Chongfei Manual

Chapter 46


The evening wind was cold and cool, passing through the hall, brushing half of his clothes, but he didn't notice it, his black pupils were unfathomable, and he couldn't distinguish between emotions and anger.

He took out the turquoise silver waist ornament from his sleeve, held it in his hand and whirled it back and forth, wondering what he was thinking. The waist ornament is a small squirrel carved in turquoise, and two silver-carved pine cones hang below the little squirrel, which has a unique shape and a unique appearance. When he first saw this waist ornament in Binzhou, he thought of Wei Luo.

When Wei Luo was a child, he liked to eat nuts, walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts, etc. in his carriage. When she was eating, her cheeks were bulging, like a rustling little animal, her two black eyes were clever and cunning, and no one knew what was going on in her mind. She is smarter and cuter than the squirrel, but this waist ornament really resembles her, and even the little squirrel eats, it is carved so lifelike.

He bought this waist ornament without hesitation at that time, and planned to give it to her when he returned to Beijing. It's just that I didn't expect it at the time, and I waited for two years. Now that he finally came back from Binzhou, does she still remember him

When she grows up, she will go out to watch lanterns with a man, and will she sweetly call him big brother

Zhao Jie narrowed his eyes, and held the little squirrel in his palm. His palms gradually closed, and he slowly and firmly held it.

Seeing his actions, Yang Hao couldn't help but sweat for Miss Fourth, and asked late, "Your Highness, do you want to give me this jewelry tonight?"

He pondered for a moment, then turned around and entered the room, "No, tomorrow the king will personally send it off."

It was getting late, and the passing of tonight was bound to frighten her. He is not in a hurry, he has been waiting for so many years, it doesn't matter if he waits another night, he has that patience.

Early the next morning, Wei Luo received an invitation from the palace, Princess Tianji invited her to a small gathering in the palace.

She sat behind the round table, eating breakfast while listening to the message from the golden thread, but she didn't have the slightest doubt. Although she has not been Zhao Liuli's companion in recent years, she still visits the palace every now and then. She and Zhao Liuli are handkerchiefs, they are close, and they have a very good relationship in private. Zhao Liuli loves to talk to her about embarrassing topics, so that when she invites her now, she feels that she is in some trouble again.

Zhao Liuli is only one year older than her, and because she has a good relationship with her, she has no scruples when speaking. A while ago, she came to Guishui for the first time, and enthusiastically popularized women's knowledge with Wei Luo, but it's a pity that Wei Luo had experienced this kind of thing in her previous life, so she was really not curious at all, and couldn't echo her.

Today's weather is relatively warm, so Wei Luo changed into a newly made pine flower yarn-dyed gold blouse for the New Year, with a cherry-colored palace brocade wide skirt, and sat on the Arhat bed, waiting for Bai Lan to put her shoes on. Bai Lan picked out a pair of sand blue Lu silk sheepskin golden cloud-toed shoes, put them on for her and said, "Miss's feet don't seem to have grown in the past two years..."

So small, just a little bigger than her hand.

But it doesn't matter, men love women with small feet, holding them in their hands is like a jade lotus, which is very affectionate. Especially her young lady's feet were white, tender and delicate, with slightly pink toes. In the past, Bai Lan didn't think her feet were attractive, but now that she saw Wei Luo's feet, she couldn't help feeling that there was a kind of person, she was born well everywhere, and you couldn't do without envy.

Wei Luo looked left and right, and didn't pay much attention to this issue. Seeing that it was not early, she got up and said, "Let's go, it will be noon if it is later."

Cuigai Zhuying's carriage was parked at the door, and only then did Wei Luo feel that something was wrong.

Usually, when Zhao Liuli invited her into the palace, she would go there by herself in the carriage of the British government, why did she specially come to pick her up now? Could it be that there is something very important? Wei Luo got into the carriage, lifted the dark pattern embroidered gold curtain and asked Mammy, "Who asked you to pick me up?"

The nanny said respectfully: "Go back to Fourth Miss, it's Princess Tianji's order."

