Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 12: Fight, boy


Wu Tie lay still like an arched bridge, breathing long and sweat dripping from his body.

Lao Tie's eyes flashed with blood, and he stared at Wu Tie for a while. A ray of red light shot out from his left eye and flickered rapidly on the opposite wall.

On the wall, a ball of faint blue electric light squirmed silently like water waves. After a while, a pale white skull face bulged out from the metal wall under the electric light.

Gradually, a white skull about three meters in diameter and almost identical to Lao Tie flew out of the wall and flew silently in front of Lao Tie.

The eyes of Lao Tie and the huge skull both flashed with blood, and the blood and light intertwined. They exchanged countless messages in an inexplicable way in a very short period of time.

"It's been so many years..." Lao Tie muttered lowly.

A small portal opened silently on the wall where the white skull had just appeared. With a subtle 'ding' sound, four white metal spiders about the size of four feet quickly sprang out.

Four spiders came to Lao Tie and stretched out their two front paws to lift Lao Tie.

Amidst the sound of "ding", the huge white skull led the way, and four metal spiders carried Lao Tie towards the door.

Walking along a straight corridor for about a hundred meters, here is another square metal hall that occupies an extremely large area. In the empty hall, there are several piles of materials that shine with a faint metallic cold light.

The metal hall is several miles long, and the materials stacked in the hall are only a few meters square. The small piles of materials look so pitiful and lonely in the huge hall.

"Just, this little thing?" A flash of blood flashed in Lao Tie's eyes.

The white skull roared several times lowly.

Lao Tie snorted coldly: "Okay, let me think about it... this thing is really... a clever woman can't make a meal without rice..."

The white skull turned its body slightly, staring at Lao Tie with its two huge eyes, blood flashing rapidly in its eyes.

Lao Tie's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly grinned and laughed: "Hahaha, of course... Grandpa, I am a male, a male... a pure and pure man. Metaphor, this is a metaphor, do you understand?"

"I don't want to talk nonsense with an immature idiot like you... Grandpa, I'm almost being made stupid by you."

"Help me, get two pieces of low-level gold, before that kid wakes up, hurry up."

Breathing, breathing, every exhale and every inhale is extremely long. The muscles under the skin squirmed slightly like water waves in a stream, and the foundation-building potion still worked in every smallest corner of the body.

After sleeping for who knows how long, Wu Tie slowly opened his eyes.

Lao Tiechu was beside him, his eyes flashing with blood. In the huge light screen, a figure wearing white tight-fitting armor was maintaining the same movements as Wu Tie.

A soft and sweet female voice quietly sounded: "Foundation-building pose, withdraw your posture... exhale... inhale... exhale... inhale... stand up slowly."

Following the figure's movements, Wu Tie started slowly, then stood up naturally and straightened his waist.

My physical condition has never been better.

Wu Tie's body has been very weak since he can remember. Very weak.

Not to mention carrying huge stone chains to temper his body like Wu Jin, Wu Yin, and Wu Tong. When Wu Tie was at his weakest, he would be out of breath even after taking a few steps, and his internal organs would feel like they were being torn apart. Same pain.

A few days ago, under the command of Lao Tie, he carried Lao Tie all the way to the Ancient God Barracks, and performed the most basic foundation-building exercises along the way. While Wu Tie's physical strength was strengthened to a certain extent, his muscles, bones, and muscles also improved. Very sore and swollen.

Not to mention, after transporting a thousand kilograms of prey flesh and blood from outside the Ancient God Army Camp, Wu Tie's physical strength was almost exhausted, and every part of his body felt extremely uncomfortable.

But at this moment, my whole body is completely new.

Every organ, every bone, every muscle, every smallest nerve and vein in the body felt like being soaked in hot water, feeling warm and comfortable to the extreme.

Wu Tie subconsciously started running.

Running around this metal hall with a side length of nearly ten miles and a circumference of about forty miles started running at full speed.

The feet become flexible and powerful, hitting the ground heavily with each step, and the powerful explosive force propels the body forward quickly.

His arms swing powerfully, his body is harmonious and well-proportioned, and he can easily maintain balance no matter how fast he runs.

Breathing is very smooth, the cool breath flows in the chest, and there is no discomfort or sluggishness between breaths.

