Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 7: Twenty-five


Situ Zhang could not stop looking out at the door of the restaurant with a cigarette in his mouth. The business of the restaurant during the New Year's Eve was very good, so the heat from the door made his face a little red. The smell of stewed mutton wafted in the air, making one's nose intoxicated, and upstairs in the private room he had booked, it seemed that a group of people had already started shouting and drinking. These are all the friends of the three religions and nine-rates he met in the society. There are people who sell insurance and drive long distances. Naturally, these people don't know what it means to be polite and just eat and drink on their own. Xiao Nanzhu, who was still there, has not appeared until now.

"This bastard... is fucking playing with me again."

He gritted his teeth and muttered. After waiting for more than ten minutes, Situ Zhang said that he took off the sunglasses that he wore all year round, and his sharp eyes were filled with anger. In fact, he didn't take Xiao Nanzhu's words seriously at first, but since that person had promised him for the first time, Situ Zhang reluctantly planned to trust him once, and the facts also proved that this person obviously did not have any credibility at all. , I was not only fooled by him once, but also twice by him. Thinking like this, Situ Zhang's face became a little bad, and he also pinched the cigarette butt in his hand, but just as he took a step When he was about to go back upstairs and leave the grandson alive or dead, he heard a familiar voice ringing behind him.

"Yo, are you still welcoming me outside? Why is this so embarrassing?"

As soon as he heard the casual tone, he knew which bastard was talking there. Situ Zhang's expression changed, and when he turned around, he saw Xiao Nanzhu standing there and smiling at him. Speaking of which, this person is already twenty-eighty-nine, but his straight and poplar-like body does not hide the slightest trace of his demeanor even if he is wrapped in heavy clothes. Landscape. It is reasonable to say that a man who looks like this has never been in a relationship until now, but the strange thing is that in Situ Zhang's impression, Xiao Nanzhu has really never found a relationship...

With such sudden doubts, Situ Zhang came up to meet him and thought for a while. Xiao Nanzhu didn't know what he was thinking, but he obediently took Situ Zhang's bluffing feet and followed him inside. After leaving the restaurant, he looked upstairs again.

As far as he could see, the messy wine table and Xiao Nanzhu, who was shouting, raised his eyebrows. Situ Zhang noticed his expression and patted him on the shoulder. Speaking, he just put his pockets in his mouth and smiled, and after the two walked upstairs together, the man at the table who was drinking and talking subconsciously stopped.

"Yo! Situ, let me introduce you! This is your little girl who hides like a little daughter-in-law! What's the matter! Let me introduce you to everyone, hahaha!! Don't you want to eat with us people? That's why you didn't come yesterday! I'm humiliating you!"

The fat man with gold-rimmed glasses was about thirty-five or six years old. Before he could finish speaking, he opened his mouth and laughed. The people around him laughed along with him, making it clear that he wanted to embarrass someone. , Xiao Nanzhu, who heard the words, didn't show any emotions. He just stood at the table generously, took a bottle of white wine with one hand, opened it with his thumb and poured a glass for these people one by one, and he was familiar with the road. The ground began to smoke.

"Something was delayed yesterday. I'm really sorry to make you wait for a long time... Brother, I'm here to make amends for you, why don't you just do it first and go?"

Raising his eyebrows and hooking the corners of his mouth, Xiao Nanzhu's appearance was chilling when he didn't speak, but this smile seemed to have an indescribable evil spirit, plus this cigarette was a good cigarette, and the soft China was held in his mouth. It's not easy for people to say anything yin and yang, so the atmosphere eased a little for a while. Xiao Nanzhu's high-level attitude made the group of people instantly dispel the grievances that had been waiting for him for a long time, and Situ Zhang also smiled when he saw this, pushed Xiao Nanzhu's people to his seat, and then used his finger. Pointing to his head,

"Xiao Nanzhu, I told you guys, I just came out of the army, I'll take care of you guys from now on, I'll bring you any good projects and jobs in the beginning of the year, I'll be sure to invite you guys to have a drink when it's done. …”

For a while, the people at the table nodded in unison, but if they really said they would help, it might not be possible. Xiao Nanzhu thought so, so he sat quietly and started chatting with these people from all over the world, waiting for a few bottles of wine to be opened. After the dishes were almost served, he probably knew what Situ Zhang's buddies were doing.

The one who opened the conversation was Cao Chong, the sales manager of an insurance company in the city. The flat head sitting next to him is Zhao Tiansheng, who drives long distances and often runs for transportation. A slightly younger man is said to be Li Mao, who is a small boss engaged in construction and decoration, and the other three are foreman brought by Li Mao. In terms of speech, these people have good personalities. They are used to scrambling around in society. They can talk and love to communicate with each other. Xiao Nanzhu and the others did not let the wine drink. The atmosphere on the table cooled down, but the elders were somewhat interested in his coming out of the army, and kept asking questions.

Speaking of which, I also need to talk about Xiao Nanzhu's time when he was a soldier. He was a military academy that has advanced for nearly ten years. Compared with the general conscripted conscripts, his starting point is relatively high. He just died at that time. With grandma, it is considered that he has nothing to worry about in this world, so he left the little things at home and joined the army without hesitation. In the fourth year of attending the military academy, he was selected into a certain northern military base due to his special circumstances. At first, he was slapped and punched by others. Later, when he became an instructor, he also began to go out on missions and accompanied the soldiers. Ruthless, all these soldiers under his command have to peel off a layer of skin. If he didn't break the leg of a scumbag with a prominent family, he should have stayed in the army and continued his repetitive and monotonous work. instead of doing something here that even he himself finds boring.

