Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 85: Lunar New Year's eve


As a calendar teacher, Xiao Nanzhu's words are equivalent to convicting New Year's Eve.

After the destruction of Twelve's life and soul, he urgently needs to do something to calm the anxiety and fear of many calendar gods. Festivals like Zhongyuan even hope that Xiao Nanzhu's attitude can be more clear. After all, although New Year's Eve is the oldest of the traditional festivals, it does not mean that he can be covered up by such unconditional charges.

However, in the end, Xiao Nanzhu only temporarily detained the New Year's Eve in a calendar paper independent of the annual calendar. As for Zhongyuan's skeptical attitude, Xiao Nanzhu answered bluntly after a moment of silence,

"I will complete the life and soul of the twelve intact, and those who do evil will also be responsible for what they do. You don't need to say that I will not have any partiality. You don't have to worry."

Xiao Nanzhu's attitude is tough, because he is in a bad mood, and his tone will not be much better. He has taken away all the souls of the twelve. In the next few days, he is probably worried about how to deal with this god of life. The broken calendar paper was found, so he hadn't seen New Year's Eve since just now, and Zhongyuan just had an opinion on this matter, and in this case, he could only suppress his displeasure.

The rest of the calendar gods who knew what happened were very shy about this matter. The few calendar gods who came out to work in the next period were terrified every day. On the other hand, the night that led to all this was not what they imagined. So happy.

New Year's Eve was indeed misunderstood by everyone as he originally designed it. He thought that he would be able to accept all of New Year's Eve's divine power in this way. cage.

There was no resentment, no resistance, and no revenge for being misunderstood. No matter how acerbic provocation and ridicule Xi made in his body, it couldn't shake him one bit, until the Han Shi who locked him in. The figure disappeared completely, and only when the boundless darkness filled their eyes, did New Year's Eve speak to him in a weak but firm voice,

"Even if I die, he won't let you go free, and no one will bear for you the evil you've done. As for this body... if you like it, just take it, as long as you have the ability to take it. "

After saying this, the old-fashioned, stubborn guy who had been fighting against Xi simply ignored Xi. Xi entangled with him countless times every day, but he failed to gain the freedom of his heart, and Xiao. Nan Zhu seemed to have completely forgotten about his existence. He only wanted to imprison him in this calendar, but he refused to show his face. For Xi, this kind of feeling that he had tried his best but got nothing was really true. It couldn't be more hateful.

He originally thought that misunderstandings from others would ruin New Year's Eve and make him completely abandon his goodwill to break with Xiao Nanzhu. After all, from a god's point of view, such a degree of suspicion is already a great insult.

The New Year's Eve under a hundred mouths will completely escape the control of the so-called calendar, and he will be reduced to the same evil existence, but it seems that he can never accurately predict the thoughts in that person's mind. All assumptions have not been realized.

He clearly cares so much about the man named Xiao Nanzhu, but after being betrayed and misunderstood, he doesn't hold any resentment... Why is this? why

Thinking like this, the sinister eyes were dyed with blood, and Xi's emotions became more and more difficult to restrain with the passage of time, but this kind of confinement is the most tormenting, because in the past thousand years, he once For a long time, he was imprisoned like this every day in the New Year's Eve Demon Extermination Picture.

That painting was his nightmare, a hurdle that he could never overcome in his life, because it was what he experienced personally, so Xi knew better than anyone the feeling of being hated and rejected by everyone, but just as he understood Xi Xi's weakness, New Year's Eve will naturally know his weaknesses. Xi originally hoped that New Year's Eve and Xiao Nanzhu would tear his face apart so that he could regain his freedom, but now it seems that he is also using his own method to retaliate against Xi's plot against him.

The end result was that this move was indeed ruthless for Xi, because what he had to experience every day was the similar scene of being expelled by the Chinese people over and over again. In this situation, although there is nothing around it, it is not much better than being trapped in a painting. The seemingly endless boredom and loneliness can drive any normal person crazy, let alone a night. Such a lunatic who was already emotionally unstable.

Calendar paper is just a piece of heaven and earth created by Xiao Nanzhu. There is no such thing as day and night. Until one day, Xi suddenly felt that a familiar person was slowly approaching him, and when he felt that New Year's Eve was once again After he took the initiative of his body back unprepared, Xi also guessed who was coming after a cold smile.

Three nights after New Year's Eve was imprisoned in the calendar paper that had no other use other than imprisoning freedom, Xiao Nanzhu appeared in front of New Year's Eve without warning.

The red-clothed Lishen sat in the very corner of the calendar paper with blood and blood, his long black hair covered the cold and numb expression on his face, but his eyes always had a thin red that seemed emotionally fragile.

Xi began to sneer at him loudly again, as if this would make New Year's Eve more sad, but when Xiao Nanzhu walked in, New Year's Eve didn't look up but just stared at his hand until there was a hint of warmth. When the warmth ran across the back of his hand, only on New Year's Eve did he realize that it was Xiao Nanzhu who was carefully wiping his blood-stained hand.