It seemed that she was right, and she got back into the carriage again. There was obviously nothing wrong with it, but she just had an unusual premonition.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the harem, and Wei Luo followed the nanny to the Chenhua Hall of Qingxi Palace. Zhao Liuli had been waiting in the hall for a long time, when she heard her coming, she ran out from the Nuan Pavilion and greeted her with a smile: "Ah Luo."

Zhao Liuli's skin was paler than the average person's due to being weak and sick all the year round, with a morbid state in the whiteness, almost transparent. She has a slender frame and a small face the size of a palm. When she smiles, she reveals the deep dimples on her cheeks. She is optimistic and cheerful, not at all like a lingering patient.

Over the years, Empress Chen has collected valuable medicinal materials from all over the world for her to strengthen her body, and finally raised her to be healthier than when she was a child. However, it is still different from ordinary people. Her mood should not be too fluctuating, she can't cry or laugh, and she can't get sick. When she gets sick, she is more serious than ordinary people. Empress Chen watched her very closely, except for Qingxi Palace, she was basically not allowed to go out. If she is bored, she can only invite Ah Luo to the palace, talk to relieve boredom, and listen to Ah Luo's stories outside the palace to comfort her.

She dragged Ah Luo to Nuan Pavilion, sat together on the rosewood noble concubine's couch, and asked curiously: "Yesterday was the Lantern Festival, did you go to the streets?"

Ah Luo nodded, "I went to see the lanterns, and I also watched the Great Transformation and the puppet show..." She thought for a while, "I also ate the fried Lantern Festival."

Zhao Liuli looked envious, she had never eaten fried Yuanxiao, and she didn't know what a puppet show was. It's still that Ah Luo lives freely and can go wherever she wants, unlike her, who can only live in this Qingxi Palace, and even has to tell the queen when she goes to the back garden. She held her cheeks and was extremely envious: "What does fried Lantern Festival taste like? Is it delicious? How is it different from ordinary Lantern Festival?"

Seeing her greedy face, Ah Luo couldn't help pursing her lips into a smile, and said intentionally, "It's sweet, it's filled with red bean filling, it's hot and delicious."

She showed yearning, before she started thinking about it, she quickly stopped, sighed and said: "Forget it, I probably won't have a chance to eat it."

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Wei Luo couldn't bear it, so he stopped teasing her and asked Jin Lu to bring up the things she had prepared. "I can't bring you the Fried Lantern Festival, but I have something else here, do you want to see it?"

Zhao Liuli was overjoyed and nodded again and again, the depression just now was swept away.

Jin Lu came up holding a carved red sandalwood box, opened the lid, and there were not only street snacks, but also some gadgets inside. The oiled paper bag contained sugar snowballs, which were hawthorns fried with sugar. She took one and put it in her mouth. It was sweet and sour, and tasted very good. She immediately cheered and asked in surprise: "What is this?"

Wei Luo felt sorry for her that she didn't eat Tang Xueqiu since she grew up, so she told her the name, and put the whole bag in front of her, "Eat it, don't be afraid to eat more of this, it's also good for your health."

In addition to sugar snowballs, there are also lanterns and bag dolls in the box. Wei Luo picked up one of the tiger-shaped dolls and put it on her hand, opened her fingers, and made a gesture of showing her teeth and claws. Liuli bit off her wrist.

Zhao Liuli burst into laughter, put on a puppet that looked like a bride, and begged for mercy, "Hero, please forgive me..."

The two little girls got up on the spur of the moment and arranged a big play of "The Bride Meets the Tiger", but they played with great interest and never tired of it. In the end, Zhao Liuli laughed and fell on the bed, and put the two puppets on the Duobao Pavilion like babies, "This is so much fun. When Brother Yang Zhen comes back, I will give him a show."

Wei Luo rubbed the tears in the corners of her eyes, and couldn't help but be taken aback when she heard the name Yang Zhen, "Isn't he always by your side, why isn't he here today?"

It has been six years since Yang Zhen protected Zhao Liuli when she was eight years old. He was like a shadow, following behind Zhao Liuli all the time, whenever Zhao Liuli was in danger, he stepped forward in time. A few years passed, Zhao Liuli was intact, his martial arts became more and more advanced, and he became more and more silent, sometimes he didn't say a word for a whole day. Only when Zhao Liuli spoke to him would he respond.

