Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 29: Tragic


When Grandma Hong's appearance changed, the red silk flew out of her sleeves and became entangled in the broken bones.

The Nine Palms Order subconsciously looked at Hong Ling. This Hong Ling was also a treasure. With his strength and the quality of the straight knife in his hand, he could not cut through the treasure at all.

When the bone fragments slowly hovering in the air came into contact with Hong Ling, there was a "chick" sound, and a hole the size of a thumb was broken by the bone fragments in Hong Ling, who was so strong. The broken bones slowly flew toward the main entrance of the hall, and were about to fly out.

The Nine Palms Order let out a loud roar, and he jumped into the air and blocked the broken bones with his knife.

When the red silk was broken, Grandma Hong's face changed slightly. When she saw the Nine Palms Order intercepting the broken bones, she gave a sweet laugh. Her wide red robe fluttered, like a red cloud supporting her and chasing after the Nine Palms Order. .

The blood mist exploded by the three attendants turned into boiling and raging power in Grandma Hong's body, and a faint light of blood rushed out of every pore in her body. Grandma Hong, whose whole body seemed to be wrapped in a piece of blood-colored crystal, chuckled softly and smacked her palms out from a distance of dozens of meters.

There was a strange roar, and two bloody palm prints about the size of a meter flew out of his hand as fast as lightning, and struck the back of the nine palms one after another.

The Nine Palm Order's straight knife hit the broken bone, and there was a crisp sound. The broken bone was safe and sound. The three-inch tip of the Nine Palm Order's straight knife exploded into countless sparks.

The Nine Palms leader roared in pain, and in anger, he slashed out with his backhand.

The straight knife was damaged, the light emitted from the blade became flickering, and the length was shortened to three to five meters. The sword light, which had become much thinner, collided with the two palm prints. The sword light exploded into pieces, and the bloody palm print hit the Nine Palm Order's chest heavily.

The Nine Palm Order let out a muffled groan, and was sent flying hundreds of meters by the bloody palm print, before hitting a crystal cluster tens of meters high that shot straight into the sky.

The crystal clusters were so hard that Nine Palm Ling's body bounced back with blood splashing from the crystal clusters, and fell to the ground among the dense clusters of crystal clusters.

Grandma Hong laughed triumphantly, and the red silk from her sleeves continued to spurt out, turning into a rainbow shadow that filled the sky and wrapped around the broken bones. She proudly smiled at the Nine Palms Commander who was vomiting blood in his mouth and said, "Countryside Killer, how do you know the great reputation of our Immortality Sect outside the Cangyan Territory?"

Before he finished speaking, Shi Lingqing and a group of young men and women standing on the bow of the boat exclaimed at the same time.

Behind Grandma Hong, another figure of the Nine Palms Order appeared out of thin air, and a straight knife stabbed over quietly, sinisterly and cruelly, like a poisonous snake that struck out and stabbed into Grandma Hong's waist easily.

With a pitiful howl, the red silk ribbon flew out of Grandma Hong's sleeves and flew around with a harsh scream, wrapping her body in the middle. At the same time, several red silk ribbons flew towards the Nine Palm Order behind her.

In the distance, the figure of the Nine Palm Order, which was knocked away by Grandma Hong, exploded into a cloud of smoke and dissipated. The Nine Palm Order behind Grandma Hong swung its straight knife and made a head-on collision with Grandma Hong.

The sword light and rainbow shadows collided randomly, and countless fire lights shot out.

The Nine Palms Order and Grandma Hong shot up dozens of afterimages dancing in the air. In just a few seconds, they fought countless times. Finally, they groaned repeatedly, and the two figures landed in front of the main hall at the same time. On the green brick corridor.

The sword light and rainbow shadow fiercely hit the broken bones that slowly flew out.

The broken bone encountered resistance and slowly retreated a few meters into the hall. The sword light and rainbow shadow disappeared, revealing the figures of the Nine Palms Order and Grandma Hong.

Grandma Hong's red robe was torn to pieces, revealing her close-fitting red coat. After inhaling the blood mist exploded by the three young men and women who followed her, she was rejuvenated and tall and curvy, and the scenery of the undulating mountains was extremely beautiful.

It's just that this beautiful body is full of knife edges that are deep enough to reach the bone.

The white skin and red flesh of the wound protruded like a child's mouth, and drops of blood hung on the wound, as if imprisoned by an invisible force. The blood continued to flow back to the wound, without a drop of blood leaking out.

The hood of the Nine Palms Order was shattered, revealing a face with a wide mouth and a beard. Judging from his majestic and majestic appearance, he looked like a brave and heroic man. Who could have imagined that he was the leader of the Fog Knife Assassin Organization? one

It must have been a slap on the cheek from Hong Ling. Half of the face was blown away by nine palms, and dozens of silver needles as thin as ox hair were densely inserted into the cheek. There was a faint blue light on the thin silver needle, which was obviously quenched by the poison, and the half of the Nine Palm Order's face was rapidly glowing blue.

With a 'chi' sound, the Nine Palms Ling slashed his face with his backhand without hesitation, cutting off a large piece of flesh on his cheek.

