Chongfei Manual

Chapter 53


After writing a few words, Wei Luo sealed the note with an envelope, covered it with ink pad, called Jin Lu and said, "Give this letter to the servant girl in Xikuayuan, and have the servant girl pass it to Li Xiang." After thinking about it for a while, he said: "Don't send it in person, borrow one of Yurong's maids, and say that I don't have enough manpower here, so let her deliver it. Don't say anything after delivering the letter, just come back."

Liang Yurong has a good relationship with her, but a maid will definitely lend it to her generously.

Even if Liang Yurong knew her plan, she would definitely not say anything, but would ask her what was going on first. This is the tacit understanding and affection between them as good sisters for many years.

Jin Lu nodded in response, turned around and left.

After Li Xiang received the letter, her first reaction was to ask who the maid who delivered the letter was. If she found out that it was her maid, she would definitely feel that there was something wrong and would not be fooled. However, it would be different if it was Liang Yurong's maid. The letter was written in Liang Yu's tone, and it was inconvenient for Liang Yu to deliver the letter.

It doesn't matter if Li Xiang still isn't fooled, she has other options at the dinner party.

Not long after, the golden thread came back and told her that the matter had been settled, so she could rest assured.

West across the courtyard.

Li Xiang sat on the rosewood Luohan bed, leaning against the big red make-up flower pillow, took the letter from the maid, and read it curiously. The content of the letter was to invite her to meet at the lakeside in the backyard during the dinner party, and the inscription was Liang Yu, son of Marquis Pingyuan. She was taken aback, and couldn't help thinking of the young man she saw during the day today. His heroic and handsome figure lingered in her mind, why did he invite her? When were they connected

Liang Yu said in the letter that she admired her looks, but she had no doubts about this. Li Xiang has confidence in her appearance, she has inherited the beauty of Princess Gaoyang, her skin is like creamy fat, her teeth are like gourd rhinoceros, and she has received many praises since she was a child. She was not surprised that Liang Yu fell in love with her at first sight.

It's just that it's too abrupt to hand over a letter rashly? So when she was paying attention to him, did he also notice her

Li Xiang thought about it carefully, and in order to prevent any fraud, he called the maid who delivered the letter and asked, "Who sent this letter? Where is it?"

The servant girl stood in front of her and said respectfully: "Miss Hui, it was sent by the maid who served Miss Liang, the daughter of Marquis Pingyuan, in the villa. She has already gone back."

So, is it really Liang Yu

He didn't want to make a fuss, so he used his sister's maid to cover up people's eyes and ears? It's not impossible.

Li Xiang pursed her lips, revealing an obvious smile. This Liang Yu was quite discerning, and he knew how to describe her with "immortal beauty and beauty" after only seeing her once. It seemed that she was not a martial artist who only knew how to wield knives and sticks. She folded the note and stuffed it into the sleeve. As for whether to go to the appointment or not, she had to look again... After all, she didn't know Liang Yu well, what if he was just teasing her? She will wait and see and wait until the dinner party to make a decision.

The sun is thinning on the western mountains, and the sunset is colorful.

The dinner party in the front yard has already started, the men sat in the front hall, and the girls were arranged to eat in the flower hall beside them.

It was a little cold at night on the top of the mountain, so Wei Luo put on a Su embroidery embroidered begonia-patterned begonia, and went to the flower hall with Liang Yurong.

On the way, Wei Luo said to Liang Yurong, "I heard that brother Liang hunted a deer and two rabbits today? I asked Chang Hong just now, but he didn't hunt anything."

Liang Yurong nodded, and said proudly, "My brother has been practicing archery since he was a child, and it has been seven or eight years since he was a child. Naturally, this level is not a problem."

Wei Luo smiled and said, "Then let Chang Hong ask Brother Liang for advice? Although you can't learn much in one night, it's okay to pass on experience. If Chang Hong can't even hunt a rabbit this time, he will definitely go back and kill him." Sad for a long time."

Liang Yurong readily agreed, "Of course! I'll let someone go to my brother and let him teach Chang Hong after the dinner."

Ah Luo said that was great, with his eyes squinted: "Why don't you go directly to the lakeside in the backyard? There is a spacious place, and it's easy to teach, and you won't be tied down."

It's easy to talk about where to go, of course Liang Yurong has no problem. She immediately asked the maid beside her to go to the front hall and talk to Liang Yu, and asked him to go to the lakeside in the backyard after the dinner party to teach Wei Changhong the hunting experience.

Wei Luo thanked her repeatedly, and walked into the flower hall while speaking.

Many people have arrived in the flower hall, besides Li Xiang, there are two sisters Gao Danyang and Gao Qingyang. The girls gathered together in twos and threes, chatting and laughing happily, and the scene was quite lively.

