Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 52: spring equinox


The friend of the Boss Jiang at the time did not believe in this evil at first, but after a few days, his only son lost a leg in a traffic accident.

Because he is an only son and has been spoiled since childhood, he is naturally unhappy that his son can only be a disabled person and live a difficult life from now on, but even if he is fitted with a metal prosthesis, his son may not be able to recover. In this desperate situation, the middle-aged man who didn't believe in Tai Sui suddenly remembered the weird thing he had left at home.

In desperate situations, people tend to blindly believe in many things that they do not believe. This is the case with middle-aged people, and so are many people. In order to allow his son to regain healthy limbs, he specially invited the barefoot doctor in the mountain and asked him how to eat Tai Sui. When he heard that he wanted to eat this Tai Sui, the barefoot doctor first With a pale face, he gasped for a few breaths, then knelt on the ground and cried while speaking in vernacular.

Tai Sui can save people, but it can also harm people. Boss, if you want to save your son's life, we all have to die. I beg you to be merciful and merciful, let me go, I dare not, I really dare not.

The old man cried and begged this man to give him a life, but the man with red eyes could not hear so much. He is quite powerful in the local area, so after the poor old man was beaten, he was finally dragged over in desperation to cook the Tai Sui who had been unearthed for almost half a month.

The knife fell tremblingly, slicing through the human-like flesh, the blood vessels were clearly visible, and the stench of carrion could be smelled. Because he was using a knife on a living creature, the old doctor broke into a sweat just thinking about it, but he probably got a little bit of courage after going to the countryside to see a doctor for a few years, so he was only a few seconds away. Just cut off a very thin piece of meat from the Tai Sui's body, and after seeing the man standing by the side can't wait to take the meat and put it up, the red-eyed old man seems to have encountered some kind of disaster, even if He knelt down on the ground in remorse and cried.

It seems that the story is almost over here. The end is naturally that the man who got Tai Sui meat successfully restored his son's leg. After all, Li Zhonglin heard the same thing from Boss Jiang, but until his wife and daughter both After dying one after another because of the damn Tai Sui, Li Zhonglin, who was on the verge of collapse, finally learned the truth from the hesitant boss Jiang about why the Tai Sui, who was said to be able to eat a hundred years of life, ended up in his hands.

"The man's son had eaten Tai Sui, and the root of the thigh that had been sawed off actually grew granulation. After three days, white bone fragments appeared in the granulation, and a week later, a slender leg like noodles was born. People were overjoyed when they saw it, and wanted to call the old doctor again and cut some Tai Sui for his son to eat, but before he could leave, his son and wife were killed at home because of burglary. This man could not accept this. The fact is that there was a magnitude 7 earthquake in the mountainous area where the mine he ran was located immediately, and more than 2,000 households in the entire Luobei mountainous area were all killed.

Speaking like this, his voice trembled a little. Li Zhonglin seemed to have no longer dared to think about his fate. It was repeated one by one. If it was a coincidence, he really didn't believe it himself, but thinking of this, he looked at Xiao Nanzhu with red eyes, and muttered after a while,

"In any case, I just ask not to endanger other innocent people. It's all my fault. It doesn't matter if I die... I also ask the teacher to worry about it, just for the sake of this whole city... Also help help me..."

Li Zhonglin left, but the box he brought with the Tai Sui was kept by Xiao Nanzhu. When he heard this request, Li Zhonglin seemed a little hesitant, as if he was a little worried that this unfortunate thing would stay here in Xiao Nanzhu. Seeing this situation, Xiao Nanzhu didn't explain much, and only let the Spring Equinox personally escort him downstairs, and just as the man was about to walk towards his black car with the government license plate, He suddenly heard the little girl say to him with a smile,

"There may be a spring rain at eight o'clock tonight. If you go out, remember to bring an umbrella."

This might sound a little inexplicable at first, but since he found this place, Li Zhonglin naturally knew the wonders of Xiao Nanzhu's side. He expected that this should be told by Xiao Nanzhu, but he was pacing towards When he was on the side of the car, Li Zhonglin suddenly couldn't help turning his head, and said softly to the young Lishen who was standing behind him in a tender green suit,

"Little girl, what's your name?"

"Ah... my name is Spring Equinox."

At first, she was stunned and turned to an innocent smile on her face. The little girl named Spring Equinox looked too cute and cute. She was still very small, but from her tender facial features, she could see her beautiful appearance in the future. She is as lively and playful as all the little girls, with the carefreeness of a child of this age on her body, but Li Zhonglin, who saw this situation, had red eyes for no reason, and it took a while to maintain a stiff smile and nodded. ,

"It's so nice, did your parents make it up for you..."

