Chongfei Manual

Chapter 56


Chang Hong

How could he be hurt? He should know how to measure and would not do anything dangerous.

Wei Luo panicked, and hurriedly pushed away the servants and walked into the courtyard!

Liang Yurong called her from behind: "Ah Luo, walk slowly, your feet are not healed yet!"

But how could she listen? Chang Hong was injured, and he didn't know how it was. Hearing what the man said was so serious, where exactly was the injury? She walked into the house in a panic, and saw two doctors surrounded Chang Hong's bedside, giving him medicine to stop bleeding. An arrow was shot in his right chest, and the arrow pierced deeply into the flesh, staining a large piece of clothing on his chest red. His face was pale, his eyes were tightly closed, his brows were slightly frowned, and he had already fallen into a coma.

Enduring the pain in his feet, Wei Luo stepped forward and asked Liang Yu who was standing beside the bed, "Brother Liang, why did Chang Hong get hurt?"

Liang Yu came back with Chang Hong, so he should know what's going on.

Sure enough, Liang Yu clenched his fist, recalled the scene at that time, and said slowly: "It's Li Song..."

He was not with Wei Changhong at that time, so he didn't know the specific situation. He only knew that when he rushed over, Chang Hong had already been hit by an arrow and fell to the ground. On the other side was Li Song who was riding a horse with a bow and arrow. He stepped forward and grabbed Li Song by the collar and scolded him severely. He was about to punch him, but seeing that Wei Changhong was exhausted, he had to let Li Song go and send him back in a hurry.

Wei Luo's body trembled, and she bit her lips tightly. Li Song, Li Song again, what exactly is he thinking? Why is he still alive

Probably because he noticed her abnormality, Liang Yu comforted her softly: "Sister Ah Luo, don't worry too much. The doctor said that the injury is not fatal, as long as you pull out the arrow and rest in bed for half a month."

But Ah Luo didn't think so, wouldn't it be fatal, would Chang Hong have to bear the arrow in vain? Should this be the end of it

She suppressed her anger and asked, "Where's Li Song?"

Liang Yu replied truthfully: "He came back with me, and he should be in the East Crane Courtyard opposite."

She nodded, and soon she had a plan in mind, and asked Liang Yu, "If Chang Hong wakes up, brother Liang will help me take care of him, and I will leave."

Liang Yu said yes, but immediately remembered something, and anxiously asked her where she was going. But she didn't answer, she turned around and disappeared behind the rosewood screen, her thin and slender figure revealed determination and cruelty.

Ah Luo pulled out the emerald golden cicada hairpin from her head, hid it in her sleeve, and walked towards Li Song's courtyard step by step. Her ankle was in constant pain, but it was not as deep as the anger in her heart. At this moment, she wished to kill Li Song immediately, let him taste the feeling of a thousand arrows piercing his heart, and never appear in front of them again. before.

Inside the East Crane Courtyard.

Li Song stood in the courtyard wearing a hunting uniform, with anxiety in his eyes: "How is that Wei Changhong injured?"

His servant replied: "Hui Shizi, I heard that he is still unconscious, and the doctor is stopping the bleeding..."

He frowned deeply and did not respond for a long time. Immediately, he waved his hands irritably, and swept the cups, plates and dishes on the stone table, and the porcelain fell to the ground. He said, "Is it serious? Is it life-threatening?"

The subordinates wondered: "The people inside don't come out, and the subordinates don't know much about it..."

Li Song had no choice but to gather himself together, and asked another matter: "Is Xiang'er settled down? Did you send her down the mountain safely?"

The servant nodded, reassuring him: "Everything is settled, the eldest lady has already boarded the carriage and is on her way back to Ruyang Palace."

Only then did his face soften, and he warned: "If someone asks, just say that this matter is all because of me, and you can't mention Xiang'er's name, so as not to damage her reputation."

It turned out that Wei Changhong's arrow was not only related to Li Song, but also related to his sister Li Xiang.

