Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 10: Ancient God Barracks


Dig, dig, dig...

The soil on the ground was extremely soft on the surface, making it quite easy for Wu Tie to dig.

After digging two feet deep, the sand and gravel content in the soil increased rapidly, and the ground became harder and harder. Wu Tie's fingers were soon worn out, and his ten nails were all worn to pieces, and blood dripped on them bit by bit. on the ground.

With his arms trembling and his fingers twitching, Wu Tie looked at the blood on the ground with an ugly expression.

In a circle with a diameter of two meters, he only dug two feet deep in a two-foot-square area. His ten fingers were in terrible pain and it was impossible to continue digging.

"Stupid..." With a cold snort, a bolt of lightning as thick as a soybean grain struck Wu Tie hard.

Wu Tie howled in pain, twitched all over and fell to the ground. His long hair stood up one by one, and tiny electric sparks were bouncing violently between the hair strands.

"The difference between intelligent creatures and animals is that intelligent creatures can use tools." Lao Tie struck Wu Tie with a flash of lightning, twitching and wailing, and said word by word: "Don't you think the tooth hanging on your chest is better than yours?" Are your fingers strong?”

Wu Tie's face suddenly stiffened. He endured the pain and raised his head, looked at Lao Tie and asked, "Why didn't you remind me earlier?"

"Grandpa, I want to see how stupid you can be." Lao Tie sneered: "As expected, you are indeed the stupidest kind."

With a strange laugh, Lao Tie said: "I'm sorry, Grandpa, I am such a frank and honest man... I just like to tell the truth."

Wu Tie gritted his teeth and said nothing. He stood up, took off the necklace hanging Chi You Ya, wrapped the animal tendon chain around his wrist, held Chi You Ya and stabbed it hard into the ground.

When holding Chi You's teeth and exerting force, a very weak electric current seemed to flow out of Chi You's teeth. Wu Tie's palms felt itchy, a bit like being beaten with electricity by Lao Tie.

An itchy feeling spread throughout the body, and the tired body began to regain strength.

With a 'pop' sound, Chi Youya hit the ground hard.

A large piece of earth and rock was shattered into pieces. Wu Tie casually picked Chi You Ya, and a pit the size of a basin appeared on the ground.

Wu Tie was stunned, looking at Chi You Ya in his hand in astonishment. He chuckled, clenched Chi You Ya and started fucking harder.

Lao Tie kept staring at Wu Tie. Seeing Wu Tie smile, Lao Tie's eyes quickly turned around and whispered to himself in a small and inaudible voice: "I can still laugh. It seems that I haven't lost my heart and become completely hated." The blinded murderer..."

"But what if he turns into a murderous demon?" Lao Tie laughed a few times without meaning.

A red light flashed quickly, and in a mushroom bush a hundred meters away, dozens of poisonous spiders the size of thumbs were quickly crawling towards Wu Tie. They 'chi'ed, and instantly turned into wisps of black smoke.

"Xiao Tie, hurry up." Lao Tie's voice became a little weak: "Grandpa, I have worked hard all the way. If you don't hurry up, I really won't have the energy to accompany you."

Wu Tie's body stiffened, and he gritted his teeth. Chi You's teeth accelerated and stabbed hard at the ground again and again, causing sand to fly and dust to fly. The thin muscles on Wu Tie's body squirmed rapidly, and soon his whole body was covered with sweat. Sand and soil sprinkled on his body, forming a thick layer of mud.

Chi Youya's teeth are so sharp that they can explode any stone into powder with just one blow, which brings great convenience to Wu Tie.

Wu Tie worked hard to dig, and a large pit with a diameter of two meters gradually became deeper.

When you are too tired to move, just stop and squint for a while, take a nap, then eat something, practice the foundation-building pose to move your body, and you will quickly regain your energy, and then continue digging.

One day... two days... three days... ten days later, Wu Tie had dug a large pit more than five meters deep on the spot.

Fortunately, the soil here is very stable and the surrounding cave walls have not collapsed.

On this day, Wu Tie swung Chi You Ya and just broke a stone the size of a human head into pieces when Chi You Ya suddenly hit a hard object. There was a crisp sound, and sparks flew everywhere. Chi Youya, who had been extremely good at breaking open earth and cracking rocks these days, could not break the hard object, and Wu Tie's palm was shocked to the point of excruciating pain.

"Did you dig it?" Lao Tie's voice came from above the pit.

Wu Tie used Chi You's teeth to scrape the dirt off the ground. Under the dirt was a pale white metal plane.

The pale metal looks a bit like old iron.

"Did you dig it?" Wu Tie stroked the cold metal plate. Like Lao Tie, this metal plate had been covered with soil for an unknown amount of time. Wu Tie's palm brushed it, and all the mud and sand could not be stained at all, and the metal plate became Extraordinarily clean.

