Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 57: Qingming


After Xiao Nanzhu came out from the cemetery to pay homage to his grandmother, he stopped by Situ Zhang's house. Although it was always a scourge for the Tai Sui who had become a fine person to be there, but because there was a clear view at home for the time being, nothing would happen. Blunder.

It happened that today was the Qingming Festival, so Situ Zhang also took a rest at home. His father went out to play chess with others, and when he saw Xiao Nanzhu coming, his mother quickly gave him a basket of green balls made in the morning. When he brought it out, he not only kept beckoning him to sit down and eat before leaving, but also went to the kitchen to pack some green balls and black rice for him to take away.

"My dear mother, just sit down and rest, these youth balls are all eaten by children. How old is Anan? Why bring him back? Besides, it can be bought outside, so why bother with it every year? …”

"Who said that! Anan, you liked to eat the green balls I made the most when you were young. I made all the bean paste and sesame by myself. It's not much cleaner than the outside!"

"Okay, okay, I can't tell you, I can't tell you..."

Situ Zhang reluctantly sat on the bamboo stool at the door and shouted into the kitchen. Xiao Nanzhu couldn't help laughing when he saw his shriveled appearance. Seeing this, Situ Zhang, who had nothing to do with his own mother, wanted to kick in annoyance. He kicked, and Xiao Nanzhu cleverly ducked and returned the kick.

Because it had rained in the morning, and the steps at the door were full of water, Situ Zhang, who was in the kitchen who was so careless when he was making a noise, heard his mother too, and poked his head out and cursed with his eyes wide open. After a few words, the old lady saw the two of them squatting under the corridor and smoking together like monkey children, and then she retreated again to make something delicious for Xiao Nanzhu.

"Bastard, you stepped on my face... but it seems to be successful, look at your squeak..."

Situ Zhang opened his mouth like this, since the New Year's Eve, Situ Zhang's complexion has improved a lot. The gloomy feeling that he used to be because he was too thin has disappeared, because Xiao Nanzhu helped him drive back the evil spirits for his family of three. , so his overall luck also went up a lot. However, his facial features are already delicate and feminine, and it is only because he often wears that old-fashioned dress at work that he looks weird. At this moment, he was talking to Xiao Nanzhu in such a veiled manner, and Xiao Nanzhu, who heard the words, also gave him a candid smile. Seeing Xiao Nanzhu's silent acquiescence, even though he just knew about his sexuality, But as a friend Situ Zhang, he was happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

"Hey, it's good too, it's great to have someone by my side, my parents and my mother can push me all day long, but I really don't want to make do with this until I meet the right person, but I feel sorry for that buddy. Ah, this scourge of yours doesn't look like a fuel-efficient lamp. Don't let others down in the future. After all, you are so old, you can't fool around with your self-esteem and self-love, you know, Xiao Nanzhu..."

Situ Zhang's words of hurting him made Xiao Nanzhu speechless, but he also knew that he had a lot of dark history in Situ Zhang's place, so he was cured after coughing and nodded. , and Situ Zhang, who rarely sees his serious appearance, is also happy, squinting his eyes and saying a word.

"When are you going to bring us home for a meal? It's all a family, so don't be polite, I'll help you see each other, eh, what do you do with your mouth, is it a fitness coach or a sports school? boy..."

"roll roll roll!"

Hearing him talk more and more, it became more and more outrageous. Xiao Nanzhu scolded him and made a gesture to kick him. Situ Zhang smiled and avoided paying attention and stepped on a puddle. Even though they are almost thirty years old, these two still love to play around like they were in their teens. Everything was still the same as when they lived in the old alley many years ago, and the two of them still showed the sloppy energy when they went to skip classes and play games together, which made Xiao Nanzhu, who had been in a tense state recently, relax for a moment. And just when he stayed for a noon and was about to leave Situ Zhang's house, Xiao Nanzhu had just walked to the door with a box of Qingtuan, and Situ Zhang's mother chased after him calling his name.

"Hey, Anan, look at my record breaking. I forgot to tell you just now. Two days ago, I was sorting things at home and suddenly picked up your belongings..."

Situ Zhang his mother breathed and said, Xiao Nanzhu, who heard the words, was a little unclear, so he patiently listened to the old lady finish her words, and the old lady who saw this smoothed it out for herself, and then put it in her pocket He took out a small copper lock with a strange shape and handed it to Xiao Nanzhu before explaining intermittently,

"Your uncle thinks that there are too many messy things in the house. Two days ago, I saw that some old furniture and old objects that I didn't use were thrown away and sold. It was nothing at first, but I was in Zhangzhang that morning. I saw this little copper lock when I was cleaning the cabinet where I put my elementary school textbooks... Do you still remember this thing? I remember it was hanging around your neck when I was a child, but you lost it one day, your grandma He even beat you up in anger... Now think about it, you probably came to play at home someday and left the lock on Zhang Zhang here. It was also the child who was careless and hadn't found it out for so many years. I found it for you, this is what you have been carrying on your body, but you can't lose it again, Anan..."

