Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 18: Emergencies


The fern forest was dozens of meters in diameter.

The thickest fern in the middle is a big fern. The trunk in the middle is as thick as a human waist and seven or eight meters tall.

The flying stones struck the fern forest with a harsh sound, and the big fern in the middle was easily pierced by two stones. Large pieces of debris flew seven or eight meters away, and more than a dozen branches were spread out. The leafy fern was beaten to pieces.

The stone fell to the ground, and then flew up again, like a crazy wasp, flying hard towards the remaining big fern.

Land, fly up, land again, fly up again.

A clump of fern forest was beaten to pieces, and broken branches were scattered everywhere for a hundred meters.

"This is my territory, no fighting allowed!" Wu Tie released his left fist and pointed hard at Luo Lin and the others.

Inexplicably, Wu Tie tends to protect Shi Lingqing and his party. Maybe it was because Shi Lingqing and him were massacred at a glance, maybe it was because Wu Tie was unhappy with the aggressiveness of Luo Lin and the others, maybe there were other reasons...

Who knows

Shi Lingqing smiled, tapping her dislocated foot lightly on the ground, and smiled brightly at Wu Tie.

When she saw dozens of stones flying up and down again and again, causing those thick fern branches and leaves to fly horizontally, her smile was as bright as a spring flower, and her smile was so beautiful that it made people feel enchanted.

Luo Lin's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted loudly.

The young man holding a long bow beside him shouted, and he strode towards Wu Tie, seven or eight meters in one step, seven or eight meters in one step, approaching hundreds of meters in a breath.

The long bow was rounded, there was a muffled sound, and an arrow shot through the air, pointing directly at Wu Tie's heart.

Wu Tie took a deep breath and clenched his fist with his left hand. Within a hundred meters in front of him, the invisible force field vibrated violently. A heavy invisible force surged towards the arrow. The speed of the arrow suddenly slowed down. It was visible to the naked eye. The speed suddenly slowed down.

Amidst the sound of "chichi", a milky white air ring could be faintly seen spraying out from the arrowhead. At the end, when the arrow had reached three feet in front of Wu Tie's chest, the arrow slowly stopped and suspended in the air.

Wu Tie raised his head and glared at the young man holding the long bow.

The young man shouted loudly, and the long bow suddenly erupted with a continuous roar, and seven or eight arrows shot out in succession, shooting straight at Wu Tie.

Wu Tie hurriedly drove the force field to launch an interception. He had never encountered such a violent blow. Without warning, the two arrows hidden behind the two arrow shadows drew a small arc and hit the first one hard. The tail of an arrow.

The first arrow, which was only three feet away from Wu Tie, suddenly accelerated and made a harsh explosion, tearing apart the force field and hitting Wu Tie's heart hard.

A few sparks bounced off the pale white tight-fitting armor, and the pure steel arrowheads of the arrows exploded, leaving no trace on the shiny armor.

The pupils of Luo Lin and his two companions suddenly shrank, they made a sharp whistle at the same time, turned around and left without saying a word. They retreated very quickly. After a few ups and downs, they disappeared into a forest of tall mushrooms, and then disappeared.

Wu Tie was so frightened that his forehead was covered with cold sweat. He took a quick breath, gritted his teeth and turned around to leave.

He already had a premonition of his tragic fate.

He was shot in the face with an arrow. If it weren't for the armor, he would have been pierced through the heart.

This place is quite far away from the Ancient God Barracks, and the Metal Spider cannot get close to it. If he is shot and injured, he will not be able to return to the Ancient God Barracks.

In other words, if it weren't for the armor, he would be dead!

God knows how Lao Tie will deal with him this time.

Shi Lingqing called softly from behind: "This young master, this..."

Wu Tie didn't hear Shi Lingqing's shout. He just kept his head down and ran forward. From time to time, his body jumped high and glided forward, sliding hundreds of meters away at a time. After a while, he escaped back to the range of the metal spider. .

He looked back and saw that the undulating mounds of earth and ferns had blocked his view, and he could not see the scene over there.

Wu Tie let out a breath and walked towards the Ancient God Barracks with a gloomy face.

Still hundreds of meters away from the entrance of the Ancient God Barracks, Wu Tie stopped in shock.

A neatly built wooden shed actually appeared on the original deep pit.

The branches of the big fern were used as the skeleton, and a thick layer of mud was applied to the four walls. The mud foamed evenly and smoothly, and was baked at high temperatures to make it extremely hard. The roof was covered with a thick layer of fern fronds and looked quite stable.

When did you get this wooden shed

Wu Tie went out for only half a day, so why was there such a wooden shed

More than a dozen metal spiders sprang out from all around, quietly gathered around Wu Tie, and then rushed in towards the wooden shed.

