Chongfei Manual

Chapter 119


When a snow fell, the entire city of Shengjing was covered with a layer of white, as if changing clothes and walking into the world of glass from the world of mortals. Looking around, the roof is covered with white snow, covered in silver and crystal clear.

Wei Luo led Bai Lan to the plum garden behind to sweep the snowflakes off the plum petals. The snow water can be used to make tea, and the taste is sweeter and refreshing than ordinary spring water. Wei Luo shuttled between the plum trees holding the flower-patterned doucet, carefully collecting the snowflakes on the plum petals, while listening to Bai Lan's rambling words: "Mrs. Tai found the doctor named Fu Xingyun, I was so happy, I called Dr. Fu early this morning to show the Eldest Young Master a leg problem..."

Wei Luo's movements froze, remembering that in the restaurant next to Xiuchunju, Jiang Miaolan said that she had married someone, and that person was named Fu Xingyun, presumably it was the one that her aunt found. I just don't know if my aunt found this Fu Xingyun herself, or if Jiang Miaolan wanted to repay the favor of the British government? No matter which one, as long as Fu Xingyun can heal the elder brother's leg, it will be good. Wei Luo looked at Bai Lan, "What did Doctor Fu say, is brother's leg still alive?"

I still remember that when I went to Qianfo Temple to ask for lottery, Master Qinghuang once said that there is only one person in this world who can cure Wei Changyin's leg disease, and that person is Fu Xingyun.

Bai Lan said happily: "Doctor Fu went to Dafang Banyan Garden. After seeing the young master's legs, he only said two words. I heard that the eldest lady was about to cry."

Wei Luo said "Oh" curiously, "Which two words did you say?"

Bai Lan made a fool of herself on purpose, but Wei Luo twisted her face before she said with a smile, "Doctor Fu said: I can help."

Wei Luo seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, as long as there is help, it means that the marriage between the eldest brother and Liang Yurong can still be saved, at least in this life, because of Wei Changyin's leg disease, he will not have to forcibly separate a pair of life-threatening mandarin ducks.

Bai Lan pushed aside the branches in front of Wei Luo, and said vividly what he heard: "Doctor Fu also said that the young master's legs have been sick for more than ten years, and it may not be so easy to heal. Using several kinds of medicines, and going to the hot spring villa in Tianchan Mountain to cooperate with the treatment, only in this way can there be a possibility of recovery."

It's just that Tianchan Mountain is hundreds of miles away from the capital, and the mountains there are steep and the location is precious. It may not be so easy to live in Hot Spring Villa for a while. It's just that ordinary hot springs are not as good as the medicinal value of the hot springs in Tianchan Mountain. Because of Wei Changyin's illness, I'm afraid Da Furen will have to try it no matter what.

Wei Luo used the flower bear to catch the snow that fell from the branches of the plum blossoms, "When are Auntie and Brother going to leave?"

Bai Lan didn't know, "I should be there in a few days. The eldest lady looks very anxious...Miss, you didn't see it at the time, but Doctor Fu only pricked the young master's leg a few times with a few needles. The young master has feelings in his legs, don’t you think it’s miraculous?”

Wei Luo smiled "puchi". Even though Fu Xingyun's medical skills are very good, she didn't believe it would be such an exaggeration, "It's as if you saw it with your own eyes."

Bai Lan pouted, "The maidservant heard what Xinggu, the servant girl serving in Rongyuan, told me."

No matter what, Wei Luo was still in a good mood. She looked at the flower petals that probably collected more than half of the Weng jars, and smiled at Bai Lan, "Come on, today I invite you to taste the tea I made."

Wei Luo's tea art is good, and she learned it from the Han family when she was young. The tea made by Wei Luo has a light and delicate fragrance, like the smell of flower petals, but I can't tell what kind of flower it is, in short, it is very elegant and sweet, with a lingering fragrance on the lips and teeth, very suitable for girls to drink.

Bai Lan immediately cheered up, and graciously held the Hua Weng for Wei Luo. Over the years, she has become more lively and talked more, "Miss, I heard that the hot spring in Chanshan can nourish and beautify the skin, making the skin smooth and radiant. Slippery is also good for the body, do you want to go?"

