Chinese Almanac Master

Chapter 87: China


In the dark fog, the man in the black robe vaguely felt that he was flying in the clouds, and the thunder and lightning roared above his head. He could only hear the roar of tigers and dragons, and his heart skipped a beat. Coming to such a place with the body of a mortal is destined to suffer from thunder. Therefore, his hair crown is already scattered, and there is nothing intact on his body.

However, the auspicious clouds and fairyland in front of him still caused a little ups and downs in his already quiet heart, and the black dragon who introduced him to the 33rd Heavenly Palace seemed to feel the emotions in his heart, and only used a dull and rough voice to slow down. said slowly,

"Ji Shi, after flying through the last immortal gate, you really became a god, why are you still so depressed and unhappy? How many longevity lives that mortals can't ask for are in front of you, look up quickly, hurry up. Take out the gifts you prepared for the gods, Chiyou's bronze bones, precious Tai Sui, all of them..."

Hearing this, he raised his head, and at the end of the cloud, he could clearly see an auspicious and auspicious light, but such a scene did not impress him, and after a while he replied in a complicated tone,

"Lao Long, who has become a human god, will there be no life and death in the future? Living day by day, will one day forget which time he is in now?"

"That's natural! But isn't that the beauty of becoming a god and immortal?"

Heilong's voice was mixed with a little mockery. He seemed to think that it was really ugly for this small mortal to hesitate for such mundane things. He also became a little impatient, but before he could say anything else, then The quasi-human god who was carried by him to the 33rd layer of heaven suddenly said such words to him.

"But I remember a period of time. I don't want to forget the sunrise and sunset of that day. For me, he is the most special day in my life. I can't forget it and I can't give it up..."

"So what? Wasn't that paper figure thrown into the fire by your clansmen long ago? He cried and shouted for you to save him, but you didn't want to. He begged and knelt down to explain to you that you didn't believe it. Now that he is dead, you have also achieved yourself, Ji Shi, what are you unwilling to do?"

The voice of the old dragon sounded cold and biting, but every word pierced the man's heart like a sharp weapon. The quasi-human god who was traveling above the sky also looked down at Huaxia under the clouds as if he had lost his soul for a while. Earth, after half a sound, he could only taunt the corners of his mouth and said,

"Yeah, I betrayed him, and I didn't believe him first, so what's wrong with me..."

The man's voice fell, and there were faint thunderstorms in the sky. In order to welcome the gods and gods, the black dragon was suddenly shocked and hid in the clouds to avoid being discovered by the vicious thunder officials of the heavenly palace. However, his scales were black. The light still caught the attention of the thunder officials. Accompanied by the terrifying sound of the copper hammer hitting, one after another Tianlei just slashed towards the man on the back of the black dragon, and the pain of the skin cracking also made the original still immersed in a deep sleep. The man suddenly woke up.

"Travellers, this is our destination, the Tongchui Mountain Scenic Spot in Province C. According to the real historical data, it was once the birthplace of a large-populated minority tribe in China, because it is backed by a large area. The forest has a steep cliff in the south, so it has always been a travel choice for many outdoor enthusiasts. However, because it is very dangerous, the local government has banned entering the mountain area, so we can visit the village at the foot of the mountain. What about at night? , you can also taste local specialties and see the night view…”

Xiao Nanzhu, who had just woken up in the back row of the bus, heard the introduction of the male tour guide as soon as he woke up. He hadn't slept well for the past few days, so he didn't remember the details of the inexplicable dream just now, what black dragon? , what kind of thunder calamity or something? When I think about it carefully, I feel that the mess in my mind is not real, and when he subconsciously leaned closer to the car window and looked at the scenery outside, he was still stunned by this film that he had already had at least 20 years. The style of the land that has not returned in years is unconsciously attracted.

"Have you really decided to go back to our hometown these days? It's the peak season of May Day, and there are tourists everywhere at the bottom of the mountain. We had to be squeezed to death by those aunt tour groups. It's quite dangerous. The Chongming birds raised by the elder sisters in the village often come out to eat jackals, tigers and leopards. There are also some nine-tailed birds. Mountain ghosts and the like are all free-range for green health. Alas, but I When I find a new job, I can't ask for leave, how can I do it, ah..."

"You don't need to follow me. I specially brought May 1st and 11th to help. It shouldn't be a big deal if they go to any scenic spot. Besides, they have Hanshi at home to take care of them, so there won't be any trouble anyway. I'm just now. I want to find out what the painting is and how to end the New Year's Eve, and only the Huaxia people can tell me the truth, and if I don't understand, I may never give up."

Thinking about what Ji Zai explained to him before departure, Xiao Nanzhu covered his sight with a hat that read Red Peony Sunset Tour Group, and half leaned on the station wagon's window and slowly stretched it out. Lazy, sitting in front of him was a group of uncles and aunts who were applauding and sing-along as the sunset was always near dusk, and as the only young man sitting in this car, a presence like Xiao Nanzhu naturally seemed a little out of place.

