Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 110: The skeleton of a giant beast


After walking over the cliff and standing on the other end of the metal bridge, the commander-in-chief looked back at Wu Tie in surprise.

"I'm so curious. In fact, I just had a temporary intention to save you. I never thought you would really come with me."

Patting his left arm hard with his right hand, the commander smiled and said: "Do you still remember my arm? You cut it off. I thought that you would always be hesitant and afraid at such a young age."

Wu Tie looked at the newly grown left arm of the Commander-in-Chief.

"I've had hesitation... and to be honest, I've also had fear." With the white tiger crack on his shoulder, Wu Tie rubbed the barrel of the gun vigorously: "However, after seeing the power of Zhu Zixi, I will not give up any opportunity to improve my own strength. I’ll let it go.”

"Even if you are cooperating with me, a former enemy?" The commander-in-chief grinned, turned around and continued walking forward.

"Even if it means cooperating with your former enemy." Wu Tie nodded and glanced at the several fog knife killers following him.

"Hey, you're not stupid enough to break up with me again before you take revenge, are you?" Wu Tie carried his spear and followed the commander step by step.

He stared at the commander-in-chief's back and said slowly: "One of my elders told me that when facing a strong enemy, former enemies can join forces. Is this true?"

The commander-in-chief laughed.

After walking forward for a while, he finally spoke: "It makes sense, but you really don't want to consider my suggestion? Join Fog Knife and I will accept you as my personal disciple."

"Compared to the Immortality Cult, my Wu Dao is only an inconspicuous small force in the Cangyan Domain... But I am confident that as long as we can return to our ancestral land, it will not be a problem to defeat the Immortality Cult."

"When the time comes, I, the Mist Blade, will dominate the Blue Flame Territory and expand outwards. Maybe you will be the new Commander-in-Chief of the Mist Blade in the future?"

The commander-in-chief was promoting various benefits of fog knives to Wu Tie, but Wu Tie just said nothing.

On this side of the bridge is a square corridor a hundred meters wide. The four walls are made of metal. Very fine lines are carved on the ground and walls. A soft fluorescent light erupts from the lines, indicating the forward passage. .

As the group walked forward, there was a heavy metal door every five hundred meters or so.

On the metal gate, which is hundreds of meters long and wide, extremely thin lines outline complex patterns, and are inlaid with extremely fine crystal stones that shine with cold light.

When passing by a half-open metal door, Wu Tie deliberately knocked on the ten-meter-thick door with a white tiger crack.

There was a loud noise, the door trembled slightly, and some dust fell from the top of the door.

The door is made of excellent material, extremely hard and extremely flexible.

The White Tiger Crack was so heavy that Wu Tie casually struck it, but it failed to leave any trace on the door.

The commander-in-chief and several fog knife killers glanced at Wu Tie. The commander-in-chief said proudly: "Have you never seen such a strange thing? These portals are almost impossible to complete with manpower. Even the Cang Yan Domain is the best at casting. Even the Lu family cannot build such a huge thing."

"The background of my ancestors of Wu Dao is beyond the imagination of ordinary people." The commander-in-chief smiled brightly: "Really don't think about it? If Wu Dao wants to revive, we will need talents."

"Why do I feel like this is either a prison or... a shelter." Wu Tie ignored the commander-in-chief's order and muttered to himself.

The commander-in-chief's expression changed slightly.

The group of people stopped and stood in the corridor looking forward and back for a while.

In the dark corridor, the faint light emitted from the thin fluorescent lines illuminated the entire corridor. It was not as bright as the empty sun, but it was enough to see the surrounding details clearly.

In the straight square corridor, every five hundred meters or so, there is a metal gate that is one hundred meters in size and ten meters thick.

The heavy metal gate did not open completely, but was only moved a dozen meters left and right to allow people to pass.

This posture... just like Wu Tie said, it's either like a prison or a shelter.

"I don't know how old this place is." Wu Tie walked to a door and carefully looked at the deep lines carved on it and the tiny crystals embedded in the lines.

do not know.

can not recognize.

The complex patterns composed of these lines and these tiny crystals must have their magical functions, but Wu Tie can't tell them now.

There is an extremely huge reserve of knowledge in his mind, but most of it cannot be used. Wu Tie looked at it for a long time and was still confused.

