Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 53: spring equinox


Bright red blood beads gushed out from the wound, red meandering blood trails continued to slide down the bathtub, a faint smell of blood transpired in the air, Xiao Nanzhu frowned and pressed his hand tightly against his wound. .

The Spring Equinox has been afraid to speak since he witnessed his actions, but after using his soothing eyes to signal the Spring Equinox not to act rashly, Xiao Nanzhu saw that the blood dripping from his palm fell on Tai Sui's wound, and then he said: As he expected, he found that the wound of this snow-white evil object was covered with a faint layer of pink light.

"Master Li... what is this?"

Seeing this, the Spring Equinox widened his eyes in surprise, but Xiao Nanzhu didn't answer. He just pressed his fingers on the wound and squeezed the blood to Tai Sui's body. Accompanied by bright red blood droplets, Tai Sui's surface skin tissue is dyed red. came out.

Just after listening to the Spring Equinox mention that Tai Sui is addicted to flesh and blood, Xiao Nanzhu suddenly remembered something similar to Tai Sui - Ganoderma lucidum. Because most of the places where Tai Sui was mentioned were strange novels with no value for factual research, Xiao Nanzhu didn't immediately think of some reliable ways to deal with it.

However, Li Shizhen clearly mentioned in the Compendium of Materia Medica about the wonderful revival ability of a medicinal material called Ganoderma lucidum, because this thing is also addicted to meat, which seems to have many similarities with Tai Sui, and the most important thing is , in another commentary called Liudao Medical Classics published in 1964, there is a new commentary extension to the meat Ganoderma lucidum.

Ganoderma lucidum, as the name suggests, is naturally a special kind of fungus. Obviously, Tai Sui does not have many similarities with fungi in terms of shape, but the two have a wonderful overlap in their efficacy.

China has a long history of edible fungi. In ancient times, fungi were called Shan Zhen and Shan Jing because of their wonderful edible value.

In today's southern Y province, people still maintain the habit of eating various fungi in the rainy season. However, some fungi are not easy to eat, because once eaten by mistake, it is likely to be life-threatening. The most famous of these is a magical fungus that can cause hallucinations, and is even rumored to synchronize human and its mind.

This magical fungus is said to be extremely delicious. Because it grows in the mountains, it is often eaten by mistake. Some people said that they heard mushrooms talking to themselves after being slightly poisoned. Feel the heartbeat. Because there is news about this aspect every year in province y, related reports generally use the venom to paralyze nerves to explain the reactions of those who eat mushrooms. However, such reports that cover up superstitions with scientific facts often have The other side's explanation, and the peculiar phenomenon about this fungus is actually reflected in Ganoderma lucidum.

It is said in the Six Paths of Medicine that anyone who mixes human blood with Ganoderma lucidum will be able to communicate with the soul, perceive the various states of the soul, and then speak to it. Because it is considered an unpopular medical book, Xiao Nanzhu still searched for a long time in his own home to find it out, but at this moment, it corresponds to the many similarities between Tai Sui and Ganoderma lucidum, which must not make my heart ignite. There was a glimmer of hope, and Xiao Nanzhu also reacted immediately, trying with his own blood to see if he could communicate with Tai Sui.

Because there was never any data to show that Tai Sui was the kind of fleshy ganoderma mentioned by Li Shizhen, Xiao Nanzhu was not good at jumping to conclusions at first, but after he put a few drops of his blood on his Tai Sui, he saw that Tai Sui The whole body began to faintly glow, and he didn't hesitate any more, only slashing the knife wider.

The blood flowing from the blood vessels merged into Taisui's skin tissue little by little, and then began to flow along the fine blood light on its body, Xiao Nanzhu, with a dignified face, was still a little uneasy, and suddenly felt his own The brain was dipped into some damp, disgusting spongy stuff, it felt like he was caught by something and the brain couldn't break free, and then he felt like he heard someone start whispering in his ear talking.

"Blood... blood... I want blood..."

The slender, male-like moaning sounded, Xiao Nanzhu listened intently, as if to make sure that it was the sound of Tai Sui, but the dazed response of the Spring Equinox clearly told him that he was here. In the small space, no one except himself could hear Tai Sui talking at the moment, and the flesh on his wound was pressed and turned white. The wound of this thing still only recovered a small opening. , Xiao Nanzhu, whose lips were pale, suddenly felt that the damp feeling of being possessed was slowly fading from his body, and then Tai Sui in the bathtub also recovered in an instant. look.

After eight o'clock, it rained in the Y city. The third spring rain since the beginning of the spring made the little Lishen, who was dressed in green and barefoot, running around in the rain, busy for a while.

