Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 27: Broken bones


Basin, big river.

The current in the river flashed rapidly, and an electric eel nearly thirty meters long released electric current crazily. A giant hippopotamus in the shallows by the river let out a shrill scream, twitched and fell in the river.

Two black shuttle-shaped objects were blocked by the bones of the dead giant beast and stopped crookedly on the river beach.

In the cracks in the rocks in the distance, a waterfall rushed down, and something foreign seemed to rush out of the thick mist.

About a quarter of an hour later, in the section of the river where Shi Lingqing, Luo Lin and others landed that day, a large fish with a dark body and a single horn suddenly rushed out.

The whole body of the big fish was filled with black smoke, its huge fish eyes were gray and filled with a thick aura of death, and its movements were even more stiff. It opened its mouth suddenly, and several figures rushed out of the fish's mouth. One of them grabbed it with his backhand, and the fish, which was more than ten meters long, shrank suddenly and turned into a wisp of black light and disappeared into his palm.

Wearing black tight-fitting leather armor, with fully enclosed hoods on their heads, straight knives stuck in their backs, and leather pouches around their waists, these people were dressed the same as Luo Lin and others.

It's just that compared to Luo Lin and others, the auras of these seven people rushing out of the big fish's mouth were several times stronger. After they appeared, an inexplicable cold evil aura enveloped the surroundings, and the electric eels that were outputting current with all their strength instinctively restrained themselves. He lost his breath and quickly sank into the deep river bottom to dodge.

The place where the group of people rushed out of the big fish's mouth was more than 20 miles away from the river bank. They just touched lightly on the river and flew straight across this section of the river, landing on the river bank easily.

One of them swayed and flew to a fern forest dozens of meters away with several faint afterimages. After searching for a while, he cut a small branch from the fern forest and returned.

What he brought back with him was a palm-sized iron plate with a blood-stained straight knife outlined in fine blood lines. The iron plate trembled slightly from time to time, constantly spreading waves of subtle fluctuations to the surroundings.

"The Nine Palm Order... is the secret message left by Ding." He held up the branch with dozens of strange patterns carved on it in both hands, and dedicated the branch to a tall man in the middle whose aura was stronger than the others.

The Nine Palms Order took the branch, squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the lines left on the branch, shook his head and laughed: "A bunch of brats who think they have stiff wings... What does this mean? The rules of the fog knife are ignored. Did it happen? He took action without authorization and refused to return after the timeout... Huh!"

The Nine Palms Commander said in a low voice: "It's okay to take action without authorization. The job was done sloppily and sloppily, and a little girl was allowed to escape... If word of this spreads, what will the other commanders of Wu Dao's branches think? I?"

"Do you think my palm command is just a decoration?" A trace of black energy surged out from the fingertips of the Nine Palm Command and quickly wrapped around the delicate branches.

The branches shrank and shriveled, turning into little black ashes falling down as they breathed.

The group of people turned into afterimages without saying a word, and then melted into the wind.

After a while, about two-quarters of an hour, a dark shadow flashed across the waterfall rushing down through the cracks in the rocks. Not long after, wisps of blood-colored smoke gradually rose from this section of the river.

The river rolled up, and a dark wooden boat more than twenty meters long emerged. In the middle of the wooden boat was a mast more than ten meters high. On the dark sail, two large bloody characters were written with fluorescent blood-colored paint - 'Longevity'!

An old woman wearing a blood-colored robe, with a childlike face and fair hair, and a rosy face, and her skin was as supple and smooth as a child, stood upright on the bow of the boat. She looked around for a while with squinted eyes, and smiled happily.

"Girl Lingqing, we found a good place. This secret realm is enough to build a secret branch hall, okay, okay, okay." The old woman suddenly laughed strangely: "I want to take a look, dare to slaughter The members of our branch of the Immortality Sect are all a group of heroes."

Behind the old woman stood a dozen young men and women.

Both men and women were wearing black robes with bloody belts around their waists. Moreover, the men are handsome and unrestrained, the women are youthful and beautiful, and each of them is extremely energetic, far more powerful than normal people.

These young people feel like over-fertilized bean sprouts, so full of vitality that they are about to burst out of their bodies.

After listening to the old woman's words, these young people laughed softly at the same time.

The old woman also smiled and stamped her feet, and the dark wooden boat left the water and flew to the shore with a strong wind. After searching around the nearby area for a while, the old woman pointed her hand, and a piece of mud cracked on the ground. A small bead that kept flashing with a faint blood flew up from the ground and fell into the old woman's hand.

The old woman swallowed the beads in one gulp, and there was an abnormal flow of blood on her face, and she suddenly laughed a few times.