The skin and flesh were torn open, revealing a large area of pale facial bones. The Nine Palms Order looked as hideous as a ghost, which frightened many young people from the Immortality Cult on the wooden boat to gasp.

Only Shi Lingqing clapped softly and laughed: "The Nine Palms Commander is decisive in killing, and he is indeed a hero... Why don't you ask the Nine Palms Commander to sit down and talk to my grandma? Why do you have to kill someone who is still alive?" "

Shi Lingqing twisted her slender waist and chuckled: "I would like to ask the Nine Palms Order to know that I have no other teachings except beauty, money and power... If you want beauty, all the sisters on our wooden boat, and even Grandma Hong herself, can do whatever you want. Enjoy it with the Nine Palms Order."

"If you want money, our Immortality Sect has countless lurking disciples, many of whom are rich city-state leaders. With the identity and strength of the Nine Palms Order, how much wealth do you need?"

"You want power, hehe, as long as the Nine Palms Order becomes one of our own, with your status in the Fog Knife, if you can help our Immortal Sect control the Cangyan Domain, you will be the master of the Cangyan Palace of the Immortal Sect, and you will be able to rise to the top in the future. With one step, the power and power are unknown, right?"

Nine Palms made 'Hehe' sneer, took out a few pills and swallowed them quickly.

Grandma Hong took a deep breath. Every time she took a breath, the dozens of bone-deep wounds on her body squirmed. It was obvious that the wounds were healing rapidly. After swallowing the blood mist exploded by the three young men, Grandma Hong now has extremely abundant vitality in her body, and her wound healing power is also extremely strong.

While gasping, Grandma Hong said with a smile: "Sure enough, Lingqing girl is still smart and capable. She is worthy of her experience in handling academic affairs outside... A hundred times better than these wastes raised in the church... Hee, grandma wants to take you in. Become a goddaughter."

Shi Lingqing smiled softly and responded delicately.

Grandma Hong twisted her waist and cast a wink at Jiuzhang Ling: "Nine Palms Ling, do you understand what my precious daughter Lingqing said? Hey, as long as Nine Palms Ling surrenders to our Immortality Cult, grandma, I will return the favor. I have a lot of goddaughters, so you can enjoy them as much as you like."

With a strange laugh, Grandma Hong pointed at the wooden boat: "Even if the Nine Palms Order is happy for these godsons like me, grandma, I will only show mercy to them."

Wu Tie, who had half of his blood sucked out, stood up tremblingly. After listening to Grandma Hong and Shi Lingqing's words, he felt as if he had been stuffed with a large piece of cold fat pork that had been left overnight. He was so sick that he was about to vomit. come out.

"Shameless." Wu Tie pointed his spear, managed to stand firm, and scolded loudly.

Grandma Hong smiled and looked at the Nine Palms Order and ignored Wu Tie. In her heart, how could a small person like Wu Tie be worth worrying about

Shi Lingqing pointed at Wu Tie with a smile, and smiled softly at the two handsome young men beside him: "Please ask the two senior brothers to take action... There is something weird about this kid. It would be best if he could be captured alive. , if not, it would be best to kill him."

Wu Tie clenched his spear, took half a step back with his right foot, and pointed the spear at the wooden boat.

When Lao Tie threw Wu Tie towards the broken bones, Wu Tie's tight-fitting armor slipped off on its own. Wu Tie was ready for battle. The tight-fitting armor turned into a white metal stream, flowing quickly along the ground, wrapping around Wu Tie's feet, and instantly turned into tight-fitting armor to wrap him up again.

The pale armor had absolutely no reflection, and it looked truly terrifying.

The two youths of the Immortality Sect smiled indifferently, their eyes flickered, and they glanced greedily at Shi Lingqing's face and body. They jumped up gracefully and landed in front of the hall door. They pulled out the sabers on their waists and walked toward the wizard step by step. Iron approaches.

"Boy, if you put down your weapons and fight without restraint, maybe you can survive." A young man said loudly: "My Immortality Cult has many benefits. You may have tasted the taste of my Immortality Cult and you will be reluctant to leave."

"If you dare to resist, no wonder we will give you a hard time." Another young man looked at Wu Tie with a smile. The abundant blood was rolling in his body, and his face turned red.

Wu Tie took a deep breath, stamped his feet suddenly, and stabbed forward with his spear.

The two young men were obviously startled. They hurriedly took a step back and waved their swords to block Wu Tie's spear.

They didn't pay attention. Wu Tie's spear just made random gestures. Behind them, two broken bricks flew up suddenly and hit them on the back of the head with a stream of evil wind.

The square bricks used in the ruins of this building are all special products that are three feet square and one and a half feet thick.

Two such big broken bricks roared towards them, and the two young men were shaken. They rolled their eyes and fell forward. Their bodies twitched slightly and they fainted.

The broken bricks hit the ground, hitting the palms of the two young men holding the knives hard, smashing their palms to pieces, making them unable to hold the long knives anymore.