His heart was beating evenly and powerfully. Wu Tie had run at full speed for more than three miles. His heartbeat was only slightly accelerated, but he didn't feel any discomfort all over his body.

Wu Tie suddenly remembered the skills Wu Tong had shown off in front of him.

He yelled, his body tilted sharply, and his feet stepped hard on the vertical wall. His body was almost vertical to the wall and horizontal to the ground. He ran forward for more than ten seconds in a "swish, swish" motion. He took a step and then fell back to the ground lightly.

His feet landed heavily on the ground, and his body instinctively and sensitively swayed from side to side, maintaining a perfect balance and continuing to run forward at full speed.

This is the "spider step" that Wu Tong showed off after achieving some success in practice many years ago. He ran fast on the steep and vertical rock wall like a spider.

Only that time, Wu Tong only ran seven or eight steps on the wall of his courtyard before he fell to the ground. He landed on his head with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and his nosebleed.

Wu Tie ran for more than ten steps easily, landing lightly and nimbly, and his steps were steady and agile, without any embarrassment or difficulty.


Wu Tie stopped suddenly, clenched his hands into fists, looked up at the white ceiling, and gritted his teeth.

Is this power

It feels so good to have power!

Wu Tie was no longer the weak, frail good-for-nothing who was out of breath even when he walked faster.

"Are you almost moved?" Lao Tie's voice came from far away: "Then, let's start fighting, you passionate young man!"

With a 'ding' sound, lightning flashed from the ceiling above Wu Tie's head, and a vortex with a diameter of more than a foot appeared on the ceiling like water waves. A long shadow spurted out from the whirlpool, grazed Wu Tie's nose and fell to the ground, bouncing on the ground several times with a 'ding-dong' sound.

This is a long gun.

A long spear made entirely of metal.

The gray gun shaft was more than a foot longer than Wu Tie, and the sharp spear head was more than a foot longer.

Lao Tie's voice sounded again: "Grandpa, I have chosen a weapon for you, a long gun. Grandpa, I like guns... Men should all play with guns, haha, long guns kill enemies, short guns hit girls... cough, cough... "

Lao Tie coughed a few times: "With my mouth, you didn't hear the last two sentences. You didn't hear them."

Wu Tie's attention was not on Lao Tie, he was focused on looking at the spear at his feet. Almost instinctively, he bent down, grabbed the spear, and tightened his grip on the barrel.

The gray spear has no luster at all, and its surface is densely covered with fine lines. The gun barrel is just right, and the palm of the hand is tightly gripped on the gun barrel without any slipping feeling. It is very comfortable and smooth.

The weight of the spear was neither light nor heavy. When Wu Tie swung the spear, it felt smooth, natural and extremely comfortable.

This gun was completely built according to Wu Tie's current height, body shape and strength.

After getting the spear, Wu Tie fell in love with it in just a few swings.

"The workmanship is so good!" Wu Tie squinted and looked at the extremely fine lines on the gun barrel. This gun looked simple, but his instinctive intuition was that this gun was much better made than the long knives Wu Zhan and Wu Jin carried with them.

The material is much, much better.

"What nonsense, workmanship?" Lao Tie snorted: "This is the ancient divine army camp, a base camp for the ancient divine soldiers to rest, heal their wounds, supply supplies, and provide long-term combat support... The workmanship is naturally top-notch."

Wu Tie held the spear excitedly and strode back to Lao Tie.

He had decided that he would never part ways with this gun. This is his first weapon, the first weapon that truly belongs to him.

In the Wu family, only warriors are eligible to own weapons.

"Listen up." Lao Tie's eyes flashed with blood as he stared at Wu Tie.

"If you want revenge, you must become stronger. You need foundation-building potions, and you need more foundation-building potions." Lao Tie roared loudly: "But, Grandpa, I can't help you anymore... So, starting from today, For all your foundation-building potions, you must hunt the prey and collect the materials yourself."

"If you want to be strong, fight like a true man, young man!"

Lao Tie's tone became extremely cold and stiff: "Keep fighting, keep getting stronger, until that day, you have enough power to do what you want to do. Before that, don't die. "

Wu Tie looked at Lao Tie blankly.

Lao Tie's tone made him uneasy.

Before, Lao Tie helped him hunt down a thousand kilograms of flesh and blood.

