Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 68: above


After the Cold Food Festival, Xiao Nanzhu's work was temporarily relieved. Li Zhonglin stayed in the hospital for two days, and after he came out, he went to the city news to appease the people's emotions.

Although the incident of the economic talks being attacked by unknown thugs seems to be quite serious on the surface, in truth, there are no specific casualties. Xiao Nanzhu and the three of them on the founding of the army and the founding party controlled the situation at the scene to the greatest extent possible. Many people who were out of control were only stunned, so they did not suffer any injuries afterwards. In addition, according to the confessions of the on-site personnel, the reason behind this was It is inevitable that the matter will involve some ghosts and ghosts, so the relevant departments will not investigate further according to our party's practice, and put it on Li Zhonglin's body. Naturally, there is not much to blame.

Xiao Nanzhu didn't care much about these things at first. Anyway, the Eight Difficulties and Tai Sui are now in his hands. If he wants to escape, he can't escape. Although these two evil things seem to be unlucky, they can't be protected in the future. It would come in handy for him, so he didn't sentence them to death, and only let Han Shi and Qing Ming watch one first and save it for later. However, this police officer Xiao Peng took advantage of the opportunity to go to his house for dinner and asked him about it, and Master Xiao Dali, who used to pretend to be stupid, shook the cigarette between his fingers before raising his voice. opened his mouth,

"I will be there that day because Lu Jian is not flat and draws a knife to help. Why do I need any reason? Well, thank you too, Peng Dong, come and come, come and taste the craftsmanship of New Year's Eve..."

Listening to Xiao Nanzhu's words, New Year's Eve sitting next to him couldn't help but coughed slightly, because Peng Dong came to eat today, so on New Year's Eve, he deliberately changed into an ordinary person's dress, but he didn't have that burnt suit. The long-haired man in red with his eyes and wearing the most simple home clothes still has an unforgettable appearance, but since Xiao Nanzhu just introduced the relationship between this man and him, he has not dared to raise his eyes. Peng Dongzai looked embarrassedly at the two men who were sitting across from him in an intimate manner, but for a long while he pursed his lips and lowered his head.

He and Xiao Nanzhu have known each other for many years. In the past, there were all kinds of things in the army, but he never thought that Xiao Nanzhu likes men, although such a thing is not a shocking thing in this day and age. , but when it was put on Xiao Nanzhu, Peng Dong couldn't believe it.

He was still thinking about whether Xiao Nanzhu would seek stability in a few years and find a beautiful and gentle girl to marry and have children, but who would have thought so suddenly, Xiao Nanzhu brought this man named New Year's Eve to him In front of him, although he had never seen such a good-looking man in his life, when he thought that the most respected and admired Instructor Xiao had someone he liked, Peng Dong suddenly felt a little lost.

When he saw Xiao Nanzhu again some time ago, he was very happy. The things in it were very complicated. It was a kind of nostalgia for the long time spent together in the past, and it was also an emotion that he never dared to express. After that, he did everything Xiao Nanzhu asked him to help, and he cared more about Peng Dong than other things. He was in his twenties, and naturally he had been in love before. He knew that he didn't like it. Xiao Nanzhu was just something that he couldn't explain himself.

However, after learning that Xiao Nanzhu finally found the right person for him today, Peng Dong is still sincerely happy for him. After all, Xiao Nanzhu mentioned this man named New Year's Eve in a casual tone, but it was sincere and sincere. Peng Dong, who just briefly had fantasies about Xiao Nanzhu in his heart, was enough for him to give up completely.

The young man in front of him saw the complex emotions in his heart on New Year's Eve, but because the source of these emotions was not malicious, he didn't say anything on New Year's Eve. He just looked at Xiao Nanzhu next to him with helpless eyes. At a glance, and after Xiao Nanzhu returned a smiling look, as if he knew nothing from beginning to end, he squeezed the hand under the table and the one on New Year's Eve.

Feeling Xiao Nanzhu's intentions, he didn't want to say anything more on New Year's Eve. Before, he was indeed thinking too much because Xiao Nanzhu always carried a lot of affection from others, but Peng Dong is a rare person. An honest and simple person, most of the fierceness in his body comes from the outside world rather than himself. After working in the police position for so long, he has not been influenced too much and has always maintained his own principles. Thinking like this, From the New Year's Eve, when he hadn't spoken much, he picked up the public chopsticks that were at hand, and carefully gave Peng Dong a chopstick dish.

"You eat more."

The peaceful look is somewhat like the look of the elders looking at the younger generation, but in an instant, the gloomy and condensed face on New Year's Eve has been dissolved all year round, which makes his appearance more and more gorgeous. He was so elegant and charming, Peng Dong almost choked out the food in his throat when he saw it, but he nodded again and again, and hurriedly ate a few more bites of food, but seeing this on New Year's Eve, he laughed very rarely, as if giving The Nian Beast's seriousness in feeding is almost enough to cook more dishes for Peng Dong.

