Chongfei Manual

Chapter 65


Fortunately, the little girl is not walking fast, she can keep up with her in a few steps.

Wei Luo stopped when she heard the sound, and looked back at him for no reason, "Is there anything else, big brother?"

Zhao Jie stood in front of him, looking at her white and delicate face, it was the first time that he felt unspeakable. How is he going to speak? His little girl has grown up, and it's the first time he comes to Guishui, he should be happy for her, but he is a little worried. Growing up means becoming mature. The original flower buds bloom with gorgeous petals, and she will only become more and more beautiful, beautiful enough to attract everyone's attention.

Now it's terrible, she is still immature, and she has attracted Li Song and Song Hui and the like, if she grows up, wouldn't it be even more worrying

He couldn't help thinking, should he watch her more closely in the future? His little girl can only belong to him. He watched her grow up little by little, like a delicate flower he cultivated with his own hands. He watered and fertilized her, and finally waited for the day when the flower bloomed. This flower can only be plucked by himself, and no one can touch it.

Zhao Jie just looked at her and didn't speak, Wei Luo couldn't help being a little anxious: "What are you going to say?"

He came back to his senses, looked at Jin Lu, the maid beside her, and called her to him calmly, "I just picked up a sachet, check to see if it's yours."

Wei Luo stepped forward upon hearing the words, and halfway through the walk, she remembered that she didn't wear a sachet at all today, so how could it be hers? Just as she was about to speak, she saw that Zhao Jie had already taken out the sachet, so she simply picked up the hollow sachet with sapphire hook and lotus pattern and looked at it, then shook her head and said, "It's not mine, big brother. Men's stuff?"

Zhao Jie didn't change his face, and asked her to look again, "Do you know the spices in it?"

Jin Lu stood behind and waited patiently for them. She first looked at the ground, then at the pillars beside her, and finally landed on Wei Luo. She looked at it, a strange expression suddenly appeared on her face, she stared at Wei Luo's skirt carefully and several times, and finally determined what it was. She froze suddenly, showing nervousness, forgot the rules for a moment, and called out in a panic: "Miss!"

It's not uncommon for a girl to come to Guishui, and it's normal to get it on her clothes. However, it would be too embarrassing for outsiders to see it in public! It was Wei Luo's first menarche, so she didn't notice it at all. In addition, she came here at the age of fourteen in her previous life, and now she came a year earlier, so she was naturally caught off guard.

Wei Luo was identifying the spices in the sachet, when she heard her bluffing, she tilted her head and asked, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Big deal, big deal! I don't know if anyone saw them along the way, Jin Lu thought about it carefully, and they basically didn't meet anyone when they came out, only met Zhao Jie and Abbot Qingxu. Abbot Qingxu probably didn't see anything, as for Zhao Jie... His expression is open and natural, so he probably didn't see it, right

Thinking of this, Jin Lu breathed a sigh of relief. She had to take the young lady back to her room before His Royal Highness King Jing and others found out!

Jin Lu stepped forward, quickly thought of a reason, and said shamelessly: "My servant suddenly remembered that I forgot to take something when I came out just now, Miss, will you accompany me back?"

Wei Luo blinked and subconsciously asked, "What is it?"

Jin Lu couldn't answer, he hesitated for a while, and finally blushed: "It's very important!"

Oh, since he said that, Wei Luo reluctantly agreed. She handed the sachet back to Zhao Jie, and before she left, she did not forget to tell him: "Sandalwood and Angelica dahurica are added to this, and I don't know the remaining spice. If you want to know, big brother, I'll go back and ask Han." Auntie." Before she could say goodbye, she was urged to leave by the gold thread, turned around and walked towards the guest room.

Jin Lu was worried that the blood on her clothes would be seen by others, so she kept walking behind her intentionally or unintentionally, blocking the view of others.

Zhao Jie stood under the verandah, holding a sachet, watching Wei Luo's back gradually going away. The black pupil is deep, the expression is unpredictable, and it does not move for a long time.

Of course she didn't recognize the sachet because it belonged to him.

He withdrew his gaze, and a slight smile slowly formed on his lips. He was born with sword-shaped eyebrows and a handsome face. His expression is usually too cold, and even when he smiles, he gives people an indescribable sense of oppression. Now when he is smiling happily, his phoenix eyes are soft and the corners of his lips are clear, which is extraordinarily good-looking.

Backyard, guest room.

Wei Luo was inexplicably called back by Jin Lu, stood in the middle of the room and asked, "Jin Lu, what did you forget to bring?"

Jin Lu walked into the inner room, took out a clean set of clothes from her bag, and walked out immediately, putting away her nervous expression just now, and reminded with a smile: "Miss, look at the back of your skirt."

Wei Luo frowned, not understanding what kind of medicine she was selling in the gourd, she turned her head to look, and it took a while to see the dried blood. She made a small face, and finally understood why Jin Lu kept urging her to come back. It turned out that she had menstruation! No wonder she felt something was wrong all the time, her whole body was sore and limp, and she was weak and lacking energy.

After realizing it, I couldn't help thinking, Zhao Jie was there just now, did Zhao Jie see it, would he laugh at her? I didn't come here until fourteen before, so why is it so early this time

Her complexion was not good, Jin Lu quickly guessed what she was thinking, and quickly comforted her: "His Royal Highness Prince Jing probably didn't see it, the servant girl noticed it just now, his expression is very natural, nothing unusual."