But now, Lao Tie wants him to hunt the prey by himself. Leave the Ancient God Barracks and go to the foreign land outside to hunt those terrifying underground creatures.

"Think about your father... your brother..." Lao Tie seemed to see the hesitation and fear in Wu Tie's heart.

Wu Tie's heart suddenly burst into boundless anger and pain.

He could no longer hold any thoughts in his mind. He just muttered "Foundation Building Potion" in a low voice, turned around and strode outside.

Walking faster and faster, the anger and pain in his heart became more and more intense. Wu Tie suddenly roared, holding the spear in both hands and running wildly outside. Behind him, two metal spiders the size of human heads followed him from a distance.

At the end of the corridor, the white metal cover slid open like water waves.

Wu Tie roared loudly and stamped his feet heavily on the ground. He actually jumped up more than three meters high. He stepped on the wall of the big pit with his right foot and jumped up more than two meters again. He jumped directly from the cave that was more than five meters deep. Jumped up in the pit.

His body fell heavily on the edge of the pit. Wu Tie stayed there for a long time, and then he shouted happily: "Power!"

He can run so fast, he can jump so high.

This is power.

He looked around and saw a stone about as high as his calf about ten meters away. He strode over, put the spear aside, held the two-foot-square stone with both hands, and hugged it hard.

It was a bit difficult, but Wu Tie was very determined and lifted the stone above his head.

He held the stone with both hands for half a quarter of an hour, then roared loudly and threw the stone four to five meters away.

He looked at his hands with joy.

This is power!

It was impossible for him to move such a big stone before.

But after he took a foundation-building potion and practiced the foundation-building style, he gained such great power.

" will avenge you. It won't take long, I will definitely avenge you..."

Wu Tie clenched his fists hard. He lowered his head and tried to pick up the spear. A hissing sound suddenly came from behind him. A huge force surged in, and a gray rock lizard about the same height as Wu Tie fiercely The ground rushed over and slapped his back hard with its two front paws.

This limestone lizard is clearly not yet an adult. Compared to the size of an adult limestone lizard, which is equivalent to four or five witch irons, this limestone lizard is still a juvenile.

The young gray rock lizard tore Wu Tie's shoulders with its sharp front claws, and a large piece of muscle was torn off. Wu Tie howled in severe pain and slapped the ground with his face down. The gray rock lizard pounced on him and scratched his thighs and calves with its two hind claws. Large areas of skin and flesh were torn to pieces, and white bones were even exposed on the calves.

This limestone lizard has terrible hunting skills.

If it were an adult with sufficient hunting skills, after a successful attack, it would bite the back of Wu Tie's neck with its fanged mouth. With its heavy body, it could easily break Wu Tie with just one roll. neck bone.

The four claws of the young lizard tore Wu Tie's back to pieces. The ground was covered with blood. Wu Tie roared loudly and struggled hard.

However, his shoulders and legs were severely injured, and most of his strength was lost. Wu Tie had no strength to escape the attack of the young lizard.

The young lizard frantically tore at Wu Tie's body while opening its big mouth and tilting its head, trying to bite the back of Wu Tie's neck.

This is the hunting instinct that comes from blood.

Wu Tie's blood exuded a strong bloody smell, quickly awakening the young lizard's hunting talent.

The cold sharp teeth touched Wu Tie's neck.

Wu Tie screamed, his right hand suddenly grabbed Chi Youya on his chest, and stabbed him hard with his backhand.

Chi You's teeth pierced through the head of the young lizard with a 'pop' sound, and a hole as big as the mouth of a bowl was opened in its head.

Blood mixed with brain matter flowed out, sprinkling Wu Tie's head and face. Wu Tie's body twitched a few times, his vision went dark and he fainted.

There was a "ding-ding" sound, and two pale metal spiders crawled out of the pit and quickly came to Wu Tie's side.

They circled Wu Tie twice, then opened their hard mouthparts, bit Wu Tie's long hair, and dragged him to slide slowly on the ground.

The dead gray rock lizard lay on Wu Tie's back and was dragged towards the pit together with it.

With a 'dong' sound, Wu Tie and the Gray Rock Lizard fell heavily into the pit. The gray-white metal ground squirmed, swallowing Wu Tie and the Gray Rock Lizard.

The dripping blood left long blood marks on the ground.