Chongfei Manual

Chapter 80


At the dinner table, Li Xiang inevitably brought up the matter of Zhao Liuli's ceremony.

"I really don't understand what's so good about Wei Luo, let the empress look up to her so highly..." Li Xiang was still a little bit annoyed after drinking a bowl of crab roe tofu, and muttered and complained.

Princess Gaoyang kept comforting her daughter, worrying that she would not have enough to eat, and pushed a plate of Poria cocos cake in front of her, saying kindly: "Don't think about it, let's fill your stomach first. Memorize it." After reading all night, I must be very hungry now."

Li Xiang was really hungry when she first came back, but now she has almost eaten, she shook her head and said, "I'm full, mother." Turning her head, she saw Li Song holding the chopsticks, sitting on the opposite side thoughtfully , with an absent-minded look, she asked, "Brother, what are you thinking? I saw you sitting there without eating anything."

Li Song came back to his senses, his face remained unchanged, he calmly took a bite of a piece of carrot cake, and said softly, "I didn't think about it."

Seeing him like this, Princess Gao Yang couldn't help caring: "Is your hand hurting again? You haven't practiced martial arts with your left hand these days, have you? Do you remember what the doctor said, take good care of your wounds, and don't rush for a moment."

He said "um", "I remember everything."

Since returning from Dingguo Mansion, his hand was injured, and he has not been out of the mansion during this period of time, staying at home to recuperate honestly. King Ruyang and Princess Gaoyang wanted to find out who killed their son, but after more than a month of investigation, there was still no result.

Because the accident happened in Duke Dingguo's mansion, Duke Dingguo felt deeply guilty about it, so he visited Li Song four or five times in a month, and he also helped Ruyang Prince's mansion investigate the people who went in and out of the bamboo forest that day. It's a pity that there were too many people present that day, and it was really not easy to find out. In addition, the bamboo forest was secretive, and not many people paid attention to it at all, so that even today, it is still not found out who did it.

Princess Gaoyang asked Li Song once, but Li Song didn't say a word about it.

Later, the eldest princess saw that she couldn't ask anything from him, so she had to give up, and she could only pretend that he didn't know who the other party was.

This matter has been unclear until now.

Fortunately, the doctor said that his hand injury was not serious, as long as he recuperated well, it would be no problem to return to its previous appearance. If she really couldn't recover, Princess Gaoyang might not be as calm as she is today. Thinking of this, Princess Gao Yang put a bowl of ginseng and black-bone chicken soup in front of Li Song, and said: "Drink this bowl of soup in a while, it will be good for your hands. Don't be too naughty, I'm all for it." Hello."

Li Song finally pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled, and took the green-glazed ice cracked bowl with his right hand, "When did I say such a thing? Mother, don't frame me." He stirred the black-bone chicken soup with a spoon, and immediately took a drink After finishing drinking, he put down the bowl and said, "I'm full, let's go for a walk."

As he spoke, he turned around and walked out of the hall without waiting for a few people to respond.

Princess Gaoyang looked at his back until he disappeared at the door, then sighed helplessly: "Song'er doesn't know what he's thinking these days, he's always been out of his mind. Ask him what's going on and he won't say anything." , It seems that I have become unfamiliar with us all of a sudden, which makes me feel very uncomfortable."

King Ruyang couldn't see that his wife was sad, so he patted her hand to comfort her: "Isn't he always like this? He has a weird temper, don't think too much about it. When a child grows up, he will have his own thoughts."

Having said that, Princess Gao Yang's mood did not improve at all, facing a table of dishes, she had no appetite at all.

Li Xiang on the other end bit his chopsticks, turned his mind, and said, "I seem to know what brother is thinking..."

Princess Gao Yang let out a surprise, and immediately looked at her: "Tell me, what is your brother thinking? How do you know?"

Li Xiang pondered for a moment, then said slowly: "Big brother came back from Duke Ding's mansion that day, holding an emerald hairpin in his hand..."

She told her parents what she saw that day, and said that Li Song was holding the hairpin tightly at that time, and she didn't intend to let go at all. Then he said: "When I went to find my brother these days, I often saw him holding that hairpin to look at... Which girl should have given it to my brother? It's just that he didn't say anything, and I didn't dare to ask more."

Princess Gaoyang couldn't hear it anymore, her son has grown up, could it be possible that he has a girl he likes? This is a good thing, why didn't he tell them? If the two families are well-matched, satisfied with each other, and become in-laws, it would be a good idea to settle his marriage early! The son will be sixteen soon, and he is also at the age to get married. She thought for a while and asked: "Xiang'er, do you know which girl it is from? She should be very outstanding if you can make your brother like it?"

Li Xiang shook his head, and said honestly: "I don't know either, the hairpin looks like it shouldn't be worn by an ordinary girl, it must be a daughter of some kind of family. If mother is curious, just ask brother."

Princess Gaoyang was worried, "I'm worried that he won't tell me..."