"Young man, why are you traveling alone? Do you have a partner? What do you like?"

Along the way, I don’t know how many aunties came over and tried to talk to Xiao Nanzhu. Although Xiao Nanzhu is usually slick, his face is quite decent and handsome, but when he asks a personal question, his chest is full. He felt hot for a while, and after once again rejecting an aunt's request to add her own WeChat to introduce him to a girlfriend, Xiao Nanzhu finally reluctantly leaned back on the seat and whispered for mercy to her careful object.

"New Year's Eve... If you get angry, you will burn me to death... My heart follows the organization, so don't listen to it..."

The vermilion paper talisman hanging around Xiao Nanzhu's neck finally cooled down a bit after hearing the words, and it seemed rather embarrassed to tremble slightly. After tapping on the talisman paper, he opened his mouth and said,

"Be obedient, wait for the village in front, and we will leave after everyone has settled in. It is estimated that we will be able to reach the top of the mountain tomorrow morning. Don't worry, just rest for a while."

Having said that, Xiao Nanzhu stuffed the paper talisman containing New Year's Eve and Xi into his clothes. This paper talisman was specially made by him before he came out, in order to ensure that Xi would not run out and hurt anyone. Take the New Year's Eve safely to the Huaxia family. At this moment, the sky outside itself is almost dark. It is already seven o'clock in the evening when the bus enters the B&B at the end of the road. When I was about to get off, Xiao Nanzhu deliberately fell on everyone. After seeing this, the little tour guide who had been greeted by him in advance also hurried over and handed him a cigarette eagerly.

"Hey, Mr. Xiao, you really want to go to the stone wall in the south... But this night, it's really unsafe, and there are only a few people who died on it and couldn't find their bones. Ah, the local government is not as easy to talk as before when the local government catches those who come here, and now they will be sentenced directly..."

Because Xiao Nanzhu had given the tour guide some money in advance, his attitude was not bad, but he obviously guessed the purpose of Xiao Nanzhu wrong, thinking that he was some ALICE friend who would give up his life for the sake of stimulation. Xiao Nanzhu, who heard the words, also took his cigarette and lit it, and explained with a smile,

"It's alright, I'll go up and have a look to make sure it's safe and safe, and don't I also sign an agreement with your company? You won't be responsible for anything that happens to me. If you send me here, the task is already complete. , but, can you help me find a fellow here to ask something, about a month ago, was there a surname Yang, about 30 or 40 years old, who is said to be an ancient scriptwriter and has also climbed this mountain?"

Saying this, he stuffed a few more red tickets in the past, the tour guide hurriedly responded, and trotted to find a fellow who knew the situation for Xiao Nanzhu to arrange dinner for other tourists by the way. Xiao Nanzhu saw this and was at the entrance of the village. He found a low tree stump and sat down and smoked for a while, and just as he was looking thoughtfully at the steep mountain wall not far away submerged in the mountains, he suddenly seemed to hear a strange sound of breaking through the air. There was a sound in the sky, and when he shook the soot on his fingers and lit a calendar paper and threw it into the air, Xiao Nanzhu saw about four or five moving The black spot is in the distant sky, but the more specific form is not really visible.

"Mr. Xiao! Mr. Xiao!"

The sudden sound interrupted Xiao Nanzhu's intention to continue to explore what the black spot was. After he raised his hand and extinguished the sky fire, the tour guide who had left earlier also took a middle-aged man with him. When he came over, Xiao Nanzhu went up to say hello, and after some inquiries, the local fellow who opened a small shop in the village really brought Xiao Nanzhu the ancient text expert Lao Yang. information.

"There are about a dozen people in that group, all from big cities. I look very cultural, like a group of scholars. The leader named Yang likes to come to my small shop to sell cigarettes and return them to the outside. I called a few times, but they didn't come down after they went up the hill. We also reported it to the county government. The police station sent people but there was no answer. The main reason was that no one dared to go up... Brother, Are you acquainted with them? I can advise you, you must not go upstairs without thinking about it... "

The words of the local people have obviously proved that the old Yang who had been in contact with Xiao Nanzhu had indeed come to the gathering place of the Huaxia clan. If Xiao Nanzhu could find him, the person who printed the New Year's Eve Demon Extermination Picture might be able to find the painting that was destroyed by Xi.

After all, as far as Xiao Nanzhu knows so far, it was this New Year's Eve Demon Extermination Picture that he brought out of the underground palace, which prompted Xi, who was originally trapped in it, to find a chance to escape. Completely separated from New Year's Eve, then it is necessary to find a backup of this painting and lock the eve back, and all this will undoubtedly be learned after climbing the unknown mountain wall. To understand this, Xiao Nan Candle didn't waste time, just bought a flashlight and a pack of cigarettes in the village, and then went up the mountain in the dark while everyone rested in the village.