Zhao Liuli seemed more surprised than she was, turned her head and asked: "My brother came back yesterday, he is going to see my brother at Prince Jing's mansion, don't you know?"

Wei Luo was stunned, she really didn't know.

Two years ago, Zhao Jie went to Binzhou to clean up the Yellow River's embankment, and he didn't tell her when he left. After he left for more than two months, she still learned about it from Liuli. He hadn't heard from him in the past two years, she didn't ask Zhao Liuli specifically, and Zhao Liuli naturally didn't tell her, so she didn't know his situation at all, let alone when he would come back.

So he came back yesterday? Counting the days, two years have passed without knowing it.

Wei Luo blinked, "Why would I know?"

Only then did she realize that Zhao Liuli's tone was a bit strange, as if she should have known it. But she has no connection with Zhao Jie at all, so how did she know it!

Zhao Liuli was suffocated, and said falteringly: "I thought... the British Duke would say..."

Wei Luo said slowly, "Grandfather never talks about court affairs with us."

Zhao Liuli looked away apprehensively, and said in a compromised tone, "Okay..."

Fortunately, Wei Luo was thinking about other things and didn't pay attention to her abnormality.

Zhao Jie came back, and she met Zhao Zhang on the street yesterday, and the struggle between the two of them in the past few years has almost never been brought to the fore. Zhao Zhang's influence was constantly suppressed by Zhao Jie. Zhao Zhang was not as cruel and ruthless as Zhao Jie, and he was younger than him, so he had to be forced to restrain himself temporarily.

It was Emperor Chongzhen's intention for Zhao Jie to go to Binzhou. He said it was to exercise his abilities, but in fact he wanted Zhao Zhang to have a breathing space in Shengjing City. His two sons are a means for him to check and balance the two big families, and he can't do without either of them. It's a pity that Zhao Jie's abilities have become stronger and stronger over the years, and he has gradually escaped his control, which made him a little uneasy.

But there was one thing that Wei Luo didn't quite understand. It was said that Zhao Jie was ruthless and would take revenge. Why didn't she think so? She was still wary of him when she was a child, thinking that he was nice to her because of the relationship with the British government, but later she gradually felt that it was not entirely true. Grandfather has become one of his fans, he doesn't need to use her to maintain this relationship, but he will still give her gadgets and delicious food.

Why? Wei Luo rested her cheeks, unable to figure it out.

After lunch, Wei Luo bid farewell to Zhao Liuli and left Chenhua Palace. The Chinese rose in the flower shed in her backyard is about to bloom, and she is going to pick some petals and ask Mr. Han to make a fragrance for daily use on the body. Han's dew is the best to use. It is not sticky or greasy. After using it, the skin is tender and smooth, and it is not dry in winter.

On the way out of the palace, the gate of Qingxi Palace was in front of her. She quickened two steps and walked out of the gate.

After taking two steps, he stopped abruptly.

Not far ahead stood a dark blue figure. He stood under the cypress tree, facing her sideways, tall and straight like a pine tree, with a handsome side face, he seemed to be holding something in his hand, his slender fingers were slowly rubbing, as if he was stroking gently. He saw her from the corner of his eye, turned around, curled his thin lips into a smile, which washed away the coldness on his brows, and didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

Wei Luo froze slightly, hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and called: "Big Brother..." After a pause, she changed her tune and said, "Brother Jing Wang."

Zhao Jie waited for her to come up to her, his eyes fell on her rosy little face, and he held the turquoise squirrel waist ornament in his hand, and he responded in a low voice. He has been waiting for her here for nearly an hour. Today, he also met with the Liuli branch before entering the palace, so it was really not easy to meet her.

The immature and delicate girl had grown up, and her body was long. She had only reached his chest when he left, but now it just reached his shoulders. Her facial features were opened, and the flesh on her cheeks disappeared, turning into a standard oval face. The eyebrows and eyes are still exquisite, and the nose and mouth have not changed much, but for some reason, the more I look at it, the more beautiful I feel.

So beautiful, it's no wonder that the young son of Ruyang Wang's family couldn't help but fall in love with her.