Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 51: spring equinox


The middle-aged man who came to the door alone with a strange box was called Li Zhonglin. As Xiao Nanzhu guessed at the beginning, he was indeed a big man with a prominent identity and a background that Xiao Nanzhu couldn't believe.

After all, it didn't seem like he was in a high position at first, but Xiao Nanzhu suddenly remembered who he was after seeing the business card he handed to him. Obviously, as a boring man who only watched military programs occasionally, he never noticed this government leader who appeared on the city news every time there was a meeting, but since he was in Mrs. Wang Li some time ago. After the ladies he met there added to his WeChat, they often shared some gossip rumors that only the upper-level people knew about them in the circle of friends. Xiao Nanzhu was drawn in because he talked with them more often. Each group is a group, and recently, when he goes online every day, what he sees most of these politicians' wives is about the unfortunate things that happened to Mayor Li's house.

First his wife died, and then his only youngest daughter died. It is clear that this Mayor Li is very good in terms of style and performance, but this new year has just begun, and he seems to have messed with something. Unlucky things are just as unlucky.

Because it has been almost five years since he was the mayor of city y, in fact, the mayor who performed well during his tenure is ready to take office in the province. However, at this juncture, such a series of things happened to him, which had to make people worry about his current situation.

As the person who was facing the mayor Li at the moment, Xiao Nanzhu couldn't help but let the Spring Equinox bring him some shocking Fuze tea after watching him babble incoherently for a long time, and he drank this Fuze tea. Mayor Li Zhonglin, who finally recovered some of his usual appearance, first coughed violently, then turned to Xiao Nanzhu exhausted and said,

"I'm sorry... I really lost my mind just now. I've been insomnia for half a month, I've been taking medication, and I've seen a psychiatrist twice recently... Actually, you were recommended to me by my secretary. At first I I don't believe it either, but I've heard about the Binjiang Bridge, but it's not easy to manage this kind of ghosts and ghosts because they can't be put on the surface... But after seeing the final closure of the case from the Municipal Public Security Bureau Investigation, I also believed that you have real supernatural powers... Because I didn't dare to ask others to ask about this matter, so I had to come in person. In addition, this matter is not only related to me, but also to the whole city. Safety is related, so no matter what, please ask Master Xiao Li to show me face and help me solve this problem..."

Saying this, his expression turned a little more solemn. Xiao Nanzhu did not expect that such a matter that seemed to involve the private affairs of the family would be so complicated, so his expression was a little confused. The official's words were different. Just a few words related to the safety of the city, and it sounded rather scary, so after turning his eyes to the black box on the coffee table, Xiao Nanzhu raised his eyebrows, but he didn't say anything. Concealing the fact that he already knew his identity, he only opened his mouth when he tapped his finger on the black box,

"I have everything to say. Mayor Li, since you found me, you should believe me, but you have to tell me first, what exactly is this?"

His question made Li Zhonglin's face turn pale. He seemed to think of something terrible. He didn't speak for a long time. It happened that the Spring Equinox was lying on Xiao Nanzhu's knee and kept making trouble. Xiao Nanzhu lowered his head and frowned. Rubbing the little girl's head, and after subconsciously glanced at this tender green girl who looked extraordinarily cute and tender, Li Zhonglin's face flashed a bit of disappointment and hatred, and then he said in a deep voice,

"To be honest, what's inside is... Tai Sui..."

When Li Zhonglin's voice fell, Xiao Nanzhu and the Spring Equinox raised their heads subconsciously, perhaps seeing that they clearly knew what this was, so Li Zhonglin also seemed to be more and more complicated. Blame his self-righteousness, and getting into this situation is even more self-inflicted, so now he opened his mouth with red eyes and trembling,

"It's all my stupidity... I killed my wife and my daughter. I only heard that this is a precious thing that can be eaten without getting sick, but I don't know that it is a big taboo to offend it. I have to pay a hundred times a thousand times the price to pay it back... Now I can't send this thing away, and I really don't know what to do before I came to you... "