"Take me down with grandpa, you can't open this door." Lao Tie said impatiently.

"Door?" Wu Tie looked carefully at the metal plate under his feet. It didn't look like there was a door.

Climbing up to the ground along the small pit dug in the cave wall, Wu Tie picked up Lao Tie, stood by the cave and thought about it, then Wu Tie dropped Lao Tie directly into the pit.

"Xiao Tie, you brat!" Lao Tie fell to the metal plate with a thud. He lay face down on the ground and yelled angrily.

"I'm not stupid this time... I can't climb down even if I hold you in my arms." Wu Tie climbed back to the bottom of the pit and said seriously to Lao Tie: "So, if I throw you down, it won't break anyway. you."

Lao Tie remained silent for a while.

After a long time, Lao Tie said dryly: "Grandpa, I really have the talent to be a master... Such a stupid kid has been taught to be so smart in just a few days... Brat..."

Two red lights suddenly shot out from Lao Tie's eyes, and the thick red lights fell on the white metal plate.

The metal plate, which was so hard that even Chi You's teeth could not wear it away, began to squirm like water waves. Wu Tie's feet flew into the air, and with a strange cry, he and Lao Tie suddenly passed through the metal plate.

The strange thing is that when Wu Tie and Lao Tie fell, not a grain of sand could pass through the metal plate.


The body continued to fall downwards, and the surrounding area was pitch black. Wu Tie was so frightened that he subconsciously let out a sharp scream.

I don't know how long it took, but the body that was falling rapidly stopped suddenly.

There was no feeling of ground beneath my feet, and I still couldn't reach the sky or the ground, but my body did stop.

"Light." Lao Tie's voice sounded in the darkness.

An extremely soft voice sounded from all directions, and cold white light lit up, illuminating the surrounding area.

Wu Tie's eyes widened.

This is a huge square space, at least as big as ten Wu family stone castles. The ground was as smooth as a mirror, and it was also made of that pale white metal material.

Wu Tie was suspended about three inches above the ground. His body struggled slightly, and the force holding his body disappeared, and he fell to the ground easily.

With a 'dong' sound, Lao Tie also fell to the ground.

Wu Tie raised his head. The ceiling was nearly a hundred meters high from the ground. Just like the ground, the ceiling was one piece without any gaps. Wu Tie didn't understand where he and Lao Tie fell from.

The floor, ceiling, and surrounding walls were all made of pale white metal.

White light came out from the floor, ceiling and surrounding walls. These metal plates, who didn't know how thick they were, were actually light-transmissive

"Hold grandpa up and move forward." Lao Tie's cold voice had a hint of urgency: "Xiao Tie, brat, it depends on your luck."

"Luck?" Wu Tie stretched out his hand to hug Lao Tie. When he heard Lao Tie's words, his movements suddenly stiffened: "What does it mean to see my luck?"

Lao Tie rolled his eyes: "I said, there is something here that can greatly increase the efficiency of your cultivation. But whether that thing still exists and how much remains depends on your luck!"

"You..." Wu Tie almost couldn't breathe. He clenched his fist and shook it at Lao Tie. After thinking about it, he held Chi Youya in his hand and made a fierce gesture towards Lao Tie.

"You have learned to be smart and can use tools... Congratulations on taking a small step forward on the road of evolution, from a primitive savage to a homo sapiens." Lao Tie said dryly: "But first, let me get up. , move forward, don’t waste time.”

"I..." Wu Tie felt depressed for a while.

There was nothing he could do about Lao Tie. After hanging up Chi You's teeth, Wu Tie picked up Lao Tie and walked towards the wall he mentioned: "Lao Tie, you lied to me..."

"So, remember this lesson and don't believe other people's words easily in the future." Lao Tie said dryly: "If that thing is gone, wouldn't your hard work for so many days be in vain? Right?"

Wu Tie gritted his teeth in annoyance and carried Lao Tie to the smooth wall.

"What is this place?" Although he was annoyed, Wu Tie couldn't control his curiosity and couldn't help but ask Lao Tie.

"Grandpa, I am Bian Que's ninth-generation medical-type ancient magic weapon... Ancient magic weapon, haven't you heard of it?" Lao Tie's eyes let out two red lights and fell on the smooth wall without any gaps: " Grandpa, I am the Ancient Divine Weapon, and this is my old nest, so naturally it is the Ancient Divine Weapon’s camp!”

Blue electric light was like running water, constantly pouring out from the pale white walls.

The electric light spread around, the pale white metal wall squirmed, and a portal twenty meters wide and fifty meters high opened silently on the wall.

Behind the door is a smooth corridor, also made of pale white metal. There are also no gaps in the four walls. Cold white light shines from behind the metal wall.