"What, are you angry?"

Seeing that on New Year's Eve, Xiao Nanzhu always said nothing to him, Xiao Nanzhu suddenly said something like this. Hearing that on New Year's Eve, he turned his head slightly to meet Xiao Nanzhu's gaze, and the man he was staring at also raised his eyebrows extremely. Looking back at him calmly.

The two of them didn't speak for a while. After a while, Xiao Nanzhu lowered his head first, carefully put his clean palms back into his sleeves, and then said in a low voice,

"It's impossible to lie about the ninth and twelfth day of the first lunar month. I can't find a reason to refute what I see with so many eyes. You are not willing to tell me a lot of things from beginning to end, but I probably guessed it. You There's another thing hidden in your body that you can't control, he's not evil, so I can't detect it, he did all this, and now... "

The man's voice was low and deep, with a hint of helplessness and a bit of exhaustion. After so many days of forbearance and observation, the predicament on New Year's Eve was finally not resolved, but instead led him into a new trouble. On the one hand, he was expressing his position in the words in front of everyone, and on the other hand, he was ridiculing himself, but when he looked at New Year's Eve, his eyes were still warm from the depths, like silence. The night sky suddenly lit up like a little star.

"Wait for me? Give me a moment and let me prove that what you said is true."

Following Xiao Nanzhu's words, a gorgeous and enchanting peach blossom was gently placed in the palm of New Year's Eve's clean palm, New Year's Eve's fingers couldn't help shaking slightly, but there was no emptiness in the red bloodshot eyes.

Because he clearly saw a few delicate pink peach blossoms growing on the side tip of the peach branch, and in one of the goose-yellow stamens lies a golden light, belonging to a spirit of the gods. Although the breath is weak, it still proves that he is still alive in the human world, and Xiao Nanzhu also touched his nose when he saw this, and then got closer to New Year's Eve and said in a tone that pretended to be weak,

"Don't be angry, it's all my bastard's fault. Those words are for them, don't listen to a word of them. If it hurts you, you can punish me, I swear, unless you tell it yourself. Me, otherwise I don't believe anyone... Well, but apart from you, I guess only the culprit can hear the whispers we're talking about, why don't we do something else to stimulate him?"

Before Xiao Nanzhu's words could be finished, a great terrifying force firmly imprisoned him in his arms. Xiao Nanzhu leaned back for a moment only to see the flying red brocade clothes covering his sight, while the two In this state of entanglement, people exchanged kisses intimately, and a trembling voice rang in his ears on New Year's Eve.

"Li Shi..."

His heart had never beat so fast before, as if the torture and grievances he suffered in the past few days were insignificant, he did not believe in the wrong person, and the person in front of him did not disappoint him, but just such a simple confirmation, It has already made New Year's Eve enough to thank God.

"Well, I'm here."

Seeing the silly appearance of her big beauty who couldn't even speak a word, Xiao Nanzhu couldn't help laughing and grinned, but her lips were red and swollen, looking particularly embarrassed.

In order to recover all the souls of the twelve boys, he has been restless these days and has not had time to appease the mood of New Year's Eve. Now, seeing the New Year's Eve picture that he had finally been coaxed back into, he was also slightly He breathed a sigh of relief, and when he met those eyes on New Year's Eve that had become a little different due to the long-term competition with Xi for body sovereignty, Xiao Nanzhu sneered with a sneer, which was meaningful and said to Xi,

"Another friend, I should have thought of it earlier, but I didn't watch out for you at all before. I gave you every word of this sentence. Such a cheeky person pretending to be someone else and playing games This kind of rude tricks, ordinary people can't do such shameless things..."

"Well, he's just shameless."

New Year's Eve, who has always been unsmiling, also nodded when he heard the words, and his expressionless and hurtful look made Xi angrily in his body, but after a short period of losing control of his emotions, Xi still laughed gloomily, and then suddenly burst into a violent attack. Having seized the sovereignty over New Year's Eve's body, he looked gloomily at Xiao Nanzhuo,

"It seems that I underestimate you, Master Xiao Li? But what can you do to deal with me now? I and your New Year's Eve Lord are already one, and the New Year's Eve Demon Extermination Map has been destroyed. , there is nothing in this world that can do anything to me, if you want to kill me, you must kill first—"

Before Xi's words were finished, a slap slapped him in the face, Xiao Nanzhu hurried up and grabbed the pale hand. New Year's Eve, who had regained his normal consciousness, only had a pale face and did not speak. The atmosphere in between was a little dull for a while, but Xiao Nanzhu touched his cheek with a bit of distress and said,

"Don't listen to him, listen to me, wait for me for a few more days, and I'll prove that what you said is true. I will bring him back to the Huaxia Clan for the life and soul of Twelve, and wait until his paper body is completely restored. It can prove your innocence, and then I will find a way to help you get rid of this thing, and I will do what I say, okay?"