Wu Tie was stunned and hurriedly followed these metal spiders into the wooden shed. He found that the original deep pit was covered with a thick layer of fern branches, and it was also covered with a thick layer of soil and a thick layer of giant hippopotamus skin. It looked very comfortable.

The metal spider came to a corner of the wooden shed and quickly opened a lid that was about a meter square.

Lao Tie's voice came from under the lid: "There are outsiders coming in. There are no good friends on both sides. Grandpa, I'm too lazy to deal with them... So, hurry up and build a shed to block the entrance. What do you think, Grandpa, I'll build a house." How is the technology?"

Wu Tie suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He moved closer to the entrance to the ancient god's barracks, looked down at Lao Tie who was supported by four metal spiders, and snorted: "You didn't do it, did you? How can you build a house if your arms and legs are gone?”

Lao Tie was silent, and suddenly a dazzling electric light flashed on his two rows of big teeth.

Wu Tie hurriedly raised his hands: "I was wrong. This house is really well built. Lao Tie, you are really wise and powerful, and your horse is extraordinary!"

Before Lao Tie could speak, Wu Tie proactively lowered his head and confessed his mistake: "I was wrong. I should have avoided those arrows, I shouldn't have blocked them... I didn't expect that guy's arrows could actually turn?"

"Not just swords, everyone has curves. Have you ever seen them?" The electric light on Lao Tie's teeth gradually faded away, and he snorted coldly: "You still have a lot of foundation-building potions that you have been hoarding these days. You don’t have to come down and practice by yourself every day…”

Lao Tie's tone suddenly became very strange: "Besides, deal with them properly. There are some things that you only know after personal experience... Especially, the little things between men and women, ha, ha, ha, ha... "

The passage leading to the ancient god's barracks flashed with lightning, the silver-white metal cover squirmed, and Lao Tie and four metal spiders sank into the tunnel below.

Wu Tie's face turned red for a while, and he whispered to himself: "The... thing between men and women? What kind of thing is that?"

Lao Tie's words made Wu Tie a little uneasy, a little excited, a little longing, a little yearning...

He instinctively remembered some of the topics that brothers Wu Jin and Wu Yin secretly discussed in private at night in the Wu Family Stone Castle.

They had tried their best to whisper quietly to the side, but Wu Tie was well hidden and he still overheard some of what they said.

"Old Tie, what are you talking about?" Wu Tie blushed a little, and his heartbeat sped up for no reason.

He inexplicably thought of Shi Lingqing's beautiful face, especially her delicate lips dyed lavender... Wu Tie felt that his lips were a little dry.

Two capable figures quietly approached the wooden shed. They stopped two hundred meters away, hiding behind a small dirt bag and secretly looking over here. The solitary wooden shed was so unexpected that the two guards belonging to Shi Lingqing looked at the wooden shed in surprise.

"Check the signs around you." A figure muttered in a low voice: "Only one person?"

"It doesn't matter if he's alone, he seems to be able to block those three guys from Luo Lin." Another figure took a deep breath: "Looking at his young age, it's great that he can have such strength alone..."

The two figures retreated quietly.

They were extremely careful, but they didn't notice that in the mushroom bush in the distance, the scarlet eyes of two metal spiders were staring at them, and countless red lights invisible to the naked eye swept over them. Sweep away.

Wu Tie sat alone in the wooden shed and was in a daze for a while. He didn't know what to do now.

After staying for a long time, he shook his head and dug out from the corner of the wooden shed a hind leg of a gray rock lizard, a section of the fattest meat of a black krait, and a large piece of fat from the belly of a giant hippopotamus, and pulled it out Chang Dao was busy outside the wooden shed.

After working for a while, he cut the meat into strips and hung them on wooden poles outside the wooden shed. Wu Tie took a snake segment, lit a fire with dried mushroom rhizomes, and roasted the snake segments all over. The body is burnt yellow and the aroma of oil is overflowing.

Wu Tie took out a fist-sized piece of rock salt, scraped a little salt foam with a long knife and sprinkled it on the meat. Wu Tie took a big mouthful of snake meat and immediately hummed with satisfaction.

His mouth was filled with the smell of meat, and the fragrant snake meat was swallowed into his belly. His powerful body quickly digested the snake meat, and a heat called "satisfaction" spread around. Wu Tie was so comfortable that he shivered all over.

"This young master!" Shi Lingqing's soft voice came from afar.

Wearing a long black dress that had been cleaned by some unknown means, her long hair that was originally full of muddy water had also been washed clean, and was being styled smoothly behind her back with a glossy look.