After finishing speaking, he led her into the inner room, unfolded a moon white and light yellow ice gauze shirt with large sleeves, and while changing her clothes, he sighed: "Miss has grown up."

After Wei Luo learned that Zhao Jie hadn't seen her, her face turned pale and she felt relieved, but she didn't feel as much emotion as Jin Lu.

She has experienced it once, and she doesn't think there is anything to be emotional about. The woman will come once a month, which means that she has grown up, matured, and can get married and have children. Fortunately, Jin Lu prepared cotton strips for herself when she went out this morning, just in case, and it will come in handy right now. Jin Lu took out the cotton cloth and taught her how to use it. She has used this thing in her previous life, so she can learn it quickly now.

After everything was settled, Wei Luo could finally come to the Grand Hall in the front yard with peace of mind.

In the main hall, a mother and daughter are kneeling in front of the majestic Buddha statue, begging the Bodhisattva for protection in a low voice. She looked around and did not see Liang Yurong, she frowned, inevitably a little anxious.

Liang Yurong didn't go back to the backyard, nor was she in the palace, so where did she go

In fact, she didn't go anywhere, she just came to the small hall behind to listen to the host's preaching. Wei Luo was a little nervous. She had barely spoken to Wei Changyin before, so how could she fall in love overnight

Liang Yurong sat kneeling on the futon, with a straight posture, and the abbot's obscure Buddhist scriptures lingered in her ears, and she felt a little sleepy after listening. Just now, he just had nothing to do and came here to join in the fun, but now he wants to leave, but he feels a little embarrassed. She turned her head to look at Wei Changyin who was in the wheelchair beside him, and saw his eyes were calm and his face remained the same. In the same place, he was calm, calm and elegant, and listened carefully to the abbot's lecture, without showing any impatience on his face.

Liang Yurong had no choice but to look away, and sat back piously, imitating his appearance and not looking around.

However, she still couldn't reach his level after all, and she gradually became sleepy while sitting. Head bit by bit, almost falling asleep.

Just as she was about to fall into a deep sleep, a pair of slender and flawless hands suddenly appeared in front of her, holding a piece of caramel in their palms. She woke up in an instant, and looked over in surprise, only to see Wei Changyin, with a smile on his lips, offering candy to her, his expression self-evident.

Without being shy, she picked up the piece of caramel and put it in her mouth. The sugar melted in her mouth, and the sweet fragrance filled her mouth, which immediately dilute her drowsiness. She sat obediently and finished eating a piece of candy without knowing it. After a while, she turned her head to look at Wei Changyin, blinking her big black eyes, obviously asking "Is there any more?"

Wei Changyin smiled slightly, reached into the gold-woven eight-treasure pattern sleeve, took out a small oiled paper bag, and handed it to her. He does not reject sweet things, and occasionally puts a piece or two of candy on his body, and eats one when he is restless, which can calm his mind. Seeing that the little girl couldn't calm down now, I took it out to comfort her, but I didn't expect it to be quite effective.

After getting caramel, Liang Yurong really didn't doze off and didn't look around. After she finished eating a pack of caramel, the abbot happened to finish a lecture.

Walking out of the Little Treasure Hall, Liang Yurong caught up with the beech wood wheelchair in front, "Brother Chang Yin!"

Wei Chang quoted the voice and signaled the servants behind him to stop.

She stopped beside him, and handed him the piece of oiled paper, with crooked eyebrows and full of smiles: "I've finished eating your candy, I'll give it back to you when we meet next time. What kind of candy do you like? Caramel? "

Wei Changyin showed a smile on his elegant and handsome face: "It's all right."

It will be all right? Does he have no objection to what she buys? She turned her mind and was very enthusiastic about this aspect, and soon thought of a family: "I know that Bazhenfang has a kind of candy that tastes very good. It is made of milk and fruit filling. It is sweet but not greasy. Do you want to try it?" ? Shall I buy it for you as compensation?"

As he said that, the pilgrims in the treasure hall went out one after another, and they would block the way of others if they stopped here. She naturally came behind Wei Changyin and pushed his wheelchair forward.

This scene was somewhat familiar, and she suddenly remembered that it happened when she was a child. It was snowing that day, and he was sitting alone under the cypress tree, with frost and snow falling all over his head. She stepped forward to help him push the wheelchair, but unfortunately, her strength was too weak, and she failed to push it several times. Now that she has grown up, although it is still a bit difficult to push, she can barely push.

Seeing this, Wei Changyin stopped him and said, "You can't push it, let the servants do it."

Liang Yurong pushed him forward slowly, shook her head and said it's okay: "You're not heavy, and you don't need to push hard."

Wei Changyin paused and said nothing more.

After walking for a while, the Daxiong Palace is in front of you. He didn't answer her question just now, so he asked again: "Brother Chang Yin, I'll buy you the candy from Bazhenfang, okay?"

He chuckled and nodded this time: "OK."

Then it's settled, Liang Yurong said: "I'll buy it some other day, and let Ah Luo hand it over to you." After thinking about it, she felt uneasy, "I don't know if Ah Luo will steal it..."