not suitable this time, I will find you again! Selling funds! Selling health care products I know all of them! The sales industry is talented! Of course, it would be best if you could find a job by yourself before the end of the year! This way, my buddy has an explanation for your grandma! You said yes Right!! Haha!"

Pulling on the light that he didn't believe, he made it clear that he wanted to make a fool of himself, and Situ Zhang hurriedly pressed the phone after he finished speaking. He seemed to know that Xiao Nanzhu was going to get mad at him, so he even replied to Xiao Nanzhu. He hung up before he had a chance. Xiao Nanzhu, who was robbed for a while, put the phone in his pocket without a word. The fire in his heart was a little lost for a while. After a long time, he scolded in a low voice.

"Your uncle's, why don't you just introduce me to do a pyramid scheme. Sales... "

This is quite a bit of gnashing of teeth. Xiao Nanzhu, who had no work experience in the past, also felt a little helpless. He actually wanted to solve this work and life problem at one time, but just like Situ Zhang said As such, in today's society, without a degree or a path, he won't go anywhere smoothly.

Thinking like this, he felt irritated and wanted to smoke again. Xiao Nanzhu frowned and unconsciously glanced at the refrigerator again. There was a refrigerator sticker from the supermarket on the refrigerator. He pursed his lips and put his hand away. He went up and clenched it subconsciously, but before he could open the refrigerator door, he suddenly heard a faint sneeze in his ears.

I was frightened twice in a row yesterday, and Xiao Nanzhu doesn't care about it anymore. Anyway, he is not afraid of monsters and monsters in the daytime. It's no problem for him to be a dignified veteran to subdue a monster with his bare hands. In addition, he is currently The problems of life and work are not going well, and now there is a lack of a punching bag, but just when he is waiting for the ghost hiding in the refrigerator to climb out, and then prepare to give him a kick, the refrigerator door is already closed. He was slowly pushed away, and then... A scholar with frost on the tips of his hair and wearing a cyan pony jacket stuck his head out of the refrigerator while scolding and trembling.

"Really... This is really outrageous!! Who would turn on the air conditioner so low in the winter!!! My son will catch a cold when he sleeps naked... Ahee!! Ahee!!!"

Xiao Nanzhu: "..."

Twenty-four still looks like a young man who has just reached the crown in appearance. He looks handsome and gentle, surrounded by ink fragrance, and his eyebrows are freehand and romantic.

He usually stays on the old yellow calendar for a year without moving, and this work arrangement can be described as relaxed and free. In his spare time, he usually reads two scrolls of picture books in his small study, listens to a Kunqu opera, and occasionally writes love letters to his long-cherished sister Mang Zhong and Gu Yu, although his neighbor, Xiao Nian, is a carp farmer. An ADHD child who is very noisy and doesn't like to wear open-crotch pants, he can't sleep because of shouting and screaming every time, but this still does not affect the life style that Twenty-Four pursues as a literary and artistic young freshman.

Although he is not an important festival, nor is there any specific solar term, but as an ordinary day, he must work hard, in case one day he becomes the anniversary of the death of a great man! !

Twenty-Four, who had a lot of revenge in his chest, thought about it, and worked harder. As long as his annual fixed working day arrives, the young man will immediately get off the calendar and work one day for his boss, who is also the owner of the old yellow calendar.

This cyclical work system has been followed for nearly a thousand years. As a calendar god, they must provide the most accurate daily auspicious and misfortune, daily zodiac, daily dream interpretation for the Huangli master, and even personally go into battle to disperse evil spirits. Twenty-four has three hundred and sixty-four colleagues, all of whom must work for the Huangli division because of the existence of the old Huangli. During this period, they have changed countless owners. After all, the time is long and far away, and the lifespan of human beings is not equal to them. In my memory, sometimes Twenty-Four only met the new boss a dozen times. By the time we meet again next time, everything will be different, and with such an inevitable sad parting and change, Twenty-Four once again changed his boss five years ago.

The stingy, bad-tempered female boss was named Xiao, and she was only twenty-one years old when she first saw her on Twenty-Four. She got the dilapidated almanac from her tattered father, and then accidentally discovered the secret of the old almanac, which is miraculous and unbelievable to any ordinary person, but this courageous The girl still did not show any timidity and fear, she took the initiative to express her willingness to become a Huangli teacher, and in the decades she volunteered to become a Huangli teacher, Twenty-Four did not even feel the slightest change in time for her. This girl named Xiao Ruhua is getting old.

Old Mrs. Xiao was sick. When she was healthy, she kept scolding them for being lazy, why they didn't work, but when she got sick, the colleagues felt a little uncomfortable.

On Double Ninth Festival, it is recommended that everyone organize donations to show love to Mrs. Xiao, and on Nurses' Day, we call on everyone to pay attention to their health and be vigilant against cancer. On the Mid-Autumn Festival, two boxes of Wuren moon cakes specially made by Guanghan Palace were specially sent as condolences. What about Children's Day? He didn't say anything, just took the old lady Xiao's hand and cried for a day.

They are all powerful calendars, but in the face of such a thing, even they... can't change the fate of a dying person.

Because of this incident, Twenty-Four was really sad for a long time. He originally wrote a beautiful hidden poem for the sick old lady Xiao, but unfortunately he was not at work the day the old lady left, so he didn't have time to read it to her. The only thing he remembered was the roar of the boy who was suppressing pain in the ward that day, and after that day, the calendar gods who were trapped in the old yellow calendar were no longer restrained by the boss.

The indefinite leave of absence has clouded the new job contract on the low table. In fact, Twenty-Four and the other Lishen have already done a good job of talking to the new boss about work benefits and pension insurance, but Mrs. Xiao's stupid grandson couldn't find anything, and later he went out to serve in the army wholeheartedly. They threw all of their Wuyangyang No. 300 employees to the wall of the house and smeared ashes.

For this reason, those traditional festivals who are arrogant and never take small roles seriously have complained in secret. But that guy named Xiao Nanzhu had been gone for several years, and when he came back, he looked in the mirror twenty-four and found that the beard under his chin had grown out...

In the middle of the night, the next door Xiao Nian ran out and came back crying. Twenty-four was curious to see what the poor boy who cried at the time was now, so when he was about to appear, he specially scratched it. got a beard.

On Twenty-Five, they all asked him to have a good chat with Xiao Nanzhu, whether to talk about life or ideals. In short, let him understand that it is good to be a teacher of Huang Li. Twenty-Four took over this glorious task, but he was ten thousand What he never expected was that before he could climb out of the calendar, he felt a biting chill spray violently on his face...

"Really... This is really outrageous!! Who would turn on the air conditioner so low in the winter!!! My son is going to catch a cold... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"