Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 23: Brothers and betrayal


The instinctive warning made Wu Tie's scalp tingle.

After countless years of evolution and mutation, creatures face an invincible top predator, an almost premonition instinct.

Wu Tie opened his mouth and roared with all his strength, venting the fear in his heart with crazy shouts. At the same time, he tried his best to jump crazily between the falling boulders, avoiding the four falling from above his head. Giant spider.

A terrifying monster, insanely huge.

The arms and legs are nearly a hundred meters long, and the body in the middle is more than twenty meters in size. When the four giant spiders fell from the top of the stone pillar, they were like four dark clouds falling heavily.

With a few "chichi" sounds, the giant spider's bloated abdomen squirmed violently, and milky white juice as thick as a thigh sprayed out, quickly turning into a large spider web covering the ground hundreds of meters in radius.

The two giant beasts that were only focused on chasing Wu Tie were covered in spider webs. The sticky spider webs were extremely tough. The two giant beasts struggled and roared crazily, but they were tied tightly by the spider webs.

Wu Tie flew past the arms and legs of a big spider. His size was so small that the big spider didn't even notice him.

His body hit hard against a disintegrated stalagmite, and Wu Tie ran away without looking back.

The four big spiders were spitting out spider webs like crazy, and they were tied one after another to the two giant beasts. The two giant beasts struggled hard, but they were still unable to escape the confinement of the spider web.

Wu Tie rushed out of the forest of crumbling stone pillars and fled away with all his strength.

The larger beast suddenly raised its head and let out a hysterical roar. Large blue flames spurted out from its mouth, quickly covering an area of several hundred meters.

The milky white spider webs instantly turned into blue smoke and dissipated. The two giant beasts ignored the fleeing Wu Tie and roared at the four giant spiders.

Dozens of giant stone pillars collapsed instantly, and the giant beasts and giant spiders were entangled together. Six huge monsters roared and rolled, and the plasma of the giant beasts and the colorful body fluids of the giant spiders sprayed around like a heavy rain.

Wu Tie managed to escape for three to five miles. The smaller beast was suddenly pierced by three slender and sharp arms and legs. Two big spiders looked up to the sky and hissed. They raised their arms and legs to lift the giant beast off the ground. Standing up to tens of meters high.

A large amount of hot plasma was like a flame, constantly spraying out from the body of this giant beast. The ground with a radius of several hundred meters was covered with plasma, and the fire burned brightly, lighting up the nearby stone pillar forest.

Another giant beast spit out a pillar of fire from its mouth, and the blazing pillar of fire penetrated the bloated abdomen of a big spider. It was about to kill the big spider completely, but suddenly saw its partner being killed by the enemy, and the giant beast looked up to the sky. lament.

The dying big spider and its other companion opened all their arms and legs at the same time, frantically piercing the body of the giant beast.

Wu Tie heard the whines and roars of these terrible beasts. He panted, stopped and looked back. He saw the body of the larger beast suddenly expand, and a dazzling halo rapidly expanded within its body.

The light was several times brighter than the empty sun above the Wu Family Stone Castle.

The next moment, blazing light and terrifying flames swept across all directions, and the giant beast exploded. Flames and high temperatures covered the ground for two to three miles. Hundreds of huge stone pillars instantly shattered, and the powerful shock wave turned into circles of red heat waves that spread all around. Spread rapidly.


Wu Tie screamed subconsciously, and the shock wave swept over him. He flew up like a fallen leaf in the wind, and flew back hundreds of meters involuntarily, and crashed heavily into a tall and lush fern forest. middle.

The heat wave rolled around, and the branches and leaves of the fern forest withered and turned yellow in a very short time, and then the fern forest for several miles around suddenly burned.

Wu Tie was wrapped in flames, and the fire burned his body. The pale white tight-fitting armor shimmered with light, and the temperature inside the armor began to rise linearly.

Wu Tie gasped, resisting the severe pain in his chest, staggering to his feet, walking through the sea of fire step by step, trying his best to escape away from the Stone Pillar Forest.

"Old Tie, you didn't say that there are some big ones that will explode like this..." Wu Tie panted and finally escaped from the burning fern forest. His face armor slid open silently, and Wu Tie took a breath. , spitting out a mouthful of black bruises.

The ground shook violently. Wu Tie subconsciously turned around and saw that the large forest of stone pillars suddenly sunk.

The ground shook violently, and stone pillars continued to sink into the ground. In just a few breaths, the stone pillar forest with a radius of dozens of miles collapsed, leaving behind a hot and thick smoke. Dimples.

