Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 44: Flowers


B City Museum has a long history, following thousands of years of traditional Chinese civilization, and there are naturally countless treasures in it. Although in modern times due to wars, the palace that originally treasured countless treasures has now become empty. However, after the founding of the People's Republic of China Through the efforts of state agencies and many patriotic collectors, this majestic ancient palace has now welcomed back some guests who have been gone for many years, and has regained a little bit of its former vitality.

"Hey, is it Master Xiao Li? Hello, hello, I have been following you on Weibo for a long time. I know that you have a lot of research on traditional culture. This time, the Ru kiln is also thanks to your guidance. These two God has controlled the situation, and now I specially invited you to come here to talk about how to solve this problem completely..."

"Hey, it's me, you are the one who contacted me before, I'm lucky to meet..."

The middle-aged man dressed in plain clothes and wearing small round glasses said this with a polite smile on his face. Xiao Nanzhu, who heard the words, smiled and shook hands with him, and introduced himself in a few sentences. Speaking of which, Xiao Nanzhu got off the plane and came to the B City Museum in the capital, and the Huachao Festival turned into a simple dress like ordinary people, although when he was behind Xiao Nanzhu, he had clear eyebrows and a pair of glasses. The sick and weak man dressed as an assistant was still coughing constantly, but looking at the temperament around him, he felt very different.

The former Huachaojun is said to be a very free and easy and romantic god. Because the way of celebrating the Huachao Festival is different in different places, as a flower god who is favored by hundreds of flowers, he will give flowers to the people in each area according to the flowers that grow in that area. A certain blessing, he loves the rich peonies in Luoyang, the peach and plum blossoms in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and the frozen snow and cold plums growing in the northern country, especially his love. It was inevitable that he would be a little disappointed in the bare streets and alleys, but when he heard Xiao Nanzhu say that there is an imperial garden in the Museum of B city that is said to be a collection of flowers in the world, the Lishen, who has always seemed to be lacking in spirit, also became interested. .

"You can take a look when you are done with your business. I heard that there are all kinds of flowers here, and they are very complete... The Imperial Garden was the residence of the emperors in ancient times, so Qunfang Zhengyan loves to drill here for all kinds of flowers. The park in front of our house is full of flowers. But you can't see such flowers, the soil quality is not as good as here, and the luck is not as good as here... Although you were a god in the past, I guess you haven't entered the palace very much when you are busy with work. Now it's a good time to spend 40 yuan for tickets. Can come in, but first we have to dispose of those expensive bottles first..."

Before coming in, he whispered to Huachao, and the pale man who heard the words nodded, but couldn't help showing a look of anticipation. After all, he really hadn't seen his favorite flower for a long time. People will never think of him like flowers anymore. On the other hand, it is also because no one remembers him anymore. Now, taking the opportunity of a business trip to see this long-lost scene, Huachao looks much better. Seeing this, Xiao Nanzhu also looked away, and turned to talk with the staff in charge of receiving them in a serious manner.

Because he came all the way, his expression was inevitably a little rushed. At first, Xiao Nanzhu's attitude was lukewarm, and he didn't seem to get along well, but after a few words of greetings, the estrangement between the two sides was no longer at the beginning. After all, they had already passed private messages before. I have contacted, so Xiao Nanzhu can be considered to know the person in charge of managing the Weibo of the city b museum, and because it is the off-season for tourists to visit, it is not too noisy to walk in this way, so I take advantage of this to walk. After the effort, the staff member who claimed to be Luo Jia also introduced them to the situation in the palace.

"Here we are closed at four o'clock in the afternoon. You can buy an explainer at the door. It was dubbed by the famous actor Wang Gang. We will introduce a palace to a place. It's exactly two thirty, let's It's almost like walking to the Yanxi Palace..."

