Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 81: Lunar New Year's eve


This day, until late at night, New Year's Eve did not come back.

Xiao Nanzhu vaguely felt a strong unease in his heart, and the abnormality of the Nian beast by his side made him more and more firm in this idea. After all, New Year's Eve has always been with the Nian beast day and night. The beast always crouched at Xiao Nanzhu's feet tremblingly and let out a suppressed whimper, and when Xiao Nanzhu stroked his mane with his palm, the beast tormented by the unprovoked pain whimpered weakly. With a sound, two drops of tears fell from Xiao Nanzhu's golden red eyes.

"A Nian, where is New Year's Eve?"

His voice was a little hurried unconsciously. Xiao Nanzhu tried to find out where the New Year's Eve was with the fixed word formula, but he always found nothing. After searching around the city to no avail, he even started to get annoyed at his former self. Why didn't he pay more attention to the changes on New Year's Eve in the past few days, and felt annoyed by his recklessness of not telling him anything, and when he thought of the meaning implied in the New Year's Eve Demon Exterminating Picture, Xiao Nanzhu felt a burst of excitement in his heart. chills.

He doesn't want to doubt the people he cares about, after all, New Year's Eve has always been so submissive and docile to him since they met each other. The softness under the hard shell has always made Xiao Nanzhu unable to bear to hurt him, so he has developed so many friendships that he didn't want to have. Han Shi said that on New Year's Eve, he was afraid that he would hate his dirty appearance, so he didn't. I would like to tell him what happened in Binjiang, if it were before, Xiao Nanzhu might really believe it.

However, the scenes on the New Year's Eve picture of destroying the demons seemed to make Xiao Nanzhu suddenly realize that maybe he still didn't understand this calendar very well, and when he thought that his trust and trust were all deceit and lies, even Xiao Nanzhu He wasn't even sure what he would do to the god who kept loving him.

Thinking like this, his expression became a bit complicated. Xiao Nanzhu, who rode the Nian Beast all the way through the sky, lifted his foot and landed on the bridge on Binjiang Road. After a while, he felt a familiar breath in him. His breath flashed, and he raised his head almost subconsciously. He only saw a red-clothed black-haired figure half-kneeling on the ground not far away, and he was about to be submerged by the black river water. At the same time, Xiao Nanzhu, who was sinking in his heart, had already held a yellow calendar paper and spread out an opening script, breaking the wind and appearing in front of the man in red.

The black filth stained the corners of the red robes with an unpleasant smell. The man's long wet hair was draped over his shoulders. He thought that he had been kneeling here for a long time. When Xiao Nanzhu appeared with the golden light, his face was pale. , the black eyes fell straight into the middle of the river and did not know what he was thinking. Ignoring the burning feeling of the dirt falling on the human skin, Xiao Nanzhu held the red-clothed man tightly in his arms with an ugly face. Then he dragged him up from the sewage, and stumbled out of the river full of evil thoughts.

When he came up, something in the river was trying to drag Xiao Nanzhu out. Xiao Nanzhu looked back with a dazed expression, and the abundant aura of blessing on his body was like a streak of righteousness. a waterway. However, some spattered evil spirits still approached Xiao Nanzhu's body because of this, and through the sewage that fell in his eyes, Xiao Nanzhu suddenly felt as if he had seen a scene that was very familiar to him.

The harsh and desperate curses of the boy who was burned to death by the fire quickly flashed before Xiao Nanzhu's eyes. Before Xiao Nanzhu could react, a burst of anxious dog barking came from the shore.

"Wang! Wang!"

Nian Beast screamed aloud on the shore, and Xiao Nanzhu was almost distracted and walked ashore on New Year's Eve with a drenched body on his back. The pale-faced man buried his cheeks in his neck. Xiao Nanzhu felt that he was trembling, but he didn't ask anything, and until the two of them had returned to the clean shore, those rivers that seemed to be contaminated with the filthiest desires in the world finally It was far, far away from them, Xiao Nanzhu carefully put down New Year's Eve and prepared to deal with his wound, but before he could wipe New Year's Eve's dirty cheeks with his palm, he felt a terrifying force that was viciously restrained. After holding his neck, Xiao Nanzhu, who couldn't dodge, was pressed under the man in red.

The soft black hair fell on Xiao Nanzhu's eyes, his hands and feet were suppressed by New Year's Eve, and now he was naturally unable to move. At that moment, he could have fought back without any scruples. The evil god whose eyes were staring at him was torn apart, but when he was about to make a move, Xiao Nanzhu still abruptly stopped his movements, and only dragged the long hair of New Year's Eve away, and replied half angrily.

"See who I really am!"

This sentence seems to have some magic power, and the original fierce expression on New Year's Eve has been restrained. The red around his eyes seems to be bleeding, and the pale cheeks look like they have lost all their blood. Just after Xiao Nanzhu waited for a few seconds, Li Shen, who seemed to be under the control of evil again, finally showed a familiar expression on his face.

"Li Shi..."

It seemed a little fragile for no reason. The voice on New Year's Eve was terrifyingly low and hoarse, but it just evoked the deepest pity in Xiao Nanzhu's heart. Just hearing New Year's Eve talking to him like this, Xiao Nanzhu felt that everything was going on tonight. He didn't want to worry about what happened for the time being, and after a while, he let out a frustrated sigh, only pressed his warm forehead against New Year's Eve, then closed his eyes and said softly,

"Don't say anything if you don't want to explain, and tell me when you want to say it. Come back with me, do you hear me?"

