Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 58: Qingming


Luo Jia's call came suddenly. At that time, Xiao Nanzhu was on his way to the Municipal Public Security Bureau in a taxi. When he saw this strange number coming, he was a little puzzled, but when he picked up the phone, he spoke again. After the sentence, Luo Jia's loud voice with a strong Beijing accent immediately rang on the other end of the phone.

"Old Xiao! Oh, my old Luo! Yes, yes, yes, there is a reply to that last time, my friend who specializes in writing has returned from out of town, and I gave me the words you gave me last night. I took it to him to see, he said that there are some things that I can't explain clearly and I want to meet you in person, I will call him now, so you can contact him separately..."

"Hey, okay, I'll write it down, that's really bothering you, Luo Jia, I'll invite you to dinner next time we meet!"

Xiao Nanzhu's eyes lit up as soon as he heard about the ancient text. He felt that these clues were all messed up and had no clue. Now that he can find a breakthrough, it is naturally the best. , but he still wanted to wait for the lock at hand to be identified as well, and then find the ancient script expert. After saving the contact information given by Luo Jia, he hurriedly came to the downstairs of Peng Dong's unit. But as soon as he got in, he didn't have time to go upstairs. There was a thin man. Xiao Nanzhu vaguely remembered that the little policeman named Liu Chang stopped immediately when he saw him.

"Ouch! Brother Nan, you're here! Team Peng took a call to report a gathering of gambling and went out! Do you want to sit upstairs and wait, and I'll take you up?"

The enthusiastic appearance of the little policeman made Xiao Nanzhu smile and nod. Since the last time he helped solve the bloody disaster case, all of Peng Dong's people who were in contact with the case knew about him more or less. such an existence. They didn't believe in the ghosts and ghosts at first, but after experiencing the beheading demon with their own eyes, it can be regarded as a thorough understanding of these police workers. However, the rules in the public security system are still there, so the closing report and the like still have to be written in the direction of scientific materialism, so Xiao Nanzhu, an unsung hero, can only exist in the public security as a kind citizen Xiao Moumou. Among the internal files of the bureau, for Xiao Nanzhu himself, he was quite satisfied with the reward of 100,000 yuan issued by the public security department.

"Hey, Liu Chang, don't you all have a holiday on Qingming Festival?"

I asked casually, because this Qingming Festival is a legal holiday, so it should be everyone rests, but the people in this special position always work harder than others, such as the police and so on. He was going to work on holidays, and when Xiao Nanzhu asked this question, the little policeman smiled shyly, and said helplessly and quite accustomed to it,

"There's nothing we can do about it. We rest but this criminal doesn't rest. But there are also rotations in the unit, so they have to take turns. But Team Peng hasn't had a rotation for so many years. How can we be embarrassed..."

After hearing this, it was inevitable that he had some appreciation for the little policeman named Liu Chang. Xiao Nanzhu smiled and nodded, but did not continue the topic. After looking up at the very busy Criminal Investigation Office, he Turning his head to Liu Changdao,

"Okay, you're busy. Peng Dong is probably coming back soon. I'll go up and wait by myself."

Saying this, he took a cigarette from his pocket and threw it to Liu Chang. Liu Chang smiled and went to the reference room, because the entire team knew that Xiao Nanzhu was Peng Dong's instructor before. So along the way, Xiao Nanzhu came along like this, but no one stopped him, but everyone greeted him politely. However, the atmosphere in this public security bureau is always different. All kinds of evil and viciousness are running around everywhere, and the large characters on the wall seem to infiltrate people for no reason. Xiao Nanzhu sat on Peng Dong's seat, and then went there. Leaning back on the soft leather chair, Captain Peng Dongpeng, who was out to catch the bet as Liu Chang said, also led people back, but the person he brought in under hand was Xiao Nanzhu's old client, Zhang Chi.

