Chongfei Manual

Chapter 39


The girl in front turned her head when she heard the sound. It was indeed Adai's face.

Although it's been a long time, Ah Luo can still recognize her. The memory of that night was exceptionally clear. She helped herself escape from the forest. The light from the torch shone on her side face. When Ah Luo turned her head, she could see the scar on her face with her thumb and the straight bridge of her nose. Now that she doesn't hunt, the scar is naturally gone, but her facial features are still the same, no different from before.

Jin Lu waved at her and called her to her, "My lady wants to see your silk flowers. What kind of patterns do you have here? Is there anything special?"

Ah Dai had just gone to the corner gate of the British government to sell the silk flowers she wove, but unfortunately she was not good at craftsmanship, so she was not favored by others. I was about to go to another house to ask questions, but I didn't expect that the young lady of the British government would be interested in her. She was so flattered that she hurriedly took off the bamboo basket on her arm, put it in front of Wei Luo, and laid out the few silk flowers she thought were the most beautiful, "What kind of flower do you want, miss? Here are peonies, peonies, Chinese roses..."

She didn't dare to look Wei Luo in the eyes when she was speaking, because after all, their identities were very different, one was a delicate and expensive young lady from the Duke's mansion, and the other was a vulgar and lonely mountain girl. She came to Shengjing City this time because her adoptive mother, Lin Huilian, was unwell and unable to travel far, so she had to do it for her. She didn't think it was anything, since her adoptive parents adopted her, she should naturally do something for them. Besides, there is nothing wrong with coming to Shengjing City to broaden your horizons and see the world.

For example, the young lady in front of her, although she is only seven or eight years old, is exquisite and cute. A Dai has never seen such a delicate little girl, and the children in the village cannot compare. She was wearing a white silk jacket, a cherry-colored skirt, embroidered with gold and silver threads, and a long-life lock with a silver light hanging on her front. Just by standing there, there is an indescribable nobility, it is natural, and it is not in a hurry.

Wei Luo looked at the silk flower in her hand, but didn't pick it up. I don't know if there are any spices added to this flower. If it smells a lot, will it be addictive? She didn't dare to take it rashly, so she asked, "Do you usually wear it?"

A Dai was puzzled at first, then she smiled and said, "Occasionally, I would wear one on my head. The one I wear on my head is made by myself." She lowered her head to let Wei Luo look at it, and she saw that her temples were far away With a deep red rose.

Wei Luo casually picked up one and put it on the tip of her nose to sniff, but the pungent fragrance was no longer there. It seems that because of Adai in this life, there are no spices added to silk flowers, and they won't be addictive.

These few flowers are really not good-looking, the petals are not luxuriant, and the tie is not beautiful enough, no wonder they can't be sold. Wei Luo commented in her heart, picked four or five flowers that were barely passable, and handed them to Jin Lu. Turning to A Dai: "What's your name?"

In her previous life, her name was A Dai, but now she is with Lin Huilian and her husband, so she should have a new name.

Sure enough, she said: "Miss Hui, my name is Bai Lan."

Lin Huilian and Bai Yang didn't know many characters, so they chose a good name. Wei Luo nodded, and her soft little milk voice was serious: "From now on, you will come to the British government to give silk flowers every half a month, and I will ask for twenty flowers each time. I want the best-looking ones, and the ugly ones." I don't want it." She tilted her head and looked at A Dai, "Can you bring it?"

There is such a good thing in the world!

It costs twenty flowers at a time, and once every half a month, it is a long-term business. If a silk flower sells for two renminbi, then she can guarantee to earn 80 renminbi a month! With this income, the family can be richer in buying rice and noodles. Bai Lan was very happy, and she was very grateful to Wei Luo: "Thank you, miss, don't worry, miss, I will definitely send you the best one!"

Wei Luo glanced at her and smiled sweetly, revealing her white glutinous teeth. After asking Jin Lu to pay, he turned around and entered the British government.

From then on, Bai Lan would come to the corner gate of the Duke's Mansion to deliver silk flowers every half a month, rain or shine. The servants in the mansion knew that it was Miss Fourth's intention, so they all treated her politely, and paid her money in two taels per flower after delivery, and then handed the silk flowers to Wufang Wei Luo.

At Wei Luo's age, it is practically useless to wear silk flowers. She asked Bai Lan to give them silk flowers because she wanted to keep an eye on her situation and see if anything happened to her.

