Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 8: Twenty-five


In the end, the wine that night was not complete, because he had to rush back to stop the overly excited migrant workers before they caused further adverse effects. Li Mao took a few small foremen under him and left in a hurry, and he was still there before leaving. Holding up the phone and yelling.

"Let them stay where they are!! Don't sing! Don't commit suicide!! You give them two dishes to appease first! Yes! I'll pay them money for the New Year right now!! Fuck!! They're all here to kill me of!!"

Shouting to the other end of the phone in a panic, Li Mao looked very devastated, but before leaving, he still did not forget to run back and ask Xiao Nanzhu for a call. This is what Xiao Nanzhu wanted. He heard the words and gave it naturally. Maybe the incident today was a little too sudden, or maybe it was because he was more or less unsure of the way he felt. In short, after Li Mao left, the remaining two people also took the opportunity to talk to Xiao Nanzhu. Two of the three sentences were asking whether Xiao Nanzhu would see the fortune or not, and didn't say a few words. It is even more cheeky to ask Xiao Nanzhu to give another demonstration.

"Just now, we can't believe it all! Do you want to come again? You know the name of my brother! Born in August 1966! We are not today's, but yesterday's! Xiao Xiao, you also show me Look! How was my luck yesterday!!"

Zhao Tiansheng shouted in a loud voice, and his face was a little excited. He didn't really believe these words anyway, but he just had the attitude of wanting to try again, but Xiao Nanzhu raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, and put himself He rubbed his index finger on the pulp of his thumb, paused for a few seconds, and calmly put his slender fingers on the table and tapped them a few times.

"Brother Zhao made a fortune yesterday and committed peach blossoms. You can win at least four figures in the lottery, but I'm afraid this money will be given to a certain Pink Lady?"

When Xiao Nanzhu said this, Zhao Tiansheng almost spit out the wine in his mouth. He did win a sports lottery yesterday, three or four thousand dollars. It was a small fortune, but before the evening, the money was taken by a hair salon girl who said that her mother had epilepsy and urgently needed hospitalization expenses. dollars. Now that he has been broken in front of people like this, Zhao Tiansheng, who still has a family, immediately laughed a little embarrassedly, and slapped his face before facing Cao Chong and Situ.

"I'm convinced, it's really... accurate, so accurate!"

When he heard this, Cao Chong also became interested. Situ Zhang, who had been mumbling in his heart, frowned in confusion, but he clearly remembered that he had talked to Xiao Nanzhu about inheriting their ancestral property that night in Xiao Nian. In that case, Xiao Nanzhu at that time was not as calm as he is now... On the contrary, he now seems to know a lot about this kind of thing, and Situ Zhang, who has known him for almost 20 years, doesn't know why. Bewildered.

"Yes, it's not a serious industry, it's just greeting acquaintances at ordinary times, hey, it's not accurate or not..."

After that, no matter how Cao Chong and Zhao Tiansheng asked about it, Xiao Nanzhu did not want to reveal too much, but only mentioned some things that he had learned and sold from 2425 in the past few days. I gave these two people a hand, but such a little thing is enough for this occasion, and after the big gentlemen of them have finished eating together and settled the bill, Xiao Nanzhu, who has made others’ appetite all night, is a symbol of this. He casually left a phone number of his own for the two.

"If you need mine in the future, you can contact me at any time to see the date, change your fortune, etc. It's no problem. There are unforeseen circumstances on this day, and people have good and bad luck. People have to be careful about everything..."

Xiao Nanzhu's remarks were not very auspicious, but they made Cao Chong and Zhao Tiansheng nod again and again. After all, after Xiao Da Huyou's brainwashing just now, they seem to have regarded him as a good brother now, and because of these two Everyone was drinking a bit too much tonight, so Situ Zhang, the only one who didn't drink much, could only drive his little Xiali to send them back one by one. If this happened, Xiao Nanzhu would be left alone. Situ Zhang, who was accustomed to the old mother, was still a little worried, but when he turned his head and wanted to ask if Xiao Nanzhu had any rental money, Xiao Nanzhu, who was standing not far from him with two packed lunch boxes is gone.

"Hey, why didn't this person say hello to me when he left..."

Cursing in his mouth, Situ Zhang was a little angry, and was about to call and scold Xiao Nanzhu, but as soon as he opened the phone, he saw that Xiao Nanzhu had sent him a text message a few seconds ago.

"Hey, I'm going home first. Go back early. You shouldn't drive today. Be obedient and walk back with your legs. Be good."

Situ Zhang: "..."

"I did a good job just now. I brought you Ma Xiao and hairy crabs. Let's have a drink with you later before you get off work?"

Carrying two lunch boxes, he took the key and opened the door. Xiao Nanzhu was bored in the restaurant box all night. He was relieved at this moment. Don't look at his appearance just now, but if it wasn't for the morning at home , Twenty-five gave him a surprise about this knowledge, maybe he would really be ashamed. But fortunately, he has made a good start now. He has a so-called friendship with these three people, which will help him in everything in the future. Today, Twenty-Five, who accompanied Xiao Nanzhu to act like a ghost for a day, is now showing his figure. He looked quite introverted even though he kept his face and said nothing, but when he heard that there was a late-night snack, the boy quickly glanced at Xiao Nanzhu and said, looking elsewhere.

"Today is all my credit, the crayfish are all... Are they all mine?!"

There was an indescribable nervousness in his tone, Xiao Nanzhu couldn't help laughing because of Twenty-Five's anxious and greedy appearance, but Twenty-Five helped him a lot today, so he obviously couldn't treat him badly, after all, in this Master Huang Li's office. He is still a beginner at work, and has no work experience or theoretical knowledge. Fortunately, the hearts of these young people are not bad, so he can take it down so smoothly. Thinking like this, Xiao Nanzhu pushed the door open and walked in slowly.

"That's it, it's all yours, who else could it belong to? You've helped me a lot. Of course I'll reward you, right?"

With a casual smile on his face, he was in a better mood after hearing this, and followed Xiao Nanzhu to the kitchen. He was actually hungry just now, but because Xiao Nanzhu explained that he couldn't come out, he could only hide in his wallet and pretend that he was still living in the second dimension. Unfortunately, even if he recovered into a Zhang Nianli's appearance still couldn't change the fact that he was about to starve to death, and it was not until he helped Xiao Nanzhu's ordinary people's fortunes to be calculated that he was barely freed.

"Well... today... have you seen all the things on those people?"

Sitting on the sofa, peeling peanuts for himself, and eating twenty-five with relish to fill his stomach, he didn't forget to ask about Xiao Nanzhu's situation, but as a calendar spirit who was not considered a high-level person, he was actually very fond of Xiao Nanzhu. Today's performance is quite satisfactory. After all, not every normal person can adapt to such a ridiculous working environment so quickly. It can be seen that although Xiao Nanzhu is not serious, he is quite decent. At the same time, Twenty-five Qing coughed, and was always reluctant to take the initiative to show goodwill to others, but Xiao Nanzhu, who had heard that he was going to give him a hot late-night snack, heard this and poked his head out of the kitchen to look at him. Wu also opened his mouth at the right time,

"I don't know if Twenty-Four has told you that there are blessings and misfortunes that can't be separated from the sky and the earth. Once you don't behave properly, you will easily be entangled with some dirty things. The reason why Lishen exists is to protect That day was able to pass safely, but the evil thoughts were raging. At first, it was only attracted by the evil thoughts of the human heart, and gradually people’s own minds were also affected. You come across things like people who are no longer human, and you have to…”