When Li Xiang saw Wei Luo, he snorted softly with his nose, turned his head aside, and didn't say hello.

On the contrary, Gao Danyang stepped forward and took Wei Luo's hand, with a very warm attitude, he led her to sit on the eight-treasure couch with a smile: "Sister Ah Luo is here too, please sit here. You guys are too late, The other places are full. The seats will start after the banquet starts, so let’s take care of it here first.”

Wei Luo was flattered by this enthusiasm, she blinked her eyes wide, "Sister Gao?"

Gao Danyang is wearing a sky-blue crepe shirt, with an oil-green crepe skirt underneath, and a moon-white embroidered cape. She was the oldest girl among all the girls present. She was at the age of twenty when she was the most beautiful woman. She lost her ignorance and childishness, and her charm and innocence merged into one, completely natural. She didn't mind her age at all, and smiled decently: "I have met you several times, but I have never had a chance to talk. Now I can finally sit together and say a few words. It is not easy to think about it."

Wei Luo pursed her lips and smiled just right: "Sister Gao is being polite, but I didn't expect you to remember me."

Gao Danyang personally poured a cup of tea and brought it to her. Hearing this, he said with emotion: "How can I not remember? The first time I saw you, I was still in the palace. Cousin Jing wanted to give the kitten I gave him to you. You. I was so angry that I almost didn't quarrel with Cousin Jing."

Wei Luo held the teacup, but smiled and said nothing.

After a while, she slowly asked, "Where are the three kittens? Are they still there?"

Gao Danyang glanced at her, and said melancholy: "It's long gone, and they all died the next year."

Wei Luo groaned regretfully, and said empathetically, "What a pity."

The two of them just talked one after another, mostly Gao Danyang was talking and Wei Luo was listening. Wei Luo was not very familiar with her, and had nothing in common, so he just accompanied her politely. Han's good upbringing these years made her not show any impatience on her face, but she seemed to be listening very seriously.

In fact, Wei Luo knew in her heart that Gao Danyang didn't like her, this feeling didn't need to be confirmed, it all depended on a woman's intuition.

From the moment she talked about the three kittens, Wei Luo sensed her hostility towards him.

Why this hostility came... I don't know yet.

Not long after the banquet started, Wei Luo stood up and said goodbye to Gao Danyang: "Yu Rong is waiting for me. If Sister Gao has other matters, let's talk about it when we meet again. I will not accompany you today."

Gao Danyang smiled, and said generously: "Sister Ah Luo, go, we'll talk about it another day."

Wei Luo turned around and left. Gao Danyang sat on the eight-treasure couch and looked at her back, his smile gradually disappeared, and he fell into deep thought, not moving for a long time.

During the banquet, Liang Yurong was on Wei Luo's left, Wei Zheng was on the right, and Li Xiang was on the right.

Li Xiang has always been a little restless, and winks at his maid from time to time, telling her to go outside to find out about the situation. The maid came in and out, and whispered a word or two in her ear from time to time, but she probably didn't find out anything, otherwise Li Xiang's complexion would not have become more and more ugly.

Wei Luo rested her cheeks and smiled, pretending not to notice the strange movement over there. She gave Liang Yurong a chopstick of emerald shark's fin, and asked intentionally, "Just now, Jin Lu told me that Chang Hong didn't see Brother Liang, where did Brother Liang go?"

Liang Yurong paused and subconsciously asked, "Didn't my brother go to the lakeside in the backyard?"

Chang Hong did intend to ask Liang Yu for advice, but he didn't mention going to the lakeside in the backyard at all, Wei Luo made up all of it. Wei Luo made it up well, with a look of surprise on her face: "He went to the backyard?"

Liang Yurong nodded, thinking that Wei Luo didn't believe it, and was going to call the maid to find someone: "I'll send someone to find him..."

Wei Luo hurriedly stopped her, telling her not to worry: "Forget it, it doesn't matter too much, let's talk about it after dinner, it's okay to ask Chang Hong to wait for a while."

Liang Yurong had no choice but to sit down again, feeling very puzzled. Just now I asked the servant girl to tell the eldest brother, why didn't he go

On the one hand, after listening to the conversation between the two, Li Xiang's thoughts drifted away, and he lost the mind to eat. She sat for a while, not knowing what to eat, and finally stood up after half a cup of tea to say goodbye to everyone: "I'm full, let's take a step first, sisters take your time."

Then he turned and left.

Behind her, Wei Luo slowly revealed a smile, which was cunning.

After a while, Liang Yurong couldn't hold back, and asked the maid to inquire about Liang Yu's whereabouts. Soon the servant girl came back and said that Liang Yu was eating in the front hall and did not go to the backyard.

