Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 47: Flowers


Here Xiao Nanzhu was still outside and didn't come back. New Year's Eve was a rare free time. Although he used to be more sleepy than awake and curled up in the calendar all day long without waking up, but after he had the same concern as an ordinary person, he Rather, they are not used to it.

Speaking of which, Xiao Nanzhu will calmly accept this matter of him. As a goddess on New Year's Eve, I still can't believe it. After all, Shi Li seems to have a good temper, but it is difficult to impress him in his bones. As a mature man, he He has his own set of principles for judging right and wrong. Because of his own experience, he is not easily influenced by others. On New Year's Eve, he thought that he might be wishful thinking for a long time, but when Xiao Nanzhu hugged him and told him whether to try it or not, He still did not recover, but then Xiao Nanzhu proved with actions that he was not on a whim but was willing to be with New Year's Eve. Thinking like this, he was wearily leaning on the man on the edge of the calendar paper. On New Year's Eve, he suddenly coughed violently.

A day is divided into a day and a night. When Xiao Nanzhu was still at home a few days ago, he would run out every day regardless of day and night. For him, this behavior was a real waste of life, but as long as Xiao Nanzhu treated him It seems that it is difficult for him to refuse the request. In terms of his age, New Year's Eve is already an elderly person. It is only because the faces of the gods are not easy to wither, so he always looks like a youthful face. However, the outer skin is the thing that can't stand the test of time the most. After only a few days of work, on New Year's Eve, I clearly felt that my body had undergone some unpleasant changes, and this change will not be too obvious in a short period of time. , but once you want to hide from others on New Year's Eve, it seems a little difficult.

His body will become worse day by day, and the inside that has been hollowed out by evil spirits will decay more and more. Those white hairs that have been drawn in his hair will one day turn completely white, and the most terrifying thing is that in the Before that day came, the so-called New Year's Eve might have turned into a monster controlled by evil spirits.

He naturally understands that he still has the responsibility as a calendar god. After all, it has been four or five thousand years since his birth. As the oldest calendar god born in the Yanhuang era, he is in charge of the The beginning and end of a year. In ancient times, people did not believe in Lishen, or because the tribal civilization began to flourish, and there were attacks from time to time by evil spirits, monsters, and beasts. At that time, the so-called Lishi and Lishen were born.

Because it was not formed all at once, but gradually emerged with the evolution of time and civilization, the time and reasons for the appearance of each calendar are different, but their common accusation is to protect the day where they are, and as a The calendar of New Year's Eve, the responsibility of New Year's Eve has been doomed from the moment of his existence.

"Connecting the blessings of the four directions, bless thousands of people, you are both the end and the rise, and the rest of the calendars and gods exist by you, so you must not die, New Year's Eve, you must not die..."

There are tens of thousands of bricks and stone steps outside Shenwumen. According to legend, the name of a craftsman is under each brick. If there is any problem with this brick, the family of the craftsman will be hired to fill the stone pit. This story that sounds quite ancient feudal rule is a story that every tour guide will tell these tourists when they pass by. For Xiao Nanzhu, who is stepping on these bricks and thinking at the moment, what he thinks It's another thing.

"There really is an underground palace underneath. It doesn't make sense that many experts have come here to investigate after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but they haven't found it. Besides, what kind of gold and silver jewelry are there, tsk tsk..."

Xiao Nanzhu himself didn't expect this kind of thing to be involved in this trip to catch Suishui Ping'an, and Hua Chaojie nodded when he heard the words, and he didn't seem to believe it. What this cunning little evil said, and seeing their distrust of their attitude, Suishui Ping'an immediately became unhappy.

"Why don't you believe me! It's true! I saw it with my own eyes! Before those green-eyed and blue-eyed stray hairs ran in and grabbed things, those people with long braids hid a lot of things!! They When you move your hands and feet, ordinary people can't see it at all! Only we can see it! It used to be guarded by a black dragon, but the black dragon died of starvation, so it all belongs to me! Come with me, I will break things I'll give you all the money, okay?"

Blinking his eyes and saying this, Suishui Ping'an's natural appearance made Xiao Nanzhu a little helpless, but after patted the boy's head with his hands, Xiao Nanzhu frowned and taught a lesson while holding a cigarette. ,

"Are you a fucking bandit? Why is it all yours? No matter how you say those things are also owned by a black dragon, he is your father. If he dies, the inheritance will belong to you? Tell you, the porcelain you dropped is expensive. , those things below belong to the people of the museum no matter what! Come on, tell us the way down here, I'll go down and see how much it's worth before I decide I can't let you go..."


Hearing this, he flattened his mouth in grievance, Suishui Ping'an wanted to say that you are a bandit, but in the end he didn't dare to speak, and when he shivered, he led Xiao Nanzhu and Hua Chao to step on the bricks one by one. After passing, a faint trace of a golden dragon gradually appeared on the ground, and accompanied by a burst of blessings that Xiao Nanzhu could clearly see with the naked eye, the passage of the underground palace, which was completely invisible before, was like this. Suddenly appeared on the aisle in front of Shenwu Gate.

"Master Li, this..."

With such a look of astonishment, Hua Chaojie obviously did not expect that the unreliable little Xie Xie actually had such a big secret hidden in him, and he looked down the aisle and confirmed that there was no lively person inside. Xiao Nanzhu also glanced at Huachaojie after smothering the cigarette butt thoughtfully, and then followed the bouncing Suishui Ping'an to the next steps.

