Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 79: Lunar New Year's eve


Xiao Nanzhu can still recall the origin of the New Year's Eve Demon Extinguishing Picture, when he and Hua Chao broke into the underground palace. Although there are many coincidental elements, when he thinks about it carefully, he is a little self-conscious. It was destined. Later, although he gradually learned about the origin of the ancient script and his background, he was at a loss as to why the painting appeared there. The only ancient script expert who promised to answer him was Lao Yang since then. After entering the mountainous area of C Province, there was no news, and except for the inscription on the line that said the picture of the New Year's Eve, there was no clue that Xiao Nanzhu could grasp, and even the New Year's Eve himself could not give him any answers. .

"New Year's Eve Demon Extermination Picture..."

I don’t know how many times I have opened this scroll with my own hands, and Xiao Nanzhu knows everything that this painting depicts. This is not only because he has always understood why this painting is related to the calendar and even the Heilong and other Ji tribes. He was curious about the treasures being placed together, and it was because he also vaguely suspected that it had anything to do with New Year's Eve itself, but after so many researches, he couldn't find anything wrong, and he was talking to him just before Gu Yu. , he accidentally knocked the scroll that was placed on the bookshelf to the ground, and through the slightly awkward angle of looking down from above, Xiao Nanzhu first saw the unfolded picture scroll, but felt that it was the first time he saw it. There was a slight discrepancy when I saw it.

The red-clothed god like fire turned his back to thousands of living beings. His palms and cheeks were still bloody and dirty, and there were evil demons in front of him. Before, Xiao Nanzhu was only on New Year's Eve to protect the people who were affected by the disaster. The ground stood in front of them regardless of his own safety, but when Xiao Nanzhu couldn't help but narrow his eyes and put his finger on the bloody and terrifying picture, he suddenly realized that he might be I just understood the painting from a subjective point of view, and selectively did not pay attention to those details that could be called weird and suspicious.

As far as the eye can see, although the evil demons have terrifying faces and their claws and claws, their eyes did not fall on New Year's Eve from beginning to end. On the other hand, New Year's Eve was covered in blood, with a strange body shape. The sleeve stretched out and made a strange gesture in the direction of the evil spirit, and looking at the thousands of creatures under the clouds, the expressions on their faces were not so much fear and pain, but rather a mixture of one. Disgusting hatred and fear, as for who this hatred and even fear is for, only when Xiao Nanzhu, who has some bad premonition in his heart, looks at the line of signatures on the other side, he finally knows what he has been neglecting before. what.

Because he preconceived that New Year's Eve was the party to kill evil spirits, and the words on the inscription, he always thought that this was a picture depicting New Year's Eve to kill evil spirits and protect living beings, but how exactly should the four characters of New Year's Eve be eliminated Speaking of which, the scene in front of him was enough to make Xiao Nanzhu wake up suddenly, and in an instant, he immediately thought of what happened after he and Ji Zai translated the last volume of the calendar that day. .

The last volume of the Calendar is about the story of Huangdi Xuanyuan's creation of the first Lishen in the Yellow Calendar. Because the Calendar was compiled into a book by the descendants of the Yellow Emperor and Peng Zu, many of the stories themselves cannot be verified, but Because Ji Zai himself was curious about the stories of their ancestors at that time, Xiao Nanzhu searched for him when he was idle and bored, and after such a search, he found the first god who was born out of calendar paper. 's life story.

The Yellow Emperor created the Yellow Calendar. The earliest Yellow Calendar was just an almanac to record the turnover of Yin and Yang, the Eight Trigrams and the Five Elements, so the effect was limited. One day, the Yellow Emperor saw that the wizards of the tribe were drawing human figures on linen animal skins as sacrifices, and he suddenly had a whimsical idea. He also made such a sacrifice, because the Yellow Emperor was born good at calligraphy, painting and humanities, and had the ability to express the beauty of the world and the beauty of the world, so when the cinnabar outlined the human figure on the linen, a bright and beautiful god like the scorching sun appeared. born.

That day on the calendar became the name of this god. The Yellow Emperor gave him a robe made of silk spit out by a god silkworm and a brocade woven with feathers from the heavenly bird. He also gave him everything that makes people jealous because this god Powerful and perfect, so the people of the ancient clan worshiped him, worshipped him, and served him with the best food. A bloodthirsty monster, and his final outcome was to be beheaded by the Yellow Emperor himself.

If it was before, Xiao Nanzhu might not have taken this story to heart, but after experiencing the death and resurrection of the last festival, he knew that although the Lishen will also die, the new gods are also born out of death. Above the gods, and the most important thing is that the first born calendar god recorded in the calendar has a special name, which is related to this picture scroll in Xiao Nanzhu's hands at the moment...

"Master Li... what's wrong with you?"

Gu Yu stared at him with a puzzled look on his face, with a little embarrassment on his beautiful face, apparently seeing that Xiao Nanzhu was in a bad mood at the moment. But he was still friendly with him before, so it makes no sense to suddenly get angry with him after a while, and Xiao Nanzhu, who had a gloomy face, was suddenly awakened after being called out by Gu Yu. He put it back on the bookshelf and stood up straighter.

"It's okay, you can take this book and see it yourself, and ask me if you have any questions."

An inexplicable tension in his throat, Xiao Nanzhu whispered to Gu Yu, but his face did not change. Gu Yu originally wanted to say something to Xiao Nanzhu, but at the moment he could only hold it silently. This ancient calendar book nodded and returned to the calendar. When the golden light flickered and the goddess of the calendar disappeared, there was only Xiao Nanzhu in front of the bookshelf. After standing alone for a while, he took the picture scroll again. Open, but this time he didn't say a word for a long time.