Liang Yurong was a little angry, and said to Wei Luo with guilt: "My brother didn't keep his word..."

Wei Luo didn't mind at all, and smiled and said it was nothing: "Maybe I was caught by the banquet, no wonder Brother Liang. But I'm worried that Chang Hong is still waiting in the backyard, so I'll go and see him."

Liang Yurong nodded, and asked worriedly: "It's getting dark outside, shall I accompany you?"

She said no, and said: "I'll just go with Jin Lu. If you don't come back after half an hour, you can bring someone to find me."

Jinghe Villa occupies a huge area, and the back yard is far from the front yard, and it takes two quarters of an hour to go back and forth. It's getting late now, the surroundings are quiet, and it's really scary to walk alone on the road.

Wei Luo walked farther and farther, and soon came to the backyard. She stood behind a banyan tree, and the moonlight was misty, which could vaguely shine on the lakeside. There is a person standing there, it is Li Xiang.

Of course Liang Yu wouldn't come over at this time, because he would meet Chang Hong as soon as he got to the front hall, and if he just asked Chang Hong, he would know that there was no such thing as a backyard. Neither he nor Chang Hong would suspect anything, they would only think that they were unnecessary, and at most ignore it. And Wei Luo's ultimate goal is to lure Li Xiang here.

Not far away, Li Xiang waited by the lake for a while, but Liang Yu was never seen. She walked back and forth twice, with a trace of impatience on her brows, and looked forward. Didn't it mean that Liang Yu was in the backyard? Why didn't she see him when she came? Or had he waited too long and had already left

The servant girl said angrily at the side: "Miss, did Prince Pingyuan lie to you? Why haven't you seen anyone for so long?"

Li Xiang straightened his face, worried that there was some deceit, so he said to the servant girl: "Don't wait, let's go back first. If someone else asks, just say that I happened to pass by this place, so I came for a walk."

The maid nodded hurriedly.

Just as the master and servant were about to walk back, they heard a soft voice say from behind: "Sister Li Xiang is really leisurely and elegant. To be able to come here for a walk is an eye-opener for me."

Li Xiang stopped suddenly, looked behind her, "Who?"

There are stone pillars standing on the bluestone path, and there is an oil lamp on each stone pillar, illuminating one side of the world. Wei Luo came from behind the dense candlelight, her back was covered with a layer of soft light, she smiled in her bright eyes, and said slowly, "Of course it's me, otherwise who does Sister Li Xiang think?"

Li Xiang lowered his face and asked coldly, "Why are you here? Are you following me?"

Wei Luo was noncommittal, and walked up to her, "Does it matter if I follow you or not? The important thing right now is who are you waiting for?"

Li Xiang's expression changed, and he stared straight at her.

When she came, she deliberately avoided everyone and didn't let anyone find out. How did she know? Or did she already know

Sure enough, Wei Luo stopped, slowly revealing a sudden realization, looked at her and asked, "Let me guess, is it Big Brother Liang?"

Li Xiang gritted his teeth.

She said slowly, her pink lips slightly raised: "I guess right?"

Li Xiang stared at her fiercely, wishing to poke two holes in her body: "You wrote that letter?"

Wei Luo put her hands behind her back, her tone was relaxed, and she admitted it very simply: "So what if I wrote it? Do you have proof?"

Wei Luo was not afraid at all that Li Xiang would tell the contents of the letter, let alone that she would show it to others, because at that time, no matter whether she wrote the letter or not, it would be Li Xiang, not her, who would lose her reputation. This dumb loss was settled from the moment Li Xiang came to the backyard.

Sure enough, Li Xiang bit her lip and said nothing.

She narrowed her eyes and smiled, and caught a glimpse of a faint light not far away from the corner of her eye. Stepping up to Li Xiang, he stuck it to her ear and whispered softly: "That note should still be on your body, right? What will happen if someone finds out? The daughter of the Ruyang Palace has a private meeting with a man at night. If it spreads out, I don't know what kind of sensation it will be." Woolen cloth!"

Li Xiang finally couldn't bear it anymore, raised his hand and pushed her away fiercely, angrily said: "You bitch—"

Li Xiang pushed very hard this time, Wei Luo was prepared in advance, it is not impossible to stand firm. However, she staggered back two steps and deliberately fell to the ground defenseless!

Li Xiang raised his palm and dropped it hard, "Despicable!"

The people not far away finally came to the front, just in time to see this scene. It seemed that Liang Yurong was not the only one who came, a sapphire blue figure quickly rushed forward, held Li Xiang's hand, stopped her about to slap her, and reprimanded: "Stop!"

Wei Luo turned her head to look, and by the light of the lantern, it was actually Li Song.