Xiao Nanzhu, who saw all of this, twitched the corners of his mouth helplessly, but in the end he didn't say anything. After all, his family was good at everything, but he was born with a lot of love. He couldn't bear his heart, and when he sent Peng Dong downstairs after the meal, he had to go to work this afternoon, so the little police officer in police uniform obviously had something else to say to him. It was still unclear at first, but soon Peng Dong looked around Xiao Nanzhu with some worried eyes, and then frowned and explained to him seriously,

"Brother Nan, you must never go out and play with people like Zhang Chi in the future. I think Brother Xi is a good person, and he is sincere to you. You must cherish it, or I will definitely call and talk to him. expose you..."

"Hey, you kid!"

Hearing that Xiao Nanzhu was about to smoke him with a cigarette in his mouth, Peng Dong snapped his police cap on his head and ran away with a smile. After seeing him get into the police car, Xiao Nanzhu smoked alone for a while. When I went back to my house, and seeing the TV on New Year's Eve there and watching the Spring Festival Gala last year, Xiao Nanzhu, who was smoking a cigarette, stood by the door thoughtfully and thought for a while. .

The ancient writing expert Lao Yang is still not looking for five or six mountain valleys, so Xiao Nanzhu wants to study this calendar later, but he can't find the rules. He tried to come back a few times, but he felt more and more proficient. In addition, he also planned to find a breakthrough that could solve the problem of the rapid passage of time on New Year's Eve by rebuilding the pretext of those traditional festivals that had disappeared. Taking advantage of the weekend of the next day, he began to experiment with the specific method of using the Jianzi Jue at home.

The most traditional festivals in China originally had a total of 22 festivals, namely New Year's Eve, Xinzheng, Lushen, Renqing, Shangyuan, Huachao, Shangsi, Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival, Tiankuang, Qiqiao, Hanshi, Zhongyuan, Mid-Autumn Festival, Furi, Chongyang, Xiayuan, Sheri, Yasui, Laba and Xiaonian. Nearly half of these traditional festivals have now completely disappeared, and even those old people may not be clear about it.

Because the traces of their own existence have been completely forgotten, so once Xiao Nanzhu wants to resurrect and rebuild them, he will have to use some brains. It just happens that there will be a festival in the past few days before March, but it has long been about The Shangsi Festival completely disappeared more than a hundred years ago, but now Xiao Nanzhu has gone through the old almanac and asked many calendar gods carefully to know that the predecessor of the Shangsi Festival is now the third day of the third lunar month, but this one has disappeared since the Shangsi Festival. Li Shen, who had completely forgotten everything in the past, did not dare to be interested in Xiao Nanzhu's proposal at all. Instead, he looked full of sincerity and fear, which made Xiao Nanzhu feel helpless.

"I... I don't know, I'm a third grader, there are so many third graders in a year, I'm just an ordinary third grader... How could I possibly be a traditional festival! Li Shi, you just... you don't Scare me... I can't, I can't..."

Dressed in a shabby and plain cloth, the third year of junior high school trembled as he spoke, with a strong sense of inferiority and timidity on his unremarkable face. On his feet were a pair of straw sandals woven by himself, and he looked down with his head down. The toes look like a quail with its head shriveled.

Because after the Shangsi Festival completely disappeared from this world, what was left behind was such a poor and unlucky third year. This is the fate that many traditional festivals will face after disappearing. Everything returns to the original point and becomes a humble and pitiful existence, completely forgetting the meaning of its existence, no matter how many years I can remember it, and if not for Xiao Nanzhu himself Having deliberately searched for the origin of the allusions about the Shangsi Festival in many ancient books, he really had a hard time believing that this was the famous 'Ren Day' in Chinese history.

According to legend, Nuwa created the world and created seven animals within seven days. The first day is the chicken day, the second day is the dog day, the third day is the sheep day, and the fourth day is the pig day. The fifth day is the day of the cow, the sixth day is the day of the horse, and the seventh day is the day of the man. These seven days are arranged according to the order of the heavenly stems of A, B, B, D, Wu, Ji, G, Xin, Ren, and Gui and the order of the earthly branches of Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, and Wei, and Wei. When the festival is over, people will celebrate and enjoy the carefully crafted seven treasures. In addition, the Shangsi Festival was born out of the blessings of ancient gods. It represents all beings in the human world, and naturally has a prominent position and is blessed by nature.

According to his recollection on New Year's Eve, he once saw the birth of the Shangsi Festival with his own eyes. At that time, the goddess in Chinese clothes with a jade crown smiled and a small black mole on the tip of the eye was extraordinary. Since it was the day of the human being, the Shangsi Festival was born with a smile. He likes to be close to human beings and yearns for the beauty of the world, but when he was completely forgotten by human beings and forced to disappear, he did not complain too much. Then he attached his body and kowtowed to the red-clothed Lishen slowly and said,

"I was born because of people, and now I die, I don't blame the sky, I just hope that without my protection, the world will be blessed with good weather and good harvests..."

- "As for the suffering of the world, you will have to work on the gods from now on... a lot of trouble."