Li Zhonglin's words made Xiao Nanzhu pursed the corners of his mouth. Ever since he heard the word Tai Sui, his face has not been very good. After all, if this is an ordinary evil, it will be easy to deal with, but this Tai Sui is not an ordinary thing, he I really don't know how to respond at this time, and the Spring Equinox seems to be frightened by the word Tai Sui, so he leaned directly to Xiao Nanzhu's ear and said in a low voice,

"Master Li, this person who committed Tai Sui has always been in a near-death situation. It's okay if you asked me to report the weather forecast. This kind of evil... I am... I am afraid... "

The words of the Spring Equinox are not an exaggeration. Xiao Nanzhu moved his hand away from the black box, as if he was afraid of breaking the taboo of being too old in the box. I also have to give face to this unhappy Mayor Li. After subconsciously recalling the legend and allusions about this Tai Sui crime, Xiao Nanzhu finally understood why this Mayor Li was before. would be so unlucky.

Tai Sui, also known as Suixing. In the old saying, it is often said that fleeting age is not good for Taisui, and it is this thing. There are many sayings about this kind of thing. I don’t know which ones are true and which are false, but as far as Xiao Nanzhu knows, There are only two kinds of sayings about Tai Sui in all dynasties.

The first is that it is a malevolent star in the sky, but after the disaster of war in the human world, it will appear in a certain place in an unknown form. Because of its strange shape, it is said that eating it has the effect of reviving the dead, so whenever the Tai Sui is dug up, it will be invaluable, attracting people to scramble for it. Some people say that Cixi, Hong Xiuquan and Yuan Shikai have eaten this thing. Because of the war that humiliated China, Suixing appeared three times in just a few decades.

Cixi was naturally at the top of the imperial power, so she could taste this kind of delicacy, while Hong Xiuquan and Yuan Shikai had absolute power in their hands at different times. Many strange novels in the late Qing Dynasty recorded this delicacy. The extravagant Lafayette's method of eating Tai Sui is that every piece of meat in Tai Sui is alive, and it will bleed after being cut alive. Because he wants to eat the freshest bite, he has to be in front of Lafayette every time. Oiled it myself.

After Hong Xiuquan became the emperor of the earth, he heard this saying, so he let his people go everywhere to find this Tai Sui, who can stay young forever, but after finding it, his righteous brother Shi Dakai ate the Tai Sui before him. , and the final result was that Hong Xiuquan, who was pursuing longevity, personally stabbed Shi Dakai alive, and then ate more than 3,000 pieces of flesh and blood all over his body.

Most of these stories sound a little weird. After all, if Tai Sui is really useful, it doesn't make sense. Hong Xiuquan and Cixi will not end well. However, there is another saying that Xiao Nanzhu thinks is more reliable, because in this statement it is mentioned The Tai Sui is precisely the disaster itself.

Whoever takes away Tai Sui is taking away the disaster, because people's pursuit of its efficacy will often eat Tai Sui. At this time, Tai Sui will be angered, and on the other hand, it will sow disaster, because its flesh and blood It needs to be repaired by eating the most nourishing human flesh and blood, so as much as it loses its flesh, it has to ask for it back a hundredfold, and it will not leave until it recovers its own wounds, and stay here. Once dug up again, it will fall into a new vicious circle.

Thinking like this, Xiao Nanzhu couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. No matter what he said in the past, the evil spirits could be solved with violence, but he really didn't dare to do it at this age. It's a sin to let the people in the whole city of Y be buried with him, but Li Zhonglin saw that he didn't open his mouth, he expected that he was a little hesitant, so he hurriedly opened his mouth and said,

"I also asked many people during this period of time. Some of them were perfunctory, and some of them took the opportunity to cheat money. In short, none of them could show their true skills... Although I have been in a high-ranking position these years, to be honest, I don't have a lot of savings. , but as long as you offer a price, I am willing to sell real estate and cars..."

Li Zhonglin's attitude made Xiao Nanzhu unable to say anything for a while. After all, Mayor Li looked very lucky, but the little black green under his nose indicated that the family was doomed. No alcohol, no color, no desire, no greed, really a decent person.