"I said that there is no gathering of people to gamble! Peng Dong, let me tell you, don't think that you can arrest people just because you are the people's police! What's the situation! This fight against landlords will arrest people!"

With a cigarette in his mouth and a look of refusal to cooperate, the big boss Zhang Chi Zhang probably just got caught out of the club, so his hairstyle and clothes are not very neat. The most funny thing is that he has a lot of wet stickers on his forehead for some reason. The note, it looks funny. In contrast, Peng Dong was dressed in a straight police uniform and looked upright and upright. His face was as usual and he didn't pay much attention to the emotional relaxation. Seeing this, Xiao Nanzhu straightened up a little unexpectedly and looked at the situation. The right two, and then he heard Peng Dong, who was standing at the door, speak in a mocking tone,

"I received a call from the enthusiastic masses, saying that your private room is gathering people to gamble and prostitutes. Even if you temporarily change to playing card stickers, do you think I will believe it? I tell you Zhang Chi, you think you are smart people. Eye… "

"I'm wronged, I'm wronged, Master Qingtian is on top, the villain is really innocent..."

"Shut your mouth and come in with me first to make a note!"

"I'm not going, I'm going to call my lawyer over here! I'm going to sue you for this bullshit cop!"

"Okay, tell me, I see you—"

"That, Peng Dong..."

Unable to hold back, he interrupted the two people's child-like nonsense at the Public Security Bureau. Peng Dong was still holding Zhang Chi and scolding him. When he saw that he was here, his expression changed immediately, while Zhang Chi took a look. Xiao Nanzhu suddenly came out of his mind, and he raised his handcuffed hands and waved at Xiao Nanzhu and shouted.

"Mom, Master Li! Fortunately, you are here! Come and save me!! Officer Peng is trying to bend the law for personal gain!!! Help!"

The evil between Zhang Chi and Peng Dong has a long history. Peng Dong knew Zhang Chi when he was a misbehaving devil, and he can always see the active figure of Boss Zhang whenever he catches gambling and pornography. Because he is one of the city's wealthy and wealthy, police officers like Peng Dong must also pay close attention to these social unrest factors.

As a policeman, he has household registration information and other things, so Peng Dong inevitably knows some of Zhang Chi's unilateral privacy, such as he is almost 30 and still not married, such as his eating, drinking, prostitution, gambling and living are not human-like, in short, the more The more you understand it, the more disgusted it becomes, the more you understand it, the more disgusting it becomes.

Once this kind of bad impression is planted, Peng Dong will naturally not pay more attention to this kind of person, but then Xiao Nanzhu, who he hadn't seen for a long time, appeared together with Zhang Chi, which caught Peng Dong a little by surprise. Since the incident on the Binjiang Road Bridge, Peng Dong found that his contacts with Zhang Chi had increased inexplicably, and this made him irritable and had an inexplicable strangeness.

"Zhang Chi probably didn't lie. He has been doing a good job of being a good man recently. You can ask him clearly before arresting him, but your enthusiastic citizen is too enthusiastic, haha, I don't care about this..."

Following Peng Dong to the forensic department on the third floor, Xiao Nanzhu laughed as he walked. He couldn't help laughing at the fact of these two living treasures, and his face flushed, Peng Dong bowed his head in embarrassment, with a consciously humiliated face. The expression on his face made people laugh. Mr. Zhang Chi, who was sure that he did not gather to gamble, was still crying downstairs and trying to settle accounts with Peng Dong, while on the third floor, Xiao Nanzhu, who could still hear the noise, was helpless. He patted the ugly-looking Peng Dong on the shoulder, and then said slowly,

"Okay, you help me get my business done quickly, I'll go down and get this stuff away right away, you should stay away from Zhang Chi in the future, he's a scumbag, be careful of being entangled by him..."

"Well, I see, Brother Nan."