Princess Gao Yang's worry is not unreasonable, Li Song really won't say it, because even he himself doesn't admit that he has admiration for Wei Luo.

He left the hall and returned to his own yard. Instead of going back to his house, he stood under a big banyan tree in the yard and did not move for a long time.

The banyan tree is thick and strong, much like the tree in the courtyard when he lived in Jinghe Villa.

At that time, he and Wei Luo were standing under the tree, and she stabbed the hairpin into his chest without hesitation, which made him still not calm down. As soon as he saw the emerald golden cicada hairpin in his hand, he couldn't help feeling a pain in his chest.

Even so, he couldn't help but take it out and look at it.

What catches your eyes? Isn't it Wei Luo's thing

His eyes widened, he folded his palms together, and clenched the hairpin tightly. I really want to stab that little girl's chest too, so that she can taste what he is like now. The superficial wounds have healed, but the wounds in my heart are not healed, festering day by day, and I don’t know when it will heal.

There is a person hidden in his heart that he can't let go of, can't give up, and can't let others see. He could only hide her deeply in his heart, rotten and degenerate, and only he knew it.

Two days later, it was the day when Zhao Jie left Beijing for Shaanxi.

Before he left, he didn't see Wei Luo again. He didn't know if it was because he was busy with trivial matters, or because he promised Wei Luo to give her time to think about it. He promised her that he would not touch her until she thought about it. He is not Liu Xiahui, since the girl he loves has understood his new ideas, he can't help but want to make out with her. Rather than being unable to control myself after meeting, it is better not to meet for a while.

So when he left Beijing that day, Wei Luo was still watering the flowers with a pot in the greenhouse in the backyard, not knowing that he had already left the moat.

It was late spring at this time, and most of the flowers were gone, leaving only peonies and peonies in full bloom.

Han family made a new kind of rouge, named Hongyan Fu, the color is natural, if you put some on your face when your face is haggard, it will immediately glow, without any pale color. Although Wei Luo didn't use rouge very often, she felt that it was very practical, so she asked Han to make a box for herself and put it on the dowry for emergencies.

This kind of rouge is made of cinnabar, a kind of peony flower.

After Wei Luo finished watering the flowers, she took the bamboo basket from Bai Lan, and was about to pinch the petals one by one, when a small figure popped out from nowhere, snatched the basket from her hand, and held it high. Said to her: "Sister Ah Luo, which flower do you want to pick? Let me help you."

She looked down and saw that Wei Changmi was wearing a sapphire blue unicorn pattern shirt, with a smile on his round face, and a pair of bright eyes looking at her.

Ever since Wei Luo protected him in front of Li Xiang last time, he has gotten closer to her these days. At such a young age, it is very clear who treats him well and who treats him badly.

Wei Luo groaned in surprise, "Do you know what flowers I want to pick? You didn't come to make trouble for me, did you?"

Wei Changmi shook his head again and again, expressing that he was serious, "I don't want to cause trouble, I will pick whichever flower Sister Ah Luo asks me to pick."

He looked serious, and Wei Luo couldn't help but smile. Seeing that he was in high spirits, she didn't refuse him and asked him to pick the petals for herself. It's a pity that the little guy is still too young, and I don't know how to pick it. Putting a pair of chubby little hands on it, the whole flower was plucked and bald, and it was useless at all.

In the end, Wei Luo couldn't bear it any longer, so she had to let him watch from the side and do it herself. He couldn't stay idle, so he helped her carry the bamboo basket. Fortunately, the basket was not heavy, and it was more than enough with his strength.

Not long after, one big and one small picked half of the basket of petals and sent them to Lanweiyuan where Mrs. Han lived.

On the way back, I happened to meet Wei Baoshan, the maid of the second bedroom. The second wife still does not admit that she is a lady of the British government, so that she only bears the surname of the Wei family, but she has not changed her name according to the name of the girl of the Wei family, and still uses the original name. Moreover, although she lives in the British government, she is not considered a lady of the British government, and has no ranking. When the servants see her, they just call her "Miss" politely. She is in an embarrassing position in the British government.

Wei Baoshan was wearing a moon-white origami plum pattern blouse with a coral red pleated ruyi group, followed by a maid wearing a blue trousers, probably brought in from outside by her. She walks lightly and has a graceful figure, like a weak willow supporting the wind, she has a charming and charming character.

She is one year older than Wei Luo, and because she is thin, her figure is not very prominent. Although beauty is beautiful, it just lacks a kind of feminine charm, and it will become boring if you look at it too much.

When she saw Wei Luo, even though she was a year older than Wei Luo, she still bowed to the side and said, "I've seen Fourth Miss."

Wei Luo stopped and glanced at her. Maybe it was because of Du Shi and Wei Zheng that she didn't like the third party and the third party's daughter. She paused and said softly, "You're welcome, get up."

After all, without any intention of greeting her, he took Wei Changmi and left.

Wei Baoshan straightened up slowly, watched her back for a moment, then turned around and continued walking.