The commander-in-chief was silent for a long time, and then he snorted coldly: "Let's go, this corridor is full of dangers. If I hadn't led the way, if it hadn't been for the popular secret method left by the ancestors of the fog knife, countless of us would have died here." Second-rate."

Continuing walking along the corridor, they passed a total of twelve metal doors that were ten meters thick, and the group came to a metal cave.

In front of him is a square cave that is about a mile long, wide and nearly a kilometer high.

A strip of metal trestles extends from the ground to the top. Many portals are cut into the metal cave walls. Some portals have faint light coming out. All the portals are connected by metal trestles.

High in the sky, the trestles on each floor are connected by sky bridges spanning the entire space.

The dense metal trestles and metal overpasses make this huge metal cave look very crowded.

Perhaps many years ago, there were many people walking on these trestles and overpasses, and behind those portals was their living place.

Wu Tie walked into the nearest door and walked around. There were some metal appliances inside, including beds, tables and chairs. The space in each door was divided into ten standard small cubicles, and the furnishings inside were all Almost exactly the same.

"It's not necessarily comfortable to live here." Wu Tie quickly withdrew.

The small cubicles behind the portal are cramped and can only accommodate one person lying down. Behind such a densely packed portal, there are so many cubicles that can accommodate at least tens of thousands of people.

Tens of thousands of people crowded into this ant nest-like space.

Wu Tie's scalp felt a little numb, and he became more and more certain that this place was either a prison or a shelter.

The ancestors of Fog Knife obviously had poor backgrounds.

Pass through this metal cave, walk through a short corridor, and then there is another similar metal cave.

Passing twelve metal caves along the way, there is another unfathomable cliff nearly a hundred meters wide in front of them.

This time, the commander-in-chief and several of his subordinates were also more careful. Wu Tie also noticed that there were red blood stains near the cliff, as well as some broken metal fragments. It was obvious that the commander-in-chief had suffered a loss here.

The commander-in-chief ordered him to jump off the cliff and perform some exercises in a sunken stone crevice. A metal bridge extended from the opposite side of the cliff. A group of people walked across the metal bridge. On the opposite side of the bridge, there was just a small platform with a radius of nearly 100 meters. .

"Wu Tie, when we get here, it's up to you." The Commander-in-Chief looked at Wu Tie seriously: "This should be the last level to enter my Fog Knife ancestral land... It's just..."

Wu Tie nodded solemnly, holding the spear tightly with both hands, a golden light flashing between his eyebrows, and an invisible force field enveloped the entire platform.

He was always on guard against all possible changes, especially the possible changes of the commander-in-chief and several of his subordinates.

The commander-in-chief's expression became a little strange, and he murmured: "The ancestors... actually lost the most important token to return to the ancestral land. It forced us juniors to work so hard..."

Shaking his head, he took out a palm-sized blood-colored crystal from his chest and embedded it in a pit in the center of the platform.

The octagonal crystals and pits are perfectly pitch black.

Wisps of extremely fine blood light rapidly extended from the pits in all directions, and large thin blood lines quickly covered the entire platform, and then dense light flew into the sky, wrapping the entire platform tightly.

The surrounding light rotates, and the body seems to be floating in the air without any force.

Wu Tie looked around nervously. After about a quarter of an hour, their feet suddenly sank, and everyone came to a huge sandstone Gobi cave.

There can be a circular cave with a radius of two to three hundred miles, and the dome above can be thousands of meters above the ground.

There was black gravel everywhere.

Wu Tie bent down and grabbed a handful of fine gravel. He frowned. This was not ordinary sand, but black glazed sand formed after the sand was burned by high temperatures.

The muffled sound of "rumbling" came from afar, and a few miles away, giant metal puppets that were round and seven or eight meters high were slowly swimming around.

At a glance, there are at least a thousand of these giant metal puppets.

Their left hand is a metal ball covered with sharp spikes, and their right hand is holding an oversized weapon, including knives, axes, clubs, and hammers.

These big guys roamed the upper reaches of this black sand plain. As far as Wu Tie could see, piles of huge bones could be seen everywhere on the dark sand and gravel Gobi.

Each of these bones is often a hundred meters long, and each one is inserted into the sand and gravel like an arch. These puppets shuttle back and forth between the bones, and occasionally their bodies hit the bones and make a loud noise.

"We're going there!" The commander-in-chief bent down, grabbed the octagonal blood-colored crystal from the ground and put it into his arms.