Wei Luo thought for a while, "It's good to be able to go, but does Daddy agree? And it's not certain whether my aunt can say hello to the hot spring village over there." After all, hot springs are important to every girl's family. They are all irresistible temptations, and it is winter recently. It is really pleasant to soak in hot springs while watching the snow.

On the first day of the first winter month, the elder Wei Min greeted the people in the hot spring villa in Tianchan Mountain, and the other party was willing to vacate the villa for three months so that Wei Changyin could treat his leg disease. That villa is the property of King Jing Zhao Jie, Wei Min begged to go to Zhao Jie for this matter, thought Zhao Jie would make things difficult for him, unexpectedly Zhao Jie agreed easily.

For this reason, Wei Min greatly changed his view of Zhao Jie. It seems that he is not as unkind as others said.

Wei Luo didn't know the way to do this, but only knew that she could go to Tianchan Mountain to spend the winter, so she immediately led Bai Lan to beg Wei Kun, Wei Kun nodded and agreed that she would go. Wei Luo then asked Jin Lu to go to Pingyuanhou's Mansion to invite Liang Yurong to go with him. Anyway, Zhuangzi is big enough, so it shouldn't be a problem to live with one more person.

Except for Wei Luo, the second and fourth family members also went, and Wei Baoshan was among them, and the family headed to Tianchan Mountain lively.

On the way to Tianchan Mountain, the road was covered with snow, and the carriage did not go fast. It took seven or eight days to arrive.

The carriage arrived at the foot of Tianchan Mountain, and it took half a day to walk up to the hot spring villa on the top of the mountain. At this time, it was getting late, and the eldest lady allocated rooms for each of them. They were too tired from the ride and carriage these days, and the group was ready to rest after dinner. .

Wei Luo and Liang Yurong lived next door, and the two rooms shared a clean room. There was a bathtub built in the clean room, and the hot spring from the mountain was brought in. It was steaming hot at this moment, very inviting. White marble bricks are used around the bath, and a jade lotus flower is carved in the center of the pool. Water droplets are steamed from the petals, just like real flowers.

What Wei Luo wanted to do most at this time was not to sleep, but to take a good soak in this hot spring pool to relieve the fatigue all over her body, and to sleep more sweetly.

Liang Yurong had already washed up in a hurry and went to bed. Wei Luo asked Jin Lu to prepare a clean pajamas and hang them on the screen of the lady's picture, and then said: "If you are tired, take a rest first, and I will go to sleep after taking a shower. You have worked hard today, so I will let you have a night off."

Jin Lu and Bai Lan refused to rest at first, but seeing that Wei Luo didn't seem to be joking, they all said gratefully, "Thank you for your understanding, miss." It could be seen that the two of them were indeed tired, as did the master, and being a maid was even harder.

Wei Luo took off her clothes and casually put them on the beauty couch beside her. The moment she sat in the hot spring, she sighed comfortably.

The whole body is wrapped in warm water, and this water is not stagnant water, but a living spring. The hot spring water flowed around, washing her body. The water flow was very slow, like a pair of gentle hands gently pressing on her body, caressing her whole body. Wei Luo suddenly felt that the hard work of riding in the carriage a few days ago was worth it.

Wei Luo leaned against the edge of the white marble pond, took off the hairpin on her head, and a hair of black hair fell down like a waterfall, and when it fell into the water, it turned into algae. Her hair is black and shiny, and it looks like it has been carefully maintained. It is not like other girls who put on makeup and powder on their faces and dress up glamorously, but their hair is yellow and dry, which affects their beauty. Wei Luo pays great attention to every part of her body, and takes care of everything beautifully. In addition, when she was a child, she learned a lot of creams and essences for hair care and skin care from the Han family. wonderful person.

Wei Luo took out a small porcelain bottle painted with magnolia patterns from the bank, put two drops of transparent essence in the palm of her hand, rubbed it to warm it up, and massaged it onto her neck and arms. This essence can make the skin fair and smooth. In addition to the beauty of the face, the snow neck and lotus root arms of the beauty cannot be ignored.

After taking a comfortable bath, Wei Luo's face was flushed by the steam, and she lay lazily on the white marble tiles, snorting comfortably. She seemed to hear footsteps behind her, and thought it was Bai Lan or Jin Lu, "Didn't I tell you to rest, why are you here again?"

No one responded.

Wei Luo opened her eyes and sensed something was wrong, quickly shrank into the water, turned around and looked back.