Thinking like this, Xiao Nanzhu's eyes became a little dark and unclear, but he also knew that the past was also the past. When the group of people asked again, he just smiled casually, then squinted his eyes and took a cigarette and said,

"I, the cooking class, how can there be so many messes, this is not a movie..."

His remarks disappointed the elders. Situ Zhang laughed when he saw this, but did not expose Xiao Nanzhu's obvious nonsense. It just so happened that Cao Chong asked Xiao Nanzhu who was yesterday. He couldn't come because of some delay, Situ Zhang coughed and wanted to help Xiao Nanzhu to block the conversation, but before he could speak, Xiao Nanzhu replied to himself,

"Ah, it's like this, the house is on fire, and the gas is on fire... I don't remember it myself. Yesterday, my fortune was against the fire, and I had to start a fire at home. You can see that it will catch fire. Yet… "

As soon as he said this, several other people glanced at him subconsciously. After all, this fortune was already very talkative. Looking at Xiao Nanzhu's tone, it seemed that he knew something related. What they did There is no shortage of people in the industry who believe in good fortune and bad luck, and are a little superstitious, so Li Mao, who is currently a construction engineer, took the lead and said,

"Yo, brother Xiao, do you still know how to read fortune? Why don't you show it to my brother?"

"Yes, Situ, Brother Xiao still understands this... He doesn't look like his age... Would you like to show us?"

Several other people echoed the opening, with some doubts and mockery in their expressions. Xiao Nanzhu picked up the wine glass and glanced at Situ Zhang, but there was a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth. Situ Zhang Yi, who was still wondering in his heart, also reacted immediately when he saw his expression. He didn't think about when Xiao Nanzhu mastered this new specialty. He immediately opened his mouth and shouted exaggeratedly,

"Hey! Don't underestimate people! I grew up with him and I can testify that their family has been doing this all the time! What about Liang Ding's own children, and the fortunes of going out to land reform, they are all in their own way, hurry up. , Xiao Nanzhu, give them a gesture..."

When Situ Zhang said this, the people at this table were a little disbelieving. Xiao Nanzhu looked at him curiously when he saw these people, and his expression was calm. He pushed the wine glass and plate in front of him away, then raised his hand to pick up the pen, and placed the ballpoint pen tip naturally on the thin A5 piece of paper.

"A little trick, you guys want to see it, I'll show you guys a trick, I want to try Brother Li? What do you want to do?"

Xiao Nanzhu's words made Li Mao a little eager to try it. The other people watched the fun and were not afraid of the big deal, so they hurriedly encouraged him to try it. Li Mao, who heard the words, took a sip of wine and walked to Xiao Nanzhu to sit down and put the sleeves of his coat on. Picking up some points, and Xiao Nanzhu opened their hands to hold the pen, and then said with some doubts,

"Calculate today's fortune? How do you play, hold with you and then?"

"Oh? It's fortune, okay, now you just have to say your birthday aloud, and then what you hear... will tell you what he knows... "

Accompanied by Xiao Nanzhu's slowly slowing tone, the others who were watching their gestures couldn't help but stretched their heads. At this moment, the atmosphere in the private room was quiet and scary. Li Mao and Xiao Nanzhu held the An ordinary ballpoint pen dropped its tip onto the paper, and then the middle-aged man frowned and said,

"I... I was born on June 4, 1970."

As soon as the voice fell, the tip of the pen began to move. This strength did not come from either of the two of them. Instead, it seemed that a third person was manipulating the pen. Seeing this, Li Mao widened his eyes and looked at Xiao Nanzhu. Xiao Nanzhu just smiled but didn't speak. The other people were confused and thought it was Xiao Nanzhu who was pretending to be mysterious, but the pen quickly slid on the paper. After the handwriting came up and down and finally stopped, everyone only saw a line of large, bulging characters written on it.

"Today's bankruptcy, the wealth that should be broken."

Cao Chong read out this line of words, and everyone else looked at Li Mao in dismay. Li Mao's palms were sweating from the beginning, and he was stunned when he saw this. He hurriedly threw the pen back to Xiao Nanzhu. Then he said in surprise,

"Brother Xiao, this... what does this mean!!"

"What does this mean, Li Ge, you naturally understand that this is your fortune, so how can I know?"

Xiao Nanzhu's words made Situ Zhang push him in embarrassment, and Li Mao's expression changed when he heard this, but he didn't wait for him to ask the god's nagging again. When Xiao Nanzhu was in the middle of the night, he heard the phone ringing in his pocket, and when he picked it up, he heard the accountant of his company yelling at him,

"Mr. Li!! It's not good! Those 40 or so migrant workers who were owed wages are making trouble at the company gate!! It's a good day to put four loudspeakers on the company gate!! One is ready on the spot. I committed suicide by drinking Sanlu milk powder!!! Come and save us!! Σ(っ°Д °;)っ”

Li Mao: "..."