Wei Luo distributed these silk flowers to the maids in the fifth room, each with two flowers, and the styles of the flowers were different. The maids were overjoyed, they were both grateful and grateful to Ah Luo, and they devoted themselves more to serving Ah Luo on weekdays. Wei Luo really intends to buy people's hearts. She is still young, and her confidantes are only Jin Lu and Fu's mother, Ye Shi. Man, it couldn't be better.

The Golden Pavilion can no longer be used, and Ah Luo is always on guard against her. Once when she was serving in front of her and brushing Ah Luo's hair, Ah Luo deliberately said that she hurt her hair and wanted to sell her. Jin Ge knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy, but she was unmoved, but made up her mind.

In the end, Mrs. Ye came forward, reported to the eldest lady, and sold her on the same day.

Jin Ge is lazy by nature, loves to be lazy at work, and is vain and show off. The elderly nuns in the courtyard have long been dissatisfied with her. Now that the Fourth Miss spoke, everyone was naturally happy to see the result, and no one stopped her.

Without the two obtrusive maids, Golden Pavilion and Golden Ci, Ah Luo felt that Pine Garden was much more pleasing to the eye.

Before she knew it, Bai Lan sent silk flowers to the British government for half a year. The maids in the mansion were very familiar with her, and occasionally invited her to sit in the mansion. She was overwhelmed by the flattery, and repeatedly refused, but later heard that it was the fourth young lady Wei Luo's intention, so she came in nervously.

She has always been very grateful to this Fourth Miss in her heart, because besides the money spent on selling silk, she will occasionally get some rewards. Sometimes it's golden melon seeds, sometimes it's a silver hairpin, Bai Lan uses those things to subsidize her family, and her life is much more lavish. She thanked Wei Luo for having a bodhisattva heart at such a young age, so the silk flowers sent to the British government were the most beautiful, and they were woven with the most care.

This day the servant girl led Bai Lan to see Wei Luo, who was in Sifang Plum Garden.

Wei Changmi is seven or eight months old, which is the age when the room is full of crawling. Qin was worried that he would bump into each other, so he asked his servants to wrap the corners of the tables and chairs in the house with cotton cloth to prevent him from being injured. When Bai Lan came to the door of the main room, she happened to see a little baby lying on Wei Luo's body, gnawing at Wei Luo's face with a whimper.

Wei Luo was gnawed so much that her face was drooling, and she let out a disgusted "ooh", but instead of pushing the little baby away, she puffed up her cheeks, "Don't bite me!"

Wei Changmi giggled, didn't listen to her at all, lowered his head, and continued to chew on the other half of her face.

Wei Luo glared at him, obviously she could push him away with her hand, but she didn't do that.

Qin Shi watched the joke from the side, smiled and said, "Brother Mi likes you, but he wouldn't be willing to eat it if you were someone else. Good Luo, don't always despise him so much."

Wei Luo sat up from the iron wood arhat bed, took the handkerchief from Jin Lu and wiped her face, "Fourth aunt doesn't know, every time I come back from you, I smell of milk and saliva all over my body , It takes several times to wash it clean.”

After hearing this, Qin gave a chuckle, nodded her frowning brows, and said earnestly: "When Mi Ge'er grows up, you will know that this is a good thing."

Wei Luo pursed her lips and remained silent. She didn't need to wait for Wei Changmi to grow up, she would know now. As Wei Changmi became closer to them, Du Shi and Wei Zheng became more and more desperate. It's not terrible for a person to be desperate, it's the scariest thing to keep giving her hope and make her despair again.

Isn't Du's situation like this now? She was confined in the ginkgo garden, and after a lot of begging, Wei Kun only allowed her to see Wei Changmi once every two months. Wei Changmi didn't kiss her, and every time he saw her, he would cry, and he would cry when she hugged him, crying until Mrs. Du was at a loss as to what to do, and felt like a knife was twisting his heart.

However, no one sympathized with her, it was her own fault.

The servant girl stood in front of Arhat's bed and said, "Fourth Madam, Fourth Miss, Miss Bai Lan is here."

Hearing this, Qin Shi and Wei Luo looked at the door together. Bai Lan stood outside the threshold, embarrassed, didn't know where to put her hands, and bowed like a maid, "I've met the fourth lady, the fourth lady..."

Mrs. Qin was very kind, and greeted her to her, and looked at it carefully, "Wufang's silk flowers have been sent by you all this time?"

Bai Lan nodded, not daring to look at anyone, but looked at the footrest under Luohan's bed: "Mrs. Hui, it's me."