An unprovoked and irritable mood began to shroud his heart, which he had rarely experienced before, but as it was New Year's Eve, he inevitably lost his mind. When he thought of the fact that he had been telling himself that he had no knowledge of the origin of this painting on New Year's Eve, he felt a bit of coldness in his heart that he couldn't even explain himself.

"New Year's Eve—New Year's Eve—"

The name of New Year's Eve was called twice in succession, but there was still no response in the calendar. Xiao Nanzhu knew that if there was no accident, according to the usual situation, New Year's Eve would definitely come out to see him soon, but today it is clear that this calendar teacher is not at home. , And after thinking about it, Xiao Nanzhu immediately called out again,

"Cold food-"

Suddenly raising his voice, Xiao Nanzhu knew that the other gods in the calendar would definitely come out once they heard his call, but as expected, after his voice fell, the white-haired calendar god in black clothes appeared. In front of him, it seemed that he hadn't thought that Xiao Nanzhu would suddenly call him out, Han Shi was obviously in a hurry, and when he saw Xiao Nanzhu looking at him with a vague expression, Han Shi was stunned for a moment and suddenly had a ominous premonition in his heart.

"Where did New Year's Eve go?"

Xiao Nanzhu's tone was obviously not quite right, but Han Shi was a little hesitant to tell Xiao Nanzhu what he knew. After all, he had something to say on New Year's Eve. Seeing that his calendar teacher was obviously not in a good mood, Han Shi hesitated for a while before speaking in a deep voice,

"I went to Binjiang Road with him the night before yesterday, where some new monsters have been bred since the Mother Snake. It seems that something suddenly appeared, and we don't know what it is. It's fine, but as soon as it hits the black sewage, it becomes infected with evil and becomes a little abnormal... These days, he told us not to tell you with Li Shi, saying that we will figure it out, so... "

"Is he infected with evil again now?"

Xiao Nanzhu's voice fell unconsciously, Xiao Nanzhu was still thinking about the things in the picture scroll, but now he only heard this thing in his ears, Han Shi seemed to be thinking of Xiao Nanzhu's insecurities that he told him before New Year's Eve. I liked his words, so I didn't want any misunderstanding between the two, so I pursed my lips and hurriedly explained,

"At that time, the evil spirit was stopped in time on New Year's Eve, so there was no major trouble. He has always had this problem, and this time it will not be a big deal..."

Halfway through the words, Han Shi stopped talking, because he clearly felt that Xiao Nanzhu's face was getting more and more ugly, he did not understand why the man in front of him suddenly became so angry, and Xiao Nanzhu soon Suddenly, in a deep voice, he shouted at the calendar hanging on one side of the wall,

"A Nian! Come out!"

The night was like water, and across the hazy mist, the red-clothed New Year's Eve was standing in darkness.

There was no A Nian and no one beside him, but the severe pain kept coming up from his heart and lungs, stirring his heart to suffer.

But there is nothing to cure this kind of pain. Although this kind of pain has haunted him for thousands of years, he still feels the pain. The only person who can bring temporary comfort on New Year's Eve, can't see him on New Year's Eve at this moment.

"Li Shi..."

He recited the name unconsciously in his mouth, and on New Year's Eve, who kept his head down, unexpectedly felt that some indescribable sweetness suddenly grew between his always bitter lips, which made him inexplicably want to pull the corners of his lips and whisper them together. A smile, but soon when he raised his head again, a gloomy twisted but extremely gorgeous face appeared in the night.

"come out."

The gloomy tone was even more terrifying than the usual unsmiling New Year's Eve. He stood alone on this towering steel bridge and stared at the dark river below, obviously not caring about anything that would hurt him. It is also the reason why, as Lishen, Hanshi Qingming and even many Lishen dare not offend or defy the meaning of New Year's Eve, and at this moment, when it is said that he is infected with evil, it is obviously not the same as usual New Year's Eve came here again. When the riverside that evoked his nightmares, he finally recalled what he saw that night when he and Han Shi came here to check the situation, what seemed to be hallucinations but not hallucinations.

"Are you finally willing to come to see me? Carrying everyone behind your back, you are afraid that others will know your secret, right... "

In the thick black fog, Binjiang, which had long since recovered, was looming. On New Year's Eve, he looked at the surging river with a gloomy expression, but he couldn't tell what it was. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation, so it was inevitable that some Alert and impatient, but soon the large black and smelly sewage suddenly turned into a mirror that could reflect things, reflecting some bizarre images that even on New Year's Eve he almost forgot.

"They all blame me, it's all my fault... it's all my fault... right..."

The bright red turned into clearly visible blood and tears. The slender red-clothed young man's eyes were red, and the ends of his eyes seemed to be bright petals wet with rain. He tried hard to hug his icy body tightly, as if he wanted him not to continue. He continued, but in the end he just couldn't stop laughing with trembling, and after twisting his palms tightly, the red-clothed boy with a pale face as white as paper grinned at Sen Bai's mouth full of blood. .

"My name is Xi, and the Xuanyuan Clan keeps saying that he wants to destroy the demons on New Year's Eve. What he wants to eliminate is the evil night, and the evil one is destroyed. Then I will slaughter him all over China, so that he will never have the opportunity to kill me again... ?"