Li Xiang was wronged last night, and cried all night after returning to the house. This morning, she packed up her things and prepared to go home early. At that time, she was hunting in the mountains, and she walked down the mountain with only one maid by her side, so she was bound to encounter danger. After Li Song got the news, he rushed over immediately, unable to persuade her, he had to send her down the mountain himself. Not long after she left, she suddenly asked to shoot a rabbit and bring it back. Li Song hit her last night, feeling somewhat guilty in his heart, in order to make her happy, he agreed to her.

Li Xiang has been with King Ruyang since he was a child, and he is no stranger to bows and arrows. The posture of nocking the arrow and opening the bow is very standard. She aimed at the gray rabbit not far away, and when she let go, the arrow suddenly turned, aiming at Wei Changhong who was oncoming obliquely in front of her, and shot at—

Wei Changhong was caught off guard, and only had time to turn to the side. The arrow avoided the vital point and shot on the right chest. He fell off his horse and hit the ground hard!

Li Song was astonished: "Li Xiang!"

Li Xiang threw the horn bow to the ground with resentment, and said with red eyes: "Brother, I hate Wei Luo! The people in the Wei family are not good people. Wei Luo framed me last night, and I will kill her brother..."

Li Song quickly covered her mouth, even if he wanted to teach her a lesson, he didn't have so much time. Someone will come after a while, if it is known that Li Xiang shot and killed Wei Changhong, then she will lose her reputation. He quickly analyzed the pros and cons in his mind, and asked his servants to send Li Xiang down the mountain, and he stayed where he was, bearing all the charges for Li Xiang.

After recalling the scene at that time, Li Song raised his head and saw a little girl standing at the gate of the East Crane Courtyard.

Her small body was tense, and she was covered in sweat in the cool weather of early spring. She pursed her pink lips tightly, and looked at him with icy cold eyes, but unexpectedly calm, as if all the hatred and anger had been absorbed into those eyes, just waiting for an instant eruption.

Li Song was disturbed by her, so he forced himself to calm down and said, "What are you doing here, shouldn't you go and see your brother?"

Wei Luo pinched her sleeves and slowly came to him without answering. Looking up her small face, she asked word by word: "Did you shoot Chang Hong's injury?"

He stepped back subconsciously and said without hesitation, "It's me."

It was him, indeed it was him. Wei Luo clenched her small hands into fists in her sleeves, hating to the extreme, she was able to control her emotions well, and she didn't seem so anxious. She moved lightly with lotus steps, he stepped back, and she approached step by step, her petal-like lips parted slightly: "Why?"

In the end, Li Song had nowhere to retreat, and his back rested on the sycamore tree in the courtyard. As soon as he lowered his head, he could meet her dark and bright eyes, but unfortunately there was no emotion in these eyes now, he didn't even bother to pretend to smile, only indifference remained. He thought for a while, and said disapprovingly, "Why can there be? Mistakes are common in hunting grounds. I was going to shoot a rabbit, but I didn't miss very much. He suddenly rushed from behind. Wouldn't he hide when the arrow shot in front of him?" Is it?"

This is really infuriating. Wei Luo laughed back in anger, but the smile didn't reach her eyes, only her lips curled up slightly: "You blame him for not avoiding it?"

Li Song was noncommittal.

Wei Luo laughed enough, raised her hand, and the golden hairpin in her sleeve touched his chest. She slowly suppressed her smile, and sent the hairpin forward. The sharp head of the hairpin was close to his skin, and through the fabric, there was a icy temperature. "Li Song, do you think you can hide if you want to?"

There are too many deep meanings hidden in this sentence, Li Song's eyes froze, and he glared at her viciously: "You dare to hurt me?"

Why not? They are only allowed to hurt Chang Hong, but she is not allowed to hurt him

The cruelty in her eyes was too obvious, Li Song had a bad premonition, and hurriedly said: "You..."