Since this spring rain is followed by Qingming, the vernal equinox has to be arranged for a long period of rainy season to prepare for the supply of rainwater throughout the spring. Judging from the last time we met, Qingming is obviously a serious character who is not easy to get along with, so the vernal equinox naturally does not dare to mess around in front of him. Because this work originally needed Xiao Nanzhu to help her complete it, but because today's equinox strongly requires him to stay at home and rest, Xiao Nanzhu, who has rarely become a vulnerable group, can only support himself. The hand tied with a big bow reluctantly responded.

Obviously, the injury on this hand is not serious, but it may be because he was too reckless just now, so the little girl was very frightened, because Xiao Nanzhu did this only to try that Tai Sui at first, naturally It doesn't matter in my heart. However, the trial just now helped him to determine the connection between Taisui itself and Ganoderma lucidum, and as long as he can maintain the spiritual communication with Taisui, he will have the opportunity to find out when he will meet Li Zhonglin and others next time. People started, and thinking like this, seeing his ridiculous bow tie, Xiao Nanzhu rarely used his right hand to hold a cigarette and watched the spring rain outside for a while, then turned around and went back to the house.

Because Xianto and New Year's Eve didn't have a good time, he must have slept alone tonight, but the quilt he usually uses is so tightly wrapped that it is not convenient for him to touch the water, so at this moment Xiao Nanzhu wants to give it to him. Taking a good shower on your own can be difficult.

Because Tai Sui is still kept in the bathtub by him, Xiao Nanzhu can only take a shower by himself, but the operation of this shower is not less difficult than usual. Now let him call Lishen to help him for this trivial matter. Putting the bath water to take off your clothes would be too much of a fuss.

Thinking like this, Xiao Nanzhu could only bite the bullet and start tossing in the bathroom by himself, but before he could untie the belt buckle with difficulty, someone who thought he would not come out at night took care of himself. appeared.

Because Xiao Nanzhu usually washes in the bathroom at this time, he came in directly on New Year's Eve without seeing anyone outside. Seeing Xiao Nanzhu frowning and holding his hands at the moment, all afternoon New Year's Eve, who didn't even show up and even took the time to change clothes, was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly changed his face.

On New Year's Eve at the moment, he was dressed in vermilion as usual, but it was not the red robe he always wore embroidered with the lights of the first month, but a more eerie robe embroidered with golden hydrangea flowers.

His brows were a little tired, and his face was still pale and bloodless, but the end of his eyes, which were as bright as bright flowers, always showed the beauty of being placed on a man without showing any peace-keeping. Amorous feelings, this excessively noisy color and his own dull personality have a wonderful sense of conflict, but Xiao Nanzhu has experienced the beauty of it before giving up.

But at this moment, seeing New Year's Eve subconsciously looking at his wound, and then showing a concerned and anxious look, Xiao Nanzhu, who was instantly hot in his heart, immediately threw away his ridiculous grudge mentality in the afternoon. After thinking about it, he directly withdrew his hand that was still struggling with how to take off his pants, and leaned against the wall with half-squinted eyes and opened his mouth lazily.

"Well, this body is good, good-looking..."

When he saw Xiao Nanzhu's words, he was stunned on New Year's Eve. In fact, he was still a little uncomfortable, but when he met Xiao Nanzhu, who was used to taking the initiative and being casual, he seemed to lose his mind. After all, if an ordinary person encounters such an unpredictable temper on New Year's Eve, it is estimated that they would have retreated long ago, but Xiao Nanzhu is good at this and still enjoys it.

At this moment, Xiao Nanzhu was leaning against the sink, because the jeans were half hanging on his sturdy and lean waist, so he could vaguely see his muscle lines. Seeing this, New Year's Eve felt inexplicably dry in his mouth, covering his clothes. The hands in the sleeves also began to clench, but Xiao Nanzhu laughed when she saw this, and suddenly took a step forward, and then hugged New Year's Eve's icy body with a fascination.

"Master Li... Are you okay... What's the matter with your injury?"

Muttering like this, New Year's Eve subconsciously grasped Xiao Nanzhu's shoulders. The two of them are similar in body shape, but New Year's Eve, as a god, can always suppress Xiao Nanzhu's strength without resistance. Xiao Nan Zhu enjoys the thrill of conquering and being conquered, and he also has an infatuation and tolerance that ordinary people cannot explain to this powerful god. This was unimaginable not long ago. After all, Xiao Nanzhu, who was used to being indifferent and rational, would not Make yourself so impulsive and desperate.

But there has never been such a person who makes him unconsciously jealous, and he is willing to accept and love him regardless of his strengths or weaknesses. Obviously they don't have much past between them, but with just one look, Xiao Nanzhu can also feel how much this person cares about him.

This made Xiao Nanzhu, who had never felt that he deserved to have too many things, felt grateful and satisfied, so now this arrogant man closed his eyes as if he had given up. He embraced New Year's Eve with a serious tone, and then opened his mouth and said word by word,

"I love you... New Year's Eve... I love you... "