When the broken bricks flew up, Grandma Hong and Jiu Zhang Ling, who were watching each other with big eyes and small eyes, took action at the same time. Their bodies turned into afterimages and shot straight into the sky, reaching a thousand meters above the ground in an instant. Blades and rainbow shadows flashed randomly, thunderous noises were heard in the air, and large balls of energy were beating around.

Suddenly there was a loud roar, and the figure of the Nine Palms Order froze in the sky. A large piece of flesh and blood squirmed behind his shoulders. Four new arms were born behind him at the same time. He did not know where he pulled out five more straight arms. Knife, six arms waving six straight knives turned into a ball of light and struck at Grandma Hong.

Grandma Hong also laughed strangely, and the close-fitting red clothes on her body suddenly turned into ashes. Every pore in her body spurted out wisps of bloody flames, and the two long legs under her waist turned into a blazing cloud of fire. , holding her upper body as she shuttled rapidly through the air.

Dozens of long whips made of flames flew around in the air, mingling with the light of the sword in the Nine Palms Order's hand.

Wu Tie knocked out two youths from the Immortality Cult. Shi Lingqing cursed "trash" and was about to ask others to take action. The six subordinates brought by the Nine Palm Order were already escorting Boss Wu, Luo Lin, and Ding, and they caught the seriously injured Qiao Qiao. Came over.

The Nine Palm Order and Grandma Hong fought desperately. The six fog knife masters pulled out their straight knives without saying a word and rushed towards the wooden boat of the Immortality Sect.

Their figures flickered, and they rushed to the wooden boat with their afterimages, just like tigers entering a flock of sheep, drawing their swords and slashing at them.

On the wooden boat, the Changsheng Cult group of young men and women who were handsome or beautiful were as delicate and unusual as the flowers in the greenhouse. They seemed to have never had any fighting experience. It was just a crossover, and a group of young men and women fell to the ground wailing.

The subordinates of the fog knife were ruthless, and a group of young men and women suffered injuries to their necks, hearts and other vital parts. They were all killed in an instant, and no one was spared.

Only Shi Lingqing simply knelt down on the ground and put up a posture of surrendering to the ground and letting her be dealt with. The six fog knife subordinates did not kill her immediately. After all the immortal believers on the wooden boat were killed, one of the fog knife subordinates grabbed her. Holding Shi Lingqing's long hair, he roughly held her in his hands.

"Lord Commander!" The person holding Shi Lingqing's fog knife shouted loudly.

High in the sky, it was spinning rapidly like a windmill, and the nine-palm order, which was more than ten meters long and roared across a hundred meters, laughed loudly. He laughed loudly: "Grandma Hong? Is this what you have in your Immortality Cult? These weaklings, Are they your congregation?”

"Chichi" was heard twice, and the sword light swept across Grandma Hong's body.

Grandma Hong's body no longer resembles flesh and blood, and her flesh is filled with a large amount of blazing flames. The sword light swept across her body, and her body was split open. Large pieces of high-temperature juice similar to magma sprayed out, turning into billowing flames and falling from the sky.

Grandma Hong also laughed strangely: "You don't understand the longevity religion... These godsons and goddaughters are not meant to fight."

A ray of fire fell from the sky, and Grandma Hong transformed into flames and swooped down, landing on the wooden boat with a crash.

The bodies of the young men and women who were beheaded exploded, and large amounts of blood boiled and converged on Grandma Hong's body. Grandma Hong was like a huge whirlpool, swallowing up the blood mist created by more than twenty young men and women in an instant.

Heat overflowed, and a terrifying aura rose into the sky. Grandma Hong's body swelled to a height of more than thirty meters, with fire all over her body, and the flames soared into the sky and swept across a radius of several hundred meters.

The bodies of the two young men knocked unconscious by Wu Tie with broken bricks were swept away by the flames, and their bodies exploded on their own, turning into two lines of blood mist that merged into Grandma Hong's body.

The huge red grandma laughed loudly: "These godsons and goddaughters are consumables used in battles... Hee, they can also be used to bribe valuable targets on weekdays... Our Immortality Cult has never expected to rely on them to fight. !”

Amidst the laughter, Grandma Hong waved her hands, and a terrifying heat wave rushed around. The six members of the fog knife screamed in a hissing voice. They were like fish thrown into the magma, and the armor on their bodies burned and melted rapidly. The clothes and armor were burned into black smoke, and the flesh and blood all over his body were instantly evaporated by the high temperature.

A fireball nearly a hundred meters in diameter shot into the sky.

High in the sky, the Nine Palm Order hissed, and his body suddenly changed. His lower body turned into something similar to a giant insect. His six arms merged rapidly, turning into two long arms that clenched the long knife and slashed downwards.

The light of the sword and the light of the fire collided together, and the strong light in the sky was blazing. Together with the light reflected by countless crystal clusters, everyone closed their eyes for a while, unable to see clearly what was happening around them.

A 'dong dong' sound of impact came.

Wu Tie opened his eyes and saw Nine Palms Ling and Grandma Hong falling to the ground. Both of their bodies were mutilated, and their injuries were so severe that they looked like they would die at any time.