It is not because of himself that such a person encounters such a thing, it is more appropriate to say that his life is not good, but to say so, this is really too old, Xiao Nanzhu has really seen it, and he doesn't know Fang Bian, Li Zhonglin now said that it was Tai Sui, maybe it was some mess he bought from Taobao, and seeing the box containing the unfortunate Sui Xing right in front of him, Xiao Nanzhu frowned and rubbed his forehead. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and dragged the box that had been closed in front of him, and then opened the fastened lock.

"Master Li, be careful!! I... I will protect you!!"

Seeing this, the Spring Equinox shouted and stood in front of Xiao Nanzhu. Xiao Nanzhu gave her an angry look and told her to avoid it. Li Zhonglin looked pale again when he saw the box was about to be opened. After Nan Zhu carefully opened a slit, what he saw was a white-haired sarcoma-like object curled up in the box in a state of slight breathing, and its skin tissue surface was obviously covered with a lump. Wounds that do not heal.

"I let my daughter eat that piece... I thought it would cure her, but she's gone... She's only so young, and her health has been bad since she was a child. The doctor said she only had half a year to live, but my wife and I I don't believe it... I gave her food because I wanted her to be healthy, but she didn't even have time to be with us at the end... I'm a father, damn..."

Saying this with gritted teeth, Li Zhonglin stared at the motionless, snow-white Tai Sui with red eyes, and seemed to cry bitterly at any moment. What a pale and empty consolation, I just slammed the box again, and then shook the cigarette in my hand, and then said in a calm voice,

"Where did you buy this thing? Who told you it was Tai Sui?"

Hearing this, his expression changed. Li Zhonglin carefully sorted out the language. After a while, he began to talk to Xiao Nanzhu about the origin of all this. After listening to him explain the ins and outs of this incident a little bit, Xiao Nanzhu understood. I wonder how the real Tai Sui in this box came from.

Li Zhonglin, the mayor of City Y, came from the grassroots level in the past. Because he is an honest official and an upright person, it is difficult for some people to impress him through money, but he has no other weaknesses in his life, only an only daughter who has been in bad health is his knot. Many people who know the inside story see this I wanted to start with this, but it was always useless. Because anyone who has inquired knows that Mayor Li's daughter's illness is a terminal illness, unless you can ask Hua Tuo to reincarnate to save his daughter, otherwise this matter is useless, and in this case, there is a city's The businessman approached Li Zhonglin for a government project, but also brought unbelievable good news to Li Zhonglin.

The businessman's surname is Jiang. Once upon a time, he had an old friend who owned a mine in O province. At that time, before the mining industry started, that person bought the whole mountain with originals and let those people in the mountains mine, and within a few years, he would earn half of the future fortune. Because the people in the mountains were poor, the boss didn't need to spend a lot of money to hire all of them, the old and the young, but one day, when these workers went to the mine, they dug out a whole body for no apparent reason. Snow-white oddities.

The workers at the bottom of the mine were startled when they saw it, but they didn't dare to do anything about it. After all, they lived in the mountains from time to time, so they naturally understood that some strange things should not be offended casually. Boss Jiang's friend didn't understand this, so he casually said to keep this thing and don't throw it away, and called some old people in the nearby mountains to come and see it, and when the local barefoot doctor who was almost 80 years old saw this thing, he immediately He was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and kowtowed eight times at the white sarcoma.

The workers in the circle were so frightened by the barefoot doctor that they dared not speak. Boss Jiang's friends naturally felt that it was inexplicable, but when the old man with his head covered in blood started to speak shiveringly, they finally knew that this had been done by a man. What was the odd thing the shovel dug up.

The magical Tai Sui, a natural disaster star and said to have the effect of immortality. Boss Jiang's friend felt ridiculous when he heard it, and he didn't really believe in these illiterate people who had never read a book and had been living in the mountains. However, the barefoot doctor's terrified eyes and words that did not seem to be fake kept whispering in his ears. , so he couldn't sleep well for several days after taking the white sarcoma back, but what happened just a few days later made this man who didn't believe in such things completely believe this statement, and this It has also become the root cause of a series of events.