"Hey, it's those murderers who like to stab people in the back... Lingqing just killed a little girl who was destined to have a short life. As for such a big fight?" The old woman smiled kindly: "It's pitiful. Lingqing is also... He worked diligently and hard for our Immortality Cult, but his clan was exterminated. This is to provoke our Immortality Cult... "

The wooden boat's blood-red sails automatically moved in the absence of wind. There was a loud crash, and the wooden boat started a violent surge and flew quickly towards the large pit in the distance.

Looking at this speed, the wooden boat is much faster than the palm leader and his party.

There were high and low crystal clusters in all directions. These crystal clusters gave off a strange smell, which made Wu Tie feel very uncomfortable. This feeling is like throwing a person into the water or fishing a fish onto the shore.

These crystal clusters control this huge grotto. Under their influence, the environment in this grotto does not seem to be suitable for human survival.

It was okay to stand at the entrance of the grotto. After coming to Niu Yingying's side, the temperature here became extremely high and the humidity became extremely high. Wu Tie felt that his body was more than ten times heavier, and the air gave him an extremely strong feeling. A lot of pressure.

High temperature, high pressure, high gravity, and seemingly a lack of oxygen.

Wu Tie looked around in confusion, wondering how the environment here could become like this just a few dozen miles away.

Lao Tie stood at the feet of Niu Yingxiong. He raised his head and stared blankly at Niu Yingxiong for a while, muttered something vaguely, walked around Niu Yingxiong's huge body, and walked towards the building ruins behind Niu Yingxiong.

"Do you know the origin of the title 'Great Sage of Pingtian'?" Lao Tie asked Wu Tie who was following him as he walked.

Wu Tie looked at Lao Tie blankly and shook his head.

"So, you should read more. The Great Sage Bull Demon King of Pingtian... that is a character in myths and legends." Lao Tie said as he walked: "This guy Niu Yingxiong probably doesn't have even 10% of the skills of the Bull Demon King, so he just gave him I gave myself such a nickname..."

Wu Tie was horrified. He subconsciously looked back at Niu Yingxiong's burly body that was a thousand meters tall.

Just like that, don't you still have 10% of the skills of the 'Bull Demon King'? How powerful can that Bull Demon King be

"Hey, who is the Bull Demon King?" Wu Tie asked Lao Tie seriously.

"I will tell you when Grandpa is free and in a good mood." Lao Tie whetted Wu Tie's appetite, but irresponsibly put the question aside: "However, this is a very interesting story. , related to a monkey.”

Wu Tie was itching his teeth with hatred, monkey? What is a monkey? He has never seen a monkey... Why is this story related to monkeys again

He and Lao Tie walked into the dilapidated building ruins, with ruins and decaying walls, but through the remaining architectural details, Wu Tie could imagine the exquisiteness and magnificence of this building complex.

It is very strange that this grotto with a radius of hundreds of miles is dominated by countless large and small crystal clusters. Only this piece of building ruins is clean without any trace of crystal clusters.

The ground is extremely clean, with green floor tiles neatly laid out.

After walking along the road paved with blue bricks for a while, a large pond with a radius of 100 meters appeared in front of us.

There is actually a pool of clear water in the pond, and there are a few large leaves that are growing in the wind, and a few white flowers the size of a basin are raised on a few long flower stems. A faint fragrance hit his face, a smell Wu Tie had never smelled before.

Whether it was the mushrooms Wu Tie had seen since childhood or the luminous vines, they had no fragrance.

The refreshing fragrance made Wu Tie freeze in place.

An unprecedented beautiful feeling came over him inexplicably. He stared blankly at those flowers and leaves. This was not the beauty that this dark world should have.

"Why are you in a daze? Just a few worthless lotus flowers." Lao Tie's dry words quickly broke Wu Tie's emotion: "This kind of crappy street stuff... is not a rare species, so what's the point of being dazed?"

Wu Tie opened his mouth and stared at Lao Tie angrily.

He seemed to suddenly understand some of Master Gray's annoyance back then.

Go around the pond, walk along a short green brick road, and walk up a few steps to reach the largely well-preserved main hall.

The red walls, red pillars, and golden tiles shone faintly, and the entire hall was surrounded by a faint white light. The size of the main hall is not too big, and it has a simple, heavy, and peaceful atmosphere.

In the ears, someone seemed to be singing something softly.

In the distance, there seemed to be a bell ringing.

Solemn and solemn, combined with the dilapidated building ruins around it, Wu Tie felt inexplicable sadness, and two lines of tears flowed out inexplicably.