'Hoo', 'ho', there is a turbulent cold wind blowing out from the pit. The flames and thick smoke are turned into dozens of thick fire tornadoes by the cold wind, rolling and wreaking havoc in the sky above the pit. .

Wu Tie stared blankly at the pit that was like a flaming hell, and shuddered subconsciously.

Fortunately, he escaped quickly.

The sharp screams of giant spiders could be heard faintly from the depths of the pit, but the screams soon became muted, and soon there was no more sound from inside.

The cold wind howled, and the fire tornado quickly disappeared. Only the vines and moss clinging to the stone pillars were ignited by the high temperature, and thick smoke was still rising, spreading around under the blowing cold wind.

Wu Tie wiped his face that was covered with blood, sweat and stinky egg liquid, gritted his teeth and shouted "Luolin", turned around angrily, followed the traces left by the giant beast, and returned at full speed along the way he came.

Along the way, he hunted several prey, replenished his body's consumption, and practiced a foundation-building pose to adjust his body to the best condition. After Wu Tie ran for more than two hundred miles along the way he came, he heard from a distance There was a shrill howl.

The voice was very familiar. It seemed to be the cry of the young man holding a long bow next to Luo Lin.

Wu Tie gritted his teeth and laughed a few times. He raised and lowered his spear a few times and ran quickly towards the direction where the screams came from.

Continuously rising into the air and gliding forward, Wu Tie saw several familiar figures in a depression in front of him after running for a while.

Shi Lingqing was surrounded by two cattle warriors and three human guards in the middle. He looked at Luo Lin who was shouting dozens of meters away with a half-smile.

Only Boss Wu and Ding were left beside Luo Lin. Boss Wu's left hand was chopped off at the shoulder level. Ding was wrapping the wound with a piece of linen. Blood was flowing down Ding's arm like a stream.

Between Shi Lingqing and Luo Lin, Qiao, a fair-skinned, feminine-looking man holding a chain knife, looked at Luo Lin expressionlessly. The legs of the young man holding the long bow had been cut off at the knees. Qiao stepped on his head and placed the chain knife tightly on his neck.

Wu Tie landed quietly, lay on the ground, and carefully crawled over under the cover of a few ferns.

Tens of meters away, Wu Tie could see that the chain knife in Qiao's hand had cut the young man's neck, and a thin trace of blood was constantly flowing down the young man's neck.

"Boss, third child, and Ding... don't move." Qiao's voice was cold, hard, and firm: "You know I'm timid. If I tremble in fear, Feng Yu's life will be gone. .”

The young man holding a long bow is named Feng Yu

Luo Lin was still yelling, but there was nothing of value in his yells except angry curses.

Boss Wu gritted his teeth, and after the nails had bandaged his wounds, he raised the khaki stone pillar with his right hand and slammed it on the ground: "What a coincidence... So, you killed the other three brothers? "

Wu Tie quickly remembered the wounds on the young man who fell to the ground and died outside Shi Lingqing's wooden shed.

He hadn't noticed it just now, but now Wu Tie recalled it. It seemed that the young man's injury was indeed on his back. It was a hideous wound that almost split his entire back.

The chain knife in Qiao's hand seems to be just right to create such a wound.

"It's me." Qiao exhaled. He looked at Boss Wu and said calmly: "I'm sorry... I killed those three brothers... Also, Boss Wu, your arms and Feng Yu's legs are not needed. As I said, what you saw yourself was cut off by me.”

Grinning, Qiao shook his head at Luo Lin: "Be quiet, Third Brother. You see, Ding is much calmer than you. Both you and Ding have been poisoned by me. Although the dose is very light, the more you yell, the more you yell." Scream, the faster the poison attacks, and you might die."

Luo Lin's body trembled suddenly, and then he spit out a mouthful of black blood.

His body was shaking slightly, and he pointed a straight knife at Qiao and wanted to say something, but Boss Wu spoke from the side: "Third brother, shut up... let Qiao speak. I want to hear why he did this."

Even though his arm was cut off by his brother, and even though his companions suffered heavy casualties, Boss Wu's tone was still calm: "It's a coincidence that we grew up together, we went through life and death together, and we are no different from our brothers..."

Qiao smiled coldly: "What's the point of talking about this now?"

Boss Wu immediately changed the subject: "Aren't you afraid of the fog knife's revenge?"

With a smile, he looked at Boss Wu and shook his head: "The fog knife is scary, I admit it. But here, who knows that I killed you? Who knows that I betrayed the rules of the fog knife?"

Boss Wu opened his mouth. He was silent for a while, and finally uttered two words with great difficulty: "The reason?"