The beautiful little face was also washed clean, and the lavender lips returned to their proper light flesh color. There were no lines on the smooth lips, which were as plump and fresh as a newly bloomed flower stamen.

Compared with the lavender lips, Shi Lingqing at this moment is elegant and plain, like an epiphyllum that has just opened at night, full of intoxicating beauty.

She stood delicately under a clump of ferns dozens of meters away, looking at Wu Tie timidly with her big watery eyes, her lips moving slightly, as if she wanted to speak but didn't dare.

"Master, my little girl Shi Lingqing, thank you for saving your life." Shi Lingqing's slender and delicate body trembled slightly, and she suddenly knelt down towards Wu Tie like a flower branch blown by the wind.

Wu Tie was stunned.

Over the past few days, Lao Tie has taught him how to hunt prey, how to sneak up and attack, how to decompose prey, and how to escape with his life.

Lao Tie never taught him what he should do when a beautiful, touching, and extremely delicate girl, not many years older than him, suddenly knelt down to Wu Tie.

Wu Tie's face was stiff and his whole body was tense.

He was extremely nervous, but because of his taut face, he looked so calm, solemn, and ruthless at the moment, as if the sky was falling.

He even instinctively lifted the snake segment and took a big bite.

The first level of foundation building was completed. Wu Tie, who had a strong body and strong teeth, had a mouth full of strong teeth. It was like two rows of stone mills grinding the snake bones, making a rattling sound. The mouth full of snake bones was chewed to pieces and swallowed.

Shi Lingqing's expression changed slightly.

She secretly looked at Wu Tie's cold and ruthless face and listened to the sound of snake bones shattering from his mouth. For a moment, she didn't know what Wu Tie was thinking.

Shi Lingqing never had any plan for this situation.

How could Wu Tie be indifferent to her

The white and delicate hands were trembling slightly. Shi Lingqing gritted his teeth and pressed his hands on the muddy ground covered with slippery moss. His delicate little hands immediately sank three inches deep into the muddy ground, and dark, fertile mud gushes out from between his fingers. Completely covering her white little hands.

Shi Lingqing's whole body was trembling, and combined with her pale face and slender body, it was really heart-wrenching.

"This young master, the little girl Shi Lingqing is in trouble here, please..."

Shi Lingqing's eyes were slightly red, her voice was trembling, and tears appeared in the corners of her eyes.

Wu Tie's entire attention was attracted by Shi Lingqing, and he completely ignored all the movements in the outside world.

Therefore, Wu Tie naturally did not notice that behind Shi Lingqing, a 'blood-stained and broken-tooth snake' with a dark body and a bloody line from beginning to end on its back was approaching Shi Lingqing furtively.

Naturally, he didn't notice that this vicious snake, which after biting its prey would break off its fangs densely covered with barbs and leave them in the prey's body, was opening its big mouth and raising its head towards Shi Lingqing because he was kneeling on the ground. The high-rising pretty buttocks were bitten down in one bite.

Wu Tie's mouth was dry, and his throat felt as dry as a handful of sand.

He looked at Shi Lingqing who was kneeling on the ground and wanted to get her up, but he didn't know how to speak.

Lao Tie taught him a lot about 'survival' and 'combat', but he never taught him how to deal with interpersonal relationships, how to communicate, especially how to interact with attractive women of the opposite sex.


No matter whether it was Wu Zhan, Wu Gold, Wu Silver, Wu Tong, or even Master Gray who had been a bachelor all his life, they had never taught Wu Tie these things.

Wu Zhan only knows how to expand his family's territory and use his fists and knives to teach restless neighbors around him.

Wu Jin, Wu Yin, Wu Bong... none of them have ever interacted with the opposite sex of the same age.

Gray Master, apart from talking about "Listening to the spring rain all night in the small building"... has he ever seen the real "spring rain"

Wu Tie stared at Shi Lingqing blankly, his mind filled with her delicate and beautiful face.

Then there was a shrill howl.

The blood-stained snake with broken teeth bit Shi Lingqing's butt fiercely. Its fangs, which were more than an inch long and densely covered with thin barbs, were all broken off, and a large amount of nerve-paralyzing venom remained in Shi Lingqing's body.

Shi Lingqing jumped up like his butt was on fire, dancing and screaming.

After just two or three screams, the nerve-paralyzing toxin took effect, and Shi Lingqing fell to the ground foaming at the mouth and twitching crazily.

More than a dozen figures rushed from a distance like a strong wind. They hurriedly helped Shi Lingqing up, and then ran away in a panic.

Wu Tie was left stunned.

There was also the equally stunned snake with bloodstained teeth and broken teeth—how could its prey disappear before it could even blink its eyelids