Lao Tie snorted softly, raised his front paw, and slapped it on the closed palace door.

With a soft sound, the palace door opened, and the white light shrouding the hall shattered like soap bubbles, exploding into countless white light spots that scattered in all directions.

A thick scent of incense gushed out from the opened door, and the hall was brightly lit. Hundreds of long lanterns as thick as arms swayed on several large gold-colored lampstands, illuminating the entire hall as bright as day.

Behind the altar table facing the main door of the main hall, three groups of dim lights and shadows exploded silently the moment the door was opened. Countless gold powders scattered in the air. These extremely fine gold powders fell on the ground and made an extremely loud clang. Ding' sound.

In front of the offering table, there are eighteen futons placed on the floor of the main hall.

On each futon facing the main door, there was a person sitting cross-legged.

When the three groups of light and shadow behind the altar exploded to pieces, eighteen figures also exploded. Dots of blood-colored light flew up, and then landed gently on the ground, making the same subtle 'ding-ding' sound.

The flesh and blood of these figures exploded, leaving eighteen golden skeletons on the futon. They were still sitting cross-legged, and their bones had faint lines similar to the lotus flowers in the pond outside.

The golden bones were smooth and there was no trace of flesh and blood, but they didn't look ferocious. Instead, they had a sense of peace coming over them.

After countless golden and blood-colored light spots fell to the ground, there was a "click" sound, and the eighteen golden skeletons simultaneously cracked into lines of different thicknesses. There were cracks on every skeleton and every bone. Some of the skeletons were even more densely covered with cracks, and the entire body was broken into pieces that were even smaller than soybean grains.

The bones were broken into pieces like this, but there was still a flexible force surrounding these skeletons, keeping them roughly intact.

Wu Tie looked at the scene in the hall in horror.

The moment those three dim masses of light and shadow exploded, Wu Tie saw clearly that they were three statues several meters high. The strangely shaped statue has a dignified and gentle face, exuding an inexplicable warmth and benevolence.

As for the eighteen figures, before their flesh and blood exploded and disappeared, Wu Tie could also clearly see their faces.

Their expressions are almost exactly the same as those of the three statues, dignified, gentle, and full of warmth and kindness.

"Lao Tie, who are they? And, the... big guys in those three groups of lights?" Wu Tie patted Lao Tie's hind legs.

"A group of guys who keep saying they adhere to neutrality...but can't help but interfere." Lao Tie's tone was very complicated: "Among them, there are some of our allies, but some of them have a very bad attitude towards us."

"However, these things are too far away from you... Little guy, a rookie is not qualified to know too much." Lao Tie snorted coldly, and his eyes suddenly spurted out two lines of blood, covering Shiba's golden figure sitting cross-legged. On something in the middle of the skeleton.

It was a lotus flower with a diameter of more than one meter and a golden body.

The golden lotus flower was also full of cracks, and traces of very faint golden light and shadow continued to pour out from the petals, barely forming a faint light curtain on the lotus flower.

In the middle of the light curtain, floating a dusty bone fragment the size of a thumb.

The edges of the bone fragments were uneven and rough, and they looked like small pieces of bone that had been violently removed from a certain bone.

Lao Tie's body trembled violently, and his huge eyes popped out more than three inches from their deep sockets: "This... Yang Jian, Niu Yingxiong, and the Roaring Sky Dog Things, they... are here for this?"

"This, this..." Lao Tie suddenly raised his head and looked at where the light and shadow of the three exploded statues originally were.

"Heh, heh, heh..." Lao Tie laughed a few times without meaning, and then he suddenly stood up, clamped Wu Tie with his two front paws, and then slammed towards the golden lotus.

The tight-fitting armor fell off Wu Tie's body like running water. Wu Tie smashed the extremely pale golden light curtain with his head, and his forehead hit the gray bone fragments suspended in the air. The bone fragments cut open the skin and flesh of his forehead, tightly It clung tightly to his wound.

The blood all over his body was agitated, and he rushed toward the wound.

The broken bones were like a vampire, frantically draining Wu Tie's blood. Wu Tie's body twitched violently, and he fell heavily to the ground, howling in pain.

Half of the blood from his body was sucked out with a snap of his fingers. Wu Tie's vision went dark and he almost fainted.

The broken bone seemed to be full of blood. It slowly flew up, with a faint blood glow all over its body. It circled around the hall and then slowly flew out of the hall.

Lao Tie's eyes poked out half a foot again: "Leave when you're full? Bastard... do you still want to lose face?"

Heavy footsteps were heard outside the hall, and a deep voice came: "Ancient treasure? This treasure belongs to my Wu Dao."