The voice fell, and a cool metal object fell on Xiao Nanzhu's palm. The whole copper lock was glowing with the color of brass. It didn't look like something valuable, but it was strange that it was on this small copper lock. The chain and even the lock were engraved with strange, not like the cumbersome patterns of this nation, but when he subconsciously picked up the copper lock and looked at the light under the cloudy sky, he had no idea about it at all in his mind. Impressed Xiao Nanzhu said suspiciously,

"Why don't I remember I had this? Is this what I've been carrying? Huh? This is… "

Speaking like this, the voice stopped abruptly, Situ Zhang's mother saw Xiao Nanzhu's complexion change in front of him, but she didn't understand what mystery he saw from the copper lock here, and squinted her eyes fixedly. After there were some familiar strange characters in the center of the lock, Xiao Nanzhu, who had a gloomy expression, first clenched the cold lock with his hand, and then lowered his head and asked Situ Zhang's mother,

"Auntie, do you really remember that I always carried this thing? Did my grandma buy it for me later? Or did I carry it before my grandma found it?"

Xiao Nanzhu's question was a bit straightforward. Situ Zhang was a little embarrassed to be asked, but he still wanted to take care of his emotions. However, since Xiao Nanzhu asked this question, it must have his deep meaning. The wife didn't want to cause trouble to Xiao Nanzhu, so after thinking about it carefully, she said decisively,

"Yes, it's what you have been carrying. When you were brought back by your grandmother, you had nothing on your body, except for the colorful clothes that were not like ours and the lock around your neck. At that time, the neighbors all guessed your parents. Maybe it’s the ethnic minorities who work here, and the children can’t be raised, so they give it to you… And you were four or five years old at the time, but you didn’t even speak Chinese, so…”

Situ Zhang's mother stopped talking when he said this. It happened many years ago, but she was afraid that it would make Xiao Nanzhu sad. Seeing this, Xiao Nanzhu didn't care about it, because in his mind He has been completely occupied by something. After all, if he was full of doubts about his ability to understand the strange words before, now he is more puzzled about what he has to do with the words. And thinking of this, Xiao Nanzhu, who had a heavy face, didn't waste time, just put the copper lock in the bag, and quickly greeted Situ Zhang's mother and ran away.

The lock has always existed as an accessory begging for good luck in traditional culture. In the old days, this kind of thing was mainly brought to children before adulthood. sick adults. Because its meaning is very good, there will be various materials accordingly. The most traditional and common ones are generally gold, silver, copper, iron and jade and jade. The children of wealthy families will have their own locks or jade pendants from birth. This is because the children in ancient times themselves suffered from underdeveloped medical conditions. It is easy to die prematurely, and there is another reason that things such as gold, silver and jade are the most essential and most aura of the mountains and rocks.

In ancient times, it was often said that mountains have spirituality. A mountain is composed of thousands of stones, but only a small part of it hides its essence. If this one-of-a-kind stone is turned into a gorgeous precious gold and silver gem, then naturally they have the wisdom of a mountain. This kind of wisdom does not mean that they can speak words or something, but that after people dig minerals out of the mountains and wear them into jewelry, these gold and silver jewelry will become the amulet of the owner, and more It can even save life and death for the person who wears it.

This statement has been around for a long time. It is said that jade, jade and other products are very expensive. It is also for this reason that those produced in certain regions are particularly expensive. Among the Chinese folk taboos, jade pendants have long been able to prevent disasters. If one day you lose the jade pendant, it is the saying that it has prevented you from bad luck. In Cao Xueqin's Dream of Red Mansions, it is also mentioned many times. When it comes to the statement about longevity locks and jade pendants that are closely related to people's luck, this has to add a bit of mystery to these jade, gold and silver that seem to be dead objects, but are extremely mysterious. As for Xiao Nanzhu at this moment, he is also full of doubts about the lock in his hand that is not ordinary gold and silver jewelry.

In terms of material, the lock that is said to accompany him is really cheap. It doesn't look like iron or copper and it's not worth a lot of money. What is special about it is that it looks like a totem of ethnic minorities, and in the center of the lock there is a word that Xiao Nanzhu has to pay attention to.


This strange word was uttered unconsciously from his mouth. Xiao Nanzhu didn't understand why he knew this word, nor did he understand what it had to do with his own background. After all, if you are really a minority, then no one can understand this word. But he has been living with his grandma since he was four or five years old. He has lived in a Han environment for so long, and it stands to reason that he should have forgotten everything about his past.

But the strange thing is that instead of forgetting at all, he can still remember these words right now. This is really unbelievable, and what is even more inexplicable is that as far as Xiao Nanzhu knows, there are few known words in China. There is no special ethnic group with the word Ji in the nation, so the meaning represented by the word Ji can only be found by himself, and just when he was carrying this lock with such complicated emotions, he was about to find Peng. When the forensic department of their department tested the specific ingredients, he suddenly received a call from the museum staff member named Luo Jia.