"Go in." Lao Tie ordered.

Wu Tie held Lao Tie and carefully walked into the corridor, looking forward curiously.

The corridor extends straight downward at thirty degrees, and there is no trace of dust in the huge corridor.

When Wu Tie walked, he always had the illusion of a cold feeling on his back, as if there were countless invisible eyes peeping at him from all directions.

"I don't feel very good." Wu Tie shuddered and whispered to himself: "It seems that many people are looking at me."

On the floor, ceiling, and walls on both sides, countless extremely fine rays of light invisible to the naked eye filled the entire corridor, and countless rays of light quickly swept across Wu Tie's body.

Lao Tie's eyes also emitted countless thin rays of light that were invisible to the naked eye. These rays of light jumped and flickered rapidly, and rapidly intersected with the light rays emitted from the four walls.

Hearing Wu Tie's soliloquy, Lao Tie said in a deep voice: "Your perception... is not weak? A few days ago, you didn't have such a sensitive perception. It seems that the Foundation Establishment Style has a good effect on you. .”

"Is there really someone looking at me?" Wu Tie asked subconsciously.

"It's not a human... it's this ancient god's barracks that's looking at you." Lao Tie laughed a few times: "Since this ancient god's barracks was built, you are the first flesh and blood body to come here, right? He is looking at you. It’s okay to be curious.”

A thin ray of light swept across one of Lao Tie's eyes.

"The second one?" Lao Tie's figure suddenly rose up: "Who is the first one?"

Another extremely thin ray of light swept across.

Lao Tie's voice became extremely urgent: "Listen to my order, Xiao Tie, start running... Well, the ground here is slippery, put Grandpa on the ground and kick me away. Get ready, one, two, one, start running!"

Wu Tie was happy to obey Lao Tie's order.

He threw Lao Tie on the ground and kicked him over.

"Dong dong dong dong", Lao Tie jumped and rolled forward along the 30-degree downward corridor, Wu Tie followed closely behind Lao Tie and ran wildly.

After practicing the Foundation Building Style for nearly a month, Wu Tie's physical fitness improved a lot. After Lao Tie's deliberate massage and constant stimulation with electric current, he ran like a nimble rock rat, following closely. Behind Lao Tie.

Whenever Lao Tie was about to stop, Wu Tie would give Lao Tie a hard kick.

"Dong dong dong dong", "ding ding dong dong", Wu Tie and Lao Tie ran quickly in the corridor, and finally came to the end of the corridor. Here was also a large square room, larger than the one at the entrance of the corridor. The room is several times bigger.

Wu Tie ran wildly for a full hour. He was covered in sweat and his legs were shaking.

Lao Tie shouted impatiently, Wu Tie picked him up and came to the wall on the left.

Just like before, blue lightning flashed, and a huge portal appeared silently on the wall. Behind this door was an extremely huge hall.

A square metal palace with pale walls.

Transparent crystal balls with a diameter of more than ten meters are suspended in the air, and some crystal balls are filled with white juice.

Only one crystal ball was bright red, and only this one contained a tall figure.

"Sure enough, you are the second..." The bloody light in Lao Tie's eyes suddenly brightened, and he stared at the figure in the crystal ball.

Attracted by an inexplicable atmosphere, Wu Tie held Lao Tie and walked step by step diagonally below the crystal ball.

The juice in the crystal ball should have been white, but too much blood dyed the white juice red. In the translucent red juice, the burly figure was clearly visible.

He is nearly three meters tall, has a tall and perfect body, and his face is as handsome, strong, and majestic as a god.

He was wearing a set of extremely gorgeous white heavy armor. Both the shape of the armor and the gorgeous and complex patterns on it had reached the pinnacle of art. Wu Tie had never seen such a beautiful creation.

Unfortunately, this beautiful suit of armor opened a hole the size of a basin in the chest, and this hole also penetrated the chest of this tall man.

Wu Tie looked at the man in awe.

He must be dead, but he still exudes a terrifying and sharp aura that makes Wu Tie almost afraid to look directly at him.

"Who is he? Why does he have three eyes?" Wu Tie asked Lao Tie in awe.

Between this man's eyebrows, there is a vertical eye that is one size larger than his normal eyes. There is a faint golden light emanating from the wide-open vertical eyes, majestic, sacred, and full of a supreme and domineering feeling.

"Xiao Xiansheng True Monarch... Yang Jian." Lao Tie's tone was very slow: "A shameless guy... He just deducted my wages from grandpa... He actually changed his name to Yang Jian."

"Do you really think that with the third eye, you are the legendary Lord Erlang? Ah!"

"Ha, he is dead... Grandpa, I am not sad at all!" Lao Tie laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Grandpa, I am so happy!"

Cold and stiff laughter echoed in the hall, and echoes buzzed around.