I have never been to this famous museum before. Xiao Nanzhu walked and listened, but his eyes kept falling on the old and yellowed buildings. The bricks and stones showed the simplicity and heavyness accumulated over the years, but he seemed to notice Xiao Nanzhu's thoughtful eyes. Luo Jia, who was in this Beijing movie, smiled and said,

"We are here at night, and as a matter of course, no one is allowed to stay here, even the security guards and staff are not allowed to stay, but since you are a professional Li Shi, I will tell you straight... It has never stopped. Every palace and every scenic spot has more or less happened, but you know the national conditions of our country, the heaven knows that we are the first to engage in feudal superstition, so we will not buy it. I can only find various experts to clean up these things in private. This is... "

Speaking like this, he couldn't help but smile awkwardly. Xiao Nanzhu had already seen all kinds of strange things after he came in from the ticket office at the entrance, so he was naturally not surprised to hear this. Not to mention how infiltrating the evil spirits that stood under the Meridian Gate, which represented death, the remnants of hatred, pain, and war that he could not handle in every palace more or less made him secretly startled. , but Luo Jia was quite calm about these, and led the way in front of him and introduced him to the strange rumors related to these various attractions.

What are the hordes of zombie eunuchs on the aisle of Shenwumen, the woman in white by the concubine Zhen's well, the mysterious creatures on the palace wall that have been witnessed by many people? Yes, but after he finished speaking, he always did not forget to add a thoughtful comment, which made Xiao Nanzhu laugh for a while and also opened his mouth.

"Hey, I said you were from Deyun Club, my friend? But with so many evil things happening, it's not easy for you to be so lively. I heard that it's almost a matter of finding a master to solve it? Then why is Yanxi Palace? Did you find me about the Ruyao thing?"

Asking Xiao Nanzhu like this, he lit a cigarette for himself. It was still quite cold in B city in the early spring, and people's ears were numb. Hearing him ask this, Luo Jia was helpless and stood here with a low voice. Under the scarlet city walls on both sides, he said with a strange expression,

"If this is a ghost or something, we will go to the Hongye Temple in Xiangshan to find a special teacher, but before the Yanxi Palace was famous for Taiping, I heard that there was a goddess in front of me who believed in Buddhism, and there was no other bad thing. That's why we deliberately put the priceless Ru kiln on display there. After all, the same bowl as my dad's mouthwash cup costs 60 million US dollars. The British Museum is not willing to buy it back. , But not long after this exhibition, the Yanxi Palace started to be noisy. The cameras we installed didn't capture anything, and we saw that the bowl fell as if it had grown legs. The master also looked for it but said I can't see any ghosts or ghosts. It's still based on the knowledge on the old yellow calendar that you said. We only know here that saying that fragile items cannot be exhibited on two days will cause trouble, but it is useless to change the date now, and that thing is still entangled. With those precious bottles, we have no clue..."

Luo Jia's words made Xiao Nanzhu raise his eyebrows. He knew in his heart that Luo Jia was talking about the peace of the year, so he did not immediately express his position. After all, this thing said that he was evil. In the first month of the month, it is an auspicious word that people often talk about, but this unfortunate thing is that it is difficult to distinguish between good and bad. It's not surprising that it's not easy to catch, and since this trip is here, he has to help others to finish the matter well before he can talk about the specific charges.

Thinking like this, Xiao Nanzhu slowly exhaled while standing outside the palace gate of Yanxi Palace, which was just a short distance away. Luo Jia knew from his expression that there should be some drama, but wait for Xiao Nanzhu to plan. When he turned around to talk to his own Lishen about what to do about this matter, he found that Hua Chao, who was still following him, had squatted on the edge of an unknown wild flower by the palace wall and started to take it. He started taking selfies with his phone.

"Hua Chao, what are you doing..."

Frowning in doubt, Xiao Nanzhu couldn't help shouting as if she had seen a ghost. Hua Chao, who heard the words, seemed to be taken aback, seeing Luo Jia and Xiao Nanzhu standing on the steps for unknown reasons. Staring at himself, the man who seemed too silent in the book hurriedly put away the phone, and then coughed a little embarrassedly,

"I haven't seen such beautiful wildflowers for many years, so I couldn't help but take a photo with this beautiful lady... The blessings in this palace are really good, not bad... o(*////▽////*) q”

Xiao Nanzhu: "..."

Luo Jia: "..."