Mrs. Qin nodded and praised: "I've seen it before, and the weaving of silk flowers is very beautiful. Since Ah Luo has taken a fancy to you, there must be something special about you." Finally, she glanced at the maids in the room, "My room There are a total of twelve servant girls in Zhongzhong, each with two flowers, you can send them along with you in the future. The price is the same as that of Wufang, and the pattern must be well-made."

Bai Lan couldn't help but knelt down and kowtowed, "Fourth Madam, don't worry..."

When the maids in the room learned that Mrs. Qin was going to give them something, they all bowed their knees to thank them, and the voice of "Mrs. Xie" was heard everywhere in the room.

With the income from the British government, Bai Lan doesn't have to go to the market to sell silk flowers, and coming to the British government on time every half a month is enough for her to support her family.

Since she stopped going to the study, Ah Luo still studied with Mr. Xue and Mr. Han.

Ah Luo likes to play with Han's things, and occasionally asks her for some, and takes them back for her own use. She loves beauty, and knows that she is good-looking, but she is not satisfied, and wants to make herself look better. Once she fell in love with a celadon bottle inlaid with precious stones on Han's dressing table, picked it up and asked, "Aunt Han, what is this?"

Han's face showed a little discomfort, took it from her hand, and put it back on the table, "You are still young, this thing is not suitable, Aunt Han will replace it for you."

Wei Luo was even more curious, "Why isn't it suitable?"

Han covered her lips and coughed, but made up her mind not to tell her.

It was only later that Ah Luo found out that it was used in her daughter's private parts... not only can the body be fragrant, but also firming. No wonder Han was embarrassed at the time.

Well, her current body is too small to be used. When she grows up a bit, she must ask for it from Mrs. Han, which girl doesn't want her to become more fragrant!

As the weather turns into winter, heavy snow falls and falls on the red bricks and green tiles of the British Government House, creating a beautiful scene. When she woke up the next day, the courtyard was covered with a layer of white snow, and a few maids were sweeping the snow in the courtyard. Wei Luo was wearing a cashmere fox fur cloak, and holding the stove, she asked, "Has Bai Lan not sent silk flowers this month?"

Jin Lu brought a glass of rose dew, nodded and said yes: "It's the seventh day of the month, so I should come on the first day of the new month. I'm afraid it's delayed by something at home."

There is something wrong at home... What else can there be except Lin Huilian's dead son

Could it be that Bai Lan was about to turn fifteen and was forced to marry their son

The more Wei Luo thought about it, the more she felt that it was possible. She wanted to inquire about the situation of Longshou Village, but Longshou Village was too far away from Shengjing City, not to mention there was no suitable reason, rashly inquiring would only lead to suspicion. Wei Luo waited patiently for another half a month, but Bai Lan still didn't come.

It had just snowed that day, and the British government was completely white, with thick rime and crystal clear viburnum. I heard from the servants in the front yard that Prince Jing came to visit Duke Ying today, and the two of them had important matters to discuss, and they are currently talking in the chess room in the front yard.

When Wei Luo learned about it, she stood up and walked to the front yard after thinking twice.

She has no one to turn to now, Zhao Jie knows her nature, and she is not afraid to let him know more. As long as she concealed the fact that she was reborn, she would have reasonable reasons to explain everything else.

When I came to the door of the chess room, the Linghua door was closed tightly, and the people inside must still be talking. She didn't go in, so she stood on the porch and waited quietly. Jin Lu repeatedly persuaded her to go back, worried that she would be cold, so she shook her head firmly.

After about a stick of incense, there was finally movement in the house.

Zhao Jie pushed away the fan, and at a glance, he saw a little girl wearing red cashmere and golden rose patterns standing not far away. The little girl turned her head and saw him come out with a surprise smile in her eyes. She stood outside for too long, her small face was almost transparent, only her nose was red, and she opened her pink lips and called him: "Big Brother!"

Zhao Jie hadn't seen her for a long time, and he was so busy these days that he didn't even have time to listen to Yang Hao's report on her situation. She has grown a little taller, her eyebrows and eyes are a little more beautiful, and she has a faint fragrance when she comes to her. But she was only eight years old, so she was so beautiful.

Zhao Jie bent his lips and reached out to touch the top of her head, "Are you waiting for me?"

Ah Luo raised her head, and grabbed the hand that he placed on her head. There was a bumpy tooth mark on the wrist, which has faded a lot now, but it can still be felt. Her watery eyes were bright and her dimples were full, "Big brother, can you go somewhere with me?"