Before he finished speaking, the golden hairpin pierced the cloth on his chest and sent it into his chest without mercy! Li Song only felt a sharp pain and a sweet taste in his throat. He stared at Wei Luo in disbelief. He didn't expect that she would be able to deal with such a cruel hand. He said in a hoarse voice, "Wei Luo..."

The two of them stood under the phoenix tree, outsiders saw nothing unusual, and no one knew that the hairpin in Wei Luo's sleeve was piercing deeply into Li Song's chest at this moment.

Wei Luo supported the golden hairpin and deepened it further, hatred burst out in his eyes, wishing he could die immediately. Looking at his painful expression, she suddenly felt very happy. Chang Hong is also in this pain now, right? Can he replace his pain? She freed up one hand, gently stroked his frowning brows, and after a while, she bent a sweet and moving smile: "Li Song, why don't you call someone? If you don't call someone, I can't help but call you kill."

The girl's soft fingers gently stroked him, and a sweet smile was right in front of him. The more he looked at it, the more he felt dazed, with a sense of unreality.

"you dare… "

Instead of stopping, Wei Luo stood on tiptoe and whispered softly against his ear, "Why don't I dare? Haven't I already done it now?" After she finished speaking, she lightly rubbed against his ear, slowly Yes, sultry, like a coquettish cat: "You don't call people, is it because you like me?"

When she said this, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, her voice was sweet and soft, alluring and intoxicating.

Li Song gritted his teeth tightly, her delicate body was right in front of him. It reminded him involuntarily of the night when he hugged her in the crowd on the Lantern Festival, she was so soft, so small, so fragile that it would break if touched. But he knew that it was his own delusion, she was not a fragile porcelain doll, she was very kind to others, but she treated him coldly.

He thought in private, is it because he bullied her when he was a child

But every time, didn't she come back after being bullied severely by her

He thought he was contradictory, he clearly hated her to the point of gnashing his teeth, yet he couldn't help but want to see her. It's normal for them to hate each other, but why did she say he liked her? how is this possible

Li Song came back to his senses, pushed her away fiercely, sweating profusely and said, "Get lost!"

Wei Luo let go of her hand, took two steps back in preparation, and stood firmly on the ground.

In fact, what she said just now was just a guess. Because the way Li Song looked at her was too familiar, when she was in Longshou Village in her previous life, the boys in the village also looked at her in the same way. She knew that meant love and longing.

How could Li Song admire her? She didn't believe it at first, but when the hairpin stabbed down, she had to believe it.

If there is no love, why is there pain

Li Song clutched his chest, slowly slipped to the ground, curled up, and roared hoarsely and weakly: "Get out of here..."

The servants in the courtyard finally realized that something was wrong here, they just thought they were talking, their voices were very low and they couldn't hear the specific content clearly. What's more, Li Song didn't call out, so they went about their own business, turned their heads, saw Li Song's chest was covered with blood, and immediately looked horrified: "Master!"

Li Song coughed, spat out a mouthful of blood, and said weakly, "Help me back to the house."

Seeing the hairpin on his chest, the servant tremblingly helped him up, then looked at Wei Luo beside him: "Is it her, she..."

Li Song closed his eyes, and after a while, finally uttered three words: "Let her go."

The servant had no choice but to look away and help him into the house.

Wei Luo stood in the courtyard for a moment, closed his eyes for a while, and walked out of the East Crane Courtyard. She walked slowly, and her ankles hurt every time she took a step.

She climbed up the steps, stepped over the threshold, and her eyes suddenly opened up.

Zhao Jie stood a few steps away, wearing a sky-blue brocade robe with a persimmon stalk pattern, as rich as jade, and as tall as a pine tree.

He didn't know how long he waited in front of the door, and how much he saw. Seeing her come out now, she stepped forward, but didn't ask anything, raised her hand and rubbed the top of her head, with a helpless and distressed tone: "Didn't I tell you not to go to the ground? Ah Luo, why are you disobedient?"