Qiao smiled and glanced back subconsciously.

The moment he turned around, the khaki stone pillar in Boss Wu's hand suddenly erupted with a bright light. He suddenly lifted the stone pillar and smashed it to the ground. There was a loud noise, and an arm-thick, three-dimensional stone pillar protruded in front of him. A meter-long stone spear.

The stone spear roared out of the ground and shot toward Luo Lin like an arrow.

The stone electric monster standing next to Shi Lingqing laughed. He shook the wooden staff in his hand, and a violent wind rose from the ground. It flew to Qiao's face at a speed several times faster than the stone spear, and quickly condensed into a piece of square meters. Round wind shield.

The stone spear hit the wind shield, and the wind shield rotated rapidly like a whirlpool. Countless thumb-sized wind knives rubbed rapidly in the wind shield.

The stone spears were shattered piece by piece, and the wind shield was wearing away piece by piece.

Qiao had already used the cover of the wind shield to grab Feng Yu's neck, led him a few steps back to Shi Lingqing's side, and handed Feng Yu to an Ox tribe warrior who had a slash on his face.

The Niu warrior laughed strangely. After taking Feng Yu, he grabbed Feng Yu's arm and broke Feng Yu's arm directly with two clicks. Feng Yu screamed in pain, his body twitching violently, blood dripping from the wound on his knee.

Shi Qiang and Feng Shield died together, Qiao smiled and stood beside Shi Lingqing.

Shi Lingqing chuckled and nodded to Boss Wu who suddenly realized: "What other reasons could there be? A man's betrayal is very simple. Power, future, wealth, and... beauty."

"Woman." Boss Wu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Qiao, you betrayed us for her?"

Qiao didn't say anything, just nodded.

"When?" Boss Wu also spat out a mouthful of black blood. He let go of the stone pillar that was on the ground, stretched out his hand to wipe the black blood on his chin, and whispered: "Am I also poisoned? It seems that those three My brother was killed by you so easily, must he have been poisoned?"

Qiao was silent for a while, then said in a deep voice: "Two days ago, remember? I went to check out ways to distract that obstructive guy... I went out alone, and I stayed out for more than a day before I came back."

Shi Lingqing leaned closer to Qiao, and naturally hugged one of Qiao's arms with both hands.

She smiled brightly: "I like smart people, because smart people don't stick to the rules, and smart people can communicate with each other better. Qiao is a smart person. He knows what is best for him."

Boss Wu took a breath, took a deep look at Shi Lingqing and Qiao, and sneered: "Did you sleep with him?"

Qiao couldn't control the pride in her heart and laughed from the bottom of her heart: "She is mine now. Boss Wu, you can't imagine what I enjoyed that day."

Shi Lingqing's fair face turned red.

Lying under a few big leaf ferns, Wu Tie stared blankly at the scene of the brothers turning against each other.

He looked at Shi Lingqing even more blankly.

Her perfect impression in his heart suddenly collapsed, and an indescribable, sour sting surged from the bottom of his heart, like countless small knives, slowly flowing along the blood vessels and into the internal organs, hurting his heart and liver. All in severe pain.

Suddenly, Luo Lin let out a shrill howl. He waved the straight knife and turned into three afterimages. The three shadows were like snakes, bringing up the evil wind and swooping towards Qiao: "Qiao... I want you to die!"

Shi Dian raised his wooden staff, and an Ox warrior and two human guards raised their weapons at the same time.

They were about to fight Luo Lin, who was rushing towards him, when Qiao suddenly shouted: "Charge... they want to escape!"

Before he finished speaking, Luo Lin fired three thumb-sized black projectiles with his left hand. The small pills fell to the ground, and a large black smoke rose with a "pop" sound. Luo Lin suddenly ejected and retreated backwards.

A very thin ray of cold light flew out of Luo Lin's hand.

Shi Lingqing and others, who were all focused on Luo Lin, completely ignored this cold light that was not directed at them.

Luo Lin, Boss Wu, and Ding ran away at full speed, while the Niu warrior who was holding Feng Yu let out a strange scream.

Feng Yu, who was covered in blood, had a weird smile on his face, and a flying knife pierced his throat deeply.

Wu Tie was trembling all over, shivering unconsciously.

Luo Lin and the others retreated. Before retreating, Luo Lin rushed out as if desperately trying to kill Feng Yu with this flying knife.

Wu Tie could not understand this behavior.

He gritted his teeth, jumped into the air, and then quickly chased after Luo Lin and others.

Shi Lingqing suddenly saw a white figure flying up from the fern forest. She suddenly exclaimed and frowned suddenly.