"Go down and have a look, there's no one alive in it anyway."

As soon as he settled down while speaking, Xiao Nanzhu noticed that the ground under his feet had a different feeling. After a closer look, he found that it was a golden brick, and every brick that went down this way was still like this. The specifications are all the same as if they don't want money. Maybe it's really like Suishui Ping'an said that this is a little wealth left by the decaying and corrupt royal family, so when Xiao Nanzhu and Huachao go down, the situation becomes more and more serious. I can feel the aura of blessing that is constantly pouring out from it. After all, the foundation of this last dynasty is always there. Although 90% of it has been emptied, the remaining 10% is enough to scare people, but this It is one thing to be mentally prepared. When he really saw the so-called gold and silver mountains with his own eyes, Xiao Nanzhu was still stunned by the scene in front of him. When it was discarded on the ground, Xiao Nanzhu raised his head and glanced at the glowing underground palace against the background of golden light. For a moment, he was really speechless.

"Heilong's body is under the gold, you all saw it, I'm not lying, there are so many treasures here, all those foreign devils can't find..."

Shaking his head and talking like this, Suishui Ping'an hung a string of sandalwood beads on his hand as if he was having fun and swayed it a few times. In the portraits of the emperors of the past dynasties in the museum there, the one that Emperor Yongzheng held in his hand. However, these piles of wealth are piled up in front of us. Apart from being a little emotional at first, Xiao Nanzhu's mentality is not bad after all. After all, it is the wealth of the last dynasty. He was angry and sad, so after looking around, what Xiao Nanzhu thought about the most was how to tell the terrifying good news to the lucky Mr. Luo Jia tomorrow morning. , Xiao Nanzhu, who was obviously more curious about the black dragon's corpse, walked to the edge of the gold pile, then turned his head and waved to the flower.

"Hua Chao, come and give me a hand, help me dig out this black dragon and have a look, it's not good to stay here anyway, when the experts come, I think it's something like a giant four-legged snake..."

"Eh, good."

As soon as Hua Chao heard this, he immediately came over to help Xiao Nanzhu, because the black dragon died a little longer, so the level of burial is still a little deep. Nan Zhu could only shave off his rotten upper body with only bones remaining. Judging from the color of the head bones and the length of the dragon's horns, he thought it was a fairly old black dragon.

Xiao Nanzhu had also heard before that the royal families of similar dynasties had the habit of raising and enshrining real dragons. Now that I have seen it, I am convinced of this point of view. After all, since this real dragon accepted the enshrinement of the royal family, it was equivalent to having The fate of the country is linked together, and the black dragon that Suishui Pingan said will eventually starve to death one day. I think it is also the day when the last emperor finally announced the end of China's last feudal dynasty. Thinking like this, Xiao Nanzhu's expression is a little obscure. , but just when he subconsciously squatted down to check the corpse of the black dragon, he found that something seemed to be hidden under the meandering keel, and when he used his fingers to poke the scattered and corrupt skin tissue and dragon After the scales, he saw a rectangular mahogany box looming under the dragon's abdominal cavity.

"Yo, what the hell is this..."

He muttered thoughtfully, Xiao Nanzhu took the box over and brushed the dust on the surface and glanced at it. What he thought was that this might be something important that the black dragon was really looking after. The cultural relics, that's why he hid them so carefully under his body that he didn't even want to give them up, but when he opened the top cover of the mahogany box and saw what was inside, he still raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, because this What is in the box is not a treasure, but a thin-looking old book and a scroll like a painting scroll.

There are always turning points in the ordinary, just as this seems reasonable and reasonable, it will appear a little strange, Xiao Nanzhu came to this underground palace by chance and opened the box again, it seems that some things are hidden. It has been quietly rewritten, but everyone has this curiosity, and Xiao Nanzhu is unavoidable, so the moment he saw the box, he still couldn't help but unfold the scroll as if he was bewitched.

The yellowed drawing paper was slowly spread out, and the knot tied to it fell into Xiao Nanzhu's palm, showing a cool feeling. He fixedly looked at the drawing in front of him, feeling a little inexplicable in his heart for a while. From the moment it was slightly revealed, Xiao Nanzhu, whose eyes suddenly became a little strange, couldn't take his eyes away anymore.

As far as the line of sight can be seen, the first moon is brightly lit.

Evil plagues the people, life is ruined, all demons recover, and the earth has no chance of life.

Ordinary people who describe the twisted pain cry and beg God in the burned house, and the evil face above the black cloud is bloody on every hand.

However, in this desperate situation, a bright red figure is particularly conspicuous, and it is obviously domineering and ruthless. His black hair lining his vivid face depicted in gongbi painting, and his eyes that bloom like enchanting petals are also unforgettable. He stands alone among the corpses of countless living beings, and uses his body to block the danger and is not afraid to retreat. , in his hands are the evil flesh and blood and even the skull, and his face has long been covered by the desire to kill, and there is no trace of clarity, and in the corner of this picture with a strong sense of myth and legend, Xiao Nanzhu with a stiff expression only I saw a line of small print that said -

"New Year's Eve... Demon Extermination Map?"