Xiao Nanzhu's words made Peng Dong pursed his lips. Seeing his serious expression, Xiao Nanzhu also breathed a sigh of relief. After the two of them said this, they entered the forensics department at the end of the corridor together, and were introduced by Peng Dong. Afterwards, Xiao Nanzhu chatted with the female police officer inside and took out the lock that she had been carrying in her pocket, and then handed it to the young female police officer.

"Can you see what this lock is made of?"

"Well, it's hard to see, I'll take a look with the machine..."

After saying this, she put the lock on the professional equipment in the department. This female police officer has been doing on-site evidence investigation all the year round. Naturally, she has various aspects of research on the details of the material and pattern of this kind of thing. She herself is an expert in the identification of ingredients. Xiao Nanzhu came to Peng Dong because of this concern. Seeing that the female police officer wrapped the lock with a cloth, and then carefully aimed the instrument lens, Jing Jing After waiting for a while, Xiao Nanzhu suddenly noticed some subtle changes in the female police officer's expression.

"This lock doesn't seem to belong to metal... I can't say anything, but it looks like some animal bone..."

Muttering to himself like this, the female police officer's words made Xiao Nanzhu raise his eyebrows for unknown reasons. He had always thought that it should be made of some kind of heavy metal, but he was really surprised when he got such an answer, while the female police officer raised his eyebrows. After carefully checking the pattern and font on the lock, there was a rare expression of embarrassment on his face. Then he looked at Peng Dong and Xiao Nanzhu and said,

"The technology is limited, I really can't see anything, but I can be sure that it is not metal, it should be the bones of some kind of animal, but the bones of ordinary animals are not like this, the color is like copper or iron, it is difficult to Is there anything else that is born with steel and iron bones? In addition, I can't see what the text and pattern are, like something from a minority? But looking at the degree of wear and tear, I don't think it's a modern imitation, it should be a high-end The surface of the old objects is quite weathered. If you want to be sure, you can go to a special unit to take a look..."

Xiao Nanzhu has almost understood what the female police officer said here. It seems that he still has to think of a way to completely string together the clues. So after taking the lock back, Xiao Nanzhu held it in his hand thoughtfully. After a while, he finally said thank you and left. Before leaving, he also helped Peng Dong to drag Zhang Chi away, who was still yelling there.

During the process of dragging out, Zhang Chi was still shouting there, but when he came out, the tall man who was still screaming suddenly stopped. Seeing this, Xiao Nanzhu glanced at him expressionlessly, and Zhang Chi, who instantly smiled evilly, also raised the corners of his mouth after standing upright and said,

"Master Li, you see..."

"The enthusiastic crowd is you, right?"

He exposed the conspiracy and tricks of the big-tailed wolf mercilessly. Xiao Nanzhu felt that something was not right from the beginning. At this moment, he confirmed this idea. Hearing this, Zhang Chi immediately laughed by default. And after holding Xiao Nanzhu with his arm, Zhang Chi lowered his voice and said,

"Secret, keep it secret, I'm not trying to create a chance to come to the Public Security Bureau, but once I abide by the law and abide by the law, I can't be a good citizen and can't do bad things, so I..."

"Zhang Chi, stay away from Peng Dong, he is a police officer, and everyone who works in this system will definitely get married. Besides, he doesn't like men at all, and you don't lack people to play with. Is it sick to be so tossing... "

He interrupted Zhang Chi impatiently. During this time, Xiao Nanzhu had a good impression of Zhang Chi, so when he said this, he had a bit of affection, but he was the one who brought Peng Dong out, so he couldn't hold back now. He opened his mouth and cursed. When he heard this, Zhang Chi didn't change his face, he just narrowed his eyes and listened carefully for a while before he said,

"There is no shortage of people to play with, but I have never seen him like this. Don't worry, Li Shi, I know the relationship between the two of you, and I promise not to mess around... But I heard something two days ago, and it has something to do with you... "

- "Master Li, tell me honestly, is the Tai Sui of Mayor Li's house with you?"