Wu Tie's pupils narrowed.

They were clearly on a small platform just now. After the chief commander ordered the crystal to be embedded in the center of the platform, they were sent here, and the crystal also arrived.

Obviously, this crystal is the pass in and out of this sandstone Gobi cave.

Wu Tie stared at Chief Lin's chest seriously.

The commander-in-chief noticed Wu Tie's gaze, and he pointed forward with a smile: "We want to cross this plain... These big guys are indestructible and have endless brute force... We rushed several times and suffered heavy losses, but we failed. Rush over."

Wu Tie frowned. He smashed a large rock next to him with one shot. He raised the gun barrel and used a huge force combined with an invisible force field to throw a rock the size of a water tank.

The boulders roared and flew several miles through the air.

A metal puppet on the ground suddenly raised its left arm, and the prickly metal ball the size of a water tank on its left arm flew out with a bang and hit the boulder hard, smashing the boulder into countless pieces.

The metal ball froze in the air for a breath, quickly spun on the spot for hundreds of times, flew back with a swish, and pieced together on the left arm of the metal puppet.

"Indestructible, with endless brute force, and there are these metal balls beating around the sky." The commander-in-chief's face twitched violently, he looked at Wu Tie and said solemnly: "Several of my loyal soldiers were killed by these metal balls. Smashed to pieces."

"So, I need someone with enough brute strength and strong enough defense to help me block these guys." The commander-in-chief looked at Wu Tie seriously: "I don't know if you can do it."

Wu Tie's face also twitched. He looked at those huge metal puppets and imagined the crazy scene of metal balls hitting them all over the sky. He couldn't help but shudder.

"Try it." Wu Tie told the commander-in-chief frankly.

"Don't force it." The commander-in-chief also looked at Wu Tie frankly: "Although, I really want to go to the ancestral land to see what treasures are hidden inside... According to the ancestors, the treasures inside can change the world... "

A trace of horror flashed in his eyes, and the commander-in-chief said solemnly: "Perhaps, you can also let me die with no bones left. But, do you want to take a look anyway?"

Shaking his head, the commander-in-chief looked at the metal puppets: "These guys were originally guards protecting the ancestral land... However, the ancestors lost the identity documents to control them, so that even if we wanted to return to the ancestral land, we were blocked by them. Outside."

Wu Tie took a deep breath.

The goggles on his chest and back squirmed violently and quickly transformed into a set of pale, tight-fitting armor that wrapped around his whole body.

The Commander-in-Chief's eyes lit up... He had seen this set of armor on Wu Tie and knew how powerful the armor was.

Wu Tie held the White Tiger Splinter in his hand and rushed out in large strides.

The white tiger crack was extremely heavy, and Wu Tie's footsteps were also extremely dull and loud. The metal puppets wandering from far and near looked over at the same time. They took big steps and ran towards Wu Tie, and then shook their left arms at the same time.

Metal balls the size of water tanks spurted out at extremely fast speeds, leaving clearly visible white tracks in the air.

Wu Tie waved the White Tiger Split.

The spear fired in perfect arcs, and the spear head shaped like a dagger slashed rapidly. In the shocked eyes of the commander-in-chief and several fog knife assassins, these metal balls that had puzzled them for a long time and could not be solved, It was actually easily cut through by Wu Tie.

Large swaths of sparks erupted from the metal ball, and the chopped metal ball could no longer fly back.

In just a few breaths, thousands of metal puppets lost their long-range attack weapons at the same time.

Wu Tie laughed and ran forward with White Tiger Split on his back.

The commander-in-chief also laughed loudly and hurriedly followed Wu Tie with a few subordinates.

Without these heavy weapons for long-range attacks, these metal puppets cannot move very fast and cannot keep up with Wu Tie and the others.

After running wildly for a long time, a black cliff loomed ahead.

A huge black hole on the cliff is particularly eye-catching.

Outside the black hole, a giant skeleton nearly a kilometer long was actually clinging.

It was a ferocious-looking Hydra skeleton, and the pitch-black skeleton was still emitting a faint black aura in all directions.

"Hydra?" The commander-in-chief shivered subconsciously, his blood pulsed suddenly, and black lines flashed under his skin.

"This is... Demonic Beast Xiang Liu." Wu Tie was also shocked.

This is not a hydra, but an ancient troll, or maybe an ancient demon god... the most dangerous thing Xiang Liu.