Xiao Nanzhu's words sounded soft and unbelievable, and even brought some emotional things that shouldn't exist in him. His eyes and hearts seemed to be filled with the gods he loved deeply, and he completely avoided him. Those questions and doubts that should be investigated with New Year's Eve, but the red-clothed Lishen, who is rarely docilely hugging Xiao Nanzhu and letting him hold himself in his arms, also buried his cheeks in the man's heart, but after a while It was a gloomy smile that slowly evoked in the darkness.

[Do you usually seduce him with this trick?]

The sound of contempt and ridicule inevitably reached the ears of the being trapped in the depths at this time, sensing the anger and sadness, but the soul occupying this body at the moment smiled calmly. , He knows that his imitating behavior now makes the guy in his body very uneasy, and naturally such a bad character will not just stop like this.

[He didn't find anything, isn't he very sad?]

In the bottom of my heart, there was a bitterness that almost wiped out all hope, but after a while, there were no more unnecessary emotions. The evil god who completely occupied this body immediately raised his eyebrows, and seemed to be ignorant of his own state. Under Xiao Nanzhu's connivance, when he returned home that night, he didn't even give too much explanation, and he enjoyed the care this man should have given to another person.

"Aren't you going back to the calendar again?"

Xiao Nanzhu, who was half leaning on the head of the bed, lowered his head and looked at the almanac in his hand. The man in red was resting on his lap, but he raised his eyes and said that he didn't want to go back. Seeing this, Xiao Nan Zhu was stunned for a moment, but after he lowered his eyes thoughtfully, he rubbed his long hair on New Year's Eve with his palm helplessly.

"Han Shi has told me what's going on, and it's been said so many times, but you still can't hear a word... From the day I accepted you, I've accepted everything about you, don't hide anything from me …”

This sounds really touching. Li Shen, who has a dull personality and doesn't understand taste, naturally won't give any direct answers. The man lying down only needs to make an appearance of hearing it, but in the In the bottom of my heart, at this moment, the possession of this body is not without ridicule thinking about something.

Speaking of which, he and New Year's Eve are of the same origin, but only because the body and soul of the original Eve were destroyed, so the existence of New Year's Eve and him exists. Those Huaxia people rebuilt New Year's Eve on the basis of the original, because the ashes that were burned at the time could not be completely removed, and they were also afraid that the catastrophe of the betrayal on the previous Eve would happen again, so they could only divide the ashes of those calendar papers. As two halves, one half was used to create the New Year's Eve, which was completely kind and simple but extremely sensitive to malice, and the other half was used to draw the New Year's Eve Demon Extermination Map, which was regarded as a sacred artifact of the town.

This New Year's Eve picture of destroying demons has been under the watch of the Huaxia people. It is said that it is a fetish, but it is actually afraid that half of the completely vicious souls who have been suppressed on the paper will run out. However, this picture was offered to the court at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Forced to be sent to the royal family, and then buried in the ground, Xiao Nanzhu's coincidence in the underground palace brought this painting with a murderous intention back to the world.

The maliciousness that belongs to Xi in the painting is silently waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the guy who has the same original soul as himself to take it lightly, and soon, this guy who started to look ahead because of human feelings really let him find it. opportunity, and along with this God-given opportunity, he first created a false memory to temporarily distract the originally powerful New Year's Eve, and then took advantage of the momentary confusion and confusion in front of Ba Ku on New Year's Eve to completely occupy him. body of.

[You are Xi, they killed you, have you forgotten anything?]

The memory before Xi's death remained in the souls of the two of them, and it was naturally vaguely recalled on New Year's Eve. Unfortunately, he didn't know that there was another existence in the painting in this world, so when facing Xiao Nanzhu He couldn't give his own answer after several times of questioning. He didn't want to hide anything at all, but he didn't know it at all, but the half of the spirit in the painting took advantage of this and misguided the New Year's Eve, really breathing. free air.

The Chinese people did not create a body for him, but fortunately he was exactly the same as New Year's Eve except for a dirty heart, so he accepted this body easily, and the temporarily weak New Year's Eve was suppressed by him viciously. In the depths, and unless others actively discover it, no one will know in this life that the New Year's Eve with a clean heart has been removed by him.

It's a pity... Stupid mortals can't find this at all, and because of this evil conspiracy he deliberately planned, this man who loves New Year's Eve wholeheartedly can't sit still more and more. Many methods mentioned in the almanac are in The previous experiment is obviously not suitable for the existence of New Year's Eve, and the next method is nothing more than—

"It is always a problem that your problem has not been solved. I have been checking the almanac for the past few days. If not, let's go back to the Huaxia clan. Ji Zai said that the great witches in the clan are also proficient in this. This is better than you have been so uncomfortable. …”

The matter was finally led to the direction it should have been successfully carried out by himself. The ugly soul full of malice and hatred almost laughed out of his heart when he heard this sentence. All the excitement and killing intent were suppressed, and he replied after a while.

"Okay... I'll listen to the teacher."