Speaking like this, the expression on his face was even uglier than crying. Li Zhonglin's heart was aching like a knife for a while, and the pain in his temples made his vision a little blurry, but everything about that nightmare was still in his mind. He couldn't get it out of his mind, just thinking about him made him feel that he had no value in this world to live anymore.

"Dad... Mom don't... don't cry... don't cry... "

"Dad... I don't hurt... I really don't hurt at all... "

"Mom and Dad... When I die, you can have a brother or sister... I'm leaving... So you won't miss me too much... "

The precocious girl who was tortured by the disease was still comforting her wife and herself until the moment of her death. Li Zhonglin once stayed outside the delivery room all night waiting for her to be born, but now he is helpless as he sees her dying. Tai Sui once made him think that this would allow his daughter to live, but in the end, the cry of his wife's collapse and the decision to commit suicide afterwards made Li Zhonglin feel the most profound parting in the world, and seeing this poor mortal in his own life. With this despairing look in front of him, Spring Equinox finally took a step closer, and then gently tugged at the hem of his clothes.

"Uncle, Master Li will definitely help you, I swear..."

She raised her face and spoke earnestly. As the calendrical equinox that ushered in spring, it seemed that she didn't like to see others trapped in the cold winter again, so she couldn't help but say a word of comfort at this moment. Zhu Jiang was very dissatisfied with the way she left the Tai Sui thing, but when she went upstairs again, her attitude changed drastically.

"Master Li, we must help this person. I think he's good. He even praised my name for being nice..."

When he heard this, his brows tightened. Xiao Nanzhu naturally knew that some things were impossible to be brave, but he still took it down out of his own consideration. The girl just looked so scared that it didn't make sense for him to change so quickly, but he didn't care much about the reason for the change in his attitude on the vernal equinox, so in the end he patiently touched the head of this green little girl, This just opened the mouth to explain.

"Definitely help, otherwise what else can we do? You didn't hear Mayor Li say that all the people on the mountain died because of this unfortunate thing, so if Tai Sui really wants to take revenge, it must be unlucky with us and hide. Can't escape..."

Saying this, Xiao Nanzhu frowned with a rare headache, and Xiao Nanzhu felt inexplicably agitated and didn't have any careful thoughts for a while. After all, although this Tai Sui has been kept by him now, but its wound has not healed, it naturally means that its anger has not disappeared, and its revenge against Li Zhonglin will continue at any time, and the ultimate purpose of this thing... is to let Li Zhonglin this The originator tastes the sad taste of losing his family and everything, but still can't die.

Thinking this way, it was inevitable that the middle-aged man looked at the spring equinox with the kind of hopeless and sad eyes. Xiao Nanzhu always held the view that more things are worse than less things, but this time, he really couldn't escape.

Because Li Zhonglin also mentioned before that Tai Sui will turn red once he is about to plant disasters. He met his wife and daughter once when he died. If nothing else happens, Tai Sui will have Tai Sui next time when Li Zhonglin suffers. changed.

Now that thing is still placed in the black box on the coffee table, so Xiao Nanzhu naturally had to find a safe place to raise this evil creature the size of a washbasin. There was not much Xiao Nanzhu could only finally put the snow-white Suixing, who seemed to be breathing slightly, into the bathtub.

"It looks disgusting..."

The Spring Equinox whispered something, and Xiao Nanzhu, who heard the words, patted her on the head angrily, as if to tell her to shut up and not provoke this bad-tempered evil. After being beaten, the spring equinox hummed and honestly did not dare to speak, and Xiao Nanzhu squatted down and carefully looked at the wound on Tai Sui's body, and then showed some unintelligible eyes.

"The Spring Equinox, does Tai Sui have to eat human flesh and blood to heal the wound?"

"Yeah, Master Li, you haven't heard that human flesh is a good nourishing thing. Evil creatures love to eat it, and it will grow faster after eating it... But Tai Sui is a very evil thing. I heard that you need to eat a lot. A person can grow up to be like this, like the uncle's wife and child just now, I guess it was eaten, but it is definitely not enough, don't you see that the hole is still that big..."

When Spring Equinox said this, his expression did not seem to be fake, Xiao Nanzhu looked at the things in the bathtub thoughtfully and suddenly extended his hand, Spring Equinox thought he was going to touch Tai Sui, but soon she saw Xiao Nanzhu Nan Zhu suddenly took out a dagger he usually carried from his coat pocket, turned to frown, pointed the sharp